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[TFS 0.3.6] Campo de visão > Max view Tiles


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Antes de começar lembre-se esse codigo nao da de usar o old cliente depois


Oque Precisa ?

Source do Servidor  e    Source do OtClient


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Para nao dar bug na hora de subir escada ou desce, aumente o máximo de tiles que poderá ser carregado


procure por 


mude para

#define NETWORKMESSAGE_MAXSIZE valor que voce quer <OBS isso e para a quantidade de pixel será possivel receber sem bugar>
#define NETWORKMESSAGE_MAXSIZE 1000000000        --- Valor que coloquei no meu




procure por

bool ProtocolGame::canSee(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t z) const
#ifdef __DEBUG__
	if(z < 0 || z >= MAP_MAX_LAYERS)
		std::cout << "[Warning - ProtocolGame::canSee] Z-value is out of range!" << std::endl;

	const Position& myPos = player->getPosition();
	if(myPos.z <= 7)
		//we are on ground level or above (7 -> 0), view is from 7 -> 0
		if(z > 7)
			return false;
	else if(myPos.z >= 8 && std::abs(myPos.z - z) > 2) //we are underground (8 -> 15), view is +/- 2 from the floor we stand on
		return false;

	//negative offset means that the action taken place is on a lower floor than ourself
	int32_t offsetz = myPos.z - z;
	return ((x >= myPos.x - 8 + offsetz) && (x <= myPos.x + 9 + offsetz) &&
		(y >= myPos.y - 6 + offsetz) && (y <= myPos.y + 7 + offsetz));


Substitua por


bool ProtocolGame::canSee(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t z) const
#ifdef __DEBUG__
	if(z < 0 || z >= MAP_MAX_LAYERS)
		std::cout << "[Warning - ProtocolGame::canSee] Z-value is out of range!" << std::endl;

	const Position& myPos = player->getPosition();
	if(myPos.z <= 7)
		//we are on ground level or above (7 -> 0), view is from 7 -> 0
		if(z > 7)
			return false;
	else if(myPos.z >= 8 && std::abs(myPos.z - z) > 2) //we are underground (8 -> 15), view is +/- 2 from the floor we stand on
		return false;

	//negative offset means that the action taken place is on a lower floor than ourself
	int32_t offsetz = myPos.z - z;
	return ((x >= myPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX + offsetz) && (x <= myPos.x + (Map::maxClientViewportX+1) + offsetz) &&
     (y >= myPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY + offsetz) && (y <= myPos.y + (Map::maxClientViewportY+1) + offsetz));


procure por

if(newPos.z > oldPos.z)
					MoveDownCreature(msg, creature, newPos, oldPos, oldStackpos);
				else if(newPos.z < oldPos.z)
					MoveUpCreature(msg, creature, newPos, oldPos, oldStackpos);

				if(oldPos.y > newPos.y) // north, for old x
					GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg);
				else if(oldPos.y < newPos.y) // south, for old x
					GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, newPos.y + 7, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg);

				if(oldPos.x < newPos.x) // east, [with new y]
					GetMapDescription(newPos.x + 9, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg);
				else if(oldPos.x > newPos.x) // west, [with new y]
					GetMapDescription(newPos.x - 8, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg);

Substitua por

if(newPos.z > oldPos.z)
					MoveDownCreature(msg, creature, newPos, oldPos, oldStackpos);
				else if(newPos.z < oldPos.z)
					MoveUpCreature(msg, creature, newPos, oldPos, oldStackpos);

if (oldPos.y > newPos.y) { // north, for old x
   GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, newPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, 1, msg);
} else if (oldPos.y < newPos.y) { // south, for old x
   GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, newPos.y + (Map::maxClientViewportY+1), newPos.z, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, 1, msg);
if (oldPos.x < newPos.x) { // east, [with new y]
   GetMapDescription(newPos.x + (Map::maxClientViewportX+1), newPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z, 1, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, msg);
} else if (oldPos.x > newPos.x) { // west, [with new y]
   GetMapDescription(newPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, newPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z, 1, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, msg);


Procure por

////////////// Add common messages
void ProtocolGame::AddMapDescription(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos)
	GetMapDescription(pos.x - 8, pos.y - 6, pos.z, 18, 14, msg);


Substitua por

////////////// Add common messages
void ProtocolGame::AddMapDescription(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos)
  GetMapDescription(pos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, pos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, pos.z, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, msg);


