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5 minutos atrás, jajazenho disse:

Alguem ai sabe me informar onde fica o arquivo que faz as contagens dos diamonds no Emerald Shop?

se n me engano em: 


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5 minutos atrás, RicardoRoX disse:

se n me engano em: 


Ricardo é seguinte eu add um novo item para cobrança entendeu ex: Diamonds, so que na hora de descontar so desconta se tiver as emeralds na Bag e nao esta fazendo a contagem saberia me ajudar?

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5 minutos atrás, jajazenho disse:

Ricardo é seguinte eu add um novo item para cobrança entendeu ex: Diamonds, so que na hora de descontar so desconta se tiver as emeralds na Bag e nao esta fazendo a contagem saberia me ajudar?


vai no client e tenta alterar a 



function init()  connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = onGameEnd })  ProtocolGame.registerExtendedOpcode(103, function(protocol, opcode, buffer) onBuyFailed(protocol, opcode, buffer) end)  shopWindow = g_ui.displayUI('shop')  shopWindow:hide()  playerEmeralds = shopWindow:getChildById('emeralds')  shopTabBar = shopWindow:getChildById('shopTabBar')  shopTabBar:setContentWidget(shopWindow:getChildById('shopTabContent'))  marketPanel = g_ui.loadUI('market')  shopTabBar:addTab('Market', marketPanel, '/images/game/shop/market')  outfitsPanel = g_ui.loadUI('outfits')  shopTabBar:addTab('Outfits', outfitsPanel, '/images/game/shop/outfits')  addonsPanel = g_ui.loadUI('addons')  shopTabBar:addTab('Addons', addonsPanel, '/images/game/shop/addons')  clansPanel = g_ui.loadUI('clans')  shopTabBar:addTab('Clans', clansPanel, '/images/game/shop/clans')  shopButton = modules.client_topmenu.addRightGameButton('shopButton', tr('Emerald Shop'), '/images/topbuttons/emerald_shop', toggle)  shopButton:setWidth(36)endfunction terminate()  disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = onGameEnd })  ProtocolGame.unregisterExtendedOpcode(103)  shopWindow:destroy()  shopButton:destroy()endfunction onGameEnd()  if shopWindow:isVisible() then    shopWindow:hide()  endendfunction show()  shopWindow:show()  shopWindow:raise()  shopWindow:focus()  addEvent(function() g_effects.fadeIn(shopWindow, 250) end)  playerEmeralds:setText(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getItemsCount(3032))endfunction hide()  addEvent(function() g_effects.fadeOut(shopWindow, 250) end)  scheduleEvent(function() shopWindow:hide() end, 250)endfunction toggle()  if shopWindow:isVisible() then    hide()  else    show()  endendfunction clanWindow(clan)  local clanWindow = g_ui.createWidget('ClanWindow', rootWidget)  local prize = clanWindow:getChildById('prize')  clanWindow:setText(clan)  clanWindow:getChildById('okButton').onClick = function() modules.game_textmessage.displayBroadcastMessage(clan .. ': ' .. tonumber(prize:getText())) clanWindow:destroy() end  clanWindow.onEnter = function() modules.game_textmessage.displayBroadcastMessage(clan .. ': ' .. tonumber(prize:getText())) clanWindow:destroy() endendfunction onClickInItem(cost, self)  if g_game.getLocalPlayer():getItemsCount(3032) >= cost then    g_game.getProtocolGame():sendExtendedOpcode(103, string.explode(self:getStyleName(), "B")[1] .. '|' .. self:getParent():getChildIndex(self))  else    displayInfoBox(tr('Emerald Shop'), tr('You don\'t have enough emeralds.'))  endendfunction onBuyFailed(protocol, opcode, buffer)  if toboolean(buffer) then    displayInfoBox(tr('Emerald Shop'), tr('The purchase was made successfully.'))    playerEmeralds:setText(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getItemsCount(3032))  else    displayInfoBox('Emerald Shop', buffer)  endend



