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Promotion Automatica

Kuro o Shiniga

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Opa Galera Venho Trazer Um Script Aqui De Promotion Automatica Quando O Player Alcança O Certo Level ele Ganha A Promotion Acho Bem Legal Por Nos Server Porque Varios Jogadores Não Sabem Aonde Fica O Npc Ow Para Aqueles Server Que Querem Que Começa Promotion.


Intão Vamos Começar :smile_positivo:




Creaturescript / Scripts / Promotion.lua E Adicione



local config = {

promoLevel = 1, -- promotion level : )

needLevel = 20, -- level to get promotion

needPremium = "yes" -- need premium (YES/NO)? :D



function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldlevel, newlevel)

if (skill == 0) and (newlevel >= config.needLevel and getPlayerPromotionLevel(cid)<config.promoLevel) then

if(string.lower(config.needPremium) == "yes" and isPremium(cid) == TRUE) or (string.lower(config.needPremium) == "no") then

setPlayerPromotionLevel(cid, config.promoLevel)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "You have been promoted to " .. getVocationInfo(getPlayerVocation(cid)).name .. ".")



return TRUE





Creaturescript.xml Adicione




<event type="advance" name="promotion" script="promotion.lua"/>




E Isso Galerinha :tongue2:




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