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Nome: Item Treiner Autor: Shoguns Tipo: Moveevents Oque ele faz? Quando o player equipar tal item, esse item vai servir como um treiner e ficara upando o skill de acordo com o item que tiver no seu Sloot Esquerdo e direito, que no caso é aonde se colocam a arma de atk e o shield Oque mas tem? O Player não poderá se mover enquanto estiver equipado com o item e ficara aparecendo uma mensagem "Treinando". Va em data/movements/scripts e crie um arquivo com nome de itemtreiner.lua e coloque isso lá dentro Agora em movements.lua cole essas 2 tags: <movevent type="Equip" itemid="1234" slot="feet" event="script" value="itemtreiner.lua"/> <movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="1234" slot="feet" event="script" value="itemtreiner.lua"/> Como configurar: No itemtreiner.lua local porcent = 4 Porcentagem que ira dar de skill local tempo = 3 * 1000 Intervalos para subir o skill local lock = 0 Se quiser colocar algo tipo um exausted antes de comecar nas tags: 1234 Id do item que ao equipar vai upar skill feet Tipo do item (usei feet = boots ) como um exemplo Alguma dúvida deixe um comentário que irei dar suporte.
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action Square Trainer - Perder stamina enquanto treina
um tópico no fórum postou Administrador Actions e Talkactions
Ta ai um script muito bom galera, créditos e instruções no próprio script. --[[ Square Skill Trainer made by Arthur aka artofwork 12/1/14, my original account Updated 10/15/2015, to 1.2 based on tfs sources on github by Codex NG This script will train all of a players skills indefintely including magic level It has a small configuration setup where you can set the number of tries per skill The time interval in between each skill try added A storage value to help prevent abuse You can assign any tile you wish to this script that a player can walk on with action id 900 Now removes offline training time for free accounts New in this script? skill tries for both free account & premium accounts mana gain for both free & premium accounts mana multipliers to effect magic level for both free and premium accounts based on percentage experience gain for both free and prem accounts Added optional all skills for free accounts or just the weapons & shield they have equiped add this too movements <!-- Square Trainer --> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="900" script="squaretrainer.lua"/> <movevent event="StepOut" actionid="900" script="squaretrainer.lua"/> save this file in data\movements\script\ as squaretrainer.lua ]]-- local special = false -- true for vip false for prem -- do not edit local currentTime = os.time() local day = 86400 -- 1 full day in seconds local minimumTime = 0 -- minimum time for vip local addSkillTimer = 1000 -- do not edit - time at which skill tries are added local skills = 5 -- 0 to 5 includes 0:fist, 1:club, 2:sword, 3:axe, 4:distance, 5:shield -- do not edit ------------------------------- local allskills = false -- should free accounts train all their skills local removeOfflineTime = true -- do you want to remove offline training time? -- minutes to remove per minute, should be minimum 2 since they gain a minute for every minute they are not killing something local timeOfOfflineToRemove = 2 -- minimum hours needed to train, set it to 12 if u want to test the tp to temple local minimumTimeNeedToUseTrainers = 1 local useConfigMlRate = false -- do you want to use the config settings rate of Magic in this script local useConfigExpRate = false -- do you want to use the config settings rate of Exp in this script local useConfigSkillRate = true -- do you want to use the config settings rate of Skills in this script -- do not edit local keys = { RATE_SKILL = 6, RATE_MAGIC = 8, RATE_LOOT = 7, RATE_EXPERIENCE = 5 } local tseconds = 1000 local tminute = 60 * tseconds local thour = 60 * tminute local trainingTimeMax = thour * minimumTimeNeedToUseTrainers -- 43200000 default value (12 hours) ----------------- -- used by isSpecial, this allows certain account types to skip the offline time removal local godAccount = 4 -- tile actionid local aid = 900 local p = {} local addskills = { prem = 1000, -- xp to add as vip/prem (depends if special is true) account per interval -- the rate is a percentage of their max mana, this way it scales with their level manaGainPremRate = .10, -- mana to add as vip/prem (depends if special is true) account per interval premSkillTries = 100, -- Number of tries per skill for vip/prem (depends if special is true) account per interval premManaMultiplier = 5, -- when player has full mana multiply how much more mana is used to gain magic level free = 100, manaGainFreeRate = .01, -- mana to add as free account per interval freeSkillTries = 1, -- Number of tries per skill for free account freeManaMultiplier = 1, -- when player has full mana multiply how much more mana is used to gain magic level balanceShield = 3 -- 3 is good, but if shielding goes up too quick then lower it, use only whole numbers e.g. 1, 2, 3 } -- do not edit local weaponTypes = { [0] = { 0, 0 }, -- fist { 1, 2 }, -- Sword { 2, 1 }, -- Club { 3, 3 }, -- Axe { 4, 5 }, -- Shield { 5, 4 }, -- Distance { 6, 0 } -- 6 is rod / wands, 0 is for fists.. } local shieldId = 5 function getSlottedItems(player) local left = pushThing(player:getSlotItem(CONST_SLOT_LEFT)).itemid local right = pushThing(player:getSlotItem(CONST_SLOT_RIGHT)).itemid left = ItemType( left ):getWeaponType() right = ItemType( right ):getWeaponType() return left, right end -------------------------------- -- this function is only effected by free accounts function templeTeleport(p) p.player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) p.player:setStorageValue( 18010, 0) local temple = p.player:getTown():getTemplePosition() p.player:teleportTo(temple) temple:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_ENERGYAREA) p.player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Sorry, "" you