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[Npc] Rebornfor Wodbo 8.54


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Bem venho aqui trazer para vocês um NPC de Reborn para quem está criando um servidor de WoDBO na versão 8.54, pode ser usado em qualquer OTserver também, bem aqui vai...




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<npc name="Reborn" script="data/npc/scripts/Reborn.lua" walkinterval="0" floorchange="0">
<health now="100" max="100"/>
<look type="143" head="78" body="82" legs="120" feet="94" addons="1"/>


Reborn.lua, muito facil configurar, já tem uma tabelinha ai encinando como, até


local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}
function onCreatureAppear(cid)	 npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid)	 end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)    npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid)    end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)   npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)   end
function onThink()	    npcHandler:onThink()	    end
local config = {
--[Vocation] = ( Nova Vocation, New Outfit )
[21] = { 22, 137},
[254] = { 255, 351},
[36] = { 37, 148},
[51] = { 52, 144},
[65] = { 66, 152},
[378] = { 379, 451},
[80] = { 81, 150},
[93] = { 94, 150},
[107] = { 108, 509},
[118] = { 119, 118},
[131] = { 132, 34},
[144] = { 145, 15},
[155] = { 156, 15},
[167] = { 168, 173},
[179] = { 180, 178},
[191] = { 192, 184},
[205] = { 206, 190},
[217] = { 218, 221},
[229] = { 230, 281},
[242] = { 243, 60},
[254] = { 255, 351},
[265] = { 266, 334},
[275] = { 276, 80},
[286] = { 287, 338},
[296] = { 297, 198},

function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
 return false


if msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30025) == 4 then
 selfSay('You are reborn.', cid)
 focus = 0
 talk_start = 0

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and getPlayerLevel(cid) < 250 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30025) ~= 4 then
 selfSay('Hehe, I say If you READY. You do not have 250 level.', cid)

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') then
 selfSay('Are you sure? {yes}', cid)
 talkState[talkUser] = 2

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] ==2 and getPlayerLevel(cid) == 250 then
 local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)]
 doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[1])
 local outfit = {lookType = voc[2]}
 doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit)
 doPlayerAddExp(cid, -(getPlayerExperience(cid)-getExperienceForLevel(1)))
 setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)+20000)
 setCreatureMaxMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid)+30000)
 doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid))
 doCreatureAddMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid))
 talkState[talkUser] = 0

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and getPlayerLevel(cid) ~= 250 then
 selfSay('Desculpe, ' .. getCreatureName(cid) .. '! You need level 250 to reborn.', cid)
 talkState[talkUser] = 0

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 2 then
 selfSay('Sorry, ' .. getCreatureName(cid) .. '! You must revert or transform to reborn.', cid)
 talkState[talkUser] = 0

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
 selfSay('Good bye.', cid)
 focus = 0
 talk_start = 0

return true
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)



Rodrigo Ritter ( Criador )

Beeki ( Trazer ao XTibia )

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Hm... é achei um pouco perda de tempo... o script de transform da para fazer em lua também, bem mais Fácil, para fazer seu wodbo 8.54 unica coisa que você teria que mecher nas source era pra adicionar os novos efeitos e + alguns customs e só!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

ei mozark tenta assim

aonde ta





elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and getPlayerLevel(cid) < 250 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30025) ~= 4 then

selfSay('Hehe, I say If you READY. You do not have 250 level.', cid)



tenta troca o < 250 por > 250

n sei se vai funcionar

e axo q vai ser so para maiores de 250 n tenho certeza pq < é menor e > e maior

Editado por PostadorHunter
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Vo tenta ja edito ake,Obrigado.


@Edit:Puts nao funfo mano,Se puder ajudar ainda eu agradeço.


Parei meu wodbo 8.54 por causa desse npc.


Meu npc esta assim:

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()

local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)


local talkState = {}

function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end

function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end

function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end

local config = {

--[Vocation] = ( Nova Vocation, New Outfit )

[6] = { 7, 137},



function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)

if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then

return false





if msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30025) == 4 then

selfSay('You are reborn.', cid)

focus = 0

talk_start = 0


elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and getPlayerLevel(cid) > 250 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30025) ~= 4 then

selfSay('Hehe, I say If you READY. You do not have 250 level.', cid)


elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') then

selfSay('Are you sure? {yes}', cid)

talkState[talkUser] = 2


elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] ==2 and getPlayerLevel(cid) == 250 then

local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)]

doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[1])

local outfit = {lookType = voc[2]}

doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit)

doPlayerAddExp(cid, -(getPlayerExperience(cid)-getExperienceForLevel(1)))

setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)+20000)

setCreatureMaxMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid)+30000)

doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid))

doCreatureAddMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid))


talkState[talkUser] = 0


elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and getPlayerLevel(cid) == 250 then

selfSay('Desculpe, ' .. getCreatureName(cid) .. '! You need level 250 to reborn.', cid)

talkState[talkUser] = 0


elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 2 then

selfSay('Sorry, ' .. getCreatureName(cid) .. '! You must revert or transform to reborn.', cid)

talkState[talkUser] = 0


elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) > 4 then

selfSay('Good bye.', cid)

focus = 0

talk_start = 0



return true


npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)


Editado por Mozark001
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vo ver aqui ja edito



meu erro aki desculpe eu n tinha lido tudo


aki e o lvl q e quando n pode rebornar



elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and getPlayerLevel(cid) > 250 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30025) ~= 4 then

selfSay('Hehe, I say If you READY. You do not have 250 level.', cid)

i botei > era < mesmo


o lvl de q pode rebornar axo q e aki


if msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30025) == 4 then

selfSay('You are reborn.', cid)

dps vejo tenhoq sai

Editado por PostadorHunter
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