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Player não logando mais ! Poketibia 1.9 by slicer


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Tipo de script : .lua

Versão : pda by slicer 1.9

Erro que ocorre :


[13/04/2014 21:20:17] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[13/04/2014 21:20:17] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:onLogin
[13/04/2014 21:20:17] Description:
[13/04/2014 21:20:17] data/lib/IconSys.lua:245: attempt to index local 'x' (a nil value)
[13/04/2014 21:20:17] stack traceback:
[13/04/2014 21:20:17] data/lib/IconSys.lua:245: in function 'doPlayerChangeModeIcon'
[13/04/2014 21:20:17] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:225: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:6>
O que exatamente acontece : Quando isso acontece o player não consegue mais logar em sua acc .
Se alguem souber resolver e puder me ajudar , o server foi editado na raça , apenas usamos uma base com alguns bugs , e esse era um deles , se alguem souber resolver ficarei muito grato !
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local config = {

loginMessage = getConfigValue('loginMessage'),
useFragHandler = getBooleanFromString(getConfigValue('useFragHandler'))
function onLogin(cid)
local accountManager = getPlayerAccountManager(cid)
if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= 80 then
doPlayerSetLossPercent(cid, PLAYERLOSS_EXPERIENCE, 90)
doCreatureSetDropLoot(cid, false)
if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 81 and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= 149 then
doPlayerSetLossPercent(cid, PLAYERLOSS_EXPERIENCE, 80)
doCreatureSetDropLoot(cid, false)
if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 150 then
doPlayerSetLossPercent(cid, PLAYERLOSS_EXPERIENCE, 75)
doCreatureSetDropLoot(cid, false)
if(accountManager == MANAGER_NONE) then
local lastLogin, str = getPlayerLastLoginSaved(cid), config.loginMessage
if(lastLogin > 0) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, str)
str = "Your last visit was on " .."%a %b %d %X %Y", lastLogin) .. "."
str = str
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, str)
elseif(accountManager == MANAGER_NAMELOCK) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Hello, it appears that your character has been namelocked, what would you like as your new name?")
elseif(accountManager == MANAGER_ACCOUNT) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Hello, type 'account' to manage your account and if you want to start over then type 'cancel'.")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Hello, type 'account' to create an account or type 'recover' to recover an account.")
if getCreatureName(cid) == "Account Manager" then
local outfit = {}
if accountManagerRandomPokemonOutfit then
outfit = {lookType = getPokemonXMLOutfit(oldpokedex[math.random(151)][1])}
outfit = accountManagerOutfit
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, -1)
return true
if(not isPlayerGhost(cid)) then
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
local outfit = {}
if getPlayerVocation(cid) == 0 then
doPlayerSetMaxCapacity(cid, 0)
doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)
setCreatureMaxMana(cid, 6)
doPlayerAddSoul(cid, -getPlayerSoul(cid))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 19898, 0)
if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 128 then
outfit = {lookType = 510, lookHead = math.random(0, 132), lookBody = math.random(0, 132), lookLegs = math.random(0, 132), lookFeet = math.random(0, 132)}
elseif getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 136 then
outfit = {lookType = 511, lookHead = math.random(0, 132), lookBody = math.random(0, 132), lookLegs = math.random(0, 132), lookFeet = math.random(0, 132)}
doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit)
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "dropStone")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ShowPokedex") --alterado v1.6
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ClosePokedex") --alterado v1.6
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "WatchTv")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "StopWatchingTv")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "WalkTv")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "RecordTv")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerLogout")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "WildAttack")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Idle")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PokemonIdle")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "EffectOnAdvance")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "GeneralConfiguration")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ReportBug")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "LookSystem")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "T1")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "T2")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "task_count")
addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 500, getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "Bem Vindo!!", COLOR_BURN)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284) == 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284, -1)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598754) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755) >= 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598754, -1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755, -1)
doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) --alterado v1.9 \/
doTeleportThing(cid, posBackPVP, false)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid))
doChangeSpeed(cid, -(getCreatureSpeed(cid)))
local storages = {17000, 63215, 17001, 13008, 5700}
for s = 1, #storages do
if not tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages)) then
if s == 3 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages, 1)
elseif s == 4 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages, -1)
if isBeingUsed(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages, -1)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Sorry, but a problem occurred on the server, but now it's alright")
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 then -- fly
local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
local poke = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke")
doChangeSpeed(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844))
doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = flys[poke][1] + 351}, -1)
local apos = getFlyingMarkedPos(cid)
apos.stackpos = 0
if getTileThingByPos(apos).itemid <= 2 then
doCombatAreaHealth(cid, FIREDAMAGE, getFlyingMarkedPos(cid), 0, 0, 0, CONST_ME_NONE)
doCreateItem(460, 1, getFlyingMarkedPos(cid))
doTeleportThing(cid, apos, false)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") >= 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42368) >= 1 then
sendAuraEffect(cid, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aura")]) --alterado v1.8
local posicao = getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))
markFlyingPos(cid, posicao)
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) >= 1 then -- surf
local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
local poke = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke")
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = surfs[poke].lookType + 351}, -1) --alterado v1.6
doChangeSpeed(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844))
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") >= 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42368) >= 1 then
sendAuraEffect(cid, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aura")]) --alterado v1.8
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1 then -- ride
local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
local poke = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke")
if rides[poke] then
doChangeSpeed(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844))
doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = rides[poke][1] + 351}, -1)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") >= 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42368) >= 1 then
sendAuraEffect(cid, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aura")]) --alterado v1.8
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, -1)
local posicao2 = getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))
markFlyingPos(cid, posicao2)
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13008) >= 1 then -- dive
if not isInArray({5405, 5406, 5407, 5408, 5409, 5410}, getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13008, 0)
doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)
return true
if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = 1034, lookHead = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookHead, lookBody = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody, lookLegs = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookLegs, lookFeet = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookFeet}, -1)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = 1035, lookHead = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookHead, lookBody = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody, lookLegs = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookLegs, lookFeet = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookFeet}, -1)
doChangeSpeed(cid, 800)
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 5700) > 0 then --bike
doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid))
doChangeSpeed(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 5700)) --alterado v1.8
if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = 1394}, -1)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = 1393}, -1)
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 75846) >= 1 then --alterado v1.9 \/
doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)), false)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 75846, -1)
sendMsgToPlayer(cid, 20, "You have been moved to your town!")
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545) >= 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545, -1)
doTeleportThing(cid, getClosestFreeTile(cid, posBackGolden), false)
if useKpdoDlls then
return true

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Sim , possui o icon system ativo .


function doPlayerChangeModeIcon(cid)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 8955) >= 1 then
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "poke")]
local y = icons[getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 3).uid, "poke")]
if x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11826 then -- Pokeball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "pokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11828 then -- Pokeball Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "pokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11827 then -- Pokeball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "pokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11829 then -- Ultraball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11831 then -- Ultraball Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11830 then -- Ultraball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11835 then -- Superball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "superball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11837 then -- Superball Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "superball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11836 then -- Superball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "superball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11832 then -- Greatball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "greatball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11834 then -- Greatball Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "greatball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11833 then -- Greatball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "greatball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 10975 then -- Saffariball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "saffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 10977 then -- Saffariball Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "saffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 10976 then -- Saffariball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "saffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12826 then -- Darkball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "darkball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12828 then -- Darkball Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "darkball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12827 then -- Darkball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "darkball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11740 then -- Shiny Greatball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sgreatball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11742 then -- Shiny Greatball Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sgreatball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11741 then -- Shiny Greatball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sgreatball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11743 then -- Shiny Super
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ssuperball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11745 then -- Shiny Super Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ssuperball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11744 then -- Shiny Superball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ssuperball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11746 then -- Shiny Ultra
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11748 then -- Shiny Ultra Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11747 then -- Shiny Ultraball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11737 then -- Shiny Poke
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "spokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11739 then -- Shiny Poke Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "spokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 11738 then -- Shiny Pokeball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "spokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12621 then -- Shiny Saffari
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ssaffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12623 then -- Shiny Saffari Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ssaffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12622 then -- Shiny Saffariball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "ssaffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12829 then -- Shiny Dark
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sdarkball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12831 then -- Shiny Dark Morta
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid,
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sdarkball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
elseif x and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid == 12830 then -- Shiny Darkball Usada
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, x.use)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball", "sdarkball")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "shiny", "yes")
local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11826) ------ Pokeball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "pokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11828) --- Pokeball morta
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "pokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11829) ------ Ultraball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "ultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11831) --- Ultraball morta
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "ultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11835) ------ Superball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "superball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11837) --- Superball morta
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "superball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11834) ------ Greatball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "greatball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11832) --- Greatball morta
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "greatball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 10975) ------ Saffariball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "saffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 10977) --- Saffariball morta
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "saffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 12826) ------ Darkball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "darkball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 12828) --- Darkball morta
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "darkball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11740) ------ Shiny Great
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "sgreatball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11742) ------ Shiny Greatball morta
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "sgreatball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11746) ------ Shiny Ultraball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "sultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11748) ------ Shiny Ultraball morta
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "sultraball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11737) -- Shiny Pokeball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "spokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11739) -- Shiny Pokeball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "spokeball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11740) -- Shiny Greatball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "sgreatball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11742) -- Shiny Greatball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "sgreatball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11743) -- Shiny Superball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "ssuperball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 11745) -- Shiny Super
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "ssuperball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 12621) -- Shiny Saffariball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "ssaffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 12623) -- Shiny Saffari
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "ssaffariball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 12829) -- Shiny Darkball
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doTransformItem(ball, x.on)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "sdarkball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "no")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, 12831) -- Shiny Dark
if #balls >= 1 then
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local x = icons[getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")]
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "ball", "sdarkball")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "morta", "yes")
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "yes")
local pokeball = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "ball")
local mortano = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "morta")
local y = icons[getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "poke")]
if pokeball == "normal" and mortano == "no" then -- Pokeball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11826)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "normal" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11828)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ultraball" and mortano == "no" then -- Pokeball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11829)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ultraball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11831)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "superball" and mortano == "no" then -- Pokeball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11835)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "superball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11837)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "greatball" and mortano == "no" then -- Pokeball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11832)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "greatball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11834)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "saffariball" and mortano == "no" then -- saffariball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 10975)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "saffariball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 10977)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "darkball" and mortano == "no" then -- darkball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 12826)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "darkball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 12828)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "spokeball" and mortano == "no" then -- saffariball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11737)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "spokeball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11739)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sultraball" and mortano == "no" then -- Pokeball
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11746)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sultraball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11748)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ssuperball" and mortano == "no" then -- Shiny super
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11743)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ssuperball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11745) --- Shiny superr
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sgreatball" and mortano == "no" then -- Shiny great
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11740)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sgreatball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 11742)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ssaffariball" and mortano == "no" then -- Shiny saffari
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 12621)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ssaffariball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 12623)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sdarkball" and mortano == "no" then -- Shiny dark
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 12829)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sdarkball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 12831)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "Icone", "no")
local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)
x = { }
for a = 1, #x do
local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, x[a])
for _, ball in pairs (balls) do
local pokeball = getItemAttribute(ball, "ball")
local mortano = getItemAttribute(ball, "morta")
if getItemAttribute(ball, "ball") == "ultraball" and getItemAttribute(ball, "morta") == "no" then -- Ultra ball
doTransformItem(ball, 11829)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif getItemAttribute(ball, "ball") == "ultraball" and getItemAttribute(ball, "morta") == "yes" then -- Ultra ball morta
doTransformItem(ball, 11831)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "pokeball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11826)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "pokeball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11828)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "superball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11835)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "superball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11837)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "greatball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11832)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "greatball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11834)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "saffariball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 10975)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "saffariball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 10977)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "darkball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 12826)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "darkball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 12828)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "spokeball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11737)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "spokeball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11739)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sgreatball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11740)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sgreatball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11742)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ssuperball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11743)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ssuperball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11745)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sultraball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11746)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sultraball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 11748)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ssaffariball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 12621)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "ssaffariball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 12623)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sdarkball" and mortano == "no" then
doTransformItem(ball, 12829)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")
elseif pokeball == "sdarkball" and mortano == "yes" then
doTransformItem(ball, 12831)
doItemSetAttribute(ball, "Icone", "no")

