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Nots 0.7.5 Para 7.8+


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Based on CVS of October 13th

NOTS 0.4.5


House System with rent (CVS)

Follow and Follow attack (CVS)

Skull System (CVS)

Players can't use packets to move walls/ground (CVS)

Bans loading (CVS)

Basic commands (CVS)

Works with newest map editor (CVS)

Error reporting (CVS)

7.8 Protocol (CVS)

Addons (CVS)

External Vocations System (Me)

PvP Arenas (Me)

"PvP Zoning" (Me)

Basic Npc Shop Functions [buy/sell/pay] (Me)

Give/Take item for Npcs (Me)

Give items with Action IDs (Me)

Different blood/damage colors for monster (Me)

GM Look (Me)

Some new ActionScripts (Me, couple other people)

OnWalk/OffWalk for ActionScripts (Pedro B.)

Soul System: (Me)

- independent soul cost for spells

- independent soul gain for monsters (note: 256 = 1 soul. 1 soul is the max)

Several new monster features (Me)

Lua Execution on monster death (Me)

onSay(...) for actions (Me)

onUseOnCreature(...) for actions (Me)

added direction to onWalk/offWalk (Me)

Raids System (Jiddo)

getPlayerInfo(...) for spells (Black Demon)

removeCondition(...) for spells (Sapphire/Me)

light spells (Remere)

"exeta res" for spells (Me)

teleport for spells (Me)

more tibian-esque combat/training system (Me) -- may also be buggy

updates from 0.3:

- removed CTF system, I'll take another crack at it once I'm sure everything else works fine.

- fixed a few bugs

- added a little "crap-map", small and undetailed, but suitable for testing features.

updates from 0.4:

- few more important bug fixes

NOTS 0.4.5 XML (Binary and Source):

Link lix:

NOTS 0.5

Loading items.xml on startup (revbattlesys/me)

Magic attack/defense in items.xml (me) -- spellbook as example

Amulets in items.xml (me)

Added a magical attack to items, set in items.xml (me) -- firesword as example

Few pvparena fixes

Added an examples.lua in actions/scripts

NOTS 0.6

Ring ticks load in items.xml, save in xml and sql

Soul now saves/loads

added "7.6 support", just rebuild all with "-D__76_SUPPORT__" if you want to use it for 7.6 instead.

Added manashield and speed changing property to items.xml

NOTS 0.7

Fixed a minor bug with ringticks (looked for the wrong bit)

Added dual wielding, with examples in items.xml

Fixed a bug where you wouldn't get shielding >.>

NOTS 0.7.5

Fixed a bug with runes on 7.6 support that would cause debugs.

Fixed a bug when you dont specify a deathscript for a monster.

may have added/fixed something else, but if I did I forgot about it.

NOTS 0.7.5 XML (for 7.6):

Link lix:

NOTS 0.7.5 XML (for 7.8):

Link lix:

Créditos nfries88

Editado por Kardec
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tipo nao sei se é de ot mais quando se tem muito player na pasta player o evolutions trava quando alguem loga da tipo uns lag e volta ai quando a pessoa desloga volta essi ai tem essi tipo de bug ou nao?

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