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[Encerrado] [PEDIDO] Level System KPDO,


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Bom Gente Gostaria que alguem me falasse como diminuo o tanto de xp q o pokemon ganha pra ficar upando bem dificil igual "KPDO".


Tipo Vo upando com ele e ele vai ganhando Nivel bem Devagar ou Seja demora bastante para upar...

Ajudem-me REP++

Editado por Lordbaxx
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se for o Pokemon Fanatico vai em creaturescripts/lvl.lua


local tab = {
["Abra"] = {exp = 100},
["Aerodactyl"] = {exp = 600},
["Alakazam"] = {exp = 480},
["Arbok"] = {exp = 170},
["Arcanine"] = {exp = 240},
["Articuno"] = {exp = 800},
["Beedrill"] = {exp = 200},
["Bellsprout"] = {exp = 80},
["Blastoise"] = {exp = 370},
["Bulbasaur"] = {exp = 180},
["Butterfree"] = {exp = 140},
["Caterpie"] = {exp = 70},
["Chansey"] = {exp = 280},
["Charmander"] = {exp = 270},
["Charmeleon"] = {exp = 340},
["Charizard"] = {exp = 670},
["Clefable"] = {exp = 280},
["Clefairy"] = {exp = 170},
["Cloyster"] = {exp = 270},
["Crystal Onix"] = {exp = 700},
["Cubone"] = {exp = 70},
["Dewgong"] = {exp = 170},
["Diglett"] = {exp = 70},
["Ditto"] = {exp = 480},
["Dodrio"] = {exp = 270},
["Doduo"] = {exp = 170},
["Dragonair"] = {exp = 270},
["Dragonite"] = {exp = 570},
["Dratini"] = {exp = 170},
["Drowzee"] = {exp = 170},
["Dugtrio"] = {exp = 270},
["Eevee"] = {exp = 470},
["Ekans"] = {exp = 70},
["Elder Charizard"] = {exp = 870},
["Electabuzz"] = {exp = 670},
["Electrode"] = {exp = 470},
["Exeggcute"] = {exp = 370},
["Exeggutor"] = {exp = 570},
["Farfetchd"] = {exp = 470},
["Fearow"] = {exp = 270},
["Flareon"] = {exp = 470},
["Gastly"] = {exp = 170},
["Gengar"] = {exp = 470},
["Geodude"] = {exp = 70},
["Gloom"] = {exp = 170},
["Golbat"] = {exp = 270},
["Goldeen"] = {exp = 70},
["Golduck"] = {exp = 170},
["Golem"] = {exp = 470},
["Graveler"] = {exp = 170},
["Grimer"] = {exp = 70},
["Growlithe"] = {exp = 170},
["Gyarados"] = {exp = 770},
["Haunter"] = {exp = 370},
["Hitmonchan"] = {exp = 570},
["Hitmonlee"] = {exp = 670},
["Horsea"] = {exp = 70},
["Hypno"] = {exp = 470},
["Ivysaur"] = {exp = 270},
["Jigglypuff"] = {exp = 270},
["Jolteon"] = {exp = 370},
["Jynx"] = {exp = 470},
["Kabuto"] = {exp = 370},
["Kabutops"] = {exp = 570},
["Kadabra"] = {exp = 470},
["Kakuna"] = {exp = 70},
["Kangaskhan"] = {exp = 870},
["Kingler"] = {exp = 170},
["Koffing"] = {exp = 170},
["Krabby"] = {exp = 70},
["Lapras"] = {exp = 470},
["Lickitung"] = {exp = 270},
["Machamp"] = {exp = 470},
["Machoke"] = {exp = 270},
["Machop"] = {exp = 70},
["Magikarp"] = {exp = 17},
["Magmar"] = {exp = 570},
["Magnemite"] = {exp = 70},
["Magneton"] = {exp = 270},
["Mankey"] = {exp = 70},
["Marowak"] = {exp = 170},
["Meowth"] = {exp = 70},
["Metapod"] = {exp = 70},
["Mew"] = {exp = 870},
["Mewtwo"] = {exp = 970},
["Moltres"] = {exp = 870},
["Mr Mime"] = {exp = 570},
["Muk"] = {exp = 270},
["Nidoking"] = {exp = 670},
["Nidoqueen"] = {exp = 470},
["Nidoran Female"] = {exp = 70},
["Nidoran Male"] = {exp = 70},
["Nidorina"] = {exp = 70},
["Nidorino"] = {exp = 70},
["Ninetales"] = {exp = 570},
["Oddish"] = {exp = 70},
["Omanyte"] = {exp = 270},
["Omastar"] = {exp = 170},
["Onix"] = {exp = 470},
["Paras"] = {exp = 70},
["Parasect"] = {exp = 270},
["Persian"] = {exp = 170},
