jenison06 0 Posted April 25, 2021 Share Posted April 25, 2021 Alguem consegue adaptar sistema de contagem, o meu nao esta contando apenas no abra e msmo assim so conta 1 ball. Action ( Catch.lua) Spoiler local texts = { [PORTUGUESE] = {"Você CAPTUROU um Pokémon novo!", "Você está carregando seis pokemons na bolsa, seu novo pokemon foi enviado ao Centro Pokémon de sua cidade!", "Por pouco... a Pokebola quebrou, mas continue tentando!", "A captura de pokémons não é permitida neste local.", "Este objeto não pode ser capturado.", "Você não é o dono deste corpo.", "Por favor, apenas utilize as Saffari Balls dentro da Saffari Zone.", "Este pokémon não pode ser capturado.", "Desculpe, não é possível."}, [ENGLISH] = {"You CAUGHT a new Pokemon!", "You are holding six pokemons, your new pokemon will be sent to the Pokemon Center of your hometown!", "Not this time :/ Try again!", "Catching pokemons is not allowed inside this place.", "This thing is uncatchable.", "You are not the owner of this corpse.", "Please, only use Saffari Balls inside the Saffari Zone.", "This pokemon is uncatchable.", "Sorry, not possible."}, } local time = 4 local pokeballs = { [9271] = {multiplier=1, failEffect=23, successEffect=24, shootEffect=17}, -- STARTER'S PB [2149] = {multiplier=1, failEffect=23, successEffect=24, shootEffect=17}, -- PB [2147] = {multiplier=2, failEffect=197, successEffect=198, shootEffect=19}, -- GB [2150] = {multiplier=3, failEffect=201, successEffect=202, shootEffect=20}, -- SB [2146] = {multiplier=4, failEffect=199, successEffect=200, shootEffect=27}, -- UB [4758] = {multiplier=4, failEffect=199, successEffect=200, shootEffect=27}, -- starter ball UB [2151] = {multiplier=4, failEffect=203, successEffect=204, shootEffect=36}, -- Saffari Ball } catchRate = 1 local function onCapturePokemon(cid, name, params, ballid, sto) local txt = texts[getPlayerLanguage(cid)] if isCreature(cid) then doPlayerAddSoul(cid, 1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, txt[1].. " ("").") doEndCount(cid, ballid, name) for _, oid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do doPlayerSendChannelMessage(oid,"[Catch Channel]"," O Jogador [".. getCreatureName(cid) .."] Capturou um "" !.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 99) end if #getPlayerPokeballs(cid) >= 6 then local pokeball = doCreatePokeball(name, params.pokeball-1) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball, "pokemon_sex", doItemSetAttribute(item, "addon", 0) doPlayerSendMailByName(getCreatureName(cid), pokeball) local creature = getPlayerPokemon(cid) == false and cid or getPlayerPokemon(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(creature), 173) local file ='data/logs/catchlog.txt','a') file:write(" "..getCreatureName(cid).." caught a "" with "..getItemNameById(params.pokeball).." at pos {X="..getCreaturePosition(cid).x.." Y="..getCreaturePosition(cid).y.." Z="..getCreaturePosition(cid).z..".\n") file:close() doPlayerSave(cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, txt[2]) else local pokeball = doCreatePokeball(name, params.pokeball) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball, "pokemon_sex", doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, pokeball) end end end local function onFailCapturePokemon(cid) local txt = texts[getPlayerLanguage(cid)] if isCreature(cid) then local creature = cid local creature = getPlayerPokemon(cid) == false and cid or getPlayerPokemon(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(creature), 166) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, txt[3]) doAddBrokeCount(cid, item.itemid, i) end end function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) local txt = texts[getPlayerLanguage(cid)] if isPlayerInsideMewtwoQuest(cid) or isPlayerInsideArticunoQuest(cid) or isPlayerInsideHarmoniaQuest(cid) or isPlayerInsideMewQuest(cid) or isPlayerInsideZapdosQuest(cid) or isInsideGhostPlagueQuest(cid) or isInsideRocketQuest(cid) or isInsideMoltresQuest(cid) or isInsideGoldArena(cid) or isInsideBox6(cid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, txt[4]) return true end if item2.uid == 0 then return false end local corpses = {} local it = getTileInfo(topos) if not it or it.things == 0 then return false end for i=1, it.things do local item = getTileThingByPos({x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=i}) if item.uid ~= 0 and isCorpse(item.uid) and getItemAttribute(item.uid, "corpseowner") == cid then item2 = item break end end if item2.uid == 0 or not