[30/01/2016 20:37:59] [Error - Npc interface] [30/01/2016 20:37:59] data/npc/scripts/heal.lua:onCreatureSay [30/01/2016 20:37:59] Description: [30/01/2016 20:37:59] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Item not found
Já tentei de tudo 4 meses ja tentando arrumar esse erro mas não consigo ja tentei trocar de script mas o erro insiste
Talves seja por causa dos ids das ball do meu cliente não se se e isso auguem pode me ajudar ? dou rep
o id das bals no meu server está assim
pokeballs = { ["normal"] = {effect = 188, on = 11826, use = 11827, off = 11828, all = {11826, 11827, 11828}}, ["great"] = {effect = 189, on = 11832, use = 11833, off = 11834, all = {11832, 11833, 11834}}, ["super"] = {effect = 190, on = 11835, use = 11836, off = 11837, all = {11835, 11836, 11837}}, ["ultra"] = {effect = 191, on = 11829, use = 11830, off = 11831, all = {11829, 11830, 11831}}, ["saffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 10975, use = 10976, off = 10977, all = {10975, 10976, 10977}}, --alterado v1.9
["shinynormal"] = {effect = 188, on = 11737, use = 11738, off = 11739, all = {11737, 11738, 11739}}, ["shinygreat"] = {effect = 189, on = 11740, use = 11741, off = 11742, all = {11740, 11741, 11742}}, ["shinysuper"] = {effect = 190, on = 11743, use = 11744, off = 11745, all = {11743, 11744, 11745}}, ["shinyultra"] = {effect = 191, on = 11746, use = 11747, off = 11748, all = {11746, 11747, 11748}}, ["shinysaffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 12621, use = 12622, off = 12623, all = {12621, 12622, 12623}}, --alterado v1.9 }
Meu script Heal.lua \/\/\/\/
local posis = { --[storage da city] = {pos da nurse na city}, [897530] = {x = 1038, y = 1033, z = 7}, --saffron --alterado v1.9 \/ [897531] = {x = 1045, y = 880, z = 7}, --cerulean [897532] = {x = 1189, y = 1021, z = 7}, --lavender [897533] = {x = 1199, y = 1475, z = 7}, --fuchsia [897534] = {x = 847, y = 1011, z = 6}, --celadon [897535] = {x = 691, y = 1064, z = 7}, --viridian [897536] = {x = 1029, y = 1224, z = 7}, --vermilion [897537] = {x = 703, y = 834, z = 7}, --pewter [897538] = {x = 744, y = 1325, z = 7}, --cinnabar [897539] = {x = 1633, y = 1664, z = 6}, --Hunter Village [897540] = {x = 2555, y = 2692, z = 7}, --Blackthorn [897541] = {x = 1492, y = 1820, z = 7}, --Sunshine [897542] = {x = 2387, y = 2698, z = 7}, --Mahogany [897543] = {x = 1014, y = 1023, z = 3}, --Pvp [897544] = {x = 2431, y = 1507, z = 7}, --Orre [897545] = {x = 2456, y = 1642, z = 7}, --LaRosse [897546] = {x = 2441, y = 1739, z = 6}, --Canavale [897547] = {x = 1927, y = 2793, z = 7}, --Olivine [897548] = {x = 1514, y = 1009, z = 7}, --Battle City [897549] = {x = 734, y = 1162, z = 7}, --Pallet [897550] = {x = 2274, y = 2792, z = 7}, --Violet [897551] = {x = 2169, y = 2699, z = 7}, --Ecruteak [897552] = {x = 1631, y = 1055, z = 6}, --Singer }
function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos) end
function onCreatureAppear(creature) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos) if focus == cid then selfSay('Ate mais treinador!') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end
function onCreatureTurn(creature) end
function msgcontains(txt, str) return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)')) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) local msg = string.lower(msg) local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid
for a, b in pairs(gobackmsgs) do local gm = string.gsub(b.go, "doka!", "") local bm = string.gsub(b.back, "doka!", "") if string.find(string.lower(msg), string.lower(gm)) or string.find(string.lower(msg), string.lower(bm)) then return true end end
if((msgcontains(msg, 'hi') or msgcontains(msg, 'heal') or msgcontains(msg, 'help')) and (getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 3)) then
if exhaustion.get(cid, 9211) then selfSay('Please wait a few moment before asking me to heal your pokemons again!') return true end
if not getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).protection and nurseHealsOnlyInPZ then selfSay("Please, get inside the pokémon center to heal your pokemons!") return true end
for e, f in pairs(posis) do local pos = getThingPos(getNpcCid()) if isPosEqual(pos, f) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, e) <= -1 then --alterado v1.7 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, e, 1) end end end
if not nurseHealsPokemonOut then selfSay("Please, return your pokemon to his ball!") return true end
