Andreeyyy 0 Postado Novembro 21, 2013 Share Postado Novembro 21, 2013 Ibagens ? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
vinnevinne 31 Postado Novembro 21, 2013 Share Postado Novembro 21, 2013 o erro q da no vertrigo Erroconsulta SQL:DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN ( 3, 4 ) AND `value` = OLD.`id` ;Mensagens do MySQL : Documentação#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELIMITER |CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts`BEFORE DELETEON `accounts`' at line 1 minha mysql: DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `oncreate_players`;DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `oncreate_guilds`;DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_players`;DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_guilds`;DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_accounts`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_depotitems`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tile_items`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tiles`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bans`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `house_lists`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `houses`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_items`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_namelocks`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_skills`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_storage`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_viplist`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_spells`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_deaths`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `killers`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `environment_killers`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_killers`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_ranks`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guilds`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_invites`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `global_storage`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `players`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `accounts`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_record`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_motd`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_reports`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_config`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_viplist`;CREATE TABLE `accounts`(`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL/* VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'MD5'*//* VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL COMMENT 'SHA1'*/,`premdays` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`lastday` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`key` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`blocked` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE COMMENT 'internal usage',`warnings` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES (1, '1', '1', 65535, 0, '', '0', 0, 0, 1);CREATE TABLE `players`(`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,`account_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`level` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,`vocation` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`health` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 150,`healthmax` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 150,`experience` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`lookbody` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`lookfeet` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`lookhead` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`looklegs` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`looktype` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 136,`lookaddons` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`maglevel` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`mana` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`manamax` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`manaspent` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`soul` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`town_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`posx` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`posy` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`posz` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`conditions` BLOB NOT NULL,`cap` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`sex` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`lastlogin` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`lastip` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`save` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,`skull` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`skulltime` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`rank_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`guildnick` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`lastlogout` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`blessings` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`balance` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`stamina` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 151200000 COMMENT 'stored in miliseconds',`direction` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,`loss_experience` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,`loss_mana` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,`loss_skills` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,`loss_containers` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,`loss_items` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,`premend` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'NOT IN USE BY THE SERVER',`online` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`marriage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`promotion` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`deleted` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,`description` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`, `deleted`),KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`group_id`),KEY (`online`), KEY (`deleted`),FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`) REFERENCES `accounts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;INSERT INTO `players` VALUES (1, 'Account Manager', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, '', 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '');CREATE TABLE `account_viplist`(`account_id` INT NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`player_id` INT NOT NULL,KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`player_id`), KEY (`world_id`), UNIQUE (`account_id`, `player_id`),FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`) REFERENCES `accounts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_deaths`(`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`player_id` INT NOT NULL,`date` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`level` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX (`date`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_depotitems`(`player_id` INT NOT NULL,`sid` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'any given range, eg. 0-100 is reserved for depot lockers and all above 100 will be normal items inside depots',`pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`itemtype` INT NOT NULL,`count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`attributes` BLOB NOT NULL,KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `sid`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_items`(`player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`sid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`itemtype` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`attributes` BLOB NOT NULL,KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `sid`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_namelocks`(`player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`new_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`date` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,KEY (`player_id`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_skills`(`player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`skillid` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`count` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `skillid`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_spells`(`player_id` INT NOT NULL,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `name`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_storage`(`player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`key` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `key`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_viplist`(`player_id` INT NOT NULL,`vip_id` INT NOT NULL,KEY (`player_id`), KEY (`vip_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `vip_id`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,FOREIGN KEY (`vip_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `killers`(`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`death_id` INT NOT NULL,`final_hit` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,`unjustified` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),FOREIGN KEY (`death_id`) REFERENCES `player_deaths`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `player_killers`(`kill_id` INT NOT NULL,`player_id` INT NOT NULL,FOREIGN KEY (`kill_id`) REFERENCES `killers`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `environment_killers`(`kill_id` INT NOT NULL,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,FOREIGN KEY (`kill_id`) REFERENCES `killers`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `houses`(`id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`owner` INT NOT