isCorpse(item2.uid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, txt[5]) return true end if getItemAttribute(item2.uid, "corpseowner") ~= cid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, txt[6]) return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, > 0 and item.itemid ~= Saffari.pokeballId then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, txt[7]) return true end for i, x in pairs(pokes) do if item2.itemid == x.c then local chances = (x.chance) * pokeballs[item.itemid].multiplier * catchRate if chances == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, txt[8]) return TRUE end if math.random(1, 940) <= chances then doSendDistanceShoot(frompos, topos, pokeballs[item.itemid].shootEffect) doSendMagicEffect(topos, pokeballs[item.itemid].successEffect) addEvent(onCapturePokemon, time*1000, cid, i, {pokeball = getPokeballIn(item.itemid), sex = getItemAttribute(item2.uid, "corpsesex") }, item.itemid) --doEndCount(cid, item.itemid, i) else doSendDistanceShoot(frompos, topos, pokeballs[item.itemid].shootEffect) doSendMagicEffect(topos, pokeballs[item.itemid].failEffect) addEvent(onFailCapturePokemon, time*1000, cid) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 4 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 6 then end end doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) doRemoveItem(item2.uid, 1) return TRUE end end doPlayerSendCancel(cid, txt[9]) return TRUE end local ballsw = { [PORTUGUESE] = {"Voce gastou ", "para capturar esse pokemon."}, [ENGLISH] = {"You used ", "to catch it."} } local ea = { [PORTUGUESE] = "e ", [ENGLISH] = "and ", } -- 2001 é abra | 2304 é Wanted Farfetch'd. -- A cada pokemon novo, adicionar o próximo numero. function doAddBrokeCount(cid, ballid, name) local pbb = {9271, 2149} local gbb = {2147} local sbb = {2150} local ubb = {2146, 4758} local sfbb = {2151} local sto = pokes[name].sto local toset = "nb = 0, gb = 0, sb = 0, sfb = 0, ub = 0;" local toget = "nb = (.-), gb = (.-), sb = (.-), sfb = (.-), ub = (.-);" if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto) == -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, toset) end local b = string.gmatch(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto), toget) local nc = "" for nb, gb, sb, sfb, ub in (b) do if isInArray(pbb, ballid) then nc = "nb = "..(tonumber(nb)+1)..", gb = "", sb = "", sfb = "..sfb..", ub = "..ub..";" break elseif isInArray(gbb, ballid) then nc = "nb = "..nb..", gb = "..(tonumber(gb) + 1)..", sb = "", sfb = "..sfb..", ub = "..ub..";" break elseif isInArray(sbb, ballid) then nc = "nb = "..nb..", gb = "", sb = "..(tonumber(sb) + 1)..", sfb = "..sfb..", ub = "..ub..";" break elseif isInArray(ubb, ballid) then nc = "nb = "..nb..", gb = "", sb = "", sfb = "..sfb..", ub = "..(tonumber(ub) + 1)..";" break elseif isInArray(sfbb, ballid) then nc = "nb = "..nb..", gb = "", sb = "", sfb = "..(tonumber(sfb) + 1)..", ub = "..ub..";" break end end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, nc) return true end function doEndCount(cid, ballid, name) local sto = pokes[name].sto local toget = "nb = (.-), gb = (.-), sb = (.-), sfb = (.-), ub = (.-);" local str = "" local b = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto) if b == -1 or b == -2 or not b then doAddBrokeCount(cid, ballid,name) end local wast = { nbs = 0, gbs = 0, sbs = 0, ubs = 0, sfbs = 0, } local str = "" for nb, gb, sb, sfb, ub in (b:gmatch(toget)) do wast.nbs = (tonumber(nb) > 0 and (tonumber(nb) == 1 and tonumber(nb).." poke ball " or tonumber(nb).." poke balls ")) or "" wast.gbs = (tonumber(gb) > 0 and (tonumber(nb) == 1 and tonumber(gb).." great ball " or tonumber(gb).." great balls ")) or "" = (tonumber(sb) > 0 and (tonumber(sb) == 1 and tonumber(sb).." super ball " or tonumber(sb).." super balls ")) or "" = (tonumber(ub) > 0 and (tonumber(ub) == 1 and tonumber(ub).." ultra ball " or tonumber(ub).." ultra balls ")) or "" wast.sfbs = (tonumber(sfb) > 0 and (tonumber(sfb) == 1 and tonumber(sfb).." saffari ball " or tonumber(sfb).." saffari balls ")) or "" local aand = (wast.nbs ~= "" or wast.gbs ~= "" or wast.sfbs ~= "" or ~= "" or ~= "") and ~= "" local sfbv = (wast.nbs ~= "" or wast.gbs ~= "") and wast.sfbs ~= "" local sbv = (wast.nbs ~= "" or wast.gbs ~= "" or wast.sfbs ~= "") and ~= "" local gbv = (wast.nbs ~= "") and wast.gbs ~= "" str = ((wast.nbs)..(gbv and wast.gbs ~= "" and ", " or "")..(wast.gbs)..(sfbv and wast.sfbs~="" and ", " or "").. (wast.sfbs) ..(sbv and ~= "" and ", " or "")..( and ea[getPlayerLanguage(cid)] or "")..