Procure por

void ProtocolGame::MoveUpCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature,
	const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos)
	if(creature != player)

	msg->AddByte(0xBE); //floor change up
	if(newPos.z == 7) //going to surface
		int32_t skip = -1;
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 5, 18, 14, 3, skip); //(floor 7 and 6 already set)
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 4, 18, 14, 4, skip);
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 3, 18, 14, 5, skip);
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 2, 18, 14, 6, skip);
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 1, 18, 14, 7, skip);
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 0, 18, 14, 8, skip);
		if(skip >= 0)
	else if(newPos.z > 7) //underground, going one floor up (still underground)
		int32_t skip = -1;
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, oldPos.z - 3, 18, 14, 3, skip);
		if(skip >= 0)

	//moving up a floor up makes us out of sync
	GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y + 1 - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg);

	GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg);


Substitua por

void ProtocolGame::MoveUpCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature,
	const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos)
	if(creature != player)

	msg->AddByte(0xBE); //floor change up
	if(newPos.z == 7) //going to surface
		int32_t skip = -1;
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, 5, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, 3, skip); //(floor 7 and 6 already set)
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, 4, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, 4, skip);
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, 3, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, 5, skip);
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, 2, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, 6, skip);
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, 1, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, 7, skip);
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, 0, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, 8, skip);
		if(skip >= 0)
	else if(newPos.z > 7) //underground, going one floor up (still underground)
		int32_t skip = -1;
 GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, oldPos.z - 3, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1), (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, 3, skip);
		if(skip >= 0)

	//moving up a floor up makes us out of sync
GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - (Map::maxClientViewportY-1), newPos.z, 1, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, msg);

GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, 1, msg);

Procure por

void ProtocolGame::MoveDownCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature,
	const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos)
	if(creature != player)

	msg->AddByte(0xBF); //floor change down
	if(newPos.z == 8) //going from surface to underground
		int32_t skip = -1;
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 14, -1, skip);
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 1, 18, 14, -2, skip);
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 2, 18, 14, -3, skip);
		if(skip >= 0)
	else if(newPos.z > oldPos.z && newPos.z > 8 && newPos.z < 14) //going further down
		int32_t skip = -1;
		GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 2, 18, 14, -3, skip);
		if(skip >= 0)

	//moving down a floor makes us out of sync
	GetMapDescription(oldPos.x + 9, oldPos.y - 1 - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg);

	GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y + 7, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg);

Substitua por

void ProtocolGame::MoveDownCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature,
	const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos)
	if(creature != player)

	msg->AddByte(0xBF); //floor change down
	if(newPos.z == 8) //going from surface to underground
		int32_t skip = -1;
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, -1, skip);
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z + 1, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, -2, skip);
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z + 2, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, -3, skip);
		if(skip >= 0)
	else if(newPos.z > oldPos.z && newPos.z > 8 && newPos.z < 14) //going further down
		int32_t skip = -1;
   GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z + 2, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, -3, skip);
		if(skip >= 0)

	//moving down a floor makes us out of sync
	GetMapDescription(oldPos.x + Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y - (Map::maxClientViewportY-1), newPos.z, 1, (Map::maxClientViewportY+1)*2, msg);

	GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - Map::maxClientViewportX, oldPos.y + Map::maxClientViewportY, newPos.z, (Map::maxClientViewportX+1)*2, 1, msg);


Agora no Map.h

Procure por

		static const int32_t maxViewportX = 11; //min value: maxClientViewportX + 1
		static const int32_t maxViewportY = 11; //min value: maxClientViewportY + 1
		static const int32_t maxClientViewportX = 8;
		static const int32_t maxClientViewportY = 6;


Substitua por

		static const int32_t maxViewportX = 15; //min value: maxClientViewportX + 1
		static const int32_t maxViewportY = 15; //min value: maxClientViewportY + 1
		static const int32_t maxClientViewportX = 14;
		static const int32_t maxClientViewportY = 8;


Agora no map.cpp do Otclient

Procure por

void Map::resetAwareRange()
   AwareRange range;
   range.left = 8;
   range.top = 6;
   range.bottom = 7;
   range.right = 9;

Substitua por

   AwareRange range;
   range.left = 15; //Change this to = maxClientViewportX
   range.top = 15; //Change this to = maxClientViewportY
   range.bottom = range.top+1;
   range.right = range.left+1;

ou por

   AwareRange range;
   range.left = 14; //Change this to = maxClientViewportX
   range.top = 8; //Change this to = maxClientViewportY
   range.bottom = range.top+1;
   range.right = range.left+1;


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"Obs: Fiz do mesmo jeito agora distro não quer abrir."

Edited by Poke X Ice
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