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Os Guardiões Dos Novos Shields

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Deicidi postar aqui os 2 monstros (100% por mim) que eu criei, para serem guardiões do Necromancer Shield e do Nightmare Shield!



Nightmare Guardian

Vá na pasta do seu otserv, data e entra na monsters, copie um arquivo e dentro dele ponha:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<monster name="Nightmare Guardian" nameDescription="Nightmare Guardian" race="undead" experience="2950" speed="480" manacost="0">

<health now="4700" max="4700" />

<look type="245" head="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0" corpse="6341" />

<targetchange interval="2000" chance="5" />

<strategy attack="100" defense="0" />



<flag summonable="0" />

<flag attackable="1" />

<flag hostile="1" />

<flag illusionable="0" />

<flag convinceable="0" />

<flag pushable="1" />

<flag canpushitems="1" />

<flag canpushcreatures="1" />

<flag targetdistance="1" />

<flag runonhealth="0" />




<attack name="scorpion bite" interval="2000" min="0" max="200" />

<attack name="drunk" interval="8200" min="0" max="0" />

<attack name="scarab poison" interval="5500" min="-200" max="280" />

<attack name="nightmare" interval="6300" min="200" max="320" />



<defenses armor="100" defense="99">

<defense name="haste" interval="5000" chance="100" />

<defense name="light healing" interval="2000" chance="100" min="50" max="70" />




<immunity physical="0" />

<immunity energy="1" />

<immunity fire="1" />

<immunity poison="1" />

<immunity lifedrain="0" />

<immunity paralyze="0" />

<immunity outfit="1" />

<immunity drunk="0" />

<immunity invisible="1" />



<voices interval="2000" chance="5">

<voice sentence="Close your eyes... I want to show you something." />

<voice sentence="I will haunt you forever!." />

<voice sentence="I will make you scream." />

<voice sentence="I am the GUARDIAN of the NIGHTMARE SHIELD!." />




<item id="2148" countmax="70" chance1="90000" chancemax="0" /> gold

<item id="2666" countmax="1" chance1="50000" chancemax="0" /> meat

<item id="2671" countmax="1" chance1="40000" chancemax="0" /> ham

<item id="6529" countmax="5" chance1="6000" chancemax="0" /> infernal bolts

<item id="2237" chance="5000" /> dirty cape

<item id="2387" chance="9000" /> double axe

<item id="2457" chance="11018" /> steel h

<item id="6558" chance="3500" /> concetred demonic

<item id="6558" chance="3500" /> concetred demonic

<item id="5669" chance="5588" /> mysterious vooodoo

<item id="1987" chance="100000">


<item id="6500" countmax="1" chance1="6200" chancemax="0" /> demoniac e

<item id="2230" chance="5000" /> bone

<item id="2532" chance="4000" /> ancient s

<item id="6299" chance="800" /> death ring

<item id="2477" chance="2600" /> knight legs

<item id="2195" chance="3200" /> boh

<item id="5944" chance="2300"/> soul orb








Quando tenha posto isso, entre nos monsters.xml e no meio dele ponha:

<monster name="nightmare guardian" file="nightmare guardian.xml" />


Prontos este já está!


Passemos ao seguinte:


Necromancer Guardian

Vá na pasta do seu otserv, data e entra na monsters, copie um arquivo e dentro dele ponha:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<monster name="Necromancer Guardian" nameDescription="a Necromancer Guardian" race="blood" experience="1280" speed="230" manacost="0">

<health now="935" max="935" />

<look type="9" head="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0" corpse="3058" />

<targetchange interval="2000" chance="50" />

<strategy attack="100" defense="0" />



<flag summonable="0" />

<flag attackable="1" />

<flag hostile="1" />

<flag illusionable="0" />

<flag convinceable="0" />

<flag pushable="0" />

<flag canpushitems="1" />

<flag canpushcreatures="1" />

<flag targetdistance="4" />

<flag runonhealth="0" />




<attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="30" attack="40" poison="90" />