( end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, (ballsw[getPlayerLanguage(cid)][1])..(str)..(ballsw[getPlayerLanguage(cid)][2])) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, -1) return true end Lib (catch system.lua) Spoiler function getBrokesIn(cid, name) local msl = { [PORTUGUESE] = {"Voce ja gastou ", "tentando capturar "}, [ENGLISH] = {"You already wasted ", "trying to catch "} } local ea = { [PORTUGUESE] = "e ", [ENGLISH] = "and ", } if not pokes[name] then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, pokemon.." nao e um pokemon valido.") return true end local sto = pokes[name].sto local toget = "nb = (.-), gb = (.-), sb = (.-), sfb = (.-), ub = (.-);" local b = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto) local wast = { nbs = 0, gbs = 0, sbs = 0, ubs = 0, sfbs = 0, } if not b or b == -1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "You don't wasted any ball in " return true end local str = "" for nb, gb, sb, sfb, ub in (b:gmatch(toget)) do wast.nbs = tonumber(nb) > 0 and (tonumber(nb) == 1 and (tonumber(nb).." poke ball " or tonumber(nb).." poke balls ")) or "" wast.gbs = tonumber(gb) > 0 and (tonumber(nb) == 1 and (tonumber(gb).." great ball " or tonumber(gb).." great balls ")) or "" = tonumber(sb) > 0 and (tonumber(sb) == 1 and (tonumber(sb).." super ball " or tonumber(sb).." super balls ")) or "" = tonumber(ub) > 0 and (tonumber(ub) == 1 and (tonumber(ub).." ultra ball " or tonumber(ub).." ultra balls ")) or "" wast.sfbs = tonumber(sfb) > 0 and (tonumber(sfb) == 1 and (tonumber(sfb).." saffari ball " or tonumber(sfb).." saffari balls ")) or "" local aand = (wast.nbs ~= "" or wast.gbs~="" or wast.sfbs ~="" or"" or "") and ~= "" local sfbv = (wast.nbs ~= "" or wast.gbs~="") and wast.sfbs ~= "" local sbv = (wast.nbs ~= "" or wast.gbs~="" or wast.sfbs ~= "") and ~= "" local gbv = (wast.nbs ~= "") and wast.gbs ~= "" str = ((wast.nbs)..(gbv and wast.gbs~="" and ", " or "")..(wast.gbs)..(sfbv and wast.sfbs~="" and ", " or "")..(wast.sfbs)..(sbv and"" and ", " or "")..( and ea[getPlayerLanguage(cid)] or "")..( end return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, (msl[getPlayerLanguage(cid)][1])..(str)..(msl[getPlayerLanguage(cid)][2])..(name)..".") end pokes = { --Boss --1ª Temporada ["Abra"] = {c = 3006, chance = 20, sto=50001}, ["Alakazam"] = {c = 4317, chance = 3, sto=50002}, ["Arbok"] = {c = 2881, chance = 12.5, sto=50003}, ["Arcanine"] = {c = 3034, chance = 5, sto=50004}, ["Blastoise"] = {c = 2931, chance = 3, sto=50005}, ["Bulbasaur"] = {c = 2830, chance = 20, sto=50006}, ["Charizard"] = {c = 2952, chance = 3, sto=50007}, ["Chansey"] = {c = 2972, chance = 2.5, sto=50008}, ["Charmander"] = {c = 2876, chance = 20, sto=50009}, ["Charmeleon"] = {c = 2866, chance = 10, sto=50010}, ["Clefable"] = {c = 2956, chance = 5, sto=50011}, ["Cloyster"] = {c = 2932, chance = 5, sto=50012}, ["Dragonair"] = {c = 16288, chance = 2, sto=50013}, ["Dragonite"] = {c = 6052, chance = 2.5, sto=50014}, ["Dratini"] = {c = 2868, chance = 15, sto=50015}, ["Electabuzz"] = {c = 5524, chance = 3, sto=50016}, ["Gastly"] = {c = 3108, chance = 20, sto=50017}, ["Gengar"] = {c = 6336, chance = 2.5, sto=50018}, ["Golduck"] = {c = 16290, chance = 2.5, sto=50019}, ["Golem"] = {c = 4268, chance = 5, sto=50020}, ["Gyarados"] = {c = 6331, chance = 2.5, sto=50021}, ["Haunter"] = {c = 6004, chance = 5, sto=50022}, ["Hypno"] = {c = 6046, chance = 5, sto=50023}, ["Ivysaur"] = {c = 2871, chance = 5, sto=50024}, ["Jynx"] = {c = 6077, chance = 2.5, sto=50025}, ["Lapras"] = {c = 6018, chance = 0.5, sto=50026}, ["Machamp"] = {c = 6048, chance = 2.5, sto=50027}, ["Magmar"] = {c = 5766, chance = 3.5, sto=50028}, ["Mr Mime"] = {c = 5540, chance = 3.2, sto=50029}, ["Onix"] = {c = 2990, chance = 5, sto=50030}, ["Pidgeot"] = {c = 3001, chance = 5, sto=50031}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {c = 2820, chance = 120, sto=50032}, ["Pikachu"] = {c = 2938, chance = 20, sto=50033}, ["Psyduck"] = {c = 3028, chance = 20, sto=50034}, ["Raichu"] = {c = 2920, chance = 5, sto=50035}, ["Rhydon"] = {c = 2858, chance = 5, sto=50036}, ["Sandslash"] = {c = 6041, chance = 5, sto=50037}, ["Scyther"] = {c = 3002, chance = 10, sto=50038}, ["Snorlax"] = {c = 2989, chance = 5, sto=50039}, ["Squirtle"] = {c = 2967, chance = 28, sto=50040}, ["Starmie"] = {c = 7320, chance = 8, sto=50041}, ["Tentacruel"] = {c = 3052, chance = 2.5, sto=50042}, ["Venusaur"] = {c = 2808, chance = 8, sto=50043}, ["Wartortle"] = {c = 2860, chance = 5, sto=50044}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {c = 2981, chance = 5, sto=50045}, ["Machop"] = {c = 4274, chance = 20, sto=50046}, ["Ekans"] = {c = 2862, chance = 20, sto=50047}, ["Butterfree"] = {c = 2886, chance = 20, sto=50048}, ["Geodude"] = {c = 5566, chance = 20, sto=50049}, ["Seel"] = {c = 3031, chance = 20, sto=50050}, ["Sandshrew"] = {c = 5988, chance = 40, sto=50051}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {c = 2857, chance = 1.2, sto=50052}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {c = 5526, chance = 1.3, sto=50053}, ["Scizor"] = {c = 9318, chance = 3, sto=50054}, ["Fearow"] = {c = 16289, chance = 18, sto=50055}, ["Goldeen"] = {c = 2970, chance = 100, sto=50056}, ["Krabby"] = {c = 4253, chance = 50, sto=50057}, ["Magikarp"] = {c = 2900, chance = 750, sto=50058}, ["Magnemite"] = {c = 6056, chance = 30, sto=50059}, ["Horsea"] = {c = 2973, chance = 66, sto=50060}, ["Electrode"] = {c = 6051, chance = 30, sto=50061}, ["Rattata"] = {c = 16296, chance = 250, sto=50062}, ["Zubat"] = {c = 2899, chance = 150, sto=50063}, ["Ponyta"] = {c = 2849, chance = 15, sto=50064}, ["Eevee"] = {c = 6364, chance = 2.5, sto=50065}, ["Vaporeon"] = {c = 5960, chance = 1.0, sto=50066}, ["Flareon"] = {c = 6059, chance = 1.0, sto=50067}, ["Jolteon"] = {c = 6044, chance = 1.0, sto=50068}, ["Ditto"] = {c = 2810, chance = 0, sto=50069}, ["Raticate"] = {c = 2960, chance = 20, sto=50070}, ["Growlithe"] = {c = 3049, chance = 20, sto=50071}, ["Caterpie"] = {c = 3099, chance = 200, sto=50072}, ["Metapod"] = {c = 3095, chance = 40, sto=50073}, ["Weedle"] = {c = 2813, chance = 200, sto=50074}, ["Kakuna"] = {c = 16291, chance = 40, sto=50075}, ["Beedrill"] = {c = 5990, chance = 15, sto=50076}, ["Pidgey"] = {c = 3068, chance = 120, sto=50077}, ["Spearow"] = {c = 3086, chance = 120, sto=50078}, ["Nidoran F"] = {c = 2983, chance = 30, sto=50079}, ["Nidorina"] = {c = 2985, chance = 10, sto=50080}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {c = 3004, chance = 5, sto=50081}, ["Nidoran M"] = {c = 6015, chance = 30, sto=50082}, ["Nidorino"] = {c = 6019, chance = 10, sto=50083}, ["Nidoking"] = {c = 2916, chance = 5, sto=50084}, ["Clefairy"] = {c = 2968, chance = 12.5, sto=50085}, ["Vulpix"] = {c = 6003, chance = 20, sto=50086}, ["Ninetales"] = {c = 4259, chance = 3, sto=50087}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {c = 6011, chance = 12.5, sto=50088}, ["Golbat"] = {c = 4298, chance = 15, sto=50089}, ["Oddish"] = {c = 16294, chance = 120, sto=50090}, ["Gloom"] = {c = 2992, chance = 10, sto=50091}, ["Vileplume"] = {c = 3016, chance = 8, sto=50092}, ["Paras"] = {c = 2976, chance = 125, sto=50093}, ["Parasect"] = {c = 16295, chance = 7, sto=50094}, ["Venonat"] = {c = 5997, chance = 20, sto=50095}, ["Venomoth"] = {c = 2925, chance = 7, sto=50096}, ["Diglett"] = {c = 3010, chance = 66, sto=50097}, ["Dugtrio"] = {c = 3013, chance = 12.5, sto=50098}, ["Meowth"] = {c = 16293, chance = 20, sto=50099}, ["Persian"] = {c = 6009, chance = 8, sto=50100}, ["Mankey"] = {c = 3046, chance = 20, sto=50101}, ["Primeape"] = {c = 3037, chance = 6.25, sto=50102}, ["Poliwag"] = {c = 4265, chance = 50, sto=50103}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {c = 4301, chance = 15, sto=50104}, ["Poliwrath"] = {c = 3040, chance = 2.5, sto=50105}, ["Kadabra"] = {c = 4320, chance = 5, sto=50106}, ["Machoke"] = {c = 4251, chance = 5, sto=50107}, ["Bellsprout"] = {c = 3047, chance = 30, sto=50108}, ["Weepinbell"] = {c = 4267, chance = 10, sto=50109}, ["Victreebel"] = {c = 6332, chance = 5, sto=50110}, ["Tentacool"] = {c = 2961, chance = 30, sto=50111}, ["Graveler"] = {c = 6520, chance = 10, sto=50112}, ["Rapidash"] = {c = 4323, chance = 2.5, sto=50113}, ["Slowpoke"] = {c = 3087, chance = 8, sto=50114}, ["Slowbro"] = {c = 5986, chance = 5, sto=50115}, ["Magneton"] = {c = 6076, chance = 15, sto=50116}, ["Farfetchd"] = {c = 3096, chance = 4, sto=50117}, ["Doduo"] = {c = 3100, chance = 30, sto=50118}, ["Dodrio"] = {c = 4280, chance = 8, sto=50119}, ["Dewgong"] = {c = 6038, chance = 2.5, sto=50120}, ["Grimer"] = {c = 4304, chance = 30, sto=50121}, ["Muk"] = {c = 2845, chance = 12.5, sto=50122}, ["Shellder"] = {c = 3097, chance = 30, sto=50123}, ["Drowzee"] = {c = 3019, chance = 10, sto=50124}, ["Kingler"] = {c = 16292, chance = 12.5, sto=50125}, ["Voltorb"] = {c = 4286, chance = 30, sto=50126}, ["Exeggcute"] = {c = 2982, chance = 30, sto=50127}, ["Exeggutor"] = {c = 3005, chance = 2.5, sto=50128}, ["Cubone"] = {c = 4289, chance = 