NULL,`paid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`warnings` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`lastwarning` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`town` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`size` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`price` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`rent` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`doors` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`beds` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`tiles` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`guild` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,`clear` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `house_auctions`(`house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`player_id` INT NOT NULL,`bid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`limit` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`endtime` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`),FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `house_lists`(`house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`listid` INT NOT NULL,`list` TEXT NOT NULL,UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`, `listid`),FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `house_data`(`house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`data` LONGBLOB NOT NULL,UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`),FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `tiles`(`id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`x` INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`y` INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`z` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`),KEY (`x`, `y`, `z`),FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `tile_items`(`tile_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`sid` INT NOT NULL,`pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`itemtype` INT NOT NULL,`count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`attributes` BLOB NOT NULL,UNIQUE (`tile_id`, `world_id`, `sid`), KEY (`sid`),FOREIGN KEY (`tile_id`) REFERENCES `tiles`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `guilds`(`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`ownerid` INT NOT NULL,`creationdata` INT NOT NULL,`motd` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),UNIQUE (`name`, `world_id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `guild_invites`(`player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`guild_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,UNIQUE (`player_id`, `guild_id`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `guild_ranks`(`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`guild_id` INT NOT NULL,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`level` INT NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - leader, 2 - vice leader, 3 - member',PRIMARY KEY (`id`),FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `bans`(`id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,`type` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - ip banishment, 2 - namelock, 3 - account banishment, 4 - notation, 5 - deletion',`value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ip address (integer), player guid or account number',`param` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 4294967295 COMMENT 'used only for ip banishment mask (integer)',`active` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,`expires` INT NOT NULL,`added` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`admin_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`comment` TEXT NOT NULL,`reason` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`action` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`statement` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (`id`),KEY `type` (`type`, `value`),KEY `active` (`active`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `global_storage`(`key` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',UNIQUE (`key`, `world_id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `server_config`(`config` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`value` INT NOT NULL,UNIQUE (`config`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;INSERT INTO `server_config` VALUES ('db_version', 23);CREATE TABLE `server_motd`(`id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`text` TEXT NOT NULL,UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;INSERT INTO `server_motd` VALUES (1, 0, 'Welcome to The Forgotten Server!');CREATE TABLE `server_record`(`record` INT NOT NULL,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`timestamp` BIGINT NOT NULL,UNIQUE (`record`, `world_id`, `timestamp`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;INSERT INTO `server_record` VALUES (0, 0, 0);CREATE TABLE `server_reports`(`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,`posx` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`posy` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`posz` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`timestamp` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,`report` TEXT NOT NULL,`reads` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),KEY (`world_id`), KEY (`reads`),FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB;DELIMITER |CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts`BEFORE DELETEON `accounts`FOR EACH ROWBEGINDELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (3, 4) AND `value` = OLD.`id`;END|CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_guilds`AFTER INSERTON `guilds`FOR EACH ROWBEGININSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Leader', 3, NEW.`id`);INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Vice-Leader', 2, NEW.`id`);INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Member', 1, NEW.`id`);END|CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_guilds`BEFORE DELETEON `guilds`FOR EACH ROWBEGINUPDATE `players` SET `guildnick` = '', `rank_id` = 0 WHERE `rank_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `guild_ranks` WHERE `guild_id` = OLD.`id`);END|CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_players`AFTER INSERTON `players`FOR EACH ROWBEGININSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 0, 10);INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 1, 10);INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 2, 10);INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 3, 10);INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 4, 10);INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 5, 10);INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 6, 10);END|CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_players`BEFORE DELETEON `players`FOR EACH ROWBEGINDELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (2, 5) AND `value` = OLD.`id`;UPDATE `houses` SET `owner` = 0 WHERE `owner` = OLD.`id`;END|DELIMITER ; Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
kleitonalan321 6 Postado Novembro 22, 2013 Share Postado Novembro 22, 2013 é compatível com TFS 1.0 o website ? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
VictorWEBMaster 369 Postado Novembro 23, 2013 Autor Share Postado Novembro 23, 2013 é compatível com TFS 1.0 o website ? Estou adptando ainda. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
caio51 0 Postado Novembro 24, 2013 Share Postado Novembro 24, 2013 Vey To tendo Um Bug Aqui no Meu Site (Site do OT), Tipo Eu Coloco Algum Item no Shop Offer , E Compro Ele Com Algum Character , o item n chega , Mas se For Premium Time Chega Normal :\ Ajuda Ai Plis o Mais Rapido Possivel. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
ShockZz 2 Postado Novembro 24, 2013 Share Postado Novembro 24, 2013 (editado) #Update Está ai a versão estável tanto quanto a Vertrigo 2.2 quanto a XAMPP (Última versão - Apenas). Download Website Version 0.0.6 - XAMPP Stable Att. Bug? Poste aqui e ganhe seu REP! Olá Victor, essa versão de seu site eu vi que vem em htdocs, E você citou ai XAMPP Stable, Ela pode ser usada no vertrigo também? e é estável? Eu vi que você retirou o painel.php dela, que tinha na versão 0.5 é isso mesmo? Valeu! @ Edit Victor, em seu post anterior referente a minha pergunta vi que você falou que a sua video aula já não está mais correta para a entrega dos dados, poderia me informar se existe algum tópico que você saiba que está mostrando a configuração correta a fazer? Gravar a video aula, sei que irá demorar muito ainda hehe. Por isso não estou conseguindo fazer com que os pontos são entregues automaticamente =(, ta tudo certinho, conforme sua video aula, mas os points não 'caem' na DB e consequentemente não vai automatico para a acc do player! De resto ta tudo ok! Editado Novembro 24, 2013 por ShockZz Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
matheusata55 0 Postado Novembro 25, 2013 Share Postado Novembro 25, 2013 estou com problemas, quando eu tento compra vip pelo site era pra cair direto na conta, soq n ta caindo meu system vip é do kydrai! Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Andreeyyy 0 Postado Novembro 28, 2013 Share Postado Novembro 28, 2013 Acho que deu problema aqui, quando clico em Manage Account ele fica em uma tela branca, não carrega nada... Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