<attack name="scarab poison" interval="6300" chance="80" min="-30" max="-100" />

<attack name="life drain" interval="8000" chance="80" min="-50" max="-100" />

<attack name="cobra spit" interval="5200" chance="70" min="-0" max="-0" />

<attack name="geb" interval="9000" chance="85" min="-300" max="-400" />



<defenses armor="50" defense="40">

<defense name="light healing" interval="3500" chance="60" min="15" max="25" />




<immunity physical="0" />

<immunity energy="0" />

<immunity fire="0" />

<immunity poison="1" />

<immunity lifedrain="1" />

<immunity paralyze="0" />

<immunity outfit="1" />

<immunity drunk="1" />

<immunity invisible="1" />



<summons max="4">

<summon name="ghoul" interval="1000" chance="17" max="3" />

<summon name="ghost" interval="1000" chance="15" max="3" />

<summon name="mummy" interval="1000" chance="13" max="2" />



<voices interval="5000" chance="10">

<voice sentence="Your corpse will be mine!" />

<voice sentence="Taste the sweetness of death!" />

<voice sentence="I am the GUARDIAN of the NECROMANCER SHIELD!" />



<loot capacity="300">

<item id="2148" countmax="87" chance1="42000" chancemax="0" /> gold

<item id="2483" chance="9999" /> scale a

<item id="2186" chance="2300" /> moonlight

<item id="2182" chance="2600" /> snakebite

<item id="1987" chance="100000">


<item id="2412" chance="6800" /> katana

<item id="2796" countmax="1" chance1="4100" chancemax="0" /> green m

<item id="2436" chance="1000" /> skull staff

<item id="2663" chance="1300" /> mistyc turban

<item id="2195" chance="800" /> boh

<item id="2423" chance="4200" /> clerical mace

<item id="2406" chance="8200" /> short sword







Quando tenha posto isso, entre nos monsters.xml e no meio dele ponha:

<monster name="necromancer guardian" file="necromancer guardian.xml" />


E está! Depois é só fazer respawn deles nas suas quests!

Por favor Comentem..



Uma SS pra verem:



Se não tem o spell nightmare:

Vá na pasta \data\spells\scripts\monsters, copie um arquivo e cole o seguinte:

local combat = createCombatObject()



setCombatFormula(combat, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -0.9, -30, -1.5, 0)


local arr = {

{0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0},

{0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0},

{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},

{1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1},

{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},

{0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0},

{0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0}




local area = createCombatArea(arr)

setCombatArea(combat, area)


function onCastSpell(cid, var)

doCombat(cid, combat, var)



dpx nos spells.xml voce vai ver o seguinte:


<conjure name="Create Food" words="exevo pan" lvl="14" mana="120" soul="1" prem="0" enabled="1" function="conjureFood"><vocation name="Druid"/><vocation name="Paladin"/></conjure>

<conjure name="Conjure Arrow" words="exevo con" conjureId="2544" conjureCount="10" aggressive="0" lvl="13" maglv="0" mana="100" soul="1" prem="0" enabled="1" function="conjureItem"><vocation name="Paladin"/></conjure>

<conjure name="Poison Arrow" words="exevo con pox" conjureId="2545" conjureCount="10" aggressive="0" lvl="16" maglv="0" mana="130" soul="2" prem="0" enabled="1" function="conjureItem"><vocation name="Paladin"/></conjure>

<conjure name="Conjure Bolt" words="exevo con mort" conjureId="2543" conjureCount="5" aggressive="0" lvl="17" maglv="0" mana="140" soul="2" prem="1" enabled="1" function="conjureItem"><vocation name="Paladin"/></conjure>

<conjure name="Explosive Arrow" words="exevo con flam" conjureId="2546" conjureCount="3" aggressive="0" lvl="25" maglv="0" mana="290" soul="3" prem="0" enabled="1" function="conjureItem"><vocation name="Paladin"/></conjure>

<conjure name="Power Bolt" words="exevo con vis" conjureId="2547" conjureCount="1" aggressive="0" lvl="59" maglv="0" mana="800" soul="3" prem="1" promotion="1" enabled="1" function="conjureItem"><vocation name="Paladin"/></conjure>




<!-- monster spells -->

<rune name="bolt" id="20001" enabled="1" script="monsters/bolt.lua"></rune>

<rune name="spider bite" id="20002" enabled="1" script="monsters/spider bite.lua"></rune>

<rune name="imitate" id="20003" enabled="1" script="monsters/imitate.lua"></rune>

<rune name="explosive arrow" id="20004" enabled="1" script="monsters/explosive arrow.lua"></rune>

<rune name="poison spit" id="20005" enabled="1" script="monsters/poison spit.lua"></rune>

<rune name="arrow" id="20006" enabled="1" script="monsters/arrow.lua"></rune>

<rune name="spear" id="20007" enabled="1" script="monsters/spear.lua"></rune>

<rune name="throwing knife" id="20008" enabled="1" script="monsters/throwing knife.lua"></rune>

<rune name="throwing star" id="20009" enabled="1" script="monsters/throwing star.lua"></rune>

<rune name="small stone" id="20010" enabled="1" script="monsters/small stone.lua"></rune>

<rune name="poison arrow" id="20011" enabled="1" script="monsters/poison arrow.lua"></rune>

<rune name="large rock" id="20012" enabled="1" script="monsters/large rock.lua"></rune>

<rune name="mana drain" id="20013" enabled="1" script="monsters/mana drain.lua"></rune>

<rune name="dragon fireball" id="20014" enabled="1" script="monsters/dragon fireball.lua"></rune>