Editado por dudugrossi
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Ao que parece ele não consegue encontrar um valor para a variavel X:

local x = icons[getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "poke")]

Poderia postar essa sua tabela icons?

Favor edite o seu comentario acima e coloca o codigo dentro do spoiler, acho que você apertou Enter antes da hora, abraço.

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Aonde fica a tabela e icons ? Não tenho ideia de onde fica .

Acredito que na pasta Data/Lib/ em algum arquivo por lá, não sei lhe dizer com certeza, mas deve estar lá.

Aguardando, abraço.

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pokeballs = {
["normal"] = {effect = 188, on = 11826, use = 11827, off = 11828, all = {11826, 11827, 11828}},
["ultra"] = {effect = 188, on = 11829, use = 11830, off = 11831, all = {11829, 11830, 11831}},
["super"] = {effect = 190, on = 11835, use = 11836, off = 11837, all = {11835, 11836, 11837}},
["great"] = {effect = 189, on = 11832, use = 11833, off = 11834, all = {11832, 11833, 11834}},
["saffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 10975, use = 10976, off = 10977, all = {10975, 10976, 10977}}, --alterado v1.9
["dark"] = {effect = 196, on = 12826, use = 12827, off = 12828, all = {12826, 12827, 12828}},
["shinypoke"] = {effect = 188, on = 11737, use = 11738, off = 11739, all = {11737, 11738, 11739}},
["shinygreat"] = {effect = 189, on = 11740, use = 11741, off = 11742, all = {11740, 11741, 11742}},
["shinysuper"] = {effect = 190, on = 11743, use = 11744, off = 11745, all = {11743, 11744, 11745}},
["shinyultra"] = {effect = 188, on = 11746, use = 11747, off = 11748, all = {11746, 11747, 11748}},
["shinysaffari"] = {effect = 195, on = 12621, use = 12622, off = 12623, all = {12621, 12622, 12623}}, --alterado v1.9
["shinydark"] = {effect = 196, on = 12829, use = 12830, off = 12831, all = {12829, 12830, 12831}},
["gengar"] = {effect = 188, on = 12861, use = 12862, off = 12863, all = {12861, 12862, 12863}},
["abra"] = {effect = 188, on = 12864, use = 12865, off = 12866, all = {12864, 12865, 12866}},
["aerodactyl"] = {effect = 188, on = 12867, use = 12868, off = 12869, all = {12867, 12868, 12869}},
["aipom"] = {effect = 188, on = 12870, use = 12871, off = 12872, all = {12870, 12871, 12872}},
["aipom"] = {effect = 188, on = 12870, use = 12871, off = 12872, all = {12870, 12871, 12872}},
["alakazam"] = {effect = 188, on = 12873, use = 12874, off = 12875, all = {12873, 12874, 12875}},
["ampharos"] = {effect = 188, on = 12876, use = 12877, off = 12878, all = {12876, 12877, 12878}},
["arbok"] = {effect = 188, on = 12879, use = 12880, off = 12881, all = {12879, 12880, 12881}},
["arcanine"] = {effect = 188, on = 12882, use = 12883, off = 12884, all = {12882, 12883, 12884}},
["ariados"] = {effect = 188, on = 12885, use = 12886, off = 12887, all = {12885, 12886, 12887}},
["azumarill"] = {effect = 188, on = 12888, use = 12889, off = 12890, all = {12888, 12889, 12890}},
["bayleef"] = {effect = 188, on = 12891, use = 12892, off = 12893, all = {12891, 12892, 12893}},
["bellossom"] = {effect = 188, on = 12894, use = 12895, off = 12896, all = {12894, 12895, 12896}},
["bellsprout"] = {effect = 188, on = 12897, use = 12898, off = 12899, all = {12897, 12898, 12899}},
["blastoise"] = {effect = 188, on = 12900, use = 12901, off = 12902, all = {12900, 12901, 12902}},
["blissey"] = {effect = 188, on = 12903, use = 12904, off = 12905, all = {12903, 12904, 12905}},
["bulbasaur"] = {effect = 188, on = 12906, use = 12907, off = 12908, all = {12906, 12907, 12908}},
["butterfree"] = {effect = 188, on = 12909, use = 12910, off = 12911, all = {12909, 12910, 12911}},
["caterpie"] = {effect = 188, on = 12912, use = 12913, off = 12914, all = {12912, 12913, 12914}},
["celebi"] = {effect = 188, on = 12915, use = 12916, off = 12917, all = {12915, 12916, 12917}},
["chansey"] = {effect = 188, on = 12918, use = 12919, off = 12920, all = {12918, 12919, 12920}},
["charizard"] = {effect = 188, on = 12921, use = 12922, off = 12923, all = {12921, 12922, 12923}},
["charmander"] = {effect = 188, on = 12924, use = 12925, off = 12926, all = {12924, 12925, 12926}},
["charmeleon"] = {effect = 188, on = 12927, use = 12928, off = 12929, all = {12927, 12928, 12929}},
["chikorita"] = {effect = 188, on = 12930, use = 12931, off = 12932, all = {12930, 12931, 12932}},
["chinchou"] = {effect = 188, on = 12933, use = 12934, off = 12935, all = {12933, 12934, 12935}},
["cyndaquil"] = {effect = 188, on = 12936, use = 12937, off = 12938, all = {12936, 12937, 12938}},
["clefable"] = {effect = 188, on = 12939, use = 12940, off = 12941, all = {12939, 12940, 12941}},
["clefairy"] = {effect = 188, on = 12942, use = 12943, off = 12944, all = {12942, 12943, 12944}},
["cleffa"] = {effect = 188, on = 12945, use = 12946, off = 12947, all = {12945, 12946, 12947}},
["cloyster"] = {effect = 188, on = 12948, use = 12949, off = 12950, all = {12948, 12949, 12950}},
["corsola"] = {effect = 188, on = 12951, use = 12952, off = 12953, all = {12951, 12952, 12953}},
["crobat"] = {effect = 188, on = 12954, use = 12955, off = 12956, all = {12954, 12955, 12956}},
["croconaw"] = {effect = 188, on = 12957, use = 12958, off = 12959, all = {12957, 12958, 12959}},
["cubone"] = {effect = 188, on = 12960, use = 12961, off = 12962, all = {12960, 12961, 12962}},
["delibird"] = {effect = 188, on = 12963, use = 12964, off = 12965, all = {12963, 12964, 12965}},
["dewgong"] = {effect = 188, on = 12966, use = 12967, off = 12968, all = {12966, 12967, 12968}},
["diglett"] = {effect = 188, on = 12969, use = 12970, off = 12971, all = {12969, 12970, 12971}},
["ditto"] = {effect = 188, on = 12972, use = 12973, off = 12974, all = {12972, 12973, 12974}},
["dodrio"] = {effect = 188, on = 12975, use = 12976, off = 12977, all = {12975, 12976, 12977}},
["doduo"] = {effect = 188, on = 12978, use = 12979, off = 12980, all = {12978, 12979, 12980}},
["donphan"] = {effect = 188, on = 12981, use = 12982, off = 12983, all = {12981, 12982, 12983}},
["dragonair"] = {effect = 188, on = 12984, use = 12985, off = 12986, all = {12984, 12985, 12986}},
["dragonite"] = {effect = 188, on = 12987, use = 12988, off = 12989, all = {12987, 12988, 12989}},
["dratini"] = {effect = 188, on = 12990, use = 12991, off = 12992, all = {12990, 12991, 12992}},
["drowzee"] = {effect = 188, on = 12993, use = 12994, off = 12995, all = {12993, 12994, 12995}},
["dugtrio"] = {effect = 188, on = 12996, use = 12997, off = 12998, all = {12996, 12997, 12998}},
["dunsparce"] = {effect = 188, on = 12999, use = 13000, off = 13001, all = {12999, 13000, 13001}},
["eevee"] = {effect = 188, on = 13002, use = 13003, off = 13004, all = {13002, 13003, 13004}},
["ekans"] = {effect = 188, on = 13005, use = 13006, off = 13007, all = {13005, 13006, 13007}},
["electabuzz"] = {effect = 188, on = 13008, use = 13009, off = 13010, all = {13008, 13009, 13010}},
["electrode"] = {effect = 188, on = 13011, use = 13012, off = 13013, all = {13011, 13012, 13013}},
["elekid"] = {effect = 188, on = 13014, use = 13015, off = 13016, all = {13014, 13015, 13016}},
["entei"] = {effect = 188, on = 13017, use = 13018, off = 13019, all = {13017, 13018, 13019}},
["espeon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13020, use = 13021, off = 13022, all = {13020, 13021, 13022}},
["exeggcute"] = {effect = 188, on = 13023, use = 13024, off = 13025, all = {13023, 13024, 13025}},
["exeggutor"] = {effect = 188, on = 13026, use = 13027, off = 13028, all = {13026, 13027, 13028}},
["farfetch'd"] = {effect = 188, on = 13029, use = 13030, off = 13031, all = {13029, 13030, 13031}},
