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  1. ka9

    Item Que Dar Exp

    Bom, você não podia coloca o end depois do removeItem, não tinha um IF para isso. E da exp voce esqueceu do (Config.) ou seja, config.expgain. local config = { animationColor = TEXTCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE, --[[Cor da animação | Padrão = Azul Claro]] textType = TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, --[[Cor do Texto | Padrão = Verde]] expGain = 300 -- quanto vai ganhar de exp } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) doPlayerAddExp(cid, config.expGain) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosition(cid), config.expGain, config.animationColor) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.textType, "Voce recebeu ".. config.expGain .." experience") doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) return TRUE end
  2. Humm... showzin, além de interessante é bem util para alguns servidores.
  3. Vai em creaturescripts/scripts em viplogin.lua, você coloca isso function onLogin(cid) local vip = isVip(cid) if getVipTime(cid) > 0 and vip == FALSE then local townid = 1 doPlayerSetTown(cid, townid) local templePos = getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)) doTeleportThing(cid, templePos, false) setVipTime(cid, 0) doPlayerSetPromotionLevel(cid, 0) doTeleportPlayers(cid, templePos) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sua Vip acabou!") elseif vip == TRUE then local duration = getVipDate(cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Você possui "..getVipDays(cid).." dia(s) de vip."..(duration and (" Ela irá durar até "..duration..".") or "")) end return TRUE end Depois disso, você testa...
  4. Paixão (L' zouaa -.-, Tipo como eu adiciono uma storage aleatória entre 1000 ate 2000... tipo 1000, 1001, 1002 ate 2000. ja testei com math.radom e nen funfou =/. flws
  5. Poha thiago entra MSN, preciso de ti [2]
  6. tem como voce passar seu msn?
  7. Tbm, mais tipo, se esse player tiver o item vip e morrer RED, ae chega o outro player e pega e fica sem uzar... era mais facil deleta o item...
  8. Muito bom, mais seria show, se coloca-se para deleta o item. Tipo o player compra o item lá no shop se ele passar para outro player o item seria auto-deletado.
  9. Entao, peguei esse script assim..., que retira os privilegios da premium account. --Player is not premium - remove premium privileges --Change outfit if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30001) == -1) then local lookType = 128 if(getPlayerSex(cid) == 0) then lookType = 136 end local house = House.getHouseByOwner(cid) if(house) and getBooleanFromString(getConfigInfo("house_only_premium"), true) then house:setOwner(0) --Remove the house from the player, the server takes care of the rest end doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, {lookType = lookType, lookHead = 78, lookBody = 69, lookLegs = 97, lookFeet = 95, lookAddons = 0}) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30004, 1) end
  10. Tipo do script: Creaturescripts Protocolo: 8.60 Servidor utilizado: 0.3.6pl1 Nível de experiência: Medio Adicionais/Informações: Bom, estava querendo um script, que quando a premium de um player acaba, remover a house que ele possui. Então tentei esse... (mais nao pegou !) if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30001) == -1) then local house = House.getHouseByOwner(cid) if(house) and getBooleanFromString(getConfigInfo("house_only_premium"), true) then house:setOwner(0) end
  11. Estou usando luascript.cpp, para implantar os parâmetro da war system. --- [EDITE] --- Agora está dando esse erro... g++.exe -c ../luascript.cpp -o obj//luascript.o -I"C:/The Forgotten Dev-Cpp/include" -D__USE_MYSQL__ -D__USE_SQLITE__ -D__ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__ -fexpensive-optimizations -O1 In file included from ../luascript.cpp:18: ../luascript.h:752:7: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from ../player.h:35, from ../luascript.cpp:26: ../ioguild.h:86:7: warning: no newline at end of file ../luascript.cpp: In member function `virtual void LuaScriptInterface::registerFunctions()': ../luascript.cpp:2338: error: `luadoGuildAddEnemy' is not a member of `LuaScriptInterface' make.exe: *** [obj//luascript.o] Error 1
  12. Quando eu vou adicionar esse parâmetro na source luascript.cpp, na hora de compilar da erro Esse é o parêmetro int32_t LuaInterface::luaDoGuildAddEnemy(lua_State* L) { //doGuildAddEnemy(guild, enemy, war, type) War_t war; war.type = (WarType_t)popNumber(L); war.war = popNumber(L); uint32_t enemy = popNumber(L), guild = popNumber(L), count = 0; for(AutoList<Player>::iterator it = Player::autoList.begin(); it != Player::autoList.end(); ++it) { if(it->second->isRemoved() || it->second->getGuildId() != guild) continue; ++count; it->second->addEnemy(enemy, war); g_game.updateCreatureEmblem(it->second); } lua_pushnumber(L, count); return 1; } int32_t LuaInterface::luaDoGuildRemoveEnemy(lua_State* L) { //doGuildRemoveEnemy(guild, enemy) uint32_t enemy = popNumber(L), guild = popNumber(L), count = 0; for(AutoList<Player>::iterator it = Player::autoList.begin(); it != Player::autoList.end(); ++it) { if(it->second->isRemoved() || it->second->getGuildId() != guild) continue; ++count; it->second->removeEnemy(enemy); g_game.updateCreatureEmblem(it->second); } lua_pushnumber(L, count); return 1; } Esse é erro que está dando. In file included from ../luascript.cpp:18: ../luascript.h:753:7: warning: no newline at end of file In file included from ../player.h:35, from ../luascript.cpp:26: ../ioguild.h:86:7: warning: no newline at end of file ../luascript.cpp:9755: error: `LuaInterface' has not been declared ../luascript.cpp: In function `int32_t luaDoGuildAddEnemy(lua_State*)': ../luascript.cpp:9758: error: `War_t' was not declared in this scope ../luascript.cpp:9758: error: expected `;' before "war" ../luascript.cpp:9759: error: `war' was not declared in this scope ../luascript.cpp:9759: error: `WarType_t' was not declared in this scope ../luascript.cpp:9759: error: expected `;' before "popNumber" ../luascript.cpp:9760: error: `popNumber' was not declared in this scope ../luascript.cpp:9769: error: 'class Player' has no member named 'addEnemy' ../luascript.cpp:9770: error: 'class Game' has no member named 'updateCreatureEmblem' ../luascript.cpp: At global scope: ../luascript.cpp:9777: error: `LuaInterface' has not been declared ../luascript.cpp: In function `int32_t luaDoGuildRemoveEnemy(lua_State*)': ../luascript.cpp:9780: error: `popNumber' was not declared in this scope ../luascript.cpp:9787: error: 'class Player' has no member named 'removeEnemy' ../luascript.cpp:9788: error: 'class Game' has no member named 'updateCreatureEmblem' make.exe: *** [obj//luascript.o] Error 1
  13. Sim, vou manda o email pra ele, vlw ae
  14. Bom, eu queria saber como usa esse MapTracker, pq eu baixei aqui e ta dando (Aplicativo não inicializado corretamente (0xc0000135).), como que faz pra usar?
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