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@PauloMuller deu esse erro


[24/01/2012 19:09:04] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[24/01/2012 19:09:04] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:onLogin

[24/01/2012 19:09:04] Description:

[24/01/2012 19:09:04] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:200: attempt to call global 'getPlayerstorage' (a nil value)

[24/01/2012 19:09:04] stack traceback:

[24/01/2012 19:09:04] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:200: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:123


e os chars nao loga coloquei pra começa com uma box1, se puder ja manda o script so pra me por aqui agradeço e do rep +

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eu tenho em npc/script/paint.lua


local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()

local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)


local talkState = {}

function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end

function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end

function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_GREET, greetCallback)

npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, 'Welcome to my painting shop |PLAYERNAME|!')

function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)

if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then

return false


local pokesalive = {}

if(msgcontains(msg, 'paint')) then

selfSay('Do you want to paint your pokemon\'s ball?', cid)

talkState = 1

elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState == 1) then

selfSay('Nice, you can choose: Pokeball, Greatball, Superball and Ultraball.', cid)

talkState = 2

elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'no') and talkState == 1) then

selfSay('So, whenever you want it, just came here and ask for!', cid)

talkState = 0


elseif((msgcontains(msg, 'pokeball') or msgcontains(msg, 'poke ball') or msgcontains(msg, 'Pokeball') or msgcontains(msg, 'Poke ball')) and talkState == 2) then

if isInArray(pokesalive, getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid) then

selfSay('Do you really want to paint your ball like a Pokeball? It will cost you 50 dollars!', cid)

talkState = 3


selfSay('You must put the ball closed at the ball slot first.', cid)

talkState = 0


elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState == 3) then

if isInArray(pokesalive, getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid) then

if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid,5000) == true then

selfSay('Nice choose, from now one, it will look like a Pokeball! There are anything else that I can help you with?', cid)

doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, )

talkState = 0


selfSay('Sorry '.. getCreatureName(cid) ..', but you don\'t have enough money.', cid)

talkState = 0



selfSay('Please keep your ball closed at the ball slot.', cid)

talkState = 0


elseif((msgcontains(msg, 'greatball') or msgcontains(msg, 'great ball') or msgcontains(msg, 'Greatball') or msgcontains(msg, 'Great ball')) and talkState == 2) then

if isInArray(pokesalive, getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid) then

selfSay('Do you really want to paint your ball like a Greatball? It will cost you 50 dollars!', cid)

talkState = 4


selfSay('You must put the ball closed at the balls slot first.', cid)

talkState = 0


elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState == 4) then

if isInArray(pokesalive, getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid) then

if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid,5000) == true then

selfSay('Nice choose, from now one, it will look like a Greatball! There are anything else that I can help you with?', cid)

doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, )

talkState = 0


selfSay('Sorry '.. getCreatureName(cid) ..', but you don\'t have enough money.', cid)

talkState = 0



selfSay('Please keep your ball closed at the ball slot.', cid)

talkState = 0


elseif((msgcontains(msg, 'superball') or msgcontains(msg, 'super ball') or msgcontains(msg, 'Superball') or msgcontains(msg, 'Super ball')) and talkState == 2) then

if isInArray(pokesalive, getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid) then

selfSay('Do you really want to paint your ball like a Superball? It will cost you 50 dollars!', cid)

talkState = 5


selfSay('You must put the ball closed at the ball slot first.', cid)

talkState = 0


elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState == 5) then

if isInArray(pokesalive, getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid) then

if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid,5000) == true then

selfSay('Nice choose, from now one, it will look like a Superball! There are anything else that I can help you with?', cid)

doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, )

talkState = 0


selfSay('Sorry '.. getCreatureName(cid) ..', but you don\'t have enough money.', cid)

talkState = 0



selfSay('Please keep your ball closed at the ball slot.', cid)

talkState = 0


elseif((msgcontains(msg, 'ultraball') or msgcontains(msg, 'ultra ball') or msgcontains(msg, 'Ultraball') or msgcontains(msg, 'Ultra ball')) and talkState == 2) then

if isInArray(pokesalive, getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid) then

selfSay('Do you really want to paint your ball like a Ultraball? It will cost you 50 dollars!', cid)

talkState = 6


selfSay('You must put the ball closed at the ball slot first.', cid)

talkState = 0


elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState == 6) then

if isInArray(pokesalive, getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid) then

if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid,5000) == true then

selfSay('Nice choose, from now one, it will look like a Ultraball! There are anything else that I can help you with?', cid)

doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, )

talkState = 0


selfSay('Sorry '.. getCreatureName(cid) ..', but you don\'t have enough money.', cid)

talkState = 0



selfSay('Please keep your ball closed at the ball slot.', cid)

talkState = 0



return true


npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)


Cara você não configurou nada. Tem que configurar.

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alguen me ajuda tenho 1 problema n meu monsters tenho os salvajes e pokes do players entao n salvaje e asim ej: charizard_s qnd eu vo n RME e tento da import com ele n posso n sei oq fazer ajuda plx do rep+ xD

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No meu não existe o monster\pokes\Selvagens


Basta importar pro remeres os que estao na pasta mosnter pro remeres e ja era...eles agem como selvagem e qnd da catch como poke de player ^^

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cara arruma la getplayerStorage

e coloca assim




coloque " Value " no final


if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30001) <= 0 then

doPlayerAddItem(cid, id, 1)



de preferencia apos a linha


function onlogin{}
Editado por PauloMuller
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No meu não existe o monster\pokes\Selvagens


Basta importar pro remeres os que estao na pasta mosnter pro remeres e ja era...eles agem como selvagem e qnd da catch como poke de player ^^



alguen me ajuda tenho 1 problema n meu monsters tenho os salvajes e pokes do players entao n salvaje e asim ej: charizard_s qnd eu vo n RME e tento da import com ele n posso n sei oq fazer ajuda plx do rep+ xD

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Mais eu falo o que no meu não tem orginazçao ... eu quero x ejeplo Charizard_S , Venusaur_S ;S

Você não pode fazer vc mudar um nome de charizad pra charizard_s vc vai buga todo o sv...basicamente vc vai ter q reeditar tudo...boost, level move,evu,e outros par de arkivo .-.

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