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suporte otserv Ajuda TM System
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atakashi 11
Boa noite, galera to com um problema no TM system no servidor de poketibia aqui.
está tudo funcionando normal, porém quando eu vou usar um Move que o pokemon não tem, por exemplo um m12 que o charizard não tem, da o seguinte erro no console.
e quando uso um TM que o pokemon não tem.
Era para aparecer a mensagem, " Your pokemon doesn't recognize this move. "
Eu não sei onde arruma pois não consigo entender o problema.
Vou aguardar a ajuda de alguém, aqui está meu script de move1.lua
local msgs = {"use ", ""}function doAlertReady(cid, id, movename, n, cd)if not isCreature(cid) then return true endlocal myball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)if myball.itemid > 0 and getItemAttribute(myball.uid, cd) == "cd:"..id.."" thendoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, getPokeballName(myball.uid).." - "..movename.." (m"..n..") is ready!")return trueendlocal p = getPokeballsInContainer(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 3).uid)if not p or #p <= 0 then return true endfor a = 1, #p doif getItemAttribute(p[a], cd) == "cd:"..id.."" thenif isInArray({"m1", "m2", "m3"}, n) thendoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, getPokeballName(p[a]).." - "..movename.." (t"..n..") is ready!")elsedoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, getPokeballName(p[a]).." - "..movename.." (m"..n..") is ready!")endreturn trueendendendfunction onSay(cid, words, param, channel)if param ~= "" then return true endif string.len(words) > 3 then return true endif #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 thendoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You need a pokemon to use moves.")return 0end--alterado v2.5local mypoke = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]if getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST) then return true endif getCreatureName(mypoke) == "Evolution" then return true endlocal name = getCreatureName(mypoke) == "Ditto" or getCreatureName(mypoke) == "Shiny Ditto" or getCreatureName(mypoke) == "Black Ditto" and getPlayerStorageValue(mypoke, 1010) or getCreatureName(mypoke)local it = string.sub(words, 2, 3)local move = movestable[name].move1if getPlayerStorageValue(mypoke, 212123) >= 1 thencdzin = "cm_move"..it..""elsecdzin = "move"..it.."" --alterado v2.5endif it == "2" thenmove = movestable[name].move2elseif it == "3" thenmove = movestable[name].move3elseif it == "4" thenmove = movestable[name].move4elseif it == "5" thenmove = movestable[name].move5elseif it == "6" thenmove = movestable[name].move6elseif it == "7" thenmove = movestable[name].move7elseif it == "8" thenmove = movestable[name].move8elseif it == "9" thenmove = movestable[name].move9elseif it == "10" thenmove = movestable[name].move10elseif it == "11" thenmove = movestable[name].move11elseif it == "12" thenmove = movestable[name].move12elseif it == "13" thenmove = movestable[name].move13elseif it == "m1" thenmove = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "tm1") or falseelseif it == "m2" thenmove = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "tm2") or falseelseif it == "m3" thenmove = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "tm3") or falseendif isInArray({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13}, it) thenmLevel = move.levelmCD = move.cdmName = move.namemTarget = move.targetmDist = move.distelsem = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "t"..it.."")mLevel = tmList[m].levelmCD = tmList[m].cdmName = mmTarget = tmList[m].targetmDist = tmList[m].distendif not move thendoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your pokemon doesn't recognize this move.")return trueend if getPlayerLevel(cid) < move.level then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You need be atleast level "..move.level.." to use this move.") return trueendif getCD(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, cdzin) > 0 and getCD(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, cdzin) < (mCD + 2) thendoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have to wait "..getCD(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, cdzin).." seconds to use "..mName.." again.")return 0endif getTileInfo(getThingPos(mypoke)).protection thendoPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon cannot use moves while in protection zone.")return 0endif getPlayerStorageValue(mypoke, 3894) >= 1 thenreturn doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't attack because you is with fear") --alterado v2.3endif (mName == "Team Slice" or mName == "Team Claw") and #getCreatureSummons(cid) < 2 then --alterado v2.5doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon need be in a team for use this move!")return 0end--alterado v2.6if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) and isInArray(specialabilities["evasion"], getCreatureName(getCreatureTarget(cid))) and math.random(1, 100) <= 10 thenlocal target = getCreatureTarget(cid)if isCreature(getMasterTarget(target)) then --alterado v2.6 --alterado v2.5doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(target), 211)doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(target), "TOO BAD", 215)doTeleportThing(target, getClosestFreeTile(target, getThingPos(mypoke)), false)doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(target), 211)doFaceCreature(target, getThingPos(mypoke))return true --alterado v2.6endendif mTarget == 1 thenif not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) thendoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You don\'t have any targets.")return 0endif getCreatureCondition(getCreatureTarget(cid), CONDITION_INVISIBLE) thenreturn 0endif getCreatureHealth(getCreatureTarget(cid)) <= 0 thendoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your have already defeated your target.")return 0endif not isCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) thenreturn trueendif getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), getThingPos(getCreatureTarget(cid))) > mDist thendoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Get closer to the target to use this move.")return 0endif not isSightClear(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), getThingPos(getCreatureTarget(cid)), false) thenreturn 0endendlocal newid = 0if isSleeping(mypoke) or isSilence(mypoke) then --alterado v2.5doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sorry you can't do that right now.")return 0elsenewid = setCD(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, cdzin, mCD)enddoCreatureSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mypoke)..", "..msgs[math.random(#msgs)]..""..mName.."!", TALKTYPE_SAY)local summons = getCreatureSummons(cid) --alterado v2.6addEvent(doAlertReady, mCD * 1000, cid, newid, mName, it, cdzin)for i = 2, #summons doif isCreature(summons[i]) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 637501) >= 1 thendocastspell(summons[i], mName) --alterado v2.6endenddocastspell(mypoke, mName)doCreatureAddCondition(cid, playerexhaust)if useKpdoDlls thendoUpdateCooldowns(cid)endreturn 0end
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