don't have enough offline time to train.") end function RemoveOfflineTrainingTime(p) if trainingTimeCheck(p) then p.player:removeOfflineTrainingTime(timeOfOfflineToRemove * 60000) p.seconds = 60000 -- reset the timer end end function trainingTimeCheck(p) local time_ = p.player:getOfflineTrainingTime() if time_ <= (timeOfOfflineToRemove * tminute) then templeTeleport(p) end if time_ >= trainingTimeMax then return true else templeTeleport(p) end end function isSpecial(player) -- this is so i could test the shit right away if player:getAccountType() >= godAccount then return true end if special then return (math.floor((player:getStorageValue(13540) - currentTime) / (day)) > minimumTime) else return player:isPremium() end end function train(p) local player = p.player if player:isPlayer() and player:getStorageValue(18010) == 1 then if isSpecial(player) then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your training session will now begin.") addEvent(trainMe, 1, p) else -- if free account, they have to wait 30 seconds to begin training if p.secondsTime > 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your training session will begin in "..(p.secondsTime).." seconds.") end if p.secondsTime <= 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your training session will now begin.") addEvent(trainMe, 1, p) else p.secondsTime = p.secondsTime - 10 addEvent(train, 10000, p) end end end return true end function returnRate(useRate, RATE) return useRate and configManager.getNumber(RATE) - 3300 or 1 end function trainMe(p) local player = p.player local weaponLeft, weaponRight = getSlottedItems(player) if player:isPlayer() and player:getStorageValue(18010) == 1 then if isSpecial(player) then player:addExperience(addskills["prem"] * returnRate(useConfigExpRate, RATE_EXPERIENCE) ) -- add mana to player based on premium mana rate settings player:addManaSpent(addskills["manaGainPremRate"] * player:getMaxMana() ) else player:addExperience(addskills["free"] * returnRate(useConfigExpRate, RATE_EXPERIENCE) ) -- add mana to player based on free mana rate settings player:addManaSpent(addskills["manaGainFreeRate"] * player:getMaxMana() ) end for i = 0, skills do if isSpecial(player) then if i == shieldId then -- shielding, will help balance shield gain player:addSkillTries(i, (addskills["premSkillTries"] * addskills["balanceShield"]) * returnRate(useConfigSkillRate, RATE_SKILL) ) else player:addSkillTries(i, addskills["premSkillTries"] * returnRate(useConfigSkillRate, RATE_SKILL) ) -- all other skills end else if allskills then if i == shieldId then -- shielding, will help balance shield gain player:addSkillTries(i, (addskills["freeSkillTries"] * addskills["balanceShield"]) * returnRate(useConfigSkillRate, RATE_SKILL) ) else player:addSkillTries(i, addskills["freeSkillTries"] * returnRate(useConfigSkillRate, RATE_SKILL) ) -- all other skills end else -- this effects only free accounts for i = 0, #weaponTypes do if weaponTypes[i][2] == shieldId and weaponTypes[i][1] == weaponRight then player:addSkillTries(weaponTypes[i][2], (addskills["freeSkillTries"] * addskills["balanceShield"]) * returnRate(useConfigSkillRate, RATE_SKILL) ) end if weaponTypes[i][2] ~= shieldId and weaponTypes[i][1] == weaponLeft then player:addSkillTries(weaponTypes[i][2], addskills["freeSkillTries"] * returnRate(useConfigSkillRate, RATE_SKILL) ) end end end end -- will increase magic level based on max mana times multiplier local maxMana = player:getMaxMana() if player:getMana() == maxMana then if isSpecial(player) then -- premium account multiplier used to increase level player:addManaSpent(maxMana * (addskills["premManaMultiplier"] * returnRate(useConfigMlRate, RATE_MAGIC)) ) else -- free account multiplier used to increase level player:addManaSpent(maxMana * (addskills["freeManaMultiplier"] * returnRate(useConfigMlRate, RATE_MAGIC)) ) end player:addMana(-maxMana) end end if not isSpecial(player) then p.seconds = p.seconds - addSkillTimer if(p.seconds <= 1000) then -- we want to be fair so we make sure the player gets a whole minute if removeOfflineTime then addEvent(RemoveOfflineTrainingTime, 1, p) end end end addEvent(trainMe, addSkillTimer, p) end return true end function onStepIn(player, item, position, fromPosition) if not player:isPlayer() then return false end p = -- this is table is essential so we can pass it to the other functions { player = player:getPlayer(), item = item, pos = player:getPosition(), soul = player:getSoul(), seconds = 60000, secondsTime = 30, name = player:getName() } if player:isPlayer() then if player:getStorageValue(18010) < 1 then if p.item.actionid == aid then player:setStorageValue(18010, 1) -- if the player is a free acc they will lose offline training time as they train if removeOfflineTime then RemoveOfflineTrainingTime(p) end addEvent(train, 1, p) end else player:teleportTo(fromPos, true) end end return true end function onStepOut(player, item, position, fromPosition) p.secondsTime = 30 stopEvent(train) -- may not work as expected stopEvent(trainMe) -- may not work as expected player:setStorageValue(18010, 0) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your training session has now ended.") return true end -
Boa tarde.. TFS: 0.4 Gostaria de fazer um pedido, se alguém puder me ajudar.. Então o pedido é o seguinte, um script que faça com que o teleport me leve a uma cabine vazia do treiner, no caso seriam diversas cabines.. Um exemplo é essa foto: Script: Quando o player pisa no teleporte o script iria checar as gabines e manda ele pra uma vazia. Caso o player logue lá dentro o script faria a mesma checagem e mandasse ele pra uma cabine vazia. E uma pra prevenir, caso todas as cabines tivesse cheia, o player seria bloqueado de entrar e mandaria uma mensagem (configuravel) Iai? Alguém pode me ajudar? Caso n entenda da um toque q tento explicar melhor.