vinnevinne 31 Postado Novembro 28, 2013 Share Postado Novembro 28, 2013 o erro q da no vertrigo Erro consulta SQL: DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN ( 3, 4 ) AND `value` = OLD.`id` ; Mensagens do MySQL : Documentação #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` ' at line 1 minha mysql: DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `oncreate_players`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `oncreate_guilds`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_players`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_guilds`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_accounts`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_depotitems`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tile_items`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tiles`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bans`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `house_lists`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `houses`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_items`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_namelocks`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_skills`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_storage`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_viplist`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_spells`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_deaths`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `environment_killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_ranks`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guilds`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_invites`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `global_storage`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `players`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `accounts`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_record`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_motd`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_reports`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_config`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_viplist`; CREATE TABLE `accounts` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL/* VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'MD5'*//* VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL COMMENT 'SHA1'*/, `premdays` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastday` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `key` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `blocked` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE COMMENT 'internal usage', `warnings` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES (1, '1', '1', 65535, 0, '', '0', 0, 0, 1); CREATE TABLE `players` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `account_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `level` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `vocation` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `health` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 150, `healthmax` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 150, `experience` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookbody` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookfeet` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookhead` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `looklegs` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `looktype` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 136, `lookaddons` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `maglevel` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `mana` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `manamax` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `manaspent` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `soul` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `town_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posx` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posy` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posz` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `conditions` BLOB NOT NULL, `cap` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sex` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastlogin` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastip` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `save` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `skull` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `skulltime` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `rank_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guildnick` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `lastlogout` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `blessings` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `balance` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `stamina` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 151200000 COMMENT 'stored in miliseconds', `direction` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, `loss_experience` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_mana` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_skills` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_containers` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_items` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `premend` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'NOT IN USE BY THE SERVER', `online` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `marriage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `promotion` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `deleted` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `description` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`, `deleted`), KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`group_id`), KEY (`online`), KEY (`deleted`), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`) REFERENCES `accounts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `players` VALUES (1, 'Account Manager', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, '', 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ''); CREATE TABLE `account_viplist` ( `account_id` INT NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`player_id`), KEY (`world_id`), UNIQUE (`account_id`, `player_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`) REFERENCES `accounts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_deaths` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `date` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `level` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX (`date`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_depotitems` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `sid` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'any given range, eg. 0-100 is reserved for depot lockers and all above 100 will be normal items inside depots', `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_items` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_namelocks` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `new_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `date` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, KEY (`player_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_skills` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `skillid` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `count` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `skillid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_spells` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `name`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_storage` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `key` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `key`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_viplist` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `vip_id` INT NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), KEY (`vip_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `vip_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`vip_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `killers` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `death_id` INT NOT NULL, `final_hit` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `unjustified` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`death_id`) REFERENCES `player_deaths`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_killers` ( `kill_id` INT NOT NULL, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`kill_id`) REFERENCES `killers`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `environment_killers` ( `kill_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`kill_id`) REFERENCES `killers`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `houses` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `owner` INT NOT NULL, `paid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `warnings` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastwarning` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `town` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `size` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `price` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `rent` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `doors` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `beds` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `tiles` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guild` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `clear` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_auctions` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `bid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `limit` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `endtime` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_lists` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `listid` INT NOT NULL, `list` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`, `listid`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_data` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `data` LONGBLOB NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `tiles` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `x` INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `y` INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `z` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`), KEY (`x`, `y`, `z`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `tile_items` ( `tile_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sid` INT NOT NULL, `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`tile_id`, `world_id`, `sid`), KEY (`sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`tile_id`) REFERENCES `tiles`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guilds` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ownerid` INT NOT