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Sobre changos


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  1. is possible to mix ur script and this one: function isSummon(cid) return getCreatureMaster(cid) ~= nil and true or false end function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList) i = 0 str = getCreatureName(cid).." ["..getPlayerLevel(cid).."]" for _, pid in ipairs(deathList) do i = i + 1 if (i == 1) then if(#deathList <= 1) then str = str.." was killed by " elseif(#deathList > 1 and #deathList <= 4) then str = str.." was slain by " elseif(#deathList > 4 and #deathList <= 7) then str = str.." was crushed by " elseif(#deathList > 7 and #deathList <= 10) then str = str.." was eliminated by " elseif(#deathList > 10) then str = str.." was annihilated by " end elseif (i == #deathList) then str = str.." and " else str = str..", " end if not(isPlayer(pid) or isMonster(pid)) then str = str.."a field item" elseif isSummon(pid) then str = str.."a "..getCreatureName(pid):lower().." summoned by "..(isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(pid)) and "" or "a ")..""..getCreatureName(getCreatureMaster(pid)) elseif isPlayer(pid) then str = str..""..getCreatureName(pid) elseif isMonster(pid) then str = str.."a "..getCreatureName(pid):lower() end end str = str.."." for _, creature in ipairs(getChannelUsers(CHANNEL_DEATH)) do doPlayerSendChannelMessage(creature, '', str, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, CHANNEL_DEATH) end return true end is similar but this one shows if u die with field, summon of x person, and put different prefix depend of qty of ppl/monsters killed u
  2. Olá comunidade, hoje eu venho para fazer este pedido: Heroserv Ot 8.6, Editado por GOD UNDEA2 Aqui estão algumas fotos para reconhecer o mapa Espero que possa me ajudar, obrigado
  3. obrigado pelo ot so q eu quero um com level system e tem bugs em pokes iniciais e cuamdo tenta criar pokemons /cb
  4. obrigado pelo script so q eu quero um tour mod pra acc manager
  5. @Erimyth pls eu quero os scrips pra meu ot
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