Queria pedir uma ajuda pra fazer uma estátua que seria parecido coma de treiner offline, porém ela funcionaria assim: - ao clicar ela checa se tem "storage XXXX, 1" - se tiver a storage o char desloga e só pode logar denovo depois do tempo acabar - o tempo começa em 30min, e toda vez que ele clica denovo, o tempo dobra - ao acabar o tempo ele recebe skill X e reseta a storage XXXX lá do começo pra 0
ola Xtibia aki venho mas uma vez Pra Ensinar a vcs Como fazer um Treiner Ok vamos la expicasão Rapida Treiner e um Monstro Normal qui vcs usan pra Treinar Ta Vamos la Primeiro Va na pasta Do seu ot Data/Monstro Copie alguma da sua escola e mude o NOme depois cole isso dentro <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Nome do Treiner" nameDescription="a Nome do Treiner" race="blood" experience="9000" speed="0" manacost="390"> <health now="24000" max="24000"/> <look type="137" head="113" body="120" legs="114" feet="132" corpse="6081"/> <targetchange interval="10" chance="99"/> <strategy attack="400" defense="15"/> <flags> <flag summonable="1"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="1"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="0"/> <flag targetdistance="4"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="10"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="20" attack="16"/> <attack name="physical" interval="2000" chance="10" range="7" min="0" max="-40"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="throwingknife"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="20" defense="12"> <defense name="healing" interval="10" chance="10" min="4000" max="3500"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <elements> <element physicalPercent="-8"/> <element deathPercent="-7"/> </elements> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="0"/> <immunity fire="0"/> <immunity poison="0"/> <immunity lifedrain="0"/> <immunity paralyze="0"/> <immunity outfit="0"/> <immunity drunk="0"/> <immunity invisible="0"/> </immunities> <voices interval="150" chance="10"> <voice sentence="Oxi so!"/> <voice sentence="Vergonha Deus!"/> <voice sentence="Ahhh so isso!"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="20" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> --Gold Coins <item id="2467" chance="20000"/> --Leather Armor <item id="2385" chance="20000"/> --Sabre <item id="2229" countmax="2" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/> -- Skull <item id="1987" chance="100000"> --Bag <inside> <item id="2691" countmax="2" chance1="20000" chancemax="0"/> --Brown Bread <item id="2050" chance="20000"/> --Torch </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> Obs:Este Scrip aki o Treiner já esta pra ficar Parado e Ficar Healando OBS: esse treiner esta como um Amazon mais vc pode Mudar o tipo dele pelo look type Outra Obs: esse Treiner Voce vai Botar na pasta dos amazon qui deve ter ai no seu ot Depois disso você vai adicionar essa tag No arquivo Xml qui Esta com com o Nome Monsters <monster name="Nome do Treiner" file="amazons/Nome do Treiner.xml"/> OBS: Você tem qui Botra essa tag nesse Local \/ <!-- Amazons --> <monster name="Amazon" file="amazons/amazon.xml"/> <monster name="Valkyrie" file="amazons/valkyrie.xml"/> <monster name="Xenia" file="amazons/xenia.xml"/> <monster name="Seu Treiner" file="amazons/Seu Treiner.xml"/> Ta você já fes isso vc vai ate seu Rme 2.2 abre vai em File Depois em IMPORT DEPOIS EM IMPORT/NPC vai ate os monstros da em Ctrl A Depois disso vai em Othes Procura o Nome do seu treiner Adiciona ele e Pronto Vllw Ai +REP