NULL, `creationdata` INT NOT NULL, `motd` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guild_invites` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (`player_id`, `guild_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guild_ranks` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `level` INT NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - leader, 2 - vice leader, 3 - member', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `bans` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, `type` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - ip banishment, 2 - namelock, 3 - account banishment, 4 - notation, 5 - deletion', `value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ip address (integer), player guid or account number', `param` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 4294967295 COMMENT 'used only for ip banishment mask (integer)', `active` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, `expires` INT NOT NULL, `added` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `admin_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `comment` TEXT NOT NULL, `reason` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `action` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `statement` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `type` (`type`, `value`), KEY `active` (`active`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `global_storage` ( `key` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', UNIQUE (`key`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `server_config` ( `config` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `value` INT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`config`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_config` VALUES ('db_version', 23); CREATE TABLE `server_motd` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `text` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_motd` VALUES (1, 0, 'Welcome to The Forgotten Server!'); CREATE TABLE `server_record` ( `record` INT NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `timestamp` BIGINT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`record`, `world_id`, `timestamp`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_record` VALUES (0, 0, 0); CREATE TABLE `server_reports` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `posx` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posy` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posz` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `timestamp` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `report` TEXT NOT NULL, `reads` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`world_id`), KEY (`reads`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (3, 4) AND `value` = OLD.`id`; END| CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_guilds` AFTER INSERT ON `guilds` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Leader', 3, NEW.`id`); INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Vice-Leader', 2, NEW.`id`); INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Member', 1, NEW.`id`); END| CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_guilds` BEFORE DELETE ON `guilds` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE `players` SET `guildnick` = '', `rank_id` = 0 WHERE `rank_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `guild_ranks` WHERE `guild_id` = OLD.`id`); END| CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_players` AFTER INSERT ON `players` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 0, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 1, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 2, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 3, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 4, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 5, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 6, 10); END| CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_players` BEFORE DELETE ON `players` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (2, 5) AND `value` = OLD.`id`; UPDATE `houses` SET `owner` = 0 WHERE `owner` = OLD.`id`; END| DELIMITER ; up Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
nycholaszinhu 4 Postado Dezembro 2, 2013 Share Postado Dezembro 2, 2013 (editado) Vey To tendo Um Bug Aqui no Meu Site (Site do OT), Tipo Eu Coloco Algum Item no Shop Offer , E Compro Ele Com Algum Character , o item n chega , Mas se For Premium Time Chega Normal :\ Ajuda Ai Plis o Mais Rapido Possivel. Olá Caio51, Cara faz o seguinte vai na pasta do seu ot e faz o seguinte : vai ate "data/globalevents/scripts" e procure pelo arquivo "shop.lua" se tiver beleza segue para o próximo passo !, mas se não tiver você vai ter que procurar aqui no fórum ou baixar outro server aqui no fórum mesmo e ver se tem ele pra você poder adiciona-lo ao seu server. Próximo passo vá em "data/globalevents" e abra o arquivo "globalevents.xml" com o bloco de notas ou com outro programa que você use já, por exemplo eu uso o Notepad++ e siga o para o próximo passo. e adicione essa tag : "<globalevent name="shop" interval="1000" event="script" value="shop.lua"/>" pronto agora é só testar, os item que você comprar serão entregues abraço ! Se ajudei REP+ e não esqueça do REP+ ao VictorWebMaster por estar disponibilizando esse belo trabalho para nós que na minha opinião é o melhor gesior da atualidade ! estou com problemas, quando eu tento compra vip pelo site era pra cair direto na conta, soq n ta caindo meu system vip é do kydrai! Olá Matheussata55, esse system pode ser incompatível com esse gesior Se ajudei REP+ e não esqueça do REP+ ao VictorWebMaster por estar disponibilizando esse belo trabalho para nós que na minha opinião é o melhor gesior da atualidade ! Acho que deu problema aqui, quando clico em Manage Account ele fica em uma tela branca, não carrega nada... Olá Andreeyyy, Fez todo o processo correto de instalação do Gesior?, tá usando XAMPP ou Vertrigo? ... #Update Está ai a versão estável tanto quanto a Vertrigo 2.2 quanto a XAMPP (Última versão - Apenas). Download Website Version 0.0.6 - XAMPP Stable Att. Bug? Poste aqui e ganhe seu REP! Olá VictorWebMaster, fique um tempo sem acompanhar seu projeto devido a problemas com minha internet, agora estou meio corrido, e ando um pouco sem tempo ... poderia me informar quais as alterações na versão 0.0.6? Obrigado ! Editado Dezembro 2, 2013 por nycholaszinhu Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
vinnevinne 31 Postado Dezembro 3, 2013 Share Postado Dezembro 3, 2013 o erro q da no vertrigo Erro consulta SQL: DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN ( 3, 4 ) AND `value` = OLD.`id` ; Mensagens do MySQL : Documentação #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` ' at line 1 minha mysql: DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `oncreate_players`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `oncreate_guilds`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_players`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_guilds`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_accounts`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_depotitems`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tile_items`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tiles`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bans`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `house_lists`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `houses`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_items`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_namelocks`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_skills`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_storage`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_viplist`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_spells`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_deaths`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `environment_killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_ranks`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guilds`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_invites`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `global_storage`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `players`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `accounts`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_record`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_motd`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_reports`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_config`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_viplist`; CREATE TABLE `accounts` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL/* VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'MD5'*//* VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL COMMENT 'SHA1'*/, `premdays` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastday` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `key` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `blocked` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE COMMENT 'internal usage', `warnings` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES (1, '1', '1', 65535, 0, '', '0', 0, 0, 1); CREATE TABLE `players` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `account_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `level` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `vocation` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `health` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 150, `healthmax` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 150, `experience` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookbody` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookfeet` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookhead` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `looklegs` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `looktype` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 