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/invasao Command


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Opa fala xtibia !!


vinho trazer o /invasao comando e simples o god fala /invasao e nasci os bixos que ele escolher !! ate agr sao 3 monstros pra qerer por mas se qerer add novos pessa no topico que edito pra vcs !!


entao vamos !


primeiro va em data / talkactions / scripts / e renome qualqer arquivo.lua para invasao


e add isso tudo la dentro


function onSay(cid, words, param)


position = {x= 179, y= 59, z= 7} --A Position que todos os monsters iram nascer


local name = "Demon" --Monster que vai apareçer quando o god usar o comando

local name1 = "Ferumbras" --Monster que vai apareçer quando o god usar o comando

local name2 = "Morgaroth" --Monster que vai apareçer quando o god usar o comando


doSummonCreature(name, position)

doSummonCreature(name1, position)

doSummonCreature(name2, position)


return TRUE



e dps em talkactions.xml add essa tag la


<talkaction log="yes" words="/invasao" access="5" event="script" value="invasao.lua"/>


e salve e dps de "/reload talkactions" no seu ot Ou "Reinicie"


entao so isso !!


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Muito bom esse script como sempre vc evoluindo porem paraçe ser mt facil esse script ai que vc crio !

entao REP + breve botarei no meu subwat kamikaze

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eles vão nascer todos na mesma posição o que faz com que possa bugar o comando se botar mts bixos para nascer, o que torna quase inutil o comando quando se tem raids no servidor.

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I like much more /raid command, that is on TFS distribution...


Sorry for write in English, I dont know portuguese....


For the ones that dont have /raid command, here it is....

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
if(param == '') then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.")
return true

if(not executeRaid(param)) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Could not execute raid. (Raid does not exist or other raid is already running)")
return true

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Raid started.")
return true


You only need to say /raid name

name is the name of the raid in raids/raids.xml file.....


Kind regards...



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I like much more /raid command, that is on TFS distribution...


Sorry for write in English, I dont know portuguese....


For the ones that dont have /raid command, here it is....

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
if(param == '') then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.")
return true

if(not executeRaid(param)) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Could not execute raid. (Raid does not exist or other raid is already running)")
return true

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Raid started.")
return true


You only need to say /raid name

name is the name of the raid in raids/raids.xml file.....


Kind regards...




kra fala direito nao entendo nada dessas linguas ai ¬¬

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I like much more /raid command, that is on TFS distribution...


Sorry for write in English, I dont know portuguese....


For the ones that dont have /raid command, here it is....

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
if(param == '') then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.")
return true

if(not executeRaid(param)) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Could not execute raid. (Raid does not exist or other raid is already running)")
return true

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Raid started.")
return true


You only need to say /raid name

name is the name of the raid in raids/raids.xml file.....


Kind regards...




kra fala direito nao entendo nada dessas linguas ai ¬¬

Isso é repugnante, ele falou direito do jeito que ele aprendeu c#ralho. Aliás, você fala mais errado que ele.

Mas de boa, ignorância é f#da mesmo.





function onSay(cid, words, param)

local table = {
["Rat"] =  {x=24,y=31,z=14},
["Demon"] =  {x=14,y=49,z=97},
["Morgaroth"] = {x=13,y=49,z=94}

for x, y in pairs (table) do
doSummonCreature(x, y)
return TRUE



porra dei rep+ pra tu '-'

era pro gringo, vi o quote e mosquei


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@up: Sorry, but as I said before, I dont understand portuguese.....


Your script is better than the first one....

Maybe you can improve it to summon random number of monsters in a random area, fromPos, toPos..... xD

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@up: Sorry, but as I said before, I dont understand portuguese.....


Your script is better than the first one....

Maybe you can improve it to summon random number of monsters in a random area, fromPos, toPos..... xD

I said he is ignorant (Smartbox) because he said that you should speak right. There's no right language to speak, he was dumb saying that. And he doesn't even know how to speak portuguese right...

And I gave him rep+ but it was for you icon_mustache.gif .


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@up: Sorry, but as I said before, I dont understand portuguese.....


Your script is better than the first one....

Maybe you can improve it to summon random number of monsters in a random area, fromPos, toPos..... xD

I said he is ignorant (Smartbox) because he said that you should speak right. There's no right language to speak, he was dumb saying that. And he doesn't even know how to speak portuguese right...

And I gave him rep+ but it was for you icon_mustache.gif .



velho se for pra ficar conversando com gringo ai chileno fale por pvt que os 2 se amam faza isso por mim '-'

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@up: Sorry, but as I said before, I dont understand portuguese.....


Your script is better than the first one....

Maybe you can improve it to summon random number of monsters in a random area, fromPos, toPos..... xD

I said he is ignorant (Smartbox) because he said that you should speak right. There's no right language to speak, he was dumb saying that. And he doesn't even know how to speak portuguese right...

And I gave him rep+ but it was for you icon_mustache.gif .



velho se for pra ficar conversando com gringo ai chileno fale por pvt que os 2 se amam faza isso por mim '-'


E em português pode ?

Cara, quantos anos você tem ? Chileno ?

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