["fearow"] = {effect = 188, on = 13032, use = 13033, off = 13034, all = {13032, 13033, 13034}},
["feraligatr"] = {effect = 188, on = 13035, use = 13036, off = 13037, all = {13035, 13036, 13037}},
["flaaffy"] = {effect = 188, on = 13038, use = 13039, off = 13040, all = {13038, 13039, 13040}},
["forretress"] = {effect = 188, on = 13041, use = 13042, off = 13043, all = {13041, 13042, 13043}},
["furret"] = {effect = 188, on = 13044, use = 13045, off = 13046, all = {13044, 13045, 13046}},
["gastly"] = {effect = 188, on = 13047, use = 13048, off = 13049, all = {13047, 13048, 13049}},
["geodude"] = {effect = 188, on = 13050, use = 13051, off = 13052, all = {13050, 13051, 13052}},
["girafarig"] = {effect = 188, on = 13053, use = 13054, off = 13055, all = {13053, 13054, 13055}},
["gligar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13056, use = 13057, off = 13058, all = {13056, 13057, 13058}},
["gloom"] = {effect = 188, on = 13059, use = 13060, off = 13061, all = {13059, 13060, 13061}},
["golbat"] = {effect = 188, on = 13623, use = 13624, off = 13625, all = {13623, 13624, 13625}},
["goldeen"] = {effect = 188, on = 13065, use = 13066, off = 13067, all = {13065, 13066, 13067}},
["golduck"] = {effect = 188, on = 13068, use = 13069, off = 13070, all = {13068, 13069, 13070}},
["golem"] = {effect = 188, on = 13071, use = 13072, off = 13073, all = {13071, 13072, 13073}},
["golbat"] = {effect = 188, on = 13071, use = 13072, off = 13073, all = {13071, 13072, 13073}},
["granbull"] = {effect = 188, on = 13074, use = 13075, off = 13076, all = {13074, 13075, 13076}},
["graveler"] = {effect = 188, on = 13077, use = 13078, off = 13079, all = {13077, 13078, 13079}},
["grimer"] = {effect = 188, on = 13080, use = 13081, off = 13082, all = {13080, 13081, 13082}},
["growlithe"] = {effect = 188, on = 13083, use = 13084, off = 13085, all = {13083, 13084, 13085}},
["gyarados"] = {effect = 188, on = 13086, use = 13087, off = 13088, all = {13086, 13087, 13088}},
["haunter"] = {effect = 188, on = 13089, use = 13090, off = 13091, all = {13089, 13090, 13091}},
["heracross"] = {effect = 188, on = 13092, use = 13093, off = 13094, all = {13092, 13093, 13094}},
["hitmonchan"] = {effect = 188, on = 13095, use = 13096, off = 13097, all = {13095, 13096, 13097}},
["hitmonlee"] = {effect = 188, on = 13098, use = 13099, off = 13100, all = {13098, 13099, 13100}},
["hitmontop"] = {effect = 188, on = 13101, use = 13102, off = 13103, all = {13101, 13102, 13103}},
["hoothoot"] = {effect = 188, on = 13104, use = 13105, off = 13106, all = {13104, 13105, 13106}},
["hoppip"] = {effect = 188, on = 13107, use = 13108, off = 13109, all = {13107, 13108, 13109}},
["horsea"] = {effect = 188, on = 13110, use = 13111, off = 13112, all = {13110, 13111, 13112}},
["houndoom"] = {effect = 188, on = 13113, use = 13114, off = 13115, all = {13113, 13114, 13115}},
["houndour"] = {effect = 188, on = 13116, use = 13117, off = 13118, all = {13116, 13117, 13118}},
["hypno"] = {effect = 188, on = 13119, use = 13120, off = 13121, all = {13119, 13120, 13121}},
["igglybuff"] = {effect = 188, on = 13122, use = 13123, off = 13124, all = {13122, 13123, 13124}},
["ivysaur"] = {effect = 188, on = 13125, use = 13126, off = 13127, all = {13125, 13126, 13127}},
["jigglypuff"] = {effect = 188, on = 13128, use = 13129, off = 13130, all = {13128, 13129, 13130}},
["jolteon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13131, use = 13132, off = 13133, all = {13131, 13132, 13133}},
["jumpluff"] = {effect = 188, on = 13134, use = 13135, off = 13136, all = {13134, 13135, 13136}},
["jynx"] = {effect = 188, on = 13137, use = 13138, off = 13139, all = {13137, 13138, 13139}},
["kabuto"] = {effect = 188, on = 13140, use = 13141, off = 13142, all = {13140, 13141, 13142}},
["kabutops"] = {effect = 188, on = 13143, use = 13144, off = 13145, all = {13143, 13144, 13145}},
["kadabra"] = {effect = 188, on = 13146, use = 13147, off = 13148, all = {13146, 13147, 13148}},
["kangaskhan"] = {effect = 188, on = 13149, use = 13150, off = 13151, all = {13149, 13150, 13151}},
["kingdra"] = {effect = 188, on = 13152, use = 13153, off = 13154, all = {13152, 13153, 13154}},
["kingler"] = {effect = 188, on = 13155, use = 13156, off = 13157, all = {13155, 13156, 13157}},
["koffing"] = {effect = 188, on = 13158, use = 13159, off = 13160, all = {13158, 13159, 13160}},
["krabby"] = {effect = 188, on = 13161, use = 13162, off = 13163, all = {13161, 13162, 13163}},
["lanturn"] = {effect = 188, on = 13164, use = 13165, off = 13166, all = {13164, 13165, 13166}},
["lapras"] = {effect = 188, on = 13167, use = 13168, off = 13169, all = {13167, 13168, 13169}},
["larvitar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13170, use = 13171, off = 13172, all = {13170, 13171, 13172}},
["ledian"] = {effect = 188, on = 13173, use = 13174, off = 13175, all = {13173, 13174, 13175}},
["ledyba"] = {effect = 188, on = 13176, use = 13177, off = 13178, all = {13176, 13177, 13178}},
["lickitung"] = {effect = 188, on = 13179, use = 13180, off = 13181, all = {13179, 13180, 13181}},
["machamp"] = {effect = 188, on = 13182, use = 13183, off = 13184, all = {13182, 13183, 13184}},
["machoke"] = {effect = 188, on = 13185, use = 13186, off = 13187, all = {13185, 13186, 13187}},
["machop"] = {effect = 188, on = 13188, use = 13189, off = 13190, all = {13188, 13189, 13190}},
["magby"] = {effect = 188, on = 13191, use = 13192, off = 13193, all = {13191, 13192, 13193}},
["magcargo"] = {effect = 188, on = 13194, use = 13195, off = 13196, all = {13194, 13195, 13196}},
["magikarp"] = {effect = 188, on = 13197, use = 13198, off = 13199, all = {13197, 13198, 13199}},
["magmar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13200, use = 13201, off = 13202, all = {13200, 13201, 13202}},
["magnemite"] = {effect = 188, on = 13203, use = 13204, off = 13205, all = {13203, 13204, 13205}},
["magneton"] = {effect = 188, on = 13206, use = 13207, off = 13208, all = {13206, 13207, 13208}},
["mankey"] = {effect = 188, on = 13209, use = 13210, off = 13211, all = {13209, 13210, 13211}},
["mantine"] = {effect = 188, on = 13212, use = 13213, off = 13214, all = {13212, 13213, 13214}},
["mareep"] = {effect = 188, on = 13215, use = 13216, off = 13217, all = {13215, 13216, 13217}},
["marill"] = {effect = 188, on = 13218, use = 13219, off = 13220, all = {13218, 13219, 13220}},
["marowak"] = {effect = 188, on = 13221, use = 13222, off = 13223, all = {13221, 13222, 13223}},
["meganium"] = {effect = 188, on = 13224, use = 13225, off = 13226, all = {13224, 13225, 13226}},
["meowth"] = {effect = 188, on = 13227, use = 13228, off = 13229, all = {13227, 13228, 13229}},
["metapod"] = {effect = 188, on = 13230, use = 13231, off = 13232, all = {13230, 13231, 13232}},
["miltank"] = {effect = 188, on = 13233, use = 13234, off = 13235, all = {13233, 13234, 13235}},
["misdreavus"] = {effect = 188, on = 13236, use = 13237, off = 13238, all = {13236, 13237, 13238}},
["mr. mime"] = {effect = 188, on = 13239, use = 13240, off = 13241, all = {13239, 13240, 13241}},
["muk"] = {effect = 188, on = 13242, use = 13243, off = 13244, all = {13242, 13243, 13244}},
["murkrow"] = {effect = 188, on = 13245, use = 13246, off = 13247, all = {13245, 13246, 13247}},
["natu"] = {effect = 188, on = 13248, use = 13249, off = 13250, all = {13248, 13249, 13250}},
["nidoking"] = {effect = 188, on = 13251, use = 13252, off = 13253, all = {13251, 13252, 13253}},
["nidoran male"] = {effect = 188, on = 13254, use = 13255, off = 13256, all = {13254, 13255, 13256}},
["nidoran female"] = {effect = 188, on = 13257, use = 13258, off = 13259, all = {13257, 13258, 13259}},