local s = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doCreatureAddHealth(s, getCreatureMaxHealth(s)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 14) doCureStatus(s, "all", false) if getPlayerStorageValue(s, 1008) < baseNurseryHappiness then setPlayerStorageValue(s, 1008, baseNurseryHappiness) end if getPlayerStorageValue(s, 1009) > baseNurseryHunger then setPlayerStorageValue(s, 1009, baseNurseryHunger) end else if mypb.itemid ~= 0 and isPokeball(mypb.itemid) then --alterado v1.3 doItemSetAttribute(mypb.uid, "hp", 1) if getItemAttribute(mypb.uid, "hunger") and getItemAttribute(mypb.uid, "hunger") > baseNurseryHunger then doItemSetAttribute(mypb.uid, "hunger", baseNurseryHunger) end for c = 1, 15 do local str = "move"..c setCD(mypb.uid, str, 0) end if getItemAttribute(mypb.uid, "happy") and getItemAttribute(mypb.uid, "happy") < baseNurseryHappiness then doItemSetAttribute(mypb.uid, "happy", baseNurseryHappiness) end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 then for a, b in pairs (pokeballs) do if isInArray(b.all, mypb.itemid) then doTransformItem(mypb.uid, b.on) end end end end end
local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)
local balls = getPokeballsInContainer(bp.uid) if #balls >= 1 then for _, uid in ipairs(balls) do doItemSetAttribute(uid, "hp", 1) for c = 1, 15 do local str = "move"..c setCD(uid, str, 0) end if getItemAttribute(uid, "hunger") and getItemAttribute(uid, "hunger") > baseNurseryHunger then doItemSetAttribute(uid, "hunger", baseNurseryHunger) end if getItemAttribute(uid, "happy") and getItemAttribute(uid, "happy") < baseNurseryHappiness then doItemSetAttribute(uid, "happy", baseNurseryHappiness) end local this = getThing(uid) for a, b in pairs (pokeballs) do if isInArray(b.all, this.itemid) then doTransformItem(uid, b.on) end end end end selfSay('There you go! You and your pokemons are healthy again.') if useKpdoDlls then --alterado v1.7 doUpdateMoves(cid) end end end
elias vieira alves 14
[30/01/2016 20:37:59] [Error - Npc interface]
[30/01/2016 20:37:59] data/npc/scripts/heal.lua:onCreatureSay
[30/01/2016 20:37:59] Description:
[30/01/2016 20:37:59] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Item not found
Já tentei de tudo 4 meses ja tentando arrumar esse erro mas não consigo ja tentei trocar de script mas o erro insiste
Talves seja por causa dos ids das ball do meu cliente não se se e isso auguem pode me ajudar ? dou rep
o id das bals no meu server está assim
pokeballs = {
["normal"] = {effect = 188, on = 11826, use = 11827, off = 11828, all = {11826, 11827, 11828}},
["great"] = {effect = 189, on = 11832, use = 11833, off = 11834, all = {11832, 11833, 11834}},
["super"] = {effect = 190, on = 11835, use = 11836, off = 11837, all = {11835, 11836, 11837}},
["ultra"] = {effect = 191, on = 11829, use = 11830, off = 11831, all = {11829, 11830, 11831}},
["saffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 10975, use = 10976, off = 10977, all = {10975, 10976, 10977}}, --alterado v1.9
["shinynormal"] = {effect = 188, on = 11737, use = 11738, off = 11739, all = {11737, 11738, 11739}},
["shinygreat"] = {effect = 189, on = 11740, use = 11741, off = 11742, all = {11740, 11741, 11742}},
["shinysuper"] = {effect = 190, on = 11743, use = 11744, off = 11745, all = {11743, 11744, 11745}},
["shinyultra"] = {effect = 191, on = 11746, use = 11747, off = 11748, all = {11746, 11747, 11748}},
["shinysaffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 12621, use = 12622, off = 12623, all = {12621, 12622, 12623}}, --alterado v1.9
Meu script Heal.lua \/\/\/\/
local posis = { --[storage da city] = {pos da nurse na city},
[897530] = {x = 1038, y = 1033, z = 7}, --saffron --alterado v1.9 \/
[897531] = {x = 1045, y = 880, z = 7}, --cerulean
[897532] = {x = 1189, y = 1021, z = 7}, --lavender
[897533] = {x = 1199, y = 1475, z = 7}, --fuchsia
[897534] = {x = 847, y = 1011, z = 6}, --celadon
[897535] = {x = 691, y = 1064, z = 7}, --viridian
[897536] = {x = 1029, y = 1224, z = 7}, --vermilion
[897537] = {x = 703, y = 834, z = 7}, --pewter
[897538] = {x = 744, y = 1325, z = 7}, --cinnabar
[897539] = {x = 1633, y = 1664, z = 6}, --Hunter Village
[897540] = {x = 2555, y = 2692, z = 7}, --Blackthorn
[897541] = {x = 1492, y = 1820, z = 7}, --Sunshine
[897542] = {x = 2387, y = 2698, z = 7}, --Mahogany
[897543] = {x = 1014, y = 1023, z = 3}, --Pvp
[897544] = {x = 2431, y = 1507, z = 7}, --Orre
[897545] = {x = 2456, y = 1642, z = 7}, --LaRosse
[897546] = {x = 2441, y = 1739, z = 6}, --Canavale
[897547] = {x = 1927, y = 2793, z = 7}, --Olivine
[897548] = {x = 1514, y = 1009, z = 7}, --Battle City
[897549] = {x = 734, y = 1162, z = 7}, --Pallet
[897550] = {x = 2274, y = 2792, z = 7}, --Violet
[897551] = {x = 2169, y = 2699, z = 7}, --Ecruteak
[897552] = {x = 1631, y = 1055, z = 6}, --Singer
function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos)
function onCreatureAppear(creature)
function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos)
if focus == cid then
selfSay('Ate mais treinador!')
