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Addon Por Alavanca


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Função: Vim trazer esse script pro xtibia, por que procurei em alguns lugares e nao encontrei. vou mostrar um poco como funciona:


Script: Shawak (Maxi) - 99%

Explicação Traduzida: Guizitog - 1%



É addon por alavanca, você clica na alavanca e pega o addon... é bem simples:




Em data/actions/action.xml coloque: <action actionid="4001-4042" event="script" value="addons.lua"/>


Agora em data/actions/scripts, crie um arquivo chamado addons.lua

e coloque isso dentro:




Addon System by Shawak (Maxi)

Version v1.0

~~~ Rememeber ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This script set storagevalues

to save the addons.

Storage = 14000 + actionid of





local config = {


[4001] = {

name = "First Citizen Addon", -- name

addon_type = 1, -- addon

outfit = {136,128}, -- female / male

cost = 0, -- cost

items = {{5878,100}}, -- items


[4002] = {

name = "Second Citizen Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {136,128},

cost = 0,

items = {{5890,100},{5902,50},{2480,1}},


[4003] = {

name = "First Hunter Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {137,129},

cost = 0,

items = {{5947,1},{5876,100},{5948,100},{5889,1},{5887,1},{5888,1},{5891,5}},


[4004] = {

name = "Second Hunter Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {137,129},

cost = 0,

items = {{5875,1}},


[4005] = {

name = "First Mage Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {138,130},

cost = 0,

items = {{5958,1}},


[4006] = {

name = "Second Mage Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {138,130},

cost = 0,

items = {{5903,1}},


[4007] = {

name = "First Knight Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {139,131},

cost = 0,

items = {{5880,100}},


[4008] = {

name = "Second Knight Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {139,131},

cost = 0,

items = {{5893,100},{5924,1},{5885,1},{5887,1}},


[4009] = {

name = "First Nobleman Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {140,132},

cost = 150000,

items = {},


[4010] = {

name = "Second Nobleman Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {140,132},

cost = 150000,

items = {},



[4011] = {

name = "First Summoner Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {141,133},

cost = 0,

items = {{5958,1}},


[4012] = {

name = "Second Summoner Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {141,133},

cost = 0,

items = {{5894,70},{5911,20},{5883,40},{5905,30},{5904,15},{5882,40},{5881,60},{5886,10},{5922,35}},


[4013] = {

name = "First Warrior Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {142,134},

cost = 0,

items = {{5899,100},{5925,100},{5884,1},{5919,1}},


[4014] = {

name = "Second Warrior Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {142,134},

cost = 0,

items = {{5887,1},{5880,100}},


[4015] = {

name = "First Barbarian Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {147,143},

cost = 0,

items = {{5885,1},{5884,1},{5911,50},{5910,50},{5886,10}},


[4016] = {

name = "Second Barbarian Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {147,143},

cost = 0,

items = {{5892,1},{5880,100},{5893,50},{5876,50}},


[4017] = {

name = "First Druid Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {148,144},

cost = 0,

items = {{5897,50},{5896,50}},


[4018] = {

name = "Second Druid Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {148,144},

cost = 0,

items = {{5940,1},{5938,1},{5937,1},{5942,1},{5906,100}},


[4019] = {

name = "First Wizard Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {149,145},

cost = 0,

items = {{2488,1},{2123,1},{2492,1},{2536,1}},


[4020] = {

name = "Second Wizard Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {149,145},

cost = 0,

items = {{5922,50},},


[4021] = {

name = "First Oriental Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {150,146},

cost = 0,

items = {{5945,1}},


[4022] = {

name = "Second Oriental Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {150,146},

cost = 0,

items = {{5883,100},{5895,100},{5891,2},{5912,100}},


[4023] = {

name = "First Pirate Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {155,151},

cost = 0,

items = {{6126,100},{6097,100},{6098,100}},


[4024] = {

name = "Second Pirate Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {155,151},

cost = 0,

items = {{2385,1},{6098,1},{6095,1},{6096,1}},


[4025] = {

name = "First Assassin Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {156,152},

cost = 0,