15, sto=50129}, ["Marowak"] = {c = 5625, chance = 5, sto=50130}, ["Lickitung"] = {c = 2953, chance = 2.5, sto=50131}, ["Koffing"] = {c = 2936, chance = 30, sto=50132}, ["Weezing"] = {c = 16297, chance = 12.5, sto=50133}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {c = 3035, chance = 12.5, sto=50134}, ["Tangela"] = {c = 3113, chance = 12.5, sto=50135}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {c = 6073, chance = 2.5, sto=50136}, ["Seadra"] = {c = 2872, chance = 15, sto=50137}, ["Seaking"] = {c = 3038, chance = 10, sto=50138}, ["Staryu"] = {c = 5987, chance = 33, sto=50139}, ["Pinsir"] = {c = 7282, chance = 5, sto=50140}, ["Tauros"] = {c = 6302, chance = 2.5, sto=50141}, ["Porygon"] = {c = 2809, chance = 2.5, sto=50142}, ["Mewtwo"] = {c = 2844, chance = 0, sto=50143}, --2ª Temporada ["Chikorita"] = {c = 2863, chance = 12, sto=50144}, ["Bayleef"] = {c = 2859, chance = 5, sto=50145}, ["Meganium"] = {c = 8963, chance = 2, sto=50146}, ["Cyndaquil"] = {c = 2905, chance = 12, sto=50147}, ["Quilava"] = {c = 2882, chance = 5, sto=50147}, ["Typhlosion"] = {c = 8978, chance = 2, sto=50149}, ["Totodile"] = {c = 2847, chance = 12, sto=50150}, ["Croconaw"] = {c = 2865, chance = 5, sto=50151}, ["Feraligatr"] = {c = 2917, chance = 2, sto=50152}, ["Sentret"] = {c = 9587, chance = 150, sto=50153}, ["Furret"] = {c = 9413, chance = 12, sto=50154}, ["Hoothoot"] = {c = 7345, chance = 41, sto=50155}, ["Noctowl"] = {c = 9649, chance = 5, sto=50156}, ["Ledyba"] = {c = 9138, chance = 150, sto=50157}, ["Ledian"] = {c = 9648, chance = 12, sto=50158}, ["Spinarak"] = {c = 9607, chance = 83, sto=50159}, ["Ariados"] = {c = 9139, chance = 10, sto=50160}, ["Chinchou"] = {c = 9603, chance = 62, sto=50161}, ["Lanturn"] = {c = 16598, chance = 5, sto=50162}, ["Pichu"] = {c = 9566, chance = 30, sto=50163}, ["Cleffa"] = {c = 9567, chance = 12, sto=50164}, ["Igglybuff"] = {c = 9568, chance = 12, sto=50165}, ["Togepi"] = {c = 2851, chance = 3, sto=50166}, ["Togetic"] = {c = 8966, chance = 1, sto=50167}, ["Natu"] = {c = 9624, chance = 10, sto=50168}, ["Xatu"] = {c = 9625, chance = 6, sto=50169}, ["Mareep"] = {c = 12969, chance = 41, sto=50170}, ["Flaaffy"] = {c = 9590, chance = 8, sto=50171}, ["Ampharos"] = {c = 9597, chance = 3, sto=50172}, ["Bellossom"] = {c = 9611, chance = 5, sto=50173}, ["Marill"] = {c = 9626, chance = 31, sto=50174}, ["Azumarill"] = {c = 9627, chance = 5, sto=50175}, ["Sudowoodo"] = {c = 9650, chance = 0.5, sto=50176}, ["Politoed"] = {c = 9583, chance = 3, sto=50177}, ["Hoppip"] = {c = 9528, chance = 83, sto=50178}, ["Skiploom"] = {c = 9529, chance = 16, sto=50179}, ["Jumpluff"] = {c = 9630, chance = 5, sto=50180}, ["Aipom"] = {c = 2909, chance = 10, sto=50181}, ["Sunkern"] = {c = 9632, chance = 150, sto=50182}, ["Sunflora"] = {c = 9140, chance = 12, sto=50183}, ["Yanma"] = {c = 9582, chance = 3, sto=50184}, ["Wooper"] = {c = 9651, chance = 12, sto=50185}, ["Quagsire"] = {c = 9621, chance = 6, sto=50186}, ["Espeon"] = {c = 9334, chance = 0, sto=50187}, ["Umbreon"] = {c = 9338, chance = 0, sto=50188}, ["Murkrow"] = {c = 9141, chance = 5, sto=50189}, ["Slowking"] = {c = 9599, chance = 0, sto=50190}, ["Misdreavus"] = {c = 9572, chance = 3, sto=50191}, ["Unown"] = {c = 9142, chance = 0, sto=50192}, ["Wobbuffet"] = {c = 9573, chance = 5, sto=50193}, ["Girafarig"] = {c = 9143, chance = 3, sto=50194}, ["Pineco"] = {c = 9574, chance = 16, sto=50195}, ["Forretress"] = {c = 12255, chance = 3, sto=50196}, ["Dunsparce"] = {c = 9592, chance = 5, sto=50197}, ["Gligar"] = {c = 9593, chance = 5, sto=50198}, ["Steelix"] = {c = 8964, chance = 0.3, sto=50199}, ["Snubbull"] = {c = 9569, chance = 8, sto=50200}, ["Granbull"] = {c = 9570, chance = 3, sto=50201}, ["Qwilfish"] = {c = 9571, chance = 5, sto=50202}, ["Scizor"] = {c = 9318, chance = 2, sto=50203}, ["Shuckle"] = {c = 9588, chance = 6, sto=50204}, ["Heracross"] = {c = 9605, chance = 3, sto=50205}, ["Sneasel"] = {c = 9589, chance = 3, sto=50206}, ["Teddiursa"] = {c = 9602, chance = 10, sto=50207}, ["Ursaring"] = {c = 9633, chance = 0.5, sto=50208}, ["Slugma"] = {c = 9609, chance = 10, sto=50209}, ["Magcargo"] = {c = 9610, chance = 4, sto=50210}, ["Swinub"] = {c = 9144, chance = 10, sto=50211}, ["Piloswine"] = {c = 9634, chance = 3, sto=50212}, ["Corsola"] = {c = 9594, chance = 7, sto=50213}, ["Remoraid"] = {c = 9595, chance = 8, sto=50214}, ["Octillery"] = {c = 9615, chance = 4, sto=50215}, ["Delibird"] = {c = 9596, chance = 7, sto=50216}, ["Mantine"] = {c = 9636, chance = 4, sto=50217}, ["Skarmory"] = {c = 9637, chance = 3, sto=50218}, ["Houndour"] = {c = 9622, chance = 12, sto=50219}, ["Houndoom"] = {c = 9614, chance = 3, sto=50220}, ["Kingdra"] = {c = 9638, chance = 1, sto=50221}, ["Phanpy"] = {c = 9643, chance = 8, sto=50222}, ["Donphan"] = {c = 9639, chance = 3, sto=50223}, ["Porygon2"] = {c = 9644, chance = 2, sto=50224}, ["Stantler"] = {c = 9145, chance = 3, sto=50225}, ["Smeargle"] = {c = 9642, chance = 6, sto=50226}, ["Tyrogue"] = {c = 9645, chance = 5, sto=50227}, ["Hitmontop"] = {c = 2846, chance = 0, sto=50228}, ["Smoochum"] = {c = 4255, chance = 5, sto=50229}, ["Elekid"] = {c = 9646, chance = 5, sto=50230}, ["Magby"] = {c = 9647, chance = 5, sto=50231}, ["Miltank"] = {c = 9561, chance = 3, sto=50232}, ["Blissey"] = {c = 2838, chance = 2, sto=50233}, ["Raikou"] = {c = 7344, chance = 0, sto=50234}, ["Entei"] = {c = 8690, chance = 0, sto=50235}, ["Suicune"] = {c = 9578, chance = 0, sto=50236}, ["Larvitar"] = {c = 9612, chance = 4, sto=50237}, ["Pupitar"] = {c = 9623, chance = 2, sto=50238}, ["Tyranitar"] = {c = 9635, chance = 0, sto=50239}, ["Lugia"] = {c = 9641, chance = 0, sto=50240}, ["Ho-Oh"] = {c = 9148, chance = 0, sto=50241}, ["Celebi"] = {c = 9344, chance = 0, sto=50242}, ["Hoppip"] = {c = 9628, chance = 10, sto=50243}, ["Skiploom"] = {c = 9629, chance = 5, sto=50244}, --3ª Temporada ["Mudkip"] = {c = 9152, chance = 20, sto=50245}, ["Treecko"] = {c = 9154, chance = 20, sto=50246}, ["Torchic"] = {c = 9156, chance = 20, sto=50247}, ["Grovyle"] = {c = 9090, chance = 4, sto=50248}, ["Combusken"] = {c = 9091, chance = 4, sto=50249}, ["Marshtomp"] = {c = 9094, chance = 4, sto=50250}, ["Blaziken"] = {c = 9093, chance = 2, sto=50251}, ["Swampert"] = {c = 9095, chance = 2, sto=50252}, ["Sceptile"] = {c = 9090, chance = 2, sto=50253}, ["Absol"] = {c = 2928, chance = 2.5, sto=50254}, --4ª Temporada ["Munchlax"] = {c = 2841, chance = 0.7, sto=50255}, ["Electivire"] = {c = 12254, chance = 0.4, sto=50256}, ["Magmortar"] = {c = 2850, chance = 0.4, sto=50257}, ["Leafeon"] = {c = 9336, chance = 0, sto=50258}, ["Glaceon"] = {c = 9340, chance = 0, sto=50259}, ["Rhyperior"] = {c = 12258, chance = 0.3, sto=50260}, --Shiny ["Elder Charizard"] = {c = 2954, chance = 0.3, sto=50261}, ["Commander Marowak"] = {c = 9118, chance = 0.4, sto=50262}, ["Gigawatt Raichu"] = {c = 8770, chance = 0.5, sto=50263}, ["Scarlet Hypno"] = {c = 9122, chance = 0.3, sto=50264}, ["Dark Abra"] = {c = 2816, chance = 0, sto=50265}, ["Ruthless Scyther"] = {c = 2815, chance = 0.1, sto=50266}, ["Golden Arcanine"] = {c = 2814, chance = 0.2, sto=50267}, ["DeepSea Tentacruel"] = {c = 8757, chance = 0.1, sto=50268}, ["Frozen Jynx"] = {c = 8758, chance = 0.4, sto=50269}, ["Crystal Onix"] = {c = 6320, chance = 0.3, sto=50270}, ["Jungle Venusaur"] = {c = 8764, chance = 0.3, sto=50271}, ["Nightfall Vileplume"] = {c = 9254, chance = 0.5, sto=50272}, ["Ocean Blastoise"] = {c = 8763, chance = 0.3, sto=50273}, ["Terror Gengar"] = {c = 4303, chance = 0, sto=50274}, ["Psyshock Alakazam"] = {c = 4306, chance = 0.1, sto=50275}, ["Eternal Dragonite"] = {c = 4305, chance = 0, sto=50276}, ["Great Snorlax"] = {c = 4309, chance = 0, sto=50278}, ["Super Electabuzz"] = {c = 8773, chance = 0.3, sto=50279}, ["X-Quilava"] = {c = 8960, chance = 0.3, sto=50280}, ["Wind Pidgeot"] = {c = 9119, chance = 0.3, sto=50281}, ["SharpHorn Pinsir"] = {c = 9120, chance = 0.3, sto=50282}, ["Ferocious Rattata"] = {c = 8751, chance = 5, sto=50283}, ["Bloody Zubat"] = {c = 8750, chance = 2.1, sto=50284}, ["Ferocious Raticate"] = {c = 8765, chance = 2.5, sto=50285}, ["Bloody Golbat"] = {c = 9117, chance = 1.5, sto=50286}, ["Red Gyarados"] = {c = 2822, chance = 0.1, sto=50287}, ["Aquamarine Kingdra"] = {c = 9187, chance = 0.2, sto=50288}, ["White Horsea"] = {c = 8768, chance = 1.16, sto=50289}, ["White Seadra"] = {c = 8760, chance = 1.0, sto=50290}, ["Yellow Magikarp"] = {c = 8766, chance = 0.1, sto=50291}, ["Mangrove Krabby"] = {c = 8755, chance = 2.16, sto=50292}, ["Mangrove Kingler"] = {c = 8769, chance = 1.5, sto=50293}, ["Magic Starmie"] = {c = 9213, chance = 2, sto=50294}, ["Sea Tentacool"] = {c = 8748, chance = 0.5, sto=50295}, ["Rage Charmeleon"] = {c = 9186, chance = 0.7, sto=50296}, ["Forest Oddish"] = {c = 8749, chance = 5, sto=50297}, ["Toxic Paras"] = {c = 8743, chance = 1.3, sto=50298}, ["Chocolate Grimer"] = {c = 8752, chance = 0.3, sto=50299}, ["Chocolate Muk"] = {c = 8747, chance = 0.5, sto=50300}, ["Frost Cloyster"] = {c = 9205, chance = 0.5, sto=50301}, ["Cave Golem"] = {c = 9253, chance = 0.2, sto=50302}, ["Icy