["Pidgeot"] = {exp = 370},
["Pidgeotto"] = {exp = 170},
["Pidgey"] = {exp = 70},
["Pikachu"] = {exp = 270},
["Pinsir"] = {exp = 370},
["Poliwag"] = {exp = 70},
["Poliwhirl"] = {exp = 270},
["Poliwrath"] = {exp = 470},
["Ponyta"] = {exp = 170},
["Porygon"] = {exp = 670},
["Primeape"] = {exp = 370},
["Psyduck"] = {exp = 170},
["Raichu"] = {exp = 370},
["Rapidash"] = {exp = 470},
["Raticate"] = {exp = 270},
["Rattata"] = {exp = 70},
["Rhydon"] = {exp = 570},
["Rhyhorn"] = {exp = 370},
["Sandshrew"] = {exp = 70},
["Sandslash"] = {exp = 470},
["Scyther"] = {exp = 870},
["Seadra"] = {exp = 370},
["Seaking"] = {exp = 170},
["Seel"] = {exp = 70},
["Shellder"] = {exp = 70},
["Slowbro"] = {exp = 170},
["Slowpoke"] = {exp = 70},
["Snorlax"] = {exp = 870},
["Spearow"] = {exp = 70},
["Squirtle"] = {exp = 170},
["Starmie"] = {exp = 370},
["Staryu"] = {exp = 70},
["Tangela"] = {exp = 270},
["Tauros"] = {exp = 170},
["Tentacool"] = {exp = 70},
["Tentacruel"] = {exp = 470},
["Vaporeon"] = {exp = 270},
["Venomoth"] = {exp = 170},
["Venonat"] = {exp = 70},
["Venusaur"] = {exp = 370},
["Victreebel"] = {exp = 570},
["Vileplume"] = {exp = 470},
["Voltorb"] = {exp = 70},
["Vulpix"] = {exp = 170},
["Wartortle"] = {exp = 170},
["Weedle"] = {exp = 70},
["Weepinbell"] = {exp = 270},
["Weezing"] = {exp = 370},
["Wigglytuff"] = {exp = 570},
["Zapdos"] = {exp = 870},
["Zubat"] = {exp = 70},
["Shiny Venusaur"] = {exp = 1700},
["Shiny Tentacool"] = {exp = 570},
["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {exp = 870},
["Shiny Abra"] = {exp = 470},
["Shiny Blastoise"] = {exp = 2500},
["Shiny Butterfree"] = {exp = 1500},
["Shiny Beedrill"] = {exp = 1000},
["Shiny Rattata"] = {exp = 125},
["Shiny Raticate"] = {exp = 163},
["Shiny Raichu"] = {exp = 600},
["Shiny Zubat"] = {exp = 162},
["Shiny Magikarp"] = {exp = 32},
["Shiny Paras"] = {exp = 200},
["Shiny Parasect"] = {exp = 800},
["Shiny Growlithe"] = {exp = 1500},
["Shiny Arcanine"] = {exp = 4000},
["Shiny Grimer"] = {exp = 1500},
["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {exp = 4500},
["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {exp = 4500},
["Shiny Muk"] = {exp = 1000},
["Shiny Krabby"] = {exp = 300},
["Shiny Kingler"] = {exp = 900},
["Shiny Voltorb"] = {exp = 1500},
["Shiny Electrode"] = {exp = 1200},
["Shiny Farfetchd"] = {exp = 3200},
["Shiny Horsea"] = {exp = 170},
["Shiny Oddish"] = {exp = 150},
["Shiny Seadra"] = {exp = 900},
["Shiny Scyther"] = {exp = 3000},
["Shiny Jynx"] = {exp = 3000},
["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {exp = 3000},
["Shiny Venomoth"] = {exp = 2000},
["Shiny Dratini"] = {exp = 2000},
["Dialga"] = {exp = 3000},
["Palkia"] = {exp = 3000},
["Rayquaza"] = {exp = 2000},
["Ursaring"] = {exp = 900},
["Larvitar"] = {exp = 370},
["Tyranitar"] = {exp = 420},
["Aggron"] = {exp = 2000},
["Ho-oh"] = {exp = 3000},
["Entei"] = {exp = 2000},
["Raikou"] = {exp = 2000},
["Suicune"] = {exp = 2000},
["Chikorita"] = {exp = 180},
["Bayleef"] = {exp = 270},
["Meganium"] = {exp = 370},
["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {exp = 1070},
["Totodile"] = {exp = 170},
["Croconaw"] = {exp = 190},
["Feraligatr"] = {exp = 370},
["Hoothoot"] = {exp = 170},
["Noctowl"] = {exp = 370},
["Togepi"] = {exp = 100},
["Togetic"] = {exp = 300},
["Ampharos"] = {exp = 300},

