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[Modern Aac]- Web Site Poketibia 2.0


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Cara ta dando um erro aqui qndo eu tento ligar pelo appserv vo copiar o erro que da aqui.

Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found in C:\AppServ\www\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS.php on line 1694

ai quando eu arrumo aparece outros erros tipo esses

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in C:\AppServ\www\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS.php on line 1687

e tem mais ainda

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF, expecting T_FUNCTION in C:\AppServ\www\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS.php on line 1686
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in C:\AppServ\www\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS.php on line 307

Alguns eu consigo resolver mais tem uns que n consigo

Tipo Esses\/

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in C:\AppServ\www\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS.php on line 308
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE in C:\AppServ\www\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS.php on line 303
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE in C:\AppServ\www\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS.php on line 303

Muitos ja consegui mais quem me ajudar dou REP+++ esse é meu primeiro post quem souber responda por PM

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o meu quando eu entro da isso aqui:


Ultimas Noticias


Ir para o arquivo de mensagens


An Error Was Encountered


Your server runs verion of PHP older than 5.3.0. Please update in order to use this system. Err code: 140704042010

ajuda pelo amor de Deus ;s

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não sei que tipo de erro e esse logo que não testei o site com o programa

appserv so testei com xampp e UniServer rodarão perfeitamente sem erro

não tenhe como te ajudar tenta roda o site com xampp




como expliquei em mensagem anterior esse tipo de erro


Your server runs verion of PHP older than 5.3.0. Please update in order to use this system. Err code: 140704042010


porque o o programa que você ta usando não e conpativel php do site se ta usando o xampp tenta usa ver~sao mais nova do xampp que

esse tipo de erro vai parar




aconselho procurar aqui mesmo no forum como colocar site online porque fica dificil você não sabe nem criar banco de dados

olha esse topico tenho certeza que vai te ajudar muito

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alguem pode arranja uma db que pegue? todas que eu tentei dao um erro semelhante a esse




consulta SQL:

MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PEL&G!8 T `fp `t`<bUPX0 UPX1 @UPX2`@3.02UPX! Y9w&UWVS}|$]M\$$'lLG1t[tE `9rt[ߵ)st&6\1҉5$þ'LuuF1_=ye[^_]^|UlDž0,| v$Ivx'I ?1C=?pBpo*#CUӰ`tETYL‰y<ɃmAi^LTvKÿ~]m;-\(nox ]?&_Uw T_ÿ]ݾ+]uux‰mW>2fvw1K~TI/?w?* Њf췐jwdoY4<?Nwu[...]

Mensagens do MySQL : b_help.png

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'MZ?' at line 1

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pra tira a parte

WebsitePokeTibia1.0 Desenvolvido por IDE Engine edição Nibelins

vai na pasta template entra na pasta websitepoketibia1.0 vai no arquivo index.php

e procura essa linha e modifica pra editar ultimas noticias você precisa ter acesso de administrador do site

coo ja expliquei em pagina anterior como se faz isso e so você da uma olhada como muda o acesso

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eu ja coloquei no config.lua sha1 mais ainda a senha do player fica toda maluca e nao da para logar no server nao sei o que fazer

edit consegui aki

ei como fasso para colocar os seguintes pokemons para serem escolhidos no site











tem como vc edita isso pra mim e coloca para começar com pokes inicias na hora de fazer o char? seu site nao ta funfando no meu xamp






# Congratulations on finding configuration file. #

# This is very simililar to config.lua as it #

# follows same basic principles. Text in between #

# /* */ or starting with # is ignored. Text #

# values must be 'qouted'. Logical values are #

# true/false. All statements end with ; #



# Set data directory of your OT server

$cfg['dirdata'] = 'C:\pastaot/data';


$cfg['house_file'] = 'C:\pastaot/data/world/MAP-house.xml';


# MySQL server settings

$cfg['SQL_Server'] = 'localhost';

$cfg['SQL_User'] = 'root';

$cfg['SQL_Password'] = 'SENHA';

$cfg['SQL_Database'] = 'DATABASE';


# Must correspond to your OTServ configuration

# Options: plain, md5, sha1

$cfg['password_type'] = 'plain';


# Not currently supported by OTServ, leave empty

$cfg['password_salt'] = '';



* Look skins/ to find out which skins you have

* Available skins:

* default - First skin ever created, white

* swamp - Green skin with swamp theme

* swamp-mini - Same as swamp.css, but with compact menu

* dark - Dark version of default.css

* conquest - Customized skin, renaissance theme

* essense - Clean skin with green/blue motives

* inferno - Darker skin with menu on the right

* silica - Green skin, technology theme

* Need more? Look and



$cfg['skin'] = 'dark';


# In case you want to upload skins somewhere else

$cfg['skin_url'] = 'skins/';



* Captcha is used to prevent automated software from

* flooding server with accounts

* GD2 PHP extension is required


$cfg['use_captcha'] = true;


# Secure session will disable 'remember me' box

$cfg['secure_session'] = false;


# Seconds until session expires

$cfg['timeout_session'] = 15*60;


# Maximum number of characters on account

$cfg['maxchars'] = 10;


# Players per highscore page

$cfg['ranks_per_page'] = 50;


# This access and above will not be in highscores

$cfg['ranks_access'] = 2;


# Home page

$cfg['start_page'] = 'news.php';


# Name shown in window title

$cfg['server_name'] = 'Nicaw Angel';


# Server ip and port for getting status.

# In most cases localhost should be used

$cfg['server_ip'] = '';

$cfg['server_port'] = 7171;


# Allow teleportation to temple?

$cfg['char_repair'] = false;


