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[Pokemon] Pda By Slicer 1.9/2.9


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Voce ou alguem pode configurar pra mim ?


Nao estou conseguindo ( Sou pessimo com scripts. )



function onLook(cid, thing, position, lookDistance)


local str = ""


if not isCreature(thing.uid) then


local iname = getItemInfo(thing.itemid)


if isPokeball(thing.itemid) then


local unique = getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "unique") --alterado v1.6


local pokename = getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "poke")

local item = getItemInfo(thing.itemid)

str = "You see "..item.article.." ""." --alterado v1.6

if unique and unique == getCreatureName(cid) then

str = str.." It's an unique item." --alterado v1.6


str = str.."\nIt contains "..getArticle(pokename).." "..pokename..".\n" --alterado v1.6


--alterado v1.6


local boost = getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "boost") or 0

local boostshow = ""


if boost > 0 then

str = str.."Boost level: +"..boost..".\n"



if getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "nick") then

str = str.."It's nickname is: "..getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "nick")..".\n"



if getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "gender") == SEX_MALE then

str = str.."It is male."

elseif getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "gender") == SEX_FEMALE then

str = str.."It is female."


str = str.."It is genderless."



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)


return false


elseif string.find(, "fainted") or string.find(, "defeated") then


str = "You see a "..string.lower(".\n"


if getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "gender") == SEX_MALE then

str = str.."It is male."

elseif getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "gender") == SEX_FEMALE then

str = str.."It is female."


str = str.."It is genderless."


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)


return false




return true





local NPCBattle = {

["Brock"] = {artig = "He is", cidbat = "Pewter"},

["Misty"] = {artig = "She is", cidbat = "Cerulean"},


--edited npc name

NPCname = {"Brock", "Misty"}


local npcname = getCreatureName(thing.uid)

if not isPlayer(thing.uid) and not isMonster(thing.uid) and isInArray(NPCname, npcname) then

str = "You see "..npcname..". "..NPCBattle[npcname].artig.." a pokemon trainer from "..NPCBattle[npcname].cidbat.."."

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)

return false



if not isPlayer(thing.uid) and not isMonster(thing.uid) then

str = "You see "..getCreatureName(thing.uid).."."

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)

return false



look = {

[1] = {"a Volcanic Spark", "a Volcanic Flame","a Volcanic Firetamer","a Volcanic Pyromancer","a Volcanic Master"},

[2] = {"a Seavell Drop", "a Seavell Icelake","a Seavell Waterfall","a Seavell Frost","a Seavell Master"},

[3] = {"an Orebound Sand", "an Orebound Rock","an Orebound Solid","an Orebound Hardskin","an Orebound Hero"},

[4] = {"a Wingeon Cloud", "a Wingeon Wind","a Wingeon Sky","a Wingeon Falcon","a Wingeon Dragon"},

[5] = {"a Malefic Troublemaker", "a Malefic Venomancer","a Malefic Spectre","a Malefic Nightwalker","a Malefic Master"},

[6] = {"a Gardestrike Fist", "a Gardestrike Tamer","a Gardestrike Fighter","a Gardestrike DeathHand","a Gardestrike Champion"},

[7] = {"a Psycraft Mind", "a Psycraft Brain","a Psycraft Scholar","a Psycraft Telepath","a Psycraft Medium"},

[8] = {"a Naturia Seed", "a Naturia Sprout","a Naturia Webhead","a Naturia Woodtrunk","a Naturia Keeper"},

[9] = {"a Raibolt Shock", "a Raibolt Watt","a Raibolt Electrician","a Raibolt Overcharged","a Raibolt Legend"},



youAre = {

[3] = "a Senior Tutor",

[4] = "a Game Master",

[5] = "a Sub",

[6] = "a GOD"



if thing.uid == cid then


if getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 86228) <= 0 then

if getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid) >= 3 and getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid) <= 6 then

pos = getCreaturePosition(thing.uid)

ocupacao = youAre[getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid)]

str = "Você se vê. Você é um "..ocupacao..".\n"

str = str.."Pos: {x = "..pos.x..", y = "..pos.y..", z = "..pos.z.."}."


str = "Você se vê. Você é um Treinador Pokemon." 'isRocket(cid)' 'isOfficer(cid)'"




vocation = getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 86228)

rank = getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 862281)

promote = look[vocation][rank]

if getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid) >= 3 and getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid) <= 6 then

pos = getCreaturePosition(cid)

ocupacao = youAre[getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid)]

str = "Você se vê. Você é um "..ocupacao.." and "..promote..".\n"

str = str.."Pos: {x = "..pos.x..", y = "..pos.y..", z = "..pos.z.."}."


str = "Você se vê. Você é um "..promote.."."