["nidorina"] = {effect = 188, on = 13260, use = 13261, off = 13262, all = {13260, 13261, 13262}},
["ninetales"] = {effect = 188, on = 13263, use = 13264, off = 13265, all = {13263, 13264, 13265}},
["nidoqueen"] = {effect = 188, on = 13266, use = 13267, off = 13268, all = {13266, 13267, 13268}},
["nidorino"] = {effect = 188, on = 13269, use = 13270, off = 13271, all = {13269, 13270, 13271}},
["noctowl"] = {effect = 188, on = 13272, use = 13273, off = 13274, all = {13272, 13273, 13274}},
["octillery"] = {effect = 188, on = 13275, use = 13276, off = 13277, all = {13275, 13276, 13277}},
["oddish"] = {effect = 188, on = 13278, use = 13279, off = 13280, all = {13278, 13279, 13280}},
["omanyte"] = {effect = 188, on = 13281, use = 13282, off = 13283, all = {13281, 13282, 13283}},
["omastar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13284, use = 13285, off = 13286, all = {13284, 13285, 13286}},
["onix"] = {effect = 188, on = 13287, use = 13288, off = 13289, all = {13287, 13288, 13289}},
["parasect"] = {effect = 188, on = 13290, use = 13291, off = 13292, all = {13290, 13291, 13292}},
["persian"] = {effect = 188, on = 13293, use = 13294, off = 13295, all = {13293, 13294, 13295}},
["phanpy"] = {effect = 188, on = 13296, use = 13297, off = 13298, all = {13296, 13297, 13298}},
["pichu"] = {effect = 188, on = 13299, use = 13300, off = 13301, all = {13299, 13300, 13301}},
["pidgeot"] = {effect = 188, on = 13302, use = 13303, off = 13304, all = {13302, 13303, 13304}},
["pidgeotto"] = {effect = 188, on = 13305, use = 13306, off = 13307, all = {13305, 13306, 13307}},
["pidgey"] = {effect = 188, on = 13308, use = 13309, off = 13310, all = {13308, 13309, 13310}},
["pikachu"] = {effect = 188, on = 13311, use = 13312, off = 13313, all = {13311, 13312, 13313}},
["piloswine"] = {effect = 188, on = 13314, use = 13315, off = 13316, all = {13314, 13315, 13316}},
["pineco"] = {effect = 188, on = 13317, use = 13318, off = 13319, all = {13317, 13318, 13319}},
["pinsir"] = {effect = 188, on = 13320, use = 13321, off = 13322, all = {13320, 13321, 13322}},
["politoed"] = {effect = 188, on = 13323, use = 13324, off = 13325, all = {13323, 13324, 13325}},
["poliwag"] = {effect = 188, on = 13326, use = 13327, off = 13328, all = {13326, 13327, 13328}},
["poliwhirl"] = {effect = 188, on = 13329, use = 13330, off = 13331, all = {13329, 13330, 13331}},
["poliwrath"] = {effect = 188, on = 13332, use = 13333, off = 13334, all = {13332, 13333, 13334}},
["ponyta"] = {effect = 188, on = 13335, use = 13336, off = 13337, all = {13335, 13336, 13337}},
["porygon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13338, use = 13339, off = 13340, all = {13338, 13339, 13340}},
["porygon2"] = {effect = 188, on = 13341, use = 13342, off = 13343, all = {13341, 13342, 13343}},
["primeape"] = {effect = 188, on = 13344, use = 13345, off = 13346, all = {13344, 13345, 13346}},
["psyduck"] = {effect = 188, on = 13347, use = 13348, off = 13349, all = {13347, 13348, 13349}},
["pupitar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13350, use = 13351, off = 13352, all = {13350, 13351, 13352}},
["quagsire"] = {effect = 188, on = 13353, use = 13354, off = 13355, all = {13353, 13354, 13355}},
["quilava"] = {effect = 188, on = 13356, use = 13357, off = 13358, all = {13356, 13357, 13358}},
["qwilfish"] = {effect = 188, on = 13359, use = 13360, off = 13361, all = {13359, 13360, 13361}},
["raichu"] = {effect = 188, on = 13362, use = 13363, off = 13364, all = {13362, 13363, 13364}},
["rapidash"] = {effect = 188, on = 13365, use = 13366, off = 13367, all = {13365, 13366, 13367}},
["raticate"] = {effect = 188, on = 13368, use = 13369, off = 13370, all = {13368, 13369, 13370}},
["rattata"] = {effect = 188, on = 13371, use = 13372, off = 13373, all = {13371, 13372, 13373}},
["remoraid"] = {effect = 188, on = 13374, use = 13375, off = 13376, all = {13374, 13375, 13376}},
["rhydon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13377, use = 13378, off = 13379, all = {13377, 13378, 13379}},
["rhyhorn"] = {effect = 188, on = 13380, use = 13381, off = 13382, all = {13380, 13381, 13382}},
["sandshrew"] = {effect = 188, on = 13383, use = 13384, off = 13385, all = {13383, 13384, 13385}},
["sandslash"] = {effect = 188, on = 13386, use = 13387, off = 13388, all = {13386, 13387, 13388}},
["scizor"] = {effect = 188, on = 13389, use = 13390, off = 13391, all = {13389, 13390, 13391}},
["scyther"] = {effect = 188, on = 13392, use = 13393, off = 13394, all = {13392, 13393, 13394}},
["seadra"] = {effect = 188, on = 13395, use = 13396, off = 13397, all = {13395, 13396, 13397}},
["seaking"] = {effect = 188, on = 13398, use = 13399, off = 13400, all = {13398, 13399, 13400}},
["sentret"] = {effect = 188, on = 13401, use = 13402, off = 13403, all = {13401, 13402, 13403}},
["shellder"] = {effect = 188, on = 13404, use = 13405, off = 13406, all = {13404, 13405, 13406}},
["shiny abra"] = {effect = 188, on = 13407, use = 13408, off = 13409, all = {13407, 13408, 13409}},
["shiny alakazam"] = {effect = 188, on = 13410, use = 13411, off = 13412, all = {13410, 13411, 13412}},
["shiny ampharos"] = {effect = 188, on = 13413, use = 13414, off = 13415, all = {13413, 13414, 13415}},
["shiny arcanine"] = {effect = 188, on = 13416, use = 13417, off = 13418, all = {13416, 13417, 13418}},
["shiny beedrill"] = {effect = 188, on = 13419, use = 13420, off = 13421, all = {13419, 13420, 13421}},
["shiny blastoise"] = {effect = 188, on = 13422, use = 13423, off = 13424, all = {13422, 13423, 13424}},
["shiny butterfree"] = {effect = 188, on = 13425, use = 13426, off = 13427, all = {13425, 13426, 13427}},
["shiny charizard"] = {effect = 188, on = 13428, use = 13429, off = 13430, all = {13428, 13429, 13430}},
["shiny crobat"] = {effect = 188, on = 13431, use = 13432, off = 13433, all = {13431, 13432, 13433}},
["shiny cubone"] = {effect = 188, on = 13434, use = 13435, off = 13436, all = {13434, 13435, 13436}},
["shiny dodrio"] = {effect = 188, on = 13437, use = 13438, off = 13439, all = {13437, 13438, 13439}},
["shiny dragonair"] = {effect = 188, on = 13440, use = 13441, off = 13442, all = {13440, 13441, 13442}},
["shiny electabuzz"] = {effect = 188, on = 13443, use = 13444, off = 13445, all = {13443, 13444, 13445}},
["shiny electrode"] = {effect = 188, on = 13446, use = 13447, off = 13448, all = {13446, 13447, 13448}},
["shiny espeon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13449, use = 13450, off = 13451, all = {13449, 13450, 13451}},
["shiny farfetch'd"] = {effect = 188, on = 13452, use = 13453, off = 13454, all = {13452, 13453, 13454}},
["shiny fearow"] = {effect = 188, on = 13455, use = 13456, off = 13457, all = {13455, 13456, 13457}},
["shiny feraligatr"] = {effect = 188, on = 13458, use = 13459, off = 13460, all = {13458, 13459, 13460}},
["shiny flareon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13461, use = 13462, off = 13463, all = {13461, 13462, 13463}},
["shiny gengar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13464, use = 13465, off = 13466, all = {13464, 13465, 13466}},
["shiny golem"] = {effect = 188, on = 13467, use = 13468, off = 13469, all = {13467, 13468, 13469}},
["shiny grimer"] = {effect = 188, on = 13470, use = 13471, off = 13472, all = {13470, 13471, 13472}},
["shiny growlithe"] = {effect = 188, on = 13473, use = 13474, off = 13475, all = {13473, 13474, 13475}},
["shiny gyarados"] = {effect = 188, on = 13476, use = 13477, off = 13478, all = {13476, 13477, 13478}},
["shiny hitmonchan"] = {effect = 188, on = 13479, use = 13480, off = 13481, all = {13479, 13480, 13481}},
["shiny hitmonlee"] = {effect = 188, on = 13482, use = 13483, off = 13484, all = {13482, 13483, 13484}},