<rune name="dragon lord fireball" id="20015" enabled="1" script="monsters/dragon lord fireball.lua"></rune>

<rune name="life drain" id="20016" enabled="1" script="monsters/life drain.lua"></rune>

<rune name="dragon firebomb" id="20017" enabled="1" script="monsters/dragon firebomb.lua"></rune>

<rune name="demon gfb" id="20018" enabled="1" script="monsters/demon gfb.lua"></rune>

<rune name="snake bite" id="20019" enabled="1" script="monsters/snake bite.lua"></rune>

<rune name="wasp bite" id="20020" enabled="1" script="monsters/wasp bite.lua"></rune>

<rune name="ancient paralyze" id="20021" enabled="1" script="monsters/ancient paralyze.lua"></rune>

<rune name="cobra spit" id="20022" enabled="1" script="monsters/cobra spit.lua"></rune>

<rune name="cobra bite" id="20023" enabled="1" script="monsters/cobra bite.lua"></rune>

<rune name="scarab poison" id="20024" enabled="1" script="monsters/scarab poison.lua"></rune>

<rune name="scorpion bite" id="20025" enabled="1" script="monsters/scorpion bite.lua"></rune>

<rune name="fmm" id="20026" enabled="1" script="monsters/fmm.lua"></rune>

<rune name="monster drunk" id="20027" enabled="1" script="monsters/monster drunk.lua"></rune>

<rune name="chicken" id="20028" enabled="1" script="monsters/chicken.lua"></rune>

<rune name="aqua explosion" id="20029" enabled="1" script="monsters/aqua explosion.lua"></rune>

<rune name="fire explosion" id="20030" enabled="1" script="monsters/fire explosion.lua"></rune>

<rune name="pig" id="20031" enabled="1" script="monsters/pig.lua"></rune>

<rune name="green frog" id="20032" enabled="1" script="monsters/green frog.lua"></rune>

<rune name="warlock firebomb" id="20033" enabled="1" script="monsters/warlock firebomb.lua"></rune>

<rune name="hydra paralyze" id="20034" enabled="1" script="monsters/hydra paralyze.lua"></rune>

<rune name="bh fire" id="20035" enabled="1" script="monsters/bh fire.lua"></rune>

<rune name="wyvern spit" id="20036" enabled="1" script="monsters/wyvern spit.lua"></rune>

<rune name="cult poison" id="20037" enabled="1" script="monsters/cult poison.lua"></rune>

<rune name="fmm pc" id="20038" enabled="1" script="monsters/fmm pc.lua"></rune>

<rune name="notes explosion" id="20039" enabled="1" script="monsters/notes explosion.lua"></rune>

<rune name="blue djinn missile" id="20040" enabled="1" script="monsters/blue djinn missile.lua"></rune>

<rune name="dragon energyball" id="20041" enabled="1" script="monsters/dragon energyball.lua"></rune>


<!-- instant monster spells -->

<instant name="sonar b" words="sonar l" enabled="0" script="monsters/sonar.lua"></instant>

<instant name="dragon firewave l" words="dragon firewave l" direction="1" enabled="0" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/dragon firewave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="dragon energywave l" words="vis hur l" direction="1" enabled="0" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/vis hur.lua"></instant>

<instant name="dragon lord firewave l" words="dragon lord firewave l" direction="1" enabled="0" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/dragon lord firewave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="hydra bubblewave l" words="hydra bubblewave l" direction="1" enabled="0" script="monsters/hydra bubblewave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="hydra poisonwave l" words="hydra poisonwave l" direction="1" enabled="0" script="monsters/hydra poisonwave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="orshabaal berserk l" words="orshabaal berserk l" enabled="0" script="monsters/orshabaal berserk.lua"></instant>

<instant name="geb l" words="geb l" direction="1" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/geb.lua"></instant>

<instant name="ancient ps l" words="ancient ps l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/ancient ps.lua"></instant>

<instant name="scarab pf l" words="scarab pf l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/scarab pf.lua"></instant>

<instant name="poison exori l" words="poison exori l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/poison exori.lua"></instant>

<instant name="dworc ps l" words="dworc ps l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/dworc ps.lua"></instant>

<instant name="quara ps l" words="quara ps l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/quara ps.lua"></instant>

<instant name="monster invisible l" words="monster invisible l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/monster invisible.lua"></instant>

<instant name="aqua beam l" words="aqua beam l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/aqua beam.lua"></instant>

<instant name="poison beam l" words="poison beam l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/poison beam.lua"></instant>

<instant name="aqua exori l" words="aqua exori l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/aqua exori.lua"></instant>

<instant name="dip atk l" words="dip atk l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/dip atk.lua"></instant>

<instant name="explosion wave l" words="explosion wave l" direction="1" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/explosion wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="sd exori l" words="sd exori l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/sd exori.lua"></instant>