136, `lookaddons` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `maglevel` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `mana` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `manamax` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `manaspent` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `soul` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `town_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posx` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posy` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posz` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `conditions` BLOB NOT NULL, `cap` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sex` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastlogin` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastip` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `save` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `skull` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `skulltime` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `rank_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guildnick` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `lastlogout` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `blessings` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `balance` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `stamina` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 151200000 COMMENT 'stored in miliseconds', `direction` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, `loss_experience` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_mana` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_skills` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_containers` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_items` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `premend` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'NOT IN USE BY THE SERVER', `online` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `marriage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `promotion` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `deleted` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `description` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`, `deleted`), KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`group_id`), KEY (`online`), KEY (`deleted`), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`) REFERENCES `accounts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `players` VALUES (1, 'Account Manager', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, '', 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ''); CREATE TABLE `account_viplist` ( `account_id` INT NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`player_id`), KEY (`world_id`), UNIQUE (`account_id`, `player_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`) REFERENCES `accounts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_deaths` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `date` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `level` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX (`date`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_depotitems` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `sid` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'any given range, eg. 0-100 is reserved for depot lockers and all above 100 will be normal items inside depots', `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_items` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_namelocks` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `new_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `date` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, KEY (`player_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_skills` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `skillid` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `count` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `skillid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_spells` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `name`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_storage` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `key` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `key`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_viplist` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `vip_id` INT NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), KEY (`vip_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `vip_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`vip_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `killers` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `death_id` INT NOT NULL, `final_hit` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `unjustified` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`death_id`) REFERENCES `player_deaths`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_killers` ( `kill_id` INT NOT NULL, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`kill_id`) REFERENCES `killers`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `environment_killers` ( `kill_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`kill_id`) REFERENCES `killers`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `houses` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `owner` INT NOT NULL, `paid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `warnings` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastwarning` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `town` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `size` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `price` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `rent` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `doors` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `beds` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `tiles` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guild` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `clear` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_auctions` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `bid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `limit` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `endtime` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_lists` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `listid` INT NOT NULL, `list` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`, `listid`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_data` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `data` LONGBLOB NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `tiles` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `x` INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `y` INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `z` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`), KEY (`x`, `y`, `z`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `tile_items` ( `tile_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sid` INT NOT NULL, `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`tile_id`, `world_id`, `sid`), KEY (`sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`tile_id`) REFERENCES `tiles`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guilds` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ownerid` INT NOT NULL, `creationdata` INT NOT NULL, `motd` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guild_invites` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (`player_id`, `guild_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guild_ranks` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `level` INT NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - leader, 2 - vice leader, 3 - member', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `bans` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, `type` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - ip banishment, 2 - namelock, 3 - account banishment, 4 - notation, 5 - deletion', `value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ip address (integer), player guid or account number', `param` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 4294967295 COMMENT 'used only for ip banishment mask (integer)', `active` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, `expires` INT NOT NULL, `added` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `admin_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `comment` TEXT NOT NULL, `reason` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `action` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `statement` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `type` (`type`, `value`), KEY `active` (`active`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `global_storage` ( `key` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', UNIQUE (`key`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `server_config` ( `config` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `value` INT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`config`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_config` VALUES ('db_version', 23); CREATE TABLE `server_motd` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `text` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_motd` VALUES (1, 0, 'Welcome to The Forgotten Server!'); CREATE TABLE `server_record` ( `record` INT NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `timestamp` BIGINT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`record`, `world_id`, `timestamp`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_record` VALUES (0, 0, 0); CREATE TABLE `server_reports` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `posx` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posy` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posz` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `timestamp` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `report` TEXT NOT NULL, `reads` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`world_id`), KEY (`reads`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (3, 4) AND `value` = OLD.