# Force users to validate their emails when registering?

# For email functions to work, SMTP server must be configured correctly

$cfg['Email_Validate'] = false;


# Allow email based account recovery?

$cfg['Email_Recovery'] = false;


# SMTP server configuration, use this to send emails

$cfg['SMTP_Host'] = '';

$cfg['SMTP_Port'] = 25;

$cfg['SMTP_Auth'] = false;

$cfg['SMTP_User'] = '';

$cfg['SMTP_Password'] = 'user';

$cfg['SMTP_From'] = '';



# Example configuration for gmail

# Don't forget to enable extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini

$cfg['SMTP_Host'] = 'ssl://';

$cfg['SMTP_Port'] = 465;

$cfg['SMTP_Auth'] = true;

$cfg['SMTP_User'] = '';

$cfg['SMTP_Password'] = 'user';

$cfg['SMTP_From'] = '';



# Whether to show skills in character search

$cfg['show_skills'] = true;


# Whether to show deathlist in character search

$cfg['show_deathlist'] = true;


$cfg['skill_names'] = array('fist', 'club', 'sword', 'axe', 'distance', 'shielding', 'fishing');


# Banned names

$cfg['invalid_names'] = array('^gm','^god','admin','fuck','gamemaster', 'owner');


# Accounts that are allowed to access admin panel

# Example: array('account1', 'account2');

$cfg['admin_accounts'] = array();


# Listed IPs always allowed to access admin panel, no matter if it has account or not

$cfg['admin_ip'] = array('');


# Player can only delete himself after specified inactivitiy time (seconds)

$cfg['player_delete_interval'] = 24*3600;


# Minimum level to create own guild. Cannot be lower than $cfg['guild_level']

$cfg['guild_leader_level'] = 20;


# Please disable guild manager if your server features guild editing

$cfg['guild_manager_enabled'] = true;


# Online status update interval (seconds). Should match statustimeout in your otserv configuration

$cfg['status_update_interval'] = 5*60;


# Shows more informatin when exception occurs. WARNING! Can reveal sensitive information.

$cfg['debug_backtrace'] = false;


# Schema control override. Disables/enables compatibility check for OTServ schema version.

$cfg['schema_check'] = false;



* This will affect date displaying

* Look for supported timezones.


$cfg['timezone'] = 'UTC';



# Town Config #




Town IDs must be correct and match those in your map


# Town names

$cfg['temple'][1]['name'] = 'Falador';

$cfg['temple'][2]['name'] = 'Forgotten';

$cfg['temple'][3]['name'] = 'Evolutions';

$cfg['temple'][4]['name'] = 'Thais';

$cfg['temple'][5]['name'] = 'Ab\'Dendriel';

$cfg['temple'][6]['name'] = 'Kazordoon';

$cfg['temple'][7]['name'] = 'Something else?';

$cfg['temple'][8]['name'] = 'Darashia';

$cfg['temple'][9]['name'] = 'Port Hope';

$cfg['temple'][10]['name'] = 'Liberty Bay';


# Now set which town(s) you want to use in character making

$cfg['temple'][1]['x'] = 1032;

$cfg['temple'][1]['y'] = 1026;

$cfg['temple'][1]['z'] = 5;

$cfg['temple'][1]['enabled'] = true;


$cfg['temple'][2]['x'] = 50;

$cfg['temple'][2]['y'] = 50;

$cfg['temple'][2]['z'] = 7;

$cfg['temple'][2]['enabled'] = false;


$cfg['temple'][3]['x'] = 1000;

$cfg['temple'][3]['y'] = 1000;

$cfg['temple'][3]['z'] = 7;

$cfg['temple'][3]['enabled'] = false;



# Vocation Config #




It's only one item per slot. You need to script special onLogin

event in OTServ to add more items to new players. Look

for more information.



################# No Vocation ####################

$id = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'xtibia';

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 150;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 400;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = false;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 138;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 130;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 1;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 3939;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2650;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][5] = 2382;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][10] = 2050;


################# Sorcerer #######################

$id = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'Treinador Novato';

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 150;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 6;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = true;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 160;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 159;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 10;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][1] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][2] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][6] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][7] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][8] = 0;


################# Druid ##########################

$id = 2;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'Druid';

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 8;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 185;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 35;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 470;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = false;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 138;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 130;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 10;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][1] = 2480;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][2] = 2172;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 2000;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2464;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][6] = 2530;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][7] = 2468;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][8] = 2643;


################# Paladin #######################

$id = 3;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'Paladin';

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 8;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 185;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 35;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 470;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = false;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 137;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 129;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 10;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][1] = 2480;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][2] = 2172;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 2000;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2464;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][6] = 2530;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][7] = 2468;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][8] = 2643;


################# Knight #########################

$id = 4;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'Knight';

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 8;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 185;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 35;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 470;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = false;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 139;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 131;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 10;


$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][1] = 2480;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][2] = 2172;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 2000;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2464;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][6] = 2530;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][7] = 2468;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][8] = 2643;


################# Other IDs ######################


$cfg['vocations'][5]['name'] = 'Master Sorcerer';

$cfg['vocations'][6]['name'] = 'Elder Druid';

$cfg['vocations'][7]['name'] = 'Royal Paladin';

$cfg['vocations'][8]['name'] = 'Elite Knight';





Editado por pocotozinho
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nesse arquivo que você mandou tem que muda essa linha


$cfg['password_type'] = 'plain';


muda pra essa


$cfg['password_type'] = 'sha1 os char vao lugar de boa';


sobre esses pokemon vou

edita o install pra vc aconelho não criar neuma conta pois vai perde o que vc criou

pois vai substituir as acc que tem


add esses pokemons









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