Lapras"] = {c = 9217, chance = 0.2, sto=50303}, ["Wanted Farfetchd"] = {c = 8745, chance = 0.3, sto=50304}, ["Soldier Cubone"] = {c = 9116, chance = 1,16, sto=50305}, ["Crobat"] = {c = 4254, chance = 10, sto=50306}, ["Larvitar"] = {c = 9612, chance = 20, sto=50307}, ["Pupitar"] = {c = 9623, chance = 5, sto=50308}, ["Tyranitar"] = {c = 9635, chance = 2, sto=50309}, ["Venom Tangela"] = {c = 9121, chance = 3, sto=50310}, ["Ruby Sandslash"] = {c = 9208, chance = 0.3, sto=50311}, ["Imperatriz Nidoqueen"] = {c = 9207, chance = 0.3, sto=50312}, ["Imperial Nidoking"] = {c = 9252, chance = 0.3, sto=50313}, ["Harvest Meganium"] = {c = 10402, chance = 0.3, sto=50314}, ["Elite Hitmontop"] = {c = 2846, chance = 0.3, sto=50315}, ["Altaria"] = {c = 11983, chance = 2, sto=50316}, ["Torred Charmander"] = {c = 16602, chance = 3, sto=50317}, ["Torred Charmeleon"] = {c = 16603, chance = 2, sto=50318}, ["Jungle Bulbasaur"] = {c = 16606, chance = 3, sto=50319}, ["Jungle Ivysaur"] = {c = 16607, chance = 2, sto=50320}, ["Champion Machop"] = {c = 16608, chance = 2, sto=50321}, ["Champion Machoke"] = {c = 16609, chance = 2, sto=50322}, ["Starling Swellow"] = {c = 12058, chance = 0.2, sto=50323}, ["Majestic Dragonite"] = {c = 11107, chance = 0.1, sto=50324}, ["Stronger Kangaskhan"] = {c = 11118, chance = 0.2, sto=50325}, ["Shiny Flygon"] = {c = 11123, chance = 0.1, sto=50326}, ["Pacific Feraligatr"] = {c = 11284, chance = 0.2, sto=50327}, ["Burned Machoke"] = {c = 11285, chance = 0.2, sto=50328}, ["Champion Machamp"] = {c = 11286, chance = 0.3, sto=50329}, ["Fireground Typhlosion"] = {c = 11287, chance = 0.2, sto=50330}, ["Ligthgreen Ampharos"] = {c = 11291, chance = 0.2, sto=50331}, ["Dusknoir"] = {c = 11292, chance = 0, sto=50332}, ["Golden Rhydon"] = {c = 11275, chance = 0.2, sto=50333}, ["Fox Ninetales"] = {c = 11282, chance = 0.2, sto=50334}, ["Blade Scizor"] = {c = 11293, chance = 0.2, sto=50335}, ["Tower Tyranitar"] = {c = 11296, chance = 0.2, sto=50336}, ["Zangoose"] = {c = 11301, chance = 60, sto=50338}, ["Anorith"] = {c = 13761, chance = 20, sto=50339}, ["Armaldo"] = {c = 11982, chance = 0, sto=50340}, ["Baltoy"] = {c = 11305, chance = 40, sto=50341}, ["Banette"] = {c = 11306, chance = 3, sto=50342}, ["Claydol"] = {c = 11309, chance = 4, sto=50343}, ["Beldum"] = {c = 11307, chance = 4, sto=50344}, ["Camerupt"] = {c = 12249, chance = 4, sto=50345}, ["Corphish"] = {c = 11310, chance = 40, sto=50346}, ["Crawdaunt"] = {c = 11311, chance = 8, sto=50347}, ["Croagunk"] = {c = 11655, chance = 6, sto=50348}, ["Dusclops"] = {c = 11313, chance = 5, sto=50349}, ["Duskull"] = {c = 12214, chance = 10, sto=50350}, ["Electrike"] = {c = 11316, chance = 4, sto=50351}, ["Exploud"] = {c = 11317, chance = 4, sto=50352}, ["Gardevoir"] = {c = 11318, chance = 3, sto=50353}, ["Gallade"] = {c = 13304, chance = 0, sto=50354}, ["Glalie"] = {c = 11320, chance = 3, sto=50355}, ["kirlia"] = {c = 12191, chance = 3, sto=50356}, ["Lombre"] = {c = 11323, chance = 8, sto=50357}, ["Lotad"] = {c = 11324, chance = 12, sto=50358}, ["Loudred"] = {c = 11325, chance = 15, sto=50359}, ["Ludicolo"] = {c = 11326, chance = 4, sto=50360}, ["Luxray"] = {c = 13243, chance = 0, sto=50361}, ["Makuhita"] = {c = 11329, chance = 8, sto=50362}, ["Manectric"] = {c = 12238, chance = 4, sto=50363}, ["Mawile"] = {c = 12252, chance = 1, sto=50364}, ["Medicham"] = {c = 11333, chance = 4, sto=50365}, ["Meditite"] = {c = 11334, chance = 8, sto=50366}, ["Metang"] = {c = 12243, chance = 7.5, sto=50367}, ["Nincada"] = {c = 11338, chance = 8, sto=50368}, ["Ninjask"] = {c = 11339, chance = 8, sto=50369}, ["Numel"] = {c = 11340, chance = 18, sto=50370}, ["Nuzleaf"] = {c = 11341, chance = 8, sto=50371}, ["Ralts"] = {c = 12190, chance = 16, sto=50372}, ["Sableye"] = {c = 11343, chance = 1.2, sto=50373}, ["Sealeo"] = {c = 11343, chance = 18, sto=50374}, ["Seedot"] = {c = 11345, chance = 18, sto=50375}, ["Sphael"] = {c = 11346, chance = 36, sto=50376}, ["Serviper"] = {c = 12259, chance = 4, sto=50377}, ["Shedinja"] = {c = 12213, chance = 8, sto=50378}, ["Shiftry"] = {c = 12260, chance = 2, sto=50379}, ["Shuppet"] = {c = 11350, chance = 10, sto=50380}, ["Slaking"] = {c = 11351, chance = 0, sto=50381}, ["Slakoth"] = {c = 11352, chance = 20, sto=50382}, ["Snorunt"] = {c = 11353, chance = 2, sto=50383}, ["Swellow"] = {c = 11355, chance = 2, sto=50384}, ["Taillow"] = {c = 11356, chance = 3, sto=50385}, ["Torkoal"] = {c = 12269, chance = 6, sto=50386}, ["Vigoroth"] = {c = 11362, chance = 10, sto=50387}, ["Walrein"] = {c = 11363, chance = 2, sto=50388}, ["Aggron"] = {c = 11981, chance = 0, sto=50389}, ["Aron"] = {c = 12197, chance = 15, sto=50390}, ["Bagon"] = {c = 12198, chance = 10, sto=50391}, ["Barboach"] = {c = 13315, chance = 10, sto=50392}, ["Beautifly"] = {c = 11985, chance = 10, sto=50393}, ["Breloom"] = {c = 11986, chance = 2, sto=50394}, ["Cacnea"] = {c = 13314, chance = 15, sto=50395}, ["Cacturne"] = {c = 11990, chance = 6, sto=50396}, ["Chimecho"] = {c = 11995, chance = 10, sto=50397}, ["Clamperl"] = {c = 11996, chance = 30, sto=50398}, ["Cradily"] = {c = 11999, chance = 0, sto=50399}, ["Delcatty"] = {c = 12001, chance = 10, sto=50400}, ["Dustox"] = {c = 12005, chance = 10, sto=50401}, ["Feebas"] = {c = 12216, chance = 10, sto=50402}, ["Flygon"] = {c = 12242, chance = 0, sto=50403}, ["Gorebyss"] = {c = 12011, chance = 10, sto=50404}, ["Grumpig"] = {c = 12012, chance = 3, sto=50405}, ["Gulpin"] = {c = 12013, chance = 10, sto=50406}, ["Hariyama"] = {c = 12014, chance = 5, sto=50407}, ["Huntail"] = {c = 12015, chance = 4, sto=50408}, ["Illumise"] = {c = 12016, chance = 8, sto=50409}, ["Lairon"] = {c = 12263, chance = 10, sto=50410}, ["Lileep"] = {c = 11934, chance = 1, sto=50411}, ["Linoone"] = {c = 11935, chance = 10, sto=50412}, ["Lunatone"] = {c = 18034, chance = 5, sto=50413}, ["Luvdisc"] = {c = 11941, chance = 30, sto=50414}, ["Masquerain"] = {c = 11945, chance = 15, sto=50415}, ["Metagross"] = {c = 12244, chance = 0, sto=50416}, ["Mightyena"] = {c = 11947, chance = 8, sto=50417}, ["Nosepass"] = {c = 11951, chance = 3, sto=50418}, ["Pelipper"] = {c = 11953, chance = 8, sto=50419}, ["Poochyena"] = {c = 14266, chance = 6, sto=50420}, ["Relicanth"] = {c = 10422, chance = 0, sto=50421}, ["Roselia"] = {c = 11956, chance = 3, sto=50422}, ["Salamence"] = {c = 12237, chance = 0, sto=50423}, ["Sharpedo"] = {c = 18024, chance = 3, sto=50424}, ["Shelgon"] = {c = 12199, chance = 3, sto=50425}, ["Shroomish"] = {c = 11964, chance = 15, sto=50426}, ["Silcoon"] = {c = 11965, chance = 15, sto=50427}, ["Skitty"] = {c = 11966, chance = 25, sto=50428}, ["Solrock"] = {c = 18033, chance = 4, sto=50429}, ["Spinda"] = {c = 11970, chance = 10, sto=50430}, ["Spoink"] = {c = 11971, chance = 8, sto=50431}, ["Surskit"] = {c = 11973, chance = 20, sto=50432}, ["Swablu"] = {c = 11972, chance = 8, sto=50433}, ["Swalot"] = {c = 11974, chance = 12, sto=50434}, ["Trapinch"] = {c = 12209, chance = 10, sto=50435}, ["Tropius"] = {c = 12277, chance = 1, sto=50436}, ["Vibrava"] = {c = 12266, chance = 2, sto=50437}, ["Volbeat"] = {c = 13289, chance = 25, sto=50438}, ["Wailmer"] = {c = 13282, chance = 4, sto=50439}, ["Wailord"] = {c = 16432, chance = 0.2, sto=50440}, ["Whiscash"] = {c = 18001, chance = 8, sto=50441}, ["Wingull"] = {c = 11977, chance = 20, sto=50442}, ["Wurmple"] = {c = 11976, chance = 120, sto=50443}, ["Zigzagoon"] = {c = 11975, chance = 20, sto=50444}, ["Carvanha"] = {c = 17992, chance = 8, sto=50445}, ["Casccon"] = {c = 11992, chance = 40, sto=50446}, ["Night Gloom"] = {c = 12052, chance = 4, sto=50447}, ["Lucario"] = {c = 12256, chance = 0, sto=50448}, ["Magnezone"] = {c = 12268, chance = 0, sto=50449}, ["Riolu"] = {c = 12274, chance = 2, sto=50450}, ["Mimic Mr Mime"] = {c = 12343, chance = 1, sto=50451}, ["Horn Heracross"] = {c = 12999, chance = 2, sto=50452}, ["Shiny Rapidash"] = {c = 13077, chance = 3, sto=50453}, ["Fury Beedrill"] = {c = 8767, chance = 4, sto=50454}, ["Empolion"] = {c = 17968, chance = 4, sto=50455}, ["Torterra"] = {c = 17969, chance = 4, sto=50456}, ["Infernape"] = {c = 17970, chance = 4, sto=50457}, ["Rampant Dragonair"] = {c = 4308, chance = 2.3, sto=50458}, ["Eternal Dratini"] = {c = 8744, chance = 3, sto=50459}, ["Angry Electrode"] = {c = 8753, chance = 4, sto=50460}, ["Angry Voltorb"] = {c = 8754, chance = 5, sto=50461}, ["Golden Growlithe"] = {c = 8742, chance = 3, sto=50462}, ["Mystic Venonat"] = {c = 8759, chance = 3, sto=50463}, ["Furious Fearow"] = {c = 9255, chance = 2, sto=50464}, } Checatch (Talkaction) function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if param == "" then return true end getBrokesIn(cid, param) return true end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 jenison06 0 Posted May 10, 2021 Author Share Posted May 10, 2021 Up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jenison06 0
Alguem consegue adaptar sistema de contagem, o meu nao esta contando apenas no abra e msmo assim so conta 1 ball.
Action ( Catch.lua)
Lib (catch system.lua)
Checatch (Talkaction)
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