`id`; END| CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_guilds` AFTER INSERT ON `guilds` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Leader', 3, NEW.`id`); INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Vice-Leader', 2, NEW.`id`); INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Member', 1, NEW.`id`); END| CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_guilds` BEFORE DELETE ON `guilds` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE `players` SET `guildnick` = '', `rank_id` = 0 WHERE `rank_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `guild_ranks` WHERE `guild_id` = OLD.`id`); END| CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_players` AFTER INSERT ON `players` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 0, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 1, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 2, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 3, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 4, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 5, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 6, 10); END| CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_players` BEFORE DELETE ON `players` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (2, 5) AND `value` = OLD.`id`; UPDATE `houses` SET `owner` = 0 WHERE `owner` = OLD.`id`; END| DELIMITER ; up #up Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Andreeyyy 0 Postado Dezembro 3, 2013 Share Postado Dezembro 3, 2013 Acho que deu problema aqui, quando clico em Manage Account ele fica em uma tela branca, não carrega nada... Olá Andreeyyy, Fez todo o processo correto de instalação do Gesior?, tá usando XAMPP ou Vertrigo? ... Fiz tudo certinho sim, to usando XAMPP '-' Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
kinglekke 2 Postado Dezembro 4, 2013 Share Postado Dezembro 4, 2013 (editado) #Topic Estou tendo alguns problemas com usuarios que estão utilizando meu gesior com o XAMPP. Vou começar a partir de hoje, programar no xampp (ultima versao), sempre na versao mais atualizada.Os que já estão sendo funcionais em vertrigo, podem continuar a utilizar no mesmo, os usuarios de xampp estao teimando em utilizar tal software comprovado que ha possibilidades de SQL Inject, mesmo o website tendo ant injects.. Nova versão prevista para 20/11/2013. Nova versão virá com todos os erros relatados corrigidos. Sistemas novos integrados, como transferencia de points (100%). Sistemas de 'Invite Friend'. Sistema de report mais avançado. Adição de uma nova página de galeria. Sendo assim podendo os jogadores postarem seus videos daquela war inesquecivel. ! Sistema de magias está sendo revisado ! XDica! Abra o C:/Xampp/php/php.ini Procure por error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT Substitua por ;error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT #Donate Utilize este, está sem erros e testado em xampp <?php $bonusPoints = $config['site']['bonusPoints']; if ($action == ""){ $main_content .=' <div id="ProgressBar"> <div id="Headline">Regras da Doação</div> <div id="MainContainer"> <div id="BackgroundContainer"> <img id="BackgroundContainerLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-left-end.gif"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenter"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenterImage" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-center.gif);"></div> </div> <img id="BackgroundContainerRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-right-end.gif"> </div> <img id="TubeLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-left-green.gif"> <img id="TubeRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-right-blue.gif"> <div id="FirstStep" class="Steps"> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-0-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: bold;">Regras da Doação</div> </div> </div> <div id="StepsContainer1"> <div id="StepsContainer2"> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-1-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Método de Pagamento</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-2-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Informações do Pedido</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-3-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Confirmação</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-4-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Pedido Realizado</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="TableContainer"> <div class="CaptionContainer"> <div class="CaptionInnerContainer"> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <div class="Text">Regras da Doação</div> <span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> </div> </div> <table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td> <div class="InnerTableContainer"> <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> Informamos aos jogadores e colaboradores que o <b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].' Alternate Tibia Server</b> não tem nenhum interesse financeiro. Toda a renda obtida é diretamente reaplicada para a manutenção do servidor - isto significa que ao fazer uma doação, você está garantindo a estabilidade e aumentando a qualidade do mesmo.</br></br> Os pontos que são repassados aos jogadores que efetuam as doações não representam nada mais além de nossa gratificação, isto é, você não está comprando pontos e sim recebendo uma gratificação simbólica (em formas de pontos) que te beneficie dentro do jogo; você poderá usar os seus pontos da maneira que desejar.</br></br> O espírito deste sistema é simples: com o intuito de nos aproximarmos dos jogadores e fazer com que vocês se sintam em casa, entendemos a sua doação como uma via de mão dupla no quesito credibilidade. Ao acreditar que vale a pena investir na manutenção do servidor, nós investimos em vocês creditando-os com pontos, que como já dito anteriormente, podem ser utilizados da maneira que mais os couber.</br></br> Confira nosso <a href="index.php?subtopic=shopsystem">'.$config['server']['serverName'].' Shop</a> e saiba como aproveitar os seus pontos da maneira mais proveitosa à sua situação.</br> <h3>Dúvidas Frequentes</h3></br> <b>Mas o que são VIP Points?</b> VIP Points faz parte do nosso sistema de doação, com eles você pode adquirir uma VIP ou algo mais que esteja disponível no Shopping Online ou in Game.</br></br> <b>Como efetuar a doação?</b> <br />Clique no botão <b>"Continue"</b> e siga todos os procedimentos para realizar sua doação. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <br /> <center> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border: 0px none;"> <div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);"> <div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div> <form action="?subtopic=donate&action=agreement" method="post"> <input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image"> </form> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center>';} if ($action == "agreement"){ if(!$logged) { $link = "index.php?subtopic=donate&action=agreement"; include("login.php"); } else { $buy_name = stripslashes(urldecode($_POST['buy_name'])); $main_content .= ' <div id="ProgressBar"> <div id="Headline">Método de Pagamento</div> <div id="MainContainer"> <div id="BackgroundContainer"> <img id="BackgroundContainerLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-left-end.gif"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenter"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenterImage" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-center.gif);"></div> </div> <img id="BackgroundContainerRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-right-end.gif"> </div> <img id="TubeLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-left-green.gif"> <img id="TubeRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-right-blue.gif"> <div id="FirstStep" class="Steps"> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-0-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Regras da Doação</div> </div> </div> <div id="StepsContainer1"> <div id="StepsContainer2"> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-1-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: bold;">Metodo de Pagamento</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-2-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Informações do Pedido</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-3-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Confirmação</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-4-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Pedido Realizado</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br /><br /> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" WIDTH="100%"> <form action="index.php?subtopic=donate&action=tipo" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="char_name" value=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#505050"> <TD CLASS="white" COLSPAN="3"><b>Select a payment method</b></TD> </TR>'; if ($config['site']['pagseguro'] == 1){ $main_content .=' <TR BGCOLOR=#D4C0A1> <TD>'; if ($bonusPoints > 1){ if ($bonusPoints <= 4){$main_content .='<b>[bônus Points <font color="#FF0000">x'.$bonusPoints.'</font>]</b><br />';} if ($bonusPoints >= 5){$main_content .='<b>[bônus Points <font color="#FF0000" style="font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;">Extreme x'.$bonusPoints.'!</font>]</b><br />';} } $main_content .='<input type="radio" name="method" value="1" /> PagSeguro - <b>Cartões de crédito <i>/</i> Boleto <i>/</i> Transferência bancária</b> </TD> </TR>';} if ($config['site']['paypal'] == 1){ $main_content .=' <TR BGCOLOR=#D4C0A1> <TD><input type="radio" name="method" value="2" /> Paypal - <b>Credit Cards/International Transactions</b></TD> </TR>';} if ($config['site']['caixa'] == 1){ $main_content .=' <TR BGCOLOR=#D4C0A1> <TD><input type="radio" name="method" value="3" /> Caixa - <b>Depósitos/DOCS/Transferencias Bancárias</b></TD> </TR>';} if ($config['site']['caixa'] == 0 && $config['site']['pagseguro'] == 0 && $config['site']['paypal'] == 0){ $main_content .