focus = 0
talk_start = 0
function onCreatureTurn(creature)
function msgcontains(txt, str)
return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)
local msg = string.lower(msg)
for a, b in pairs(gobackmsgs) do
local gm = string.gsub(b.go, "doka!", "")
local bm = string.gsub(b.back, "doka!", "")
if string.find(string.lower(msg), string.lower(gm)) or string.find(string.lower(msg), string.lower(bm)) then
return true
if((msgcontains(msg, 'hi') or msgcontains(msg, 'heal') or msgcontains(msg, 'help')) and (getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 3)) then
if exhaustion.get(cid, 9211) then
selfSay('Please wait a few moment before asking me to heal your pokemons again!')
return true
if not getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).protection and nurseHealsOnlyInPZ then
selfSay("Please, get inside the pokémon center to heal your pokemons!")
return true
for e, f in pairs(posis) do
local pos = getThingPos(getNpcCid())
if isPosEqual(pos, f) then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, e) <= -1 then --alterado v1.7
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, e, 1)
exhaustion.set(cid, 9211, 5)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)-getCreatureHealth(cid))
doCureStatus(cid, "all", true)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 14)
local mypb = getPlayerSlotItem(cid,
if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then
if not nurseHealsPokemonOut then
selfSay("Please, return your pokemon to his ball!")
return true
local s = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
doCreatureAddHealth(s, getCreatureMaxHealth(s))
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 14)
doCureStatus(s, "all", false)
if getPlayerStorageValue(s, 1008) < baseNurseryHappiness then
setPlayerStorageValue(s, 1008, baseNurseryHappiness)
if getPlayerStorageValue(s, 1009) > baseNurseryHunger then
setPlayerStorageValue(s, 1009, baseNurseryHunger)
if mypb.itemid ~= 0 and isPokeball(mypb.itemid) then --alterado v1.3
doItemSetAttribute(mypb.uid, "hp", 1)
if getItemAttribute(mypb.uid, "hunger") and getItemAttribute(mypb.uid, "hunger") > baseNurseryHunger then
doItemSetAttribute(mypb.uid, "hunger", baseNurseryHunger)
for c = 1, 15 do
local str = "move"..c
setCD(mypb.uid, str, 0)
if getItemAttribute(mypb.uid, "happy") and getItemAttribute(mypb.uid, "happy") < baseNurseryHappiness then
doItemSetAttribute(mypb.uid, "happy", baseNurseryHappiness)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) <= 0 then
for a, b in pairs (pokeballs) do
if isInArray(b.all, mypb.itemid) then
doTransformItem(mypb.uid, b.on)
local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)
local balls = getPokeballsInContainer(bp.uid)
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, uid in ipairs(balls) do
doItemSetAttribute(uid, "hp", 1)
for c = 1, 15 do
local str = "move"..c
setCD(uid, str, 0)
if getItemAttribute(uid, "hunger") and getItemAttribute(uid, "hunger") > baseNurseryHunger then
doItemSetAttribute(uid, "hunger", baseNurseryHunger)
if getItemAttribute(uid, "happy") and getItemAttribute(uid, "happy") < baseNurseryHappiness then
doItemSetAttribute(uid, "happy", baseNurseryHappiness)
local this = getThing(uid)
for a, b in pairs (pokeballs) do
if isInArray(b.all, this.itemid) then
doTransformItem(uid, b.on)
selfSay('There you go! You and your pokemons are healthy again.')
if useKpdoDlls then --alterado v1.7
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