["shiny horsea"] = {effect = 188, on = 13485, use = 13486, off = 13487, all = {13485, 13486, 13487}},
["shiny hypno"] = {effect = 188, on = 13488, use = 13489, off = 13490, all = {13488, 13489, 13490}},
["shiny jolteon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13491, use = 13492, off = 13493, all = {13491, 13492, 13493}},
["shiny jynx"] = {effect = 188, on = 13494, use = 13495, off = 13496, all = {13494, 13495, 13496}},
["shiny krabby"] = {effect = 188, on = 13497, use = 13498, off = 13499, all = {13497, 13498, 13499}},
["shiny larvitar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13500, use = 13501, off = 13502, all = {13500, 13501, 13502}},
["shiny machamp"] = {effect = 188, on = 13503, use = 13504, off = 13505, all = {13503, 13504, 13505}},
["shiny magikarp"] = {effect = 188, on = 13506, use = 13507, off = 13508, all = {13506, 13507, 13508}},
["shiny magmar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13509, use = 13510, off = 13511, all = {13509, 13510, 13511}},
["shiny magneton"] = {effect = 188, on = 13512, use = 13513, off = 13514, all = {13512, 13513, 13514}},
["shiny marowak"] = {effect = 188, on = 13515, use = 13516, off = 13517, all = {13515, 13516, 13517}},
["shiny meganium"] = {effect = 188, on = 13518, use = 13519, off = 13520, all = {13518, 13519, 13520}},
["shiny mr. mime"] = {effect = 188, on = 13521, use = 13522, off = 13523, all = {13521, 13522, 13523}},
["shiny muk"] = {effect = 188, on = 13524, use = 13525, off = 13526, all = {13524, 13525, 13526}},
["shiny nidoking"] = {effect = 188, on = 13527, use = 13528, off = 13529, all = {13527, 13528, 13529}},
["shiny ninetales"] = {effect = 188, on = 13530, use = 13531, off = 13532, all = {13530, 13531, 13532}},
["shiny onix"] = {effect = 188, on = 13533, use = 13534, off = 13535, all = {13533, 13534, 13535}},
["shiny paras"] = {effect = 188, on = 13536, use = 13537, off = 13538, all = {13536, 13537, 13538}},
["shiny parasect"] = {effect = 188, on = 13539, use = 13540, off = 13541, all = {13539, 13540, 13541}},
["shiny pidgeot"] = {effect = 188, on = 13542, use = 13543, off = 13544, all = {13542, 13543, 13544}},
["shiny pinsir"] = {effect = 188, on = 13545, use = 13546, off = 13547, all = {13545, 13546, 13547}},
["shiny pupitar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13548, use = 13549, off = 13550, all = {13548, 13549, 13550}},
["shiny raichu"] = {effect = 188, on = 13551, use = 13552, off = 13553, all = {13551, 13552, 13553}},
["shiny raticate"] = {effect = 188, on = 13554, use = 13555, off = 13556, all = {13554, 13555, 13556}},
["shiny rattata"] = {effect = 188, on = 13557, use = 13558, off = 13559, all = {13557, 13558, 13559}},
["shiny rhydon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13560, use = 13561, off = 13562, all = {13560, 13561, 13562}},
["shiny scyther"] = {effect = 188, on = 13563, use = 13564, off = 13565, all = {13563, 13564, 13565}},
["shiny seadra"] = {effect = 188, on = 13566, use = 13567, off = 13568, all = {13566, 13567, 13568}},
["shiny snorlax"] = {effect = 188, on = 13569, use = 13570, off = 13571, all = {13569, 13570, 13571}},
["shiny stantler"] = {effect = 188, on = 13572, use = 13573, off = 13574, all = {13572, 13573, 13574}},
["shiny tangela"] = {effect = 188, on = 13575, use = 13576, off = 13577, all = {13575, 13576, 13577}},
["shiny tauros"] = {effect = 188, on = 13578, use = 13579, off = 13580, all = {13578, 13579, 13580}},
["shiny tentacool"] = {effect = 188, on = 13581, use = 13582, off = 13583, all = {13581, 13582, 13583}},
["shiny typhlosion"] = {effect = 188, on = 13584, use = 13585, off = 13586, all = {13584, 13585, 13586}},
["shiny umbreon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13587, use = 13588, off = 13589, all = {13587, 13588, 13589}},
["shiny vaporeon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13590, use = 13591, off = 13592, all = {13590, 13591, 13592}},
["shiny venomoth"] = {effect = 188, on = 13593, use = 13594, off = 13595, all = {13593, 13594, 13595}},
["shiny venonat"] = {effect = 188, on = 13596, use = 13597, off = 13598, all = {13596, 13597, 13598}},
["shiny venusaur"] = {effect = 188, on = 13599, use = 13600, off = 13601, all = {13599, 13600, 13601}},
["shiny vileplume"] = {effect = 188, on = 13602, use = 13603, off = 13604, all = {13602, 13603, 13604}},
["shiny voltorb"] = {effect = 188, on = 13605, use = 13606, off = 13607, all = {13605, 13606, 13607}},
["shiny xatu"] = {effect = 188, on = 13608, use = 13609, off = 13610, all = {13608, 13609, 13610}},
["shiny zubat"] = {effect = 188, on = 13611, use = 13612, off = 13613, all = {13611, 13612, 13613}},
["shuckle"] = {effect = 188, on = 13614, use = 13615, off = 13616, all = {13614, 13615, 13616}},
["skarmory"] = {effect = 188, on = 13617, use = 13618, off = 13619, all = {13617, 13618, 13619}},
["skyploom"] = {effect = 188, on = 13620, use = 13621, off = 13622, all = {13620, 13621, 13622}}, -------\/ diferença nos numeros devido ao erro com o icon do golbat
["slowbro"] = {effect = 188, on = 13626, use = 13627, off = 13628, all = {13626, 13627, 13628}},
["slowking"] = {effect = 188, on = 13629, use = 13630, off = 13631, all = {13629, 13630, 13631}},
["slowpoke"] = {effect = 188, on = 13632, use = 13633, off = 13634, all = {13632, 13633, 13634}},
["slugma"] = {effect = 188, on = 13635, use = 13636, off = 13637, all = {13635, 13636, 13637}},
["smeargle"] = {effect = 188, on = 13638, use = 13639, off = 13640, all = {13638, 13639, 13640}},
["smoochum"] = {effect = 188, on = 13641, use = 13642, off = 13643, all = {13641, 13642, 13643}},
["sneasel"] = {effect = 188, on = 13644, use = 13645, off = 13646, all = {13644, 13645, 13646}},
["snorlax"] = {effect = 188, on = 13647, use = 13648, off = 13649, all = {13647, 13648, 13649}},
["snubbull"] = {effect = 188, on = 13650, use = 13651, off = 13652, all = {13650, 13651, 13652}},
["spearow"] = {effect = 188, on = 13653, use = 13654, off = 13655, all = {13653, 13654, 13655}},
["spinarak"] = {effect = 188, on = 13656, use = 13657, off = 13658, all = {13656, 13657, 13658}},
["squirtle"] = {effect = 188, on = 13659, use = 13660, off = 13661, all = {13659, 13660, 13661}},
["stantler"] = {effect = 188, on = 13662, use = 13663, off = 13664, all = {13662, 13663, 13664}},
["starmie"] = {effect = 188, on = 13665, use = 13666, off = 13667, all = {13665, 13666, 13667}},
["staryu"] = {effect = 188, on = 13668, use = 13669, off = 13670, all = {13668, 13669, 13670}},
["steelix"] = {effect = 188, on = 13671, use = 13672, off = 13673, all = {13671, 13672, 13673}},
["sudowoodo"] = {effect = 188, on = 13674, use = 13675, off = 13676, all = {13674, 13675, 13676}},
["sunkern"] = {effect = 188, on = 13677, use = 13678, off = 13679, all = {13677, 13678, 13679}},
["swinub"] = {effect = 188, on = 13680, use = 13681, off = 13682, all = {13680, 13681, 13682}},
["tangela"] = {effect = 188, on = 13683, use = 13684, off = 13685, all = {13683, 13684, 13685}},
["tauros"] = {effect = 188, on = 13686, use = 13687, off = 13688, all = {13686, 13687, 13688}},
["teddiursa"] = {effect = 188, on = 13689, use = 13690, off = 13691, all = {13689, 13690, 13691}},
["tentacool"] = {effect = 188, on = 13692, use = 13693, off = 13694, all = {13692, 13693, 13694}},
["sunflora"] = {effect = 188, on = 13695, use = 13696, off = 13697, all = {13695, 13696, 13697}},
["togepi"] = {effect = 188, on = 13698, use = 13699, off = 13700, all = {13698, 13699, 13700}},
["flareon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13701, use = 13702, off = 13703, all = {13701, 13702, 13703}},
["tentacruel"] = {effect = 188, on = 13704, use = 13705, off = 13706, all = {13704, 13705, 13706}},