items = {{5898,30},{5882,10},{5881,30},{5895,20},{5905,20},{5906,10},{5885,1}},


[4026] = {

name = "Second Assassin Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {156,152},

cost = 0,

items = {{5909,50},{5910,50},{5911,50},{5912,50},{5913,50},{5914,50},{5886,10}},


[4027] = {

name = "First Beggar Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {157,153},

cost = 20000,

items = {{5883,100}},


[4028] = {

name = "Second Beggar Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {157,153},

cost = 0,

items = {{6107,1}},


[4029] = {

name = "First Shaman Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {158,154},

cost = 0,

items = {{3955,5},{5015,1}},


[4030] = {

name = "Second Shaman Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {158,154},

cost = 0,

items = {{3966,5},{3967,5}},


[4031] = {

name = "First Norseman Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {252,251},

cost = 0,

items = {{7290,5}},


[4032] = {

name = "Second Norseman Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {252,251},

cost = 0,

items = {{7290,10}},


[4033] = {

name = "First Nightmare Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {269,268},

cost = 0,

items = {{6500,500}},


[4034] = {

name = "Second Nightmare Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {269,268},

cost = 0,

items = {{6500,1500}},


[4035] = {

name = "First Jester Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {270,273},

cost = 0,

items = {{5879,1},{5878,4}},


[4036] = {

name = "Second Jester Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {270,273},

cost = 0,

items = {{5909,5}},


[4037] = {

name = "First Brotherhood Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {279,278},

cost = 0,

items = {{6500,500}},


[4038] = {

name = "Second Brotherhood Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {279,278},

cost = 0,

items = {{6500,1500}},


[4039] = {

name = "First Demonhunter Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {288,289},

cost = 150000,

items = {},


[4040] = {

name = "Second Demonhunter Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {288,289},

cost = 150000,

items = {},


[4041] = {

name = "First Yalaharian Addon",

addon_type = 1,

outfit = {324,325},

cost = 150000,

items = {},


[4042] = {

name = "Second Yalaharian Addon",

addon_type = 2,

outfit = {324,325},

cost = 150000,

items = {},



} -------- config end -------

local storage = 14000

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)

local addon, removeItems, removeMoney = config[item.actionid], 0, 0

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage + item.actionid) ~= 1 then

if getPlayerMoney(cid) >= addon.cost then

removeMoney = 1


if #addon.items > 0 then

for i = 1, #addon.items do

if getPlayerItemCount(cid, addon.items[1]) >= addon.items[2] then

removeItems = removeItems+1




if removeMoney == 1 and removeItems == #addon.items then

for i = 1, #addon.items do

doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, addon.items[1], addon.items[2])


doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, addon.cost)

doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, addon.outfit[1], addon.addon_type)

doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, addon.outfit[2], addon.addon_type)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage + item.actionid, 1)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 21, "Now you can use the "".")


if addon.cost ~= 0 then

msg = "You need "..addon.cost.." gold coins and "


msg = "You need "


if #addon.items > 0 then

for i = 1, #addon.items do

msg = msg..""..addon.items[2].."x "..getItemNameById(addon.items[1]).." "



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 21, msg.."for the "".")



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 21, "You already have the "".")


return TRUE






[ActionID]: É a ActionID que você vai ter que por na alavanca.

Name: É o nome do addon.

Addon Type: Tipo do addon, addon 1 ou 2.

Outfit: Numero do looktype especificando: ({female,male}).

Cost: Custo em dinheiro do addon.

Items: Items que voce precisa pra garantir o addon, após colocar o preço vai precisar de pagar com itens também? se sim: ex.: "{{5878,100},{5890,100}}", etc.


Rep ++ aí se gostou..

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poww eu posso fazer aki, não vou fazer algo super, mas vou fazer bem simples.... (lembrando que o confidence ele coloca monstros com os addons para demonstrar, como eu só vou montar o mapa, os monstros voce vai ter q criar e colocalos...)

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