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Codex NG

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  1. Depends on the server version, its two scripts not just one.
  2. Use storage values with your talk actions, since I do not know your distribution version I cannot write any code for you.
  3. Items do not have an attribute for attackspeed, attackspeed is handled in vocations. This does not mean you cannot assign an item an attackspeed it just requires knowledge of C++ do to it. If I have time today I will provide you with the code, no promises though.
  4. If you have an onAdvance function, you can set the maximum level a player can gain. This code should affect everything but a player's experience level, e.g. magic, sword, club etc.. -- 8.6local maxLevel = 250function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldLevel, newLevel) if skill ~= SKILL__LEVEL and newLevel >= maxLevel then newLevel = maxLevel end return trueend1.xlocal maxLevel = 250function onAdvance(player, skill, oldLevel, newLevel) if skill ~= SKILL_LEVEL and newLevel >= maxLevel then newLevel = maxLevel end return trueend
  5. @Skulls There is a minimum time setting which all timed events adhere to, however this does not mean you can not write your own methods to change timed events without breaking the sources. @Clarym When developing a server you need to start thinking outside the box, if you are unable to edit the sources due to a lack of knowledge in the language or are just afraid you might break something then solutions can be found in scripts.
  6. This passive system is bugged, I haven't pin pointed the problem just yet, but some monsters will attack even if they are set to passive.
  7. Another script of mine, too bad you didn't include the picture
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