["shiny tentacruel"] = {effect = 188, on = 13707, use = 13708, off = 13709, all = {13707, 13708, 13709}},
["togetic"] = {effect = 188, on = 13710, use = 13711, off = 13712, all = {13710, 13711, 13712}},
["totodile"] = {effect = 188, on = 13713, use = 13714, off = 13715, all = {13713, 13714, 13715}},
["typhlosion"] = {effect = 188, on = 13716, use = 13717, off = 13718, all = {13716, 13717, 13718}},
["tyranitar"] = {effect = 188, on = 13719, use = 13720, off = 13721, all = {13719, 13720, 13721}},
["tyrogue"] = {effect = 188, on = 13722, use = 13723, off = 13724, all = {13722, 13723, 13724}},
["umbreon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13725, use = 13726, off = 13727, all = {13725, 13726, 13727}},
["ursaring"] = {effect = 188, on = 13728, use = 13729, off = 13730, all = {13728, 13729, 13730}},
["vaporeon"] = {effect = 188, on = 13731, use = 13732, off = 13733, all = {13731, 13732, 13733}},
["venomoth"] = {effect = 188, on = 13734, use = 13735, off = 13736, all = {13734, 13735, 13736}},
["venonat"] = {effect = 188, on = 13737, use = 13738, off = 13739, all = {13737, 13738, 13739}},
["venusaur"] = {effect = 188, on = 13740, use = 13741, off = 13742, all = {13740, 13741, 13742}},
["victreebel"] = {effect = 188, on = 13743, use = 13744, off = 13745, all = {13743, 13744, 13745}},
["vileplume"] = {effect = 188, on = 13746, use = 13747, off = 13748, all = {13746, 13747, 13748}},
["voltorb"] = {effect = 188, on = 13749, use = 13750, off = 13751, all = {13749, 13750, 13751}},
["vulpix"] = {effect = 188, on = 13752, use = 13753, off = 13754, all = {13752, 13753, 13754}},
["wartortle"] = {effect = 188, on = 13755, use = 13756, off = 13757, all = {13755, 13756, 13757}},
["weedle"] = {effect = 188, on = 13758, use = 13759, off = 13760, all = {13758, 13759, 13760}},
["weepinbell"] = {effect = 188, on = 13761, use = 13762, off = 13763, all = {13761, 13762, 13763}},
["weezing"] = {effect = 188, on = 13764, use = 13765, off = 13766, all = {13764, 13765, 13766}},
["wigglytuff"] = {effect = 188, on = 13767, use = 13768, off = 13769, all = {13767, 13768, 13769}},
["wobbuffet"] = {effect = 188, on = 13770, use = 13771, off = 13772, all = {13770, 13771, 13772}},
["wooper"] = {effect = 188, on = 13773, use = 13774, off = 13775, all = {13773, 13774, 13775}},
["xatu"] = {effect = 188, on = 13776, use = 13777, off = 13778, all = {13776, 13777, 13778}},
["yanma"] = {effect = 188, on = 13779, use = 13780, off = 13781, all = {13779, 13780, 13781}},
["lugia"] = {effect = 188, on = 13797, use = 13798, off = 13799, all = {13797, 13798, 13799}},
["articuno"] = {effect = 188, on = 13800, use = 13801, off = 13802, all = {13800, 13801, 13802}},
["moltres"] = {effect = 188, on = 13803, use = 13804, off = 13805, all = {13803, 13804, 13805}},
["zapdos"] = {effect = 188, on = 13806, use = 13807, off = 13808, all = {13806, 13807, 13808}},
["mew"] = {effect = 188, on = 13809, use = 13810, off = 13811, all = {13809, 13810, 13811}},
["ho-oh"] = {effect = 188, on = 13812, use = 13813, off = 13814, all = {13812, 13813, 13814}},
["suicune"] = {effect = 188, on = 13815, use = 13816, off = 13817, all = {13815, 13816, 13817}},
["raikou"] = {effect = 188, on = 13818, use = 13819, off = 13820, all = {13818, 13819, 13820}},
["beedrill"] = {effect = 188, on = 13821, use = 13822, off = 13823, all = {13821, 13822, 13823}},
["Shiny Hitmontop"] = {effect = 188, on = 13836, use = 13837, off = 13838, all = {13836, 13837, 13838}},
["Shiny Ariados"] = {effect = 188, on = 13839, use = 13840, off = 13841, all = {13839, 13840, 13841}},
["Shiny Politoed"] = {effect = 188, on = 13842, use = 13843, off = 13844, all = {13842, 13843, 13844}},
icons = {
["Gengar"] = { on = 12861, off = 12863, use = 12862 }, -- Atenção!!!
["Abra"] = { on = 12864, off = 12866, use = 12865 },
["Aerodactyl"] = { on = 12867, off = 12869, use = 12868 },
["Aipom"] = { on = 12870, off = 12872, use = 12871 },
["Alakazam"] = { on = 12873, off = 12875, use = 12874 },
["Ampharos"] = { on = 12876, off = 12878, use = 12877 },
["Arbok"] = { on = 12879, off = 12881, use = 12880 },
["Arcanine"] = { on = 12882, off = 12884, use = 12883 },
["Ariados"] = { on = 12885, off = 12887, use = 12886 },
["Azumarill"] = { on = 12888, off = 12890, use = 12889 },
["Bayleef"] = { on = 12891, off = 12893, use = 12892 },
["Bellossom"] = { on = 12894, off = 12896, use = 12895 },
["Bellsprout"] = { on = 12897, off = 12899, use = 12898 },
["Blastoise"] = { on = 12900, off = 12902, use = 12901 },
["Blissey"] = { on = 12903, off = 12905, use = 12904 },
["Bulbasaur"] = { on = 12906, off = 12908, use = 12907 },
["Butterfree"] = { on = 12909, off = 12911, use = 12910 },
["Caterpie"] = { on = 12912, off = 12914, use = 12913 },
["Celebi"] = { on = 12915, off = 12917, use = 12916 },
["Chansey"] = { on = 12918, off = 12920, use = 12919 },
["Charizard"] = { on = 12921, off = 12923, use = 12922 },
["Charmander"] = { on = 12924, off = 12926, use = 12925 },
["Charmeleon"] = { on = 12927, off = 12929, use = 12928 },
["Chikorita"] = { on = 12930, off = 12932, use = 12931 },
["Chinchou"] = { on = 12933, off = 12935, use = 12934 },
["Cyndaquil"] = { on = 12936, off = 12938, use = 12937 },
["Clefable"] = { on = 12939, off = 12941, use = 12940 },
["Clefairy"] = { on = 12942, off = 12944, use = 12943 },
["Cleffa"] = { on = 12945, off = 12947, use = 12946 },
["Cloyster"] = { on = 12948, off = 12950, use = 12949 },
["Corsola"] = { on = 12951, off = 12953, use = 12952 },
["Crobat"] = { on = 12954, off = 12956, use = 12955 },
["Croconaw"] = { on = 12957, off = 12959, use = 12958 },
["Cubone"] = { on = 12960, off = 12962, use = 12961 },
["Delibird"] = { on = 12963, off = 12965, use = 12964 },
["Dewgong"] = { on = 12966, off = 12968, use = 12967 },
["Diglett"] = { on = 12969, off = 12971, use = 12970 },
["Ditto"] = { on = 12972, off = 12974, use = 12973 },
["Dodrio"] = { on = 12975, off = 12977, use = 12976 },
["Doduo"] = { on = 12978, off = 12980, use = 12979 },
["Donphan"] = { on = 12981, off = 12983, use = 12982 },
["Dragonair"] = { on = 12984, off = 12986, use = 12985 },
["Dragonite"] = { on = 12987, off = 12989, use = 12988 },
["Dratini"] = { on = 12990, off = 12992, use = 12991 },
["Drowzee"] = { on = 12993, off = 12995, use = 12994 },
["Dugtrio"] = { on = 12996, off = 12998, use = 12997 },
["Dunsparce"] = { on = 12999, off = 13001, use = 13000 },
["Eevee"] = { on = 13002, off = 13004, use = 13003 },
["Ekans"] = { on = 13005, off = 13007, use = 13006 },
["Electabuzz"] = { on = 13008, off = 13010, use = 13009 },
["Electrode"] = { on = 13011, off = 13013, use = 13012 },
["Elekid"] = { on = 13014, off = 13016, use = 13015 },
["Entei"] = { on = 13017, off = 13019, use = 13018 },
["Espeon"] = { on = 13020, off = 13022, use = 13021 },
["Exeggcute"] = { on = 13023, off = 13025, use = 13024 },
["Exeggutor"] = { on = 13026, off = 13028, use = 13027 },
["Farfetch'd"] = { on = 13029, off = 13030, use = 13031 },
["Fearow"] = { on = 13032, off = 13034, use = 13033 },
["Feraligatr"] = { on = 13035, off = 13037, use = 13036 },
["Flaaffy"] = { on = 13038, off = 13040, use = 13039 },
["Forretress"] = { on = 13041, off = 13043, use = 13042 },
["Furret"] = { on = 13044, off = 13046, use = 13045 },
["Gastly"] = { on = 13047, off = 13049, use = 13048 },
["Geodude"] = { on = 13050, off = 13052, use = 13051 },
["Girafarig"] = { on = 13053, off = 13055, use = 13054 },
["Gligar"] = { on = 13056, off = 13058, use = 13057 },
["Gloom"] = { on = 13059, off = 13061, use = 13060 },
["Goldeen"] = { on = 13065, off = 13067, use = 13066 },
["Golduck"] = { on = 13068, off = 13070, use = 13069 },
["Golem"] = { on = 13071, off = 13073, use = 13072 },