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if isPlayer(cid) then return false end
if isSummon(cid) or not deathList or corpse.itemid == 0 then return true end
for a = 1, #deathList do
local pk = deathList[a]
if isMonster(pk) then
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "gender", getCreatureSkullType(cid))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "description", getCreatureStorage(cid, 9967))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "exp", getPokemonExperienceTable(getCreatureStorage(cid, 9968))[getCreatureStorage(cid, 9967)])
setItemName(corpse.uid, "defeated "..string.lower(getCreatureStorage(cid, 9968)).."")
return true

--- configs
local exp = math.random(50, 300) ----- Ganha Exp Aleatorio de 50 ate 300

if tab[getCreatureNameDescription(cid):match("a Wild (.*)")] or tab[getCreatureNameDescription(cid)] then
exp = tab[getCreatureNameDescription(cid):match("a Wild (.*)")].exp
local givenexp = math.random((exp - 37), (exp + 16))
local killer = getItemAttribute(corpse.uid, "corpseowner")

local pk = deathList[a]
local expball = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(pk, 8).uid, "levell")
local totalexp = (expball + givenexp)
local pokename = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(pk, 8).uid, "description"):match("Contains a (.*).")
local nick = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(pk, 8).uid, "nick")
if nick == "Uknown" then
nick = pokename
local pklvl = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(pk, 8).uid, "pokelevel")
local total = getPokemonExperienceTable(pokename)[pklvl + 1]
--- end

local msgs = {"LvL Up!", "UPEII", "HIHI UP", "AEE + 1 lvl"}
local msg = math.random(1, #msgs)
if expball >= getPokemonExperienceTable(pokename)[pklvl + 1] then
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(pk, 8).uid, "pokelevel", (pklvl + 1))
doPlayerSendTextMessage(pk, 27, "Your "..nick.." Have Been Level Up to level "..(pklvl + 1)..".")
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(pk)[1]), msg, math.random(1,256))

doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(pk, 8).uid, "levell", totalexp)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(pk, 27, "Your "..nick.." gain "..givenexp.." exp points.(Have: "..totalexp..")")
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(pk)[1]), ""..givenexp.."", math.random(1,256))

doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "gender", getCreatureSkullType(cid))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "description", getCreatureStorage(cid, 9967))
return true
return true



vai ter essa linha

local exp = math.random(50, 300) ---- é randomico o EXP vai do 50 a 300 tenta deixa para >> local exp = math.random(20, 100)

local givenexp = math.random((exp - 37), (exp + 16)) ---- Aki voce da uma ajustada tambem deixa assim :

local givenexp = math.random((exp - 30), (exp + 20))

e ve se melhoroou o balanceamento de Exp

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