=' <TR BGCOLOR="#D4C0A1" padding="10px"> <TD><b style="color: red; padding: 5px;">Nenhuma forma de pagamento disponível no momento.</b></TD> </TR>'; } $main_content .=' </TABLE> </tbody> </table> <br /> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr align="center"> <td>'; if ($config['site']['caixa'] == 1 || $config['site']['pagseguro'] == 1 || $config['site']['paypal'] == 1){ $main_content .=' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border: 0px none;"> <a href="javascript:void();" onclick=location.href="index.php?subtopic=donate&action=pag_form"> <div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);"> <div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div> <input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image"> </div> </div> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table>'; } $main_content .=' </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>'; } $_SESSION["nome"] = stripslashes(urldecode($_POST['method']));} elseif($action == 'tipo'){ if(!$logged){ $main_content .= ' <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=100%> <TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"> <TD CLASS="white"><b>Error</b></td> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'> <TD>Please, log in so you can proceed with the operation.<br /><a href="index.php?subtopic=accountmanagement">It is here log</a>. If you do not have an account, <a href="index.php?subtopic=createaccount">Register here</a>.</TD> </TR> </TABLE>'; }else{ $buy_tipo = stripslashes(urldecode($_POST['method'])); if($buy_tipo == 0) { $main_content .=' <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=100%> <TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"> <TD CLASS=white><b>Error</b></td> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'> <TD><b style="color: red;">No payment method has been selected.</b><br /><i>Select a form of payment available to give procedure.</i></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <br /> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr align="center"> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td style="border: 0px none;"> <a href="javascript:void();" onclick=location.href="index.php?subtopic=donate&action=agreement"> <div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);"> <div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div> <input class="ButtonText" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/_sbutton_back.gif" type="image"> </div> </div> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ';} if($buy_tipo == 1) { $main_content .= ' <div id="ProgressBar"> <div id="Headline">Informações do Pedido</div> <div id="MainContainer"> <div id="BackgroundContainer"> <img id="BackgroundContainerLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-left-end.gif"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenter"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenterImage" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-center.gif);"></div> </div> <img id="BackgroundContainerRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-right-end.gif"> </div> <img id="TubeLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-left-green.gif"> <img id="TubeRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-right-blue.gif"> <div id="FirstStep" class="Steps"> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-0-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Regras da Doação</div> </div> </div> <div id="StepsContainer1"> <div id="StepsContainer2"> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-1-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Metodo de Pagamento</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-2-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: bold;">Informações do Pedido</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-3-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Confirmação</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-4-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Pedido Realizado</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> '; if ($bonusPoints >= 2){ $main_content .=' <div class="TableContainer"> <div class="CaptionContainer"> <div class="CaptionInnerContainer"> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <div class="Text">Bônus Points!</div> <span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> </div> </div> <table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="InnerTableContainer"> <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table> <td>'; if ($bonusPoints >= 2){ $main_content .= '<div style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: red;">Points x'.$bonusPoints.'</div>'; } $main_content .=' </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <br />'; } $_POST['item_quant_1']; $_POST['account_namev']; $_POST['emailv']; $_POST['character_namev']; $main_content .=' <form action="?subtopic=donate&action=confirmacao" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <div class="TableContainer"> <div class="CaptionContainer"> <div class="CaptionInnerContainer"> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <div class="Text">Account Information</div> <span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> </div> </div> <table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="InnerTableContainer"> <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table> <td><b>Character Name:</b></td> <td> <select name="character_namev">'; $players_from_logged_acc = $account_logged->getPlayersList(); if(count($players_from_logged_acc) > 0) { $players_from_logged_acc->orderBy('name'); foreach($players_from_logged_acc as $player) { $main_content .= '<option>'.$player->getName().'</option>'; } } else { $main_content .= '</select><b style="color: red;" class="error">You don\'t have any character on your account.</b>'; } $main_content .=' </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Account Name:</b></td> <td><input type="hidden" value="' . $account_logged->getName() . '" name="account_namev" />' . $account_logged->getCustomField("name") . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Email:</b></td> <td><input type="hidden" value="' . $account_logged->getCustomField("email") . '" name="emailv" />' . $account_logged->getCustomField("email") . '</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <br /> <div class="TableContainer"> <div class="CaptionContainer"> <div class="CaptionInnerContainer"> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <div class="Text">Points to buy</div> <span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> </div> </div> <table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="InnerTableContainer"> <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table> <td width="10%"><b>Points:</b></td> <td> <select name="item_valor_1"> <option value="1000">10</option> <option value="2000">20</option> <option value="3000">30</option> <option value="5000">50</option> <option value="10000">100</option> <option value="15000">150</option> <option value="20000">200</option> <option value="25000">250</option> <option value="50000">500</option> </select> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <small>Todos os pagamentos feito com forma de pagamento pagseguro são totalmente automatizados. São entregues os pontos assim que o pagseguro confirma a transferencia. <br /> <b style="color: red;">Nenhum membro da equipe tem a autorização e permissão para ter acesso ao painel de pontos do servidor. Todos os mesmos são adicionados por nossos sistemas inteligentes.</b></small> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <br /> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr align="center"> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border: 0px none;"> <div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);"> <div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div> <input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image"> </div> </div> </form> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </table> '; } if($buy_tipo == 3) { $main_content .=' <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="5" WIDTH="100%"> <tr BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"> <td CLASS=white><B>Caixa Econômica</B></td> </tr> <tr BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'> <td><pre>' . $config['site']['CaixaCont'] . '</pre></td> </tr> </TABLE> <br /> <center> <a href="javascript:void();" onclick=location.href="index.php?subtopic=latestnews"> <div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);"> <div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div> <input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image"> </div> </div> </a> </center>'; } if($buy_tipo == 2) { $main_content .=' <b>PayPal Shop System</b><br /><br /> The shop costs: <ul><li> 5 BRL (for 7 points)</li> <li> 10 BRL (for 15 points)</li><li> 20 BRL (for 32 points)</li></ul> <br /> <b>Here are the steps you need to make:</b> <br /> 1. A PayPal account with a required balance [5, 10 or 20 BRL] or a creditcard. <br /> 2. Fill in your account number. <br /> 3. Click on the Buy Now button or your creditcard brand. <br /> 4. Make a transaction. <br /> 5. After the transaction 6, 14 or 31 points will be automatically added to your account. <br /> 6. Go to Item shop and use your points <br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="color:red">If you recall the money, and your premium points can\'t be recalled your account will be deleted.</span> <br /> <br /> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="5" WIDTH="100%"> <tr BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"> <td CLASS="white"><b>Paypal</b></td> </tr> <tr BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'> <td><form action="" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="'.$config['paypal']['email'].'"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Premium points"> <b>Account name/login:</b> <input type="text" name="custom" value="'.