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[Encerrado] Como Ganhar Crystal Coins ,Mount Doll e um Addon Doll


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Tipo, pego lv 80, ganho 30k, pego lv 130 ganho 50k, pego lv 200 ganho 100k + mount doll + addon doll!



E como fazer para que meus player até lv 100 não percam bp quando morrem!


Obrigado a todos!


Estão me ajudando mto!


Sou mto grato a vocês!

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Crie um arquivo em data\creaturescripts\scripts chamado de premios.lua



local t = {

39001, {

[20] = {2160, 2, "Congratulations, you have achieved one of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 2 crystal coins!", 1},

[60] = {2160, 4, "Congratulations, you have achieved two of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 4 crystal coins!", 2},

[100] = {2160, 5, "Congratulations, you have achieved