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[8.1][up-lvl] Yurots 3.0 Xml


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Eae galera,

Hoje trago a vocês este incrivel server feito pelo \"Eu Mesmo\"...

YurOTS 3.0 XML




* Aries 0.4.5 (By fmuniztriana)

* The new spells (By Tucow)

* The new monsters (By Andre Milles)

* The executer (By Felipe Nuniz)

* Itens.otb 100% (By SVN)

* Adjusts In Spells 8.1 (By LordZin)

* Map creat (By Yurez)

* Added Map YourOts (By GOD Bon ou Bon)

* Map Edits (By Myself)

* Bugs fixed (By Myself)

* Magics In Target (By Tucow)

* Full addon npcs (By Tucow)

* Jail system (/prisão \"nome) (By Myself)

* Swim system (By Myself)

* All Health/Mana Potions (By Myself)

* Enchant system 100% (By Myself)

* Some monsters\' loot fixed (By Myself)

* Report Rule Violation window (By Myself)

* Arena working 100% (By Myself)

* Teleports hunt & Green Frog (By Dudek)

* Soft Boots and recharger NPC (By Myself)

* Blessing system working (By Myself)

* Bill the Messager NPC (By Myself)

* Some new actions (By Myself)

* Obsidian Knife & Blessed Wooden Stake working (By Myself)

* New ammunations on NPC Perac (By Myself)

* Bank system with NPC (By Myself)


Download links: (Rapidshare) (Speedshare)


MapEditor: (Rapidshare) (Speedshare)


Known Bugs:


* Infected dll

* Goblets & medals not writeable


Perguntas freqüentemente feitas:

- Tem Sprite Wand?

R. Tem. Ela tem o sprite da Lunar Staff, e pode ser adquirida na Banor\'s Treasure Quest. Apenas jogadores de level 100+ podem usá-la.


- Tem Mana rune?

R. Tem, mas não é possível adquirí-la no jogo. Vai da opção do dono do OT ativá-la ou não, criando uma quest ou algo do tipo.








Um bom jogo a todos,


Editado por bradek
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  • 3 months later...

Cara,Muito bom alias vc e um otimo mapper ,os meus players adoraram o mapa


meu server aumento o numero de players chego a atingir 64 players on


antes so ficava 34 35 por ai


ta de parabens!!!! :smile_positivo:


Isso deve ter dado um esforço



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