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10 horas atrás, Reyzer1000 disse:

Alguém pode me dizer como compilar essa base no linux ubuntu 20.04? Já segui muitos tutoriais mas não consigo compilar sem erros.

Eu consigo compilar no 18 mas eu cobro

11 horas atrás, Reyzer1000 disse:

Quanto você cobra bro?

Para não spawmar o post me chama lá


Discord Daniel_Soares#3165


Whatsapp 65998157796


5 horas atrás, Declivee disse:

Alguém com um client que consiga compilar em windows?
Com a source que vem eu tentei aqui mas o executável não abre.

Alguém consegue ajudar?

Eu tenho

  • 2 months later...

function onEquip(cid, item)
    if (isItem(item)) then
        setPlayerIcons(cid, item, true)
        return true
    return false

function onDeEquip(cid, item)
    setPlayerIcons(cid, item, false)
    return true


Someone can be fixed ?


  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Em 17/02/2022 em 18:16, dso15 disse:

Para não spawmar o post me chama lá


Discord Daniel_Soares#3165


Whatsapp 65998157796


Dá-me Discord porque não funciona

  • 6 months later...


How to insert here any items ? Example 11691 item i put for this ''Neck'' places.

  [InventorySlotHead] = "HeadSlot",
  [InventorySlotNeck] = "NeckSlot",
  [InventorySlotBack] = "BackSlot",
  [InventorySlotBody] = "BodySlot",
  [InventorySlotRight] = "RightSlot",
  [InventorySlotLeft] = "LeftSlot",
  [InventorySlotLeg] = "LegSlot",
  [InventorySlotFeet] = "FeetSlot",
  [InventorySlotFinger] = "FingerSlot",
  [InventorySlotAmmo] = "AmmoSlot"



I want to create a Starter Box. (Box ID = 3000) 
I used this boxes and box give me a Starter for Pidgey level 5.
Some Items for this inventory pages places (PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE) for Fishing Rods (Item ID = 2377.)
And teleporting to Place {x = 3295, y = 564, z = 7}

How can i do ? 

I try but not working.


local BOXES = {
	[3000] = {level = 5, pokemons = {"Pidgey"}}

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
	local randomBoxPokemon = BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons[math.random(1, #BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons)]
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), EFFECT_FIREWORK_YELLOW)
	doPlayerAddItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE, 2377, 1, true) -- Fishing Rods
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, string.format(__L(cid, "Congratulations! Your %s result in %s."), getItemNameById(item.itemid), getMonsterInfo(randomBoxPokemon).description))
	doCreatePokemonBall(cid, "poke", randomBoxPokemon, BOXES[item.itemid].level, nil, nil,
        math.floor(BOXES[item.itemid].level / 2), cid, true)
	doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 3295, y = 564, z = 7}, false)
	return true

Please help me. :)

19 horas atrás, ZombiTR disse:


I want to create a Starter Box. (Box ID = 3000) 
I used this boxes and box give me a Starter for Pidgey level 5.
Some Items for this inventory pages places (PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE) for Fishing Rods (Item ID = 2377.)
And teleporting to Place {x = 3295, y = 564, z = 7}

How can i do ? 

I try but not working.


local BOXES = {
	[3000] = {level = 5, pokemons = {"Pidgey"}}

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
	local randomBoxPokemon = BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons[math.random(1, #BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons)]
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), EFFECT_FIREWORK_YELLOW)
	doPlayerAddItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE, 2377, 1, true) -- Fishing Rods
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, string.format(__L(cid, "Congratulations! Your %s result in %s."), getItemNameById(item.itemid), getMonsterInfo(randomBoxPokemon).description))
	doCreatePokemonBall(cid, "poke", randomBoxPokemon, BOXES[item.itemid].level, nil, nil,
        math.floor(BOXES[item.itemid].level / 2), cid, true)
	doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 3295, y = 564, z = 7}, false)
	return true

Please help me. :)


add a function to remove the item before "doPlayerAddItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE, 2377, 1 true)"

2 horas atrás, ZombiTR disse:


@Tungs, i trying but, not working.


show me what you do, your code is wrong... Send-me 

Editado por Tungs
58 minutos atrás, ZombiTR disse:


This lua.


local BOXES = {
	[3000] = {level = 5, pokemons = {"Pidgey"}}

local slot = {
	getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE),

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
	local randomBoxPokemon = BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons[math.random(1, #BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons)]
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), EFFECT_FIREWORK_YELLOW)
	doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, slot, 1)
	doPlayerAddItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE, 2377, true)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, string.format(__L(cid, "Congratulations! Your %s result in %s."), getItemNameById(item.itemid), getMonsterInfo(randomBoxPokemon).description))
	doCreatePokemonBall(cid, "poke", randomBoxPokemon, BOXES[item.itemid].level, nil, nil,
        math.floor(BOXES[item.itemid].level / 2), cid, true)
	doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 3295, y = 564, z = 7}, false)
	return true


Agora, Tungs disse:


local BOXES = {
	[3000] = {level = 5, pokemons = {"Pidgey"}}

local slot = {
	getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE),

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
	local randomBoxPokemon = BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons[math.random(1, #BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons)]
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), EFFECT_FIREWORK_YELLOW)
	doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, slot, 1)
	doPlayerAddItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE, 2377, true)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, string.format(__L(cid, "Congratulations! Your %s result in %s."), getItemNameById(item.itemid), getMonsterInfo(randomBoxPokemon).description))
	doCreatePokemonBall(cid, "poke", randomBoxPokemon, BOXES[item.itemid].level, nil, nil,
        math.floor(BOXES[item.itemid].level / 2), cid, true)
	doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 3295, y = 564, z = 7}, false)
	return true



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