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)


return false


--edited clan system



if isPlayer(thing.uid) and thing.uid ~= cid then


vocation2 = getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 86228)

rank2 = getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 862281)


if getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 86228) <= 0 then

promote2 = "a Pokemon Trainer"


promote2 = look[vocation2][rank2]



if getPlayerSex(thing.uid) == 1 then

artic = "He is"

elseif getPlayerSex(thing.uid) == 0 then

artic = "She is"



if getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid) >= 3 and getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid) <= 6 then

pos = getCreaturePosition(thing.uid)

ocupacao = youAre[getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid)]

str = "You see "..getCreatureName(thing.uid)..". "..artic.." "..ocupacao.." and "..promote2..".\n"

str = str.."Pos: {x = "..pos.x..", y = "..pos.y..", z = "..pos.z.."}."


str = "You see "..getCreatureName(thing.uid)..". "..artic.." "..promote2.."."


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)


return false



if getCreatureName(thing.uid) == "Evolution" then return false end


if not isSummon(thing.uid) then

local str = "You see a wild "..string.lower(getCreatureName(thing.uid))..".\n"

str = str.."Hit Points: "..getCreatureHealth(thing.uid).." / "..getCreatureMaxHealth(thing.uid)..".\n"

if getPokemonGender(thing.uid) == SEX_MALE then

str = str.."It is male."

elseif getPokemonGender(thing.uid) == SEX_FEMALE then

str = str.."It is female."


str = str.."It is genderless."


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)

return false

elseif isSummon(thing.uid) and not isPlayer(thing.uid) then


local boostlevel = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(thing.uid), 8).uid, "boost") or 0


if getCreatureMaster(thing.uid) == cid then

local myball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid


local string = "You see your "..string.lower(getCreatureName(thing.uid)).."."

if boostlevel > 0 then

string = string.."\nBoost level: +"..boostlevel.."."


string = string.."\nHit points: "..getCreatureHealth(thing.uid).."/"..getCreatureMaxHealth(thing.uid).."."

string = string.."\n"..getPokemonHappinessDescription(thing.uid)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, string)


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You see a "..string.lower(getCreatureName(thing.uid))..".\nIt belongs to "..getCreatureName(getCreatureMaster(thing.uid))..".")




return false



return true





Alguem sabe remover a barra de pokemons ?


Ex: Tirar so a barra de pokes ou desativar. E deixar os a de Moves.

Editado por XistoGabriel
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Ty for helping...


I have a Problem... here is an image:




I edit items to agroup stones... but now the boost machine doesnt detect all stones... only one.... what can i do??


PD: im creating a Map for this server... its going fine

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Ty for helping...


I have a Problem... here is an image:




I edit items to agroup stones... but now the boost machine doesnt detect all stones... only one.... what can i do??


PD: im creating a Map for this server... its going fine




HUAuhaha. Mas um com o problema das stone alocadas. Tem que arrumar o script da boost machine para ler stones alocadas.


Mais um bug @Slice. Quando tem alguem assistindo você na tv...Você não pode dar Fly nem hide. (isso com a atualização de hoje).

Editado por pedrowarlock
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tipo euu seii que no seuu tem shiny aleatorioo mais nao aparece nenhumm shiny :S no meuu mapa. agora eu n sei se eh por causa do mapa ou se eu tenho que alterar alguma coisa pra eles aparecerem mais facilmente :S

Editado por AncientFury
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HUAuhaha. Mas um com o problema das stone alocadas. Tem que arrumar o script da boost machine para ler stones alocadas.


Mais um bug @Slice. Quando tem alguem assistindo você na tv...Você não pode dar Fly nem hide. (isso com a atualização de hoje).


Know where i can find these system??

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baixa a versao full 1.6/2.6, client 1.6/2.6, atualizaçao 1.6.1/2.6.1... ^^



mano o script base tem 0.1% chance de transformar em shiny...

para mudar va em creaturescripts/scripts/spawn.lua...


if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then

transform = math.random(1, 1000) --0.1% chance

elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then

transform = math.random(1, 1000) --0.1% chance


no caso ali em math.random...


math.random(1, 100) = 1% chance
math.random(1, 10) = 10% chance

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entao 10% é o maximo??



Eu fiz isso ae que voce colocou de exemplo aii fikou assim








@Edit²: aee conseguii mais tipo qual eu uso pra aparecer shiny o mais facil possivel?

Editado por AncientFury
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math.random(1, 10) ja tem 10% chance... ;x isso eh MUITO, posso te garantir.. ;x pq pensa.. todo poke q nascer no resp vai ter 10% chance de virar shiny... ;x

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