<instant name="ancient scarab l" words="ancient scarab l" selftarget="1" aggressive="0" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/ancient scarab.lua"></instant>

<instant name="fire exori l" words="fire exori l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/fire exori.lua"></instant>

<instant name="bb exori l" words="bb exori l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/bb exori.lua"></instant>

<instant name="bb beam l" words="bb beam l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/bb beam.lua"></instant>

<instant name="poison defiler l" words="poison defiler l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/poison defiler.lua"></instant>

<instant name="yellow exori l" words="yellow exori l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/yellow exori.lua"></instant>

<instant name="blight mass l" words="blight mass l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/blight mass.lua"></instant>

<instant name="blight poison l" words="blight poison l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/blight poison.lua"></instant>

<instant name="blight yellow l" words="blight yellow l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/blight yellow.lua"></instant>

<instant name="sound wave l" words="sound wave l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/sound wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="white wave l" words="white wave l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/white wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="fire beam l" words="fire beam l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/fire beam.lua"></instant>

<instant name="fury blood l" words="fury blood l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/fury blood.lua"></instant>

<instant name="fury wave l" words="fury wave l" enabled="1" direction="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/fury wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="fury yellow l" words="fury yellow l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/fury yellow.lua"></instant>

<instant name="ultimate poison l" words="ultimate poison l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/ultimate poison.lua"></instant>

<instant name="plaguesmith l" words="plaguesmith l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/plaguesmith.lua"></instant>

<instant name="bb mass l" words="bb mass l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/bb mass.lua"></instant>

<instant name="nightmare l" words="nightmare l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/nightmare.lua"></instant>

<instant name="thalas res l" words="thalas res l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/thalas res.lua"></instant>

<instant name="poison wave l" words="poison wave l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" direction="1" script="monsters/poison wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="sd wavel" words="sd wave l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" direction="1" script="monsters/sd wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="soulfire bomb" words="soulfire bomb l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/soulfire bomb.lua"></instant>

<instant name="wyvern wave" words="wyvern wave l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" direction="1" script="monsters/wyvern wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="drunk wave" words="drunk wave l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" direction="1" script="monsters/drunk wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="notes strike" words="notes strike l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" direction="1" script="monsters/notes strike.lua"></instant>

<instant name="energy exori" words="energy exori l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/energy exori.lua"></instant>



voce vai colar o que está a negrito:


<instant name="nightmare l" words="nightmare l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/nightmare.lua"></instant>
" isto nos

<!-- instant monster spells -->


dpx e por a rodar e já está!


Créditos: Hunter(eu)

Editado por HunterHero
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:( tipo num encontrei o monters.xml nao :unsure: mais assim meu ot e zorzin ta :rolleyes:

Seu ot pode não ter, mas o meu para dar o monstro tenho que o por lá...

Se o seu não tem menos trabalho vc tem!

Espero que tenha gostado dos guardians xD

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Nota 5..por que os ataques de alguns monstros nao estão certos




Acabei de add a spell de nightmare,alias no meu instant monster spells so tem isso


<!-- instant monster spells -->

<instant name="nightmare l" words="nightmare l" enabled="1" exhaustion="1" script="monsters/nightmare.lua"></instant>

<instant name="banshee sonar" words="sonar" enabled="0" script="monsters/sonar.lua"></instant>

<instant name="dragon firewave" words="dragon firewave" direction="1" enabled="0" script="monsters/dragon firewave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="dragon lord firewave" words="dragon lord firewave" direction="1" enabled="0" script="monsters/dragon lord firewave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="hydra bubblewave" words="hydra bubblewave" direction="1" enabled="0" script="monsters/hydra bubblewave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="hydra poisonwave" words="hydra poisonwave" direction="1" enabled="0" script="monsters/hydra poisonwave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="orshabaal berserk" words="orshabaal berserk" enabled="0" script="monsters/orshabaal berserk.lua"></instant>









Eh o Evolutions 7.92


Os ataques continuam ruins e o nightmare guardian e o necro quase nem sumona

o nightmare guardian nem ataque de meele tem pqp...

Prefiro editar um Nightmare e um Necro =D

Editado por Busaum
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1º a spell nightmare ainda não existe, favor posta ela junto

2º os ataques deles vão sempre aumntar vida

porque você botou -220 ao invés de 220 que tiraria...

3º tão muito fracos e também estão errados

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1º a spell nightmare ainda não existe, favor posta ela junto

2º os ataques deles vão sempre aumntar vida

porque você botou -220 ao invés de 220 que tiraria...

3º tão muito fracos e também estão errados


LOL, os meus players gostam....

Mas obrigado por informar

Aproveitei e criei um npc de barco ke os leva a ilhad a quest!

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