is possible to mix ur script and this one:
function isSummon(cid)
return getCreatureMaster(cid) ~= nil and true or false
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
i = 0
str = getCreatureName(cid).." ["..getPlayerLevel(cid).."]"
for _, pid in ipairs(deathList) do
i = i + 1
if (i == 1) then
if(#deathList <= 1) then
str = str.." was killed by "
elseif(#deathList > 1 and #deathList <= 4) then
str = str.." was slain by "
elseif(#deathList > 4 and #deathList <= 7) then
str = str.." was crushed by "
elseif(#deathList > 7 and #deathList <= 10) then
str = str.." was eliminated by "
elseif(#deathList > 10) then
str = str.." was annihilated by "
elseif (i == #deathList) then
str = str.." and "
str = str..", "
if not(isPlayer(pid) or isMonster(pid)) then
str = str.."a field item"
elseif isSummon(pid) then
str = str.."a "..getCreatureName(pid):lower().." summoned by "..(isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(pid)) and "" or "a ")..""..getCreatureName(getCreatureMaster(pid))
elseif isPlayer(pid) then
str = str..""..getCreatureName(pid)
elseif isMonster(pid) then
str = str.."a "..getCreatureName(pid):lower()
str = str.."."
for _, creature in ipairs(getChannelUsers(CHANNEL_DEATH)) do
doPlayerSendChannelMessage(creature, '', str, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, CHANNEL_DEATH)
return true
is similar but this one shows if u die with field, summon of x person, and put different prefix depend of qty of ppl/monsters killed u