["Golbat"] = { on = 13623, off = 13625, use = 13624 },
["Granbull"] = { on = 13074, off = 13076, use = 13075 },
["Graveler"] = { on = 13077, off = 13079, use = 13078 },
["Grimer"] = { on = 13080, off = 13082, use = 13081 },
["Growlithe"] = { on = 13083, off = 13085, use = 13084 },
["Gyarados"] = { on = 13086, off = 13088, use = 13087 },
["Haunter"] = { on = 13089, off = 13091, use = 13090 },
["Heracross"] = { on = 13092, off = 13094, use = 13093 },
["Hitmonchan"] = { on = 13095, off = 13097, use = 13096 },
["Hitmonlee"] = { on = 13098, off = 13100, use = 13099 },
["Hitmontop"] = { on = 13101, off = 13103, use = 13102 },
["Hoothoot"] = { on = 13104, off = 13106, use = 13105 },
["Hoppip"] = { on = 13107, off = 13109, use = 13108 },
["Horsea"] = { on = 13110, off = 13112, use = 13111 },
["Houndoom"] = { on = 13113, off = 13115, use = 13114 },
["Houndour"] = { on = 13116, off = 13118, use = 13117 },
["Hypno"] = { on = 13119, off = 13121, use = 13120 },
["Igglybuff"] = { on = 13122, off = 13124, use = 13123 },
["Ivysaur"] = { on = 13125, off = 13127, use = 13126 },
["Jigglypuff"] = { on = 13128, off = 13130, use = 13129 },
["Jolteon"] = { on = 13131, off = 13133, use = 13132 },
["Jumpluff"] = { on = 13134, off = 13136, use = 13135 },
["Jynx"] = { on = 13137, off = 13139, use = 13138 },
["Kabuto"] = { on = 13140, off = 13142, use = 13141 },
["Kabutops"] = { on = 13143, off = 13145, use = 13144 },
["Kadabra"] = { on = 13146, off = 13148, use = 13147 },
["Kangaskhan"] = { on = 13149, off = 13151, use = 13150 },
["Kingdra"] = { on = 13152, off = 13154, use = 13153 },
["Kingler"] = { on = 13155, off = 13157, use = 13156 },
["Koffing"] = { on = 13158, off = 13160, use = 13159 },
["Krabby"] = { on = 13161, off = 13163, use = 13162 },
["Lanturn"] = { on = 13164, off = 13166, use = 13165 },
["Lapras"] = { on = 13167, off = 13169, use = 13168 },
["Larvitar"] = { on = 13170, off = 13172, use = 13171 },
["Ledian"] = { on = 13173, off = 13175, use = 13174 },
["Ledyba"] = { on = 13176, off = 13178, use = 13177 },
["Lickitung"] = { on = 13179, off = 13181, use = 13180 },
["Machamp"] = { on = 13182, off = 13184, use = 13183 },
["Machoke"] = { on = 13185, off = 13187, use = 13186 },
["Machop"] = { on = 13188, off = 13190, use = 13189 },
["Magby"] = { on = 13191, off = 13193, use = 13192 },
["Magcargo"] = { on = 13194, off = 13196, use = 13195 },
["Magikarp"] = { on = 13197, off = 13199, use = 13198 },
["Magmar"] = { on = 13200, off = 13202, use = 13201 },
["Magnemite"] = { on = 13203, off = 13205, use = 13204 },
["Magneton"] = { on = 13206, off = 13208, use = 13207 },
["Mankey"] = { on = 13209, off = 13211, use = 13210 },
["Mantine"] = { on = 13212, off = 13214, use = 13213 },
["Mareep"] = { on = 13215, off = 13217, use = 13216 },
["Marill"] = { on = 13218, off = 13220, use = 13219 },
["Marowak"] = { on = 13221, off = 13223, use = 13222 },
["Meganium"] = { on = 13224, off = 13226, use = 13225 },
["Meowth"] = { on = 13227, off = 13229, use = 13228 },
["Metapod"] = { on = 13230, off = 13232, use = 13231 },
["Miltank"] = { on = 13233, off = 13235, use = 13234 },
["Misdreavus"] = { on = 13236, off = 13238, use = 13237 },
["Mr. Mime"] = { on = 13239, off = 13241, use = 13240 },
["Muk"] = { on = 13242, off = 13244, use = 13243 },
["Murkrow"] = { on = 13245, off = 13247, use = 13246 },
["Natu"] = { on = 13248, off = 13250, use = 13249 },
["Nidoking"] = { on = 13251, off = 13253, use = 13252 },
["Nidoran Male"] = { on = 13254, off = 13256, use = 13255 },
["Nidoran Female"] = { on = 13257, off = 13259, use = 13258 },
["Nidorina"] = { on = 13260, off = 13262, use = 13261 },
["Ninetales"] = { on = 13263, off = 13265, use = 13264 },
["Nidoqueen"] = { on = 13266, off = 13268, use = 13267 },
["Nidorino"] = { on = 13269, off = 13271, use = 13270 },
["Noctowl"] = { on = 13272, off = 13274, use = 13273 },
["Octillery"] = { on = 13275, off = 13277, use = 13276 },
["Oddish"] = { on = 13278, off = 13280, use = 13279 },
["Omanyte"] = { on = 13281, off = 13283, use = 13282 },
["Omastar"] = { on = 13284, off = 13286, use = 13285 },
["Onix"] = { on = 13287, off = 13289, use = 13288 },
["Parasect"] = { on = 13290, off = 13292, use = 13291 },
["Persian"] = { on = 13293, off = 13295, use = 13294 },
["Phanpy"] = { on = 13296, off = 13298, use = 13297 },
["Pichu"] = { on = 13299, off = 13301, use = 13300 },
["Pidgeot"] = { on = 13302, off = 13304, use = 13303 },
["Pidgeotto"] = { on = 13305, off = 13307, use = 13306 },
["Pidgey"] = { on = 13308, off = 13310, use = 13309 },
["Pikachu"] = { on = 13311, off = 13313, use = 13312 },
["Piloswine"] = { on = 13314, off = 13316, use = 13315 },
["Pineco"] = { on = 13317, off = 13319, use = 13318 },
["Pinsir"] = { on = 13320, off = 13322, use = 13321 },
["Politoed"] = { on = 13323, off = 13325, use = 13324 },
["Poliwag"] = { on = 13326, off = 13328, use = 13327 },
["Poliwhirl"] = { on = 13329, off = 13331, use = 13330 },
["Poliwrath"] = { on = 13332, off = 13334, use = 13333 },
["Ponyta"] = { on = 13335, off = 13337, use = 13336 },
["Porygon"] = { on = 13338, off = 13340, use = 13339 },
["Porygon2"] = { on = 13341, off = 13343, use = 13342 },
["Primeape"] = { on = 13344, off = 13346, use = 13345 },
["Psyduck"] = { on = 13347, off = 13349, use = 13348 },
["Pupitar"] = { on = 13350, off = 13352, use = 13351 },
["Quagsire"] = { on = 13353, off = 13355, use = 13354 },
["Quilava"] = { on = 13356, off = 13358, use = 13357 },
["Qwilfish"] = { on = 13359, off = 13361, use = 13360 },
["Raichu"] = { on = 13362, off = 13364, use = 13363 },
["Rapidash"] = { on = 13365, off = 13367, use = 13366 },
["Raticate"] = { on = 13368, off = 13370, use = 13369 },
["Rattata"] = { on = 13371, off = 13373, use = 13362 },
["Remoraid"] = { on = 13374, off = 13376, use = 13375 },
["Rhydon"] = { on = 13377, off = 13379, use = 13378 },
["Rhyhorn"] = { on = 13380, off = 13382, use = 13381 },
["Sandshrew"] = { on = 13383, off = 13385, use = 13384 },
["Sandslash"] = { on = 13386, off = 13388, use = 13387 },
["Scizor"] = { on = 13389, off = 13391, use = 13390 },
["Scyther"] = { on = 13392, off = 13394, use = 13393 },
["Seadra"] = { on = 13395, off = 13397, use = 13396 },
["Seaking"] = { on = 13398, off = 13400, use = 13399 },
["Sentret"] = { on = 13401, off = 13403, use = 13402 },
["Shellder"] = { on = 13404, off = 13406, use = 13405 },
["Shiny Abra"] = { on = 13407, off = 13409, use = 13408 },
["Shiny Alakazam"] = { on = 13410, off = 13412, use = 13411 },
["Shiny Ampharos"] = { on = 13413, off = 13415, use = 13414 },
["Shiny Arcanine"] = { on = 13416, off = 13418, use = 13417 },
["Shiny Beedrill"] = { on = 13419, off = 13421, use = 13420 },
["Shiny Blastoise"] = { on = 13422, off = 13424, use = 13423 },
["Shiny Butterfree"] = { on = 13425, off = 13427, use = 13426 },
["Shiny Charizard"] = { on = 13428, off = 13430, use = 13429 },
["Shiny Crobat"] = { on = 13431, off = 13433, use = 13432 },
["Shiny Cubone"] = { on = 13434, off = 13436, use = 13435 },
["Shiny Dodrio"] = { on = 13437, off = 13439, use = 13438 },
["Shiny Dragonair"] = { on = 13440, off = 13442, use = 13441 },
["Shiny Electabuzz"] = { on = 13443, off = 13445, use = 13444 },
["Shiny Electrode"] = { on = 13446, off = 13448, use = 13447 },
["Shiny Espeon"] = { on = 13449, off = 13451, use = 13450 },
["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = { on = 13452, off = 13454, use = 13453 },
["Shiny Fearow"] = { on = 13455, off = 13457, use = 13456 },
["Shiny Feraligatr"] = { on = 13458, off = 13460, use = 13459 },
["Shiny Flareon"] = { on = 13461, off = 13463, use = 13462 },
["Shiny Gengar"] = { on = 13464, off = 13466, use = 13465 },
["Shiny Golem"] = { on = 13467, off = 13469, use = 13468 },