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10 minutos atrás, RicardoRoX disse:


vai no client e tenta alterar a 



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function init()  connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = onGameEnd })  ProtocolGame.registerExtendedOpcode(103, function(protocol, opcode, buffer) onBuyFailed(protocol, opcode, buffer) end)  shopWindow = g_ui.displayUI('shop')  shopWindow:hide()  playerEmeralds = shopWindow:getChildById('emeralds')  shopTabBar = shopWindow:getChildById('shopTabBar')  shopTabBar:setContentWidget(shopWindow:getChildById('shopTabContent'))  marketPanel = g_ui.loadUI('market')  shopTabBar:addTab('Market', marketPanel, '/images/game/shop/market')  outfitsPanel = g_ui.loadUI('outfits')  shopTabBar:addTab('Outfits', outfitsPanel, '/images/game/shop/outfits')  addonsPanel = g_ui.loadUI('addons')  shopTabBar:addTab('Addons', addonsPanel, '/images/game/shop/addons')  clansPanel = g_ui.loadUI('clans')  shopTabBar:addTab('Clans', clansPanel, '/images/game/shop/clans')  shopButton = modules.client_topmenu.addRightGameButton('shopButton', tr('Emerald Shop'), '/images/topbuttons/emerald_shop', toggle)  shopButton:setWidth(36)endfunction terminate()  disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = onGameEnd })  ProtocolGame.unregisterExtendedOpcode(103)  shopWindow:destroy()  shopButton:destroy()endfunction onGameEnd()  if shopWindow:isVisible() then    shopWindow:hide()  endendfunction show()  shopWindow:show()  shopWindow:raise()  shopWindow:focus()  addEvent(function() g_effects.fadeIn(shopWindow, 250) end)  playerEmeralds:setText(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getItemsCount(3032))endfunction hide()  addEvent(function() g_effects.fadeOut(shopWindow, 250) end)  scheduleEvent(function() shopWindow:hide() end, 250)endfunction toggle()  if shopWindow:isVisible() then    hide()  else    show()  endendfunction clanWindow(clan)  local clanWindow = g_ui.createWidget('ClanWindow', rootWidget)  local prize = clanWindow:getChildById('prize')  clanWindow:setText(clan)  clanWindow:getChildById('okButton').onClick = function() modules.game_textmessage.displayBroadcastMessage(clan .. ': ' .. tonumber(prize:getText())) clanWindow:destroy() end  clanWindow.onEnter = function() modules.game_textmessage.displayBroadcastMessage(clan .. ': ' .. tonumber(prize:getText())) clanWindow:destroy() endendfunction onClickInItem(cost, self)  if g_game.getLocalPlayer():getItemsCount(3032) >= cost then    g_game.getProtocolGame():sendExtendedOpcode(103, string.explode(self:getStyleName(), "B")[1] .. '|' .. self:getParent():getChildIndex(self))  else    displayInfoBox(tr('Emerald Shop'), tr('You don\'t have enough emeralds.'))  endendfunction onBuyFailed(protocol, opcode, buffer)  if toboolean(buffer) then    displayInfoBox(tr('Emerald Shop'), tr('The purchase was made successfully.'))    playerEmeralds:setText(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getItemsCount(3032))  else    displayInfoBox('Emerald Shop', buffer)  endend



Ja alterei la tbm, algo ta estranho pois esta descontando os  diamonds porem so se tiver as emeralds na bag

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1 minuto atrás, jajazenho disse:

Ja alterei la tbm, algo ta estranho pois esta descontando os  diamonds porem so se tiver as emeralds na bag

Explica melhor oque vc tá tentando fazer. AHEUIAHOIEUHAI 


acho que n entendi...

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3 minutos atrás, RicardoRoX disse:

Explica melhor oque vc tá tentando fazer. AHEUIAHOIEUHAI 


acho que n entendi...

Seguinte estou tentando trocar a Emerald e por Diamonds no shop do server pq aquelas pedrinhas sao mt feias ja ate editei spr e tal, so que eu fui add no shop os diamonds para nao cobrar mas as Emeralds e sim os diamonds que fiz até ai tudo bem, só que quando clico em comprar shiny ditto por exemplo ele retira os diamonds mas só tira se tiver as emeralds na bag, como se fosse testemunha ta ligado? klkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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return doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2149, market[tonumber(t[2])].emeralds) and doSendPlayerExtendedOpcode(cid, OPCODE_EMERALD_SHOP, "True")

Deve ser essa linha...

olha ae...


o 2149 n é o diamante?

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1 minuto atrás, RicardoRoX disse:
return doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2149, market[tonumber(t[2])].emeralds) and doSendPlayerExtendedOpcode(cid, OPCODE_EMERALD_SHOP, "True")

Deve ser essa linha...

olha ae...


o 2149 n é o diamante?

Entao esse 2149 é as emeralds, troquei e coloquei 2145 que sao os diamonds, no caso ai é o id do item q sera removido esta removendo de boa os diamonds mas só se tiver emeralds na bag no caso 2149

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