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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <monster name="mizuki" namedescription="a mizuki" race="blood" experience="6000" speed="215" manacost="0"> <health now="600" max="600"/> <look type="81" corpse="0"/> <targetchange interval="2000" chance="0"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="1"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="0"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="40" attack="34"/> </attacks> <defenses armor="10" defense="7"/> <elements> <element icePercent="0"/> <element holyPerent="0"/> <element earthPercent="0"/> <element deathPercent="0"/> </elements> <script> <event name="Mizuki"/> </script> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="0"/> <immunity fire="0"/> <immunity poison="0"/> <immunity lifedrain="0"/> <immunity paralyze="0"/> <immunity outfit="0"/> <immunity drunk="0"/> <immunity invisible="0"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="Mim da esse pergaminho agora!"/> <voice sentence="Voce vai morrer como o iruka morreu."/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="26" chance1="50000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2148" countmax="14" chance1="90000" chancemax="0"/> </loot> <script> <event name="MizukiTeleport"/> </script> </monster>
  2. meu pinto encolheu pra cima como faz
  3. function onSay(cid, words, param) local from,to,special_tile,name = {x = 236, y = 11, z = 4},{x = 242, y = 17, z = 4},{x = 239, y = 11, z = 4},"" for _, pid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isInRange(getCreaturePosition(pid), from, to) then if getCreaturePosition(pid).x == special_tile.x and getCreaturePosition(pid).y == special_tile.y and getCreaturePosition(pid).z == special_tile.z then name = getCreatureName(pid) else doTeleportThing(pid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(pid))) end end end return doBroadcastMessage("Final do Evento do Castelo, e ganhador: "..(name == "" and "Não houve ganhador." or name)) end
  4. lol? q bug aqui n deu isso, mas tenta assim function onSay(cid, words, param) local from,to = {x = 185, y = 54, z =7},{x = 193, y = 61, z = 7} local special_tile = {x = 188, y = 57, z = 7} for _, pid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isInRange(getCreaturePosition(pid), from, to) then if getCreaturePosition(pid).x ~= special_tile.x or getCreaturePosition(pid).y ~= special_tile.y or getCreaturePosition(pid).z ~= special_tile.z then doTeleportThing(pid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(pid))) end end end return true end
  5. me passa o arquivo.xml do seu monstro e a tag que vc esta usando
  6. gostei bastante da função cara parabéns!
  7. tenta assim function onSay(cid, words, param) local from,to = {x = 236, y = 11, z = 4},{x = 242, y = 17, z = 4} local special_tile = {x = 239, y = 11, z = 4} for _, pid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isInRange(getCreaturePosition(pid), from, to) and getCreaturePosition(pid).x ~= special_tile.x or getCreaturePosition(pid).y ~= special_tile.y or getCreaturePosition(pid).z ~= special_tile.z then doTeleportThing(pid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(pid))) end end return true end
  8. registou o event no seu monstro? e checou a tag?
  9. acho que assim funciona function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) function getPlayerReset(cid) local query = db.getResult("SELECT `reset` FROM `players` WHERE `id`= "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) return query:getDataInt("reset") <= 0 and 0 or query:getDataInt("reset") end local showGamemasters,on,count,players,str = getBooleanFromString(getConfigValue('displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand')),getPlayersOnline(),0,{},"" for _, cid in pairs(on) do if getPlayerAccess(cid) < 3 then count = count + 1 str = str..""..getPlayerName(cid).." (" .. getPlayerLevel(cid) .. ") ["..getResets(cid).."]"..(count ~= #on and ", " or ".") end end return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,(showGamemasters == true and #on or count).." player(s) online.\n\n"..str) end
  10. qro as coordenada do começo e final a area dps qro a pos do tile q o player n eh removido vlw
  11. Sistema De Banimento Ja que as funções de banimento nos servidores 9.6+ foram removidas ou não possuem mais as devidas funcionalidade, os administradores de servidores vem passando trabalho com players inconvenientes que ficam violando regras do seu servidor. Devido a isso foi desenvolvido esse sistema de banimento que é formado por 3 comandos ao total. O comando /ban: Que serve para banir determinado player e funcionara mesmo que este player esteja offline o meio de se usar é = /ban nomedoPlayer, diasBan, motivoBan. E o comando /infoban: Que serve para saber informações de ban de um determinado player; Comando /unban: Serve para remover o banished de um determinado player. O sistema funciona de modo onde é criado uma nova tabela na database onde são adicionadas informações dos players banished e etc, oque melhora o funcionamento do script e a usabilidade do mesmo.
  12. Banished System 9.6+ só em ~~>
  13. Banished System 9.6+ só em ~~>
  14. entendi, por actionID é só usar o script de um baú e colocar o actionID nos items ao invés do baú --'
  15. sempre vai dropar um dos items ali acima ou era pra ter chance de drops os dois?
  16. Banished System 9.6+ só em ~~>
  17. Banished System 9.6+ só em ~~>
  18. faltou as virgulas na tabela local itemWindow = { {id=8924, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="HellForged Axe", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Goldnuggets"] {id=8930, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Emerald Sword", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=7450, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="VIP Club", Bpoints = 8, Spoints = 0}, --Donated Wand"] {id=11360, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Undead Staff", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=7435, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="VIP Axe", Bpoints = 8, Spoints = 0}, --Donated Wand"] {id=8928, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Obsidian Trucheon", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=8851, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Royal Crassbow", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=7368, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Assasin Star", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=6529, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Infernal Bolt", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=12568, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Vip Master Armor", Bpoints = 8, Spoints = 0}, --Donated Wand"] {id=8888, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Master Archers", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=8866, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Serpent Coat", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=2494, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Demon Armor", Bpoints = 4, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=7366, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="War star", Bpoints = 6, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=12606, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="VIP Helmet", Bpoints = 8, Spoints = 0}, --Donated Wand"] {id=12605, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="VIP Shield", Bpoints = 10, Spoints = 0}, --Donated Wand"] {id=11686, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="VIP Armor", Bpoints = 10, Spoints = 0}, --Donated Wand"] {id=12604, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="VIP Coat", Bpoints = 8, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=11113, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Crystal Boots", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=12607, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="VIP Boots", Bpoints = 8, Spoints = 0}, --Donated Wand"] {id=11113, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Crystal Boots", Bpoints = 5, Spoints = 2}, --Donated Wand"] {id=2640, subType=0, buy=1, sell=0, name="Pair Of Soft Boots", Bpoints = 6, Spoints = 2} --Donated Wand"] }
  19. claro amigo, seu level é baixo e o jogo tá te colocando só com noob pega 10 vitorias ai pra vc ver os nego que vc vai pegar cala a boka mlk ta pensando q é oq treta chama a gangue won vamo junta nele vou esperar minha ult carregar usa o W > Q q eu vou chegar rasgando
  20. é fácil e já existe é baú, alavanca ou npc? pq já existe esse script aqui
  21. cara se vc quer me dar tem que ser mais romantico essa é a dica pra me levar pra cama bjs
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