["Shiny Golbat"] = { on = 13611, off = 13613, use = 13612 },
["Shiny Grimer"] = { on = 13470, off = 13472, use = 13471 },
["Shiny Growlithe"] = { on = 13473, off = 13475, use = 13474 },
["Shiny Gyarados"] = { on = 13476, off = 13478, use = 13477 },
["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = { on = 13479, off = 13481, use = 13480 },
["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = { on = 13482, off = 13484, use = 13483 },
["Shiny Horsea"] = { on = 13485, off = 13487, use = 13486 },
["Shiny Hypno"] = { on = 13488, off = 13490, use = 13489 },
["Shiny Jolteon"] = { on = 13491, off = 13493, use = 13492 },
["Shiny Jynx"] = { on = 13494, off = 13496, use = 13495 },
["Shiny Krabby"] = { on = 13497, off = 13499, use = 13498 },
["Shiny Larvitar"] = { on = 13500, off = 13502, use = 13501 },
["Shiny Machamp"] = { on = 13503, off = 13505, use = 13504 },
["Shiny Magikarp"] = { on = 13506, off = 13508, use = 13507 },
["Shiny Magmar"] = { on = 13509, off = 13511, use = 13510 },
["Shiny Magneton"] = { on = 13512, off = 13514, use = 13513 },
["Shiny Marowak"] = { on = 13515, off = 13517, use = 13516 },
["Shiny Meganium"] = { on = 13518, off = 13520, use = 13519 },
["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = { on = 13521, off = 13523, use = 13522 },
["Shiny Muk"] = { on = 13524, off = 13526, use = 13525 },
["Shiny Nidoking"] = { on = 13527, off = 13529, use = 13528 },
["Shiny Ninetales"] = { on = 13530, off = 13532, use = 13531 },
["Shiny Onix"] = { on = 13533, off = 13535, use = 13534 },
["Shiny Paras"] = { on = 13536, off = 13538, use = 13537 },
["Shiny Parasect"] = { on = 13539, off = 13541, use = 13540 },
["Shiny Pidgeot"] = { on = 13542, off = 13544, use = 13543 },
["Shiny Pinsir"] = { on = 13545, off = 13547, use = 13546 },
["Shiny Pupitar"] = { on = 13548, off = 13550, use = 13549 },
["Shiny Raichu"] = { on = 13551, off = 13553, use = 13552 },
["Shiny Raticate"] = { on = 13554, off = 13556, use = 13555 },
["Shiny Rattata"] = { on = 13557, off = 13559, use = 13558 },
["Shiny Rhydon"] = { on = 13560, off = 13562, use = 13561 },
["Shiny Scyther"] = { on = 13563, off = 13565, use = 13564 },
["Shiny Seadra"] = { on = 13566, off = 13568, use = 13567 },
["Shiny Snorlax"] = { on = 13569, off = 13571, use = 13570 },
["Shiny Stantler"] = { on = 13572, off = 13574, use = 13573 },
["Shiny Tangela"] = { on = 13575, off = 13577, use = 13576 },
["Shiny Tauros"] = { on = 13578, off = 13580, use = 13579 },
["Shiny Tentacool"] = { on = 13581, off = 13583, use = 13582 },
["Shiny Typhlosion"] = { on = 13584, off = 13586, use = 13585 },
["Shiny Umbreon"] = { on = 13587, off = 13589, use = 13588 },
["Shiny Vaporeon"] = { on = 13590, off = 13592, use = 13591 },
["Shiny Venomoth"] = { on = 13593, off = 13595, use = 13594 },
["Shiny Venonat"] = { on = 13596, off = 13598, use = 13597 },
["Shiny Venusaur"] = { on = 13599, off = 13601, use = 13600 },
["Shiny Vileplume"] = { on = 13602, off = 13604, use = 13603 },
["Shiny Voltorb"] = { on = 13605, off = 13607, use = 13606 },
["Shiny Xatu"] = { on = 13608, off = 13610, use = 13609 },
["Shuckle"] = { on = 13614, off = 13616, use = 13615 },
["Skarmory"] = { on = 13617, off = 13619, use = 13618 },
["Skyploom"] = { on = 13620, off = 13622, use = 13621 },
["Slowbro"] = { on = 13626, off = 13628, use = 13627 },
["Slowking"] = { on = 13629, off = 13631, use = 13630 },
["Slowpoke"] = { on = 13632, off = 13634, use = 13633 },
["Slugma"] = { on = 13635, off = 13637, use = 13636 },
["Smeargle"] = { on = 13638, off = 13640, use = 13639 },
["Smoochum"] = { on = 13641, off = 13643, use = 13642 },
["Sneasel"] = { on = 13644, off = 13646, use = 13645 },
["Snorlax"] = { on = 13647, off = 13649, use = 13648 },
["Snubbull"] = { on = 13650, off = 13652, use = 13651 },
["Spearow"] = { on = 13653, off = 13655, use = 13654 },
["Spinarak"] = { on = 13656, off = 13658, use = 13657 },
["Squirtle"] = { on = 13659, off = 13661, use = 13660 },
["Stantler"] = { on = 13662, off = 13664, use = 13663 },
["Starmie"] = { on = 13665, off = 13667, use = 13666 },
["Staryu"] = { on = 13668, off = 13670, use = 13669 },
["Steelix"] = { on = 13671, off = 13673, use = 13672 },
["Sudowoodo"] = { on = 13674, off = 13676, use = 13675 },
["Sunkern"] = { on = 13677, off = 13679, use = 13678 },
["Swinub"] = { on = 13680, off = 13682, use = 13681 },
["Tangela"] = { on = 13683, off = 13685, use = 13684 },
["Tauros"] = { on = 13686, off = 13688, use = 13687 },
["Teddiursa"] = { on = 13689, off = 13691, use = 13690 },
["Tentacool"] = { on = 13692, off = 13694, use = 13693 },
["Sunflora"] = { on = 13695, off = 13697, use = 13696 },
["Togepi"] = { on = 13698, off = 13700, use = 13699 },
["Flareon"] = { on = 13701, off = 13703, use = 13702 },
["Tentacruel"] = { on = 13704, off = 13706, use = 13705 },
["Shiny Tentacruel"] = { on = 13707, off = 13709, use = 13708 },
["Togetic"] = { on = 13710, off = 13712, use = 13711 },
["Totodile"] = { on = 13713, off = 13715, use = 13714 },
["Typhlosion"] = { on = 13716, off = 13718, use = 13717 },
["Tyranitar"] = { on = 13719, off = 13721, use = 13720 },
["Tyrogue"] = { on = 13722, off = 13724, use = 13723 },
["Umbreon"] = { on = 13725, off = 13727, use = 13726 },
["Ursaring"] = { on = 13728, off = 13730, use = 13729 },
["Vaporeon"] = { on = 13731, off = 13733, use = 13732 },
["Venomoth"] = { on = 13734, off = 13736, use = 13735 },
["Venonat"] = { on = 13737, off = 13739, use = 13738 },
["Venusaur"] = { on = 13740, off = 13742, use = 13741 },
["Victreebel"] = { on = 13743, off = 13745, use = 13744 },
["Vileplume"] = { on = 13746, off = 13748, use = 13747 },
["Voltorb"] = { on = 13749, off = 13751, use = 13750 },
["Vulpix"] = { on = 13752, off = 13754, use = 13753 },
["Wartortle"] = { on = 13755, off = 13757, use = 13756 },
["Weedle"] = { on = 13758, off = 13760, use = 13759 },
["Weepinbell"] = { on = 13761, off = 13763, use = 13762 },
["Weezing"] = { on = 13764, off = 13766, use = 13765 },
["Wigglytuff"] = { on = 13767, off = 13769, use = 13768 },
["Wobbuffet"] = { on = 13770, off = 13772, use = 13771 },
["Wooper"] = { on = 13773, off = 13775, use = 13774 },
["Xatu"] = { on = 13776, off = 13778, use = 13777 },
["Yanma"] = { on = 13779, off = 13781, use = 13780 },
["Zubat"] = { on = 13062, off = 13064, use = 13063 },
["Lugia"] = { on = 13797, use = 13798, off = 13799 },
["Articuno"] = { on = 13800, use = 13801, off = 13802 },
["Moltres"] = { on = 13803, use = 13804, off = 13805 },
["Zapdos"] = { on = 13806, use = 13807, off = 13808 },
["Mew"] = { on = 13809, use = 13810, off = 13811 },
["Ho-oh"] = { on = 13812, use = 13813, off = 13814 },
["Suicune"] = { on = 13815, use = 13816, off = 13817 },
["Raikou"] = { on = 13818, use = 13819, off = 13820 },
["Beedrill"] = { on = 13821, use = 13823, off = 13822 },
["Shiny Hitmontop"] = { on = 13836, use = 13838, off = 13837 },
["Shiny Ariados"] = { on = 13839, use = 13841, off = 13840 },
["Shiny Politoed"] = { on = 13842, use = 13844, off = 13843 },

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Boa noite,
Então cara, eu estava olhando aqui, você possui alguma pokebola diferente na BP?
Ele não consegue obter o pokemon que está dentro de alguma pokebola que esta dentro da sua BP.
Eu lhe recomendo LIMPAR a sua BP e fazer teste com diversas pokebolas diferentes para que veja qual é a que está dando problema.
Já que o seu personagem não consegue fazer login, você deve entrar no banco de dados e deletar todos os itens dentro da BP do seu personagem através do banco de dados.
Faça os teste e poste se tiver algum resultado.
Abraço e boa noite.

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