$account_logged->getCustomField("name").'" style="padding: 5px;" autocomplete="off" readonly="readonly"> <select name="amount"> <option value="5.00">5 BRL</option> <option value="10.00">10 BRL</option> <option value="20.00">20 BRL</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="button_subtype" value="products"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="BRL"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="BRL"> <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="'.$config['server']['url'].'/ipn.php"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="'.$config['server']['url'].'"> <input type="hidden" name="rm" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF:btn_buynowCC_LG.gif:NonHostedGuest"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" style="padding: 5px;" /> </form></td> </tr> </TABLE> ';} } } if ($action == "confirmacao"){ $main_content .=' <div id="ProgressBar"> <div id="Headline">Confirmação</div> <div id="MainContainer"> <div id="BackgroundContainer"> <img id="BackgroundContainerLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-left-end.gif"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenter"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenterImage" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-center.gif);"></div> </div> <img id="BackgroundContainerRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-right-end.gif"> </div> <img id="TubeLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-left-green.gif"> <img id="TubeRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-right-blue.gif"> <div id="FirstStep" class="Steps"> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-0-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Regras da Doação</div> </div> </div> <div id="StepsContainer1"> <div id="StepsContainer2"> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-1-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Metodo de Pagamento</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-2-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Informações do Pedido</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-3-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: bold;">Confirmação</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green-blue.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-4-blue.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Pedido Realizado</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Após confirmar esta etapa, você automaticamente aceitará os <a href="index.php?subtopic=termsdonate" target="_blank">Termos de Compra</a> do servidor <b>'.$config ['server']['serverName'].'</b>. <u>Leia e esteja de acordo com os termos.</u><br /><br /> <form target="pagseguro" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="email_cobranca" value="' . $config['pagseguro']['email']. '"> <input type="hidden" name="tipo" value="CP"> <input type="hidden" name="moeda" value="BRL"> <input type="hidden" name="item_id_1" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="item_descr_1" value="' . $config['pagseguro']['produtoNome'] . '"> <input type="hidden" name="item_frete_1" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="item_quant_1" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="item_peso_1" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="ref_transacao" value="' . $account_logged->getCustomField("name").'-sv"> <input type="hidden" name="item_valor_1" value="'.$_POST['item_valor_1'].'">'; $pagseguro_query = $SQL->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pagsegurotransacoes` WHERE Referencia = '".$account_logged->getCustomField("name")."' AND StatusTransacao = 'Cancelado' LIMIT 1;")->fetch(); if ($pagseguro_query[0] >= 3){ $main_content .=' <div class="TableContainer"> <div class="CaptionContainer"> <div class="CaptionInnerContainer"> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <div class="Text">Alert Message</div> <span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> </div> </div> <table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="InnerTableContainer"> <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <font style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">Aviso!</font><br /> Você já possui <b>'.$pagseguro_query[0].'</b> fraude(s) de pagamento.<br />Caso tenha <b>4</b> ou mais será bloqueada sua account para efetuar pagamentos.<br /><br /> <small><i>Para maiores informações, entre em contato com o administrador.</i></small> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div><br /> ';} $main_content .=' <div class="TableContainer"> <div class="CaptionContainer"> <div class="CaptionInnerContainer"> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <div class="Text">Points to buy</div> <span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> </div> </div> <table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="InnerTableContainer"> <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="20%"><strong>Character Name:</strong></td> <td>'.$_POST['character_namev'].'</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Account Name:</strong></td> <td>'.$_POST['account_namev'].'</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Email:</strong></td> <td>'.$_POST['emailv'].'</td> </tr> <tr> <!--td><strong>Quant. Points:</strong></td> <td>'; $main_content .= $_POST['item_valor_1'] * 2; $main_content .='</td> </tr-->'; if ($bonusPoints >= 2){ $main_content .=' <tr> <td><strong>Bônus Points:</strong></td> <td>'; $main_content .= '<b>x '.$bonusPoints.'</b>'; $main_content .='</td> </tr>';} $main_content .=' </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <br /> <center> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr align="center"> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td style="border: 0px none;"> <a href="javascript:void();"> <div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);"> <div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div> <input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image"> </div> </div> </a> </form> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center> ';} if ($action == "realizado"){ $main_content .=' <div id="ProgressBar"> <div id="Headline">Pedido Realizado</div> <div id="MainContainer"> <div id="BackgroundContainer"> <img id="BackgroundContainerLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-left-end.gif"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenter"> <div id="BackgroundContainerCenterImage" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-center.gif);"></div> </div> <img id="BackgroundContainerRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/stonebar-right-end.gif"> </div> <img id="TubeLeftEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-left-green.gif"> <img id="TubeRightEnd" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-right-green.gif"> <div id="FirstStep" class="Steps"> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-0-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Regras da Doação</div> </div> </div> <div id="StepsContainer1"> <div id="StepsContainer2"> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-1-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Metodo de Pagamento</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-2-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Informações do Pedido</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-3-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: normal;">Confirmação</div> </div> </div> <div class="Steps" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="TubeContainer"> <img class="Tube" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-tube-green.gif"> </div> <div class="SingleStepContainer"> <img class="StepIcon" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/vips/progress-bar-icon-4-green.gif"> <div class="StepText" style="font-weight: bold;">Pedido Realizado</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="TableContainer"> <div class="CaptionContainer"> <div class="CaptionInnerContainer"> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <div class="Text">Pedido Realizado</div> <span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> <span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span> </div> </div> <table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="InnerTableContainer"> <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="8%" valign="top"><img src="images/account/account-status_green.gif" width="52" height="52" /></td> <td width="86%" align="left"><div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;">Pedido realizado com sucesso!</div><br />Recebemos seu pagamento com sucesso, dentro de 5 minutos seus pontos serão creditados. Agradecemos por sua colaboração!<br /><small>Att, Yours Community</small></td> </tr> </table> <br /><br /> <b style="color: red">Não tente nenhum tipo de fraude, pois sua conta será penalizada!</b> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <br /> <center> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border: 0px none;"> <div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);"> <div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div> <form action="index.php?subtopic=history" method="post"> <input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_submit.gif" type="image"> </form> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center>'; } ?> estes sistemas , nao forao adicionados ? Editado Dezembro 4, 2013 por kinglekke Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
VictorWEBMaster 369 Postado Dezembro 5, 2013 Autor Share Postado Dezembro 5, 2013 Não, devido a falta de paciencia dos usuarios prorroguei o update porem nao inclui nenhum item citado no topico, sendo assim ficará para o proximo update ainda não datado. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
kleitonalan321 6 Postado Dezembro 5, 2013 Share Postado Dezembro 5, 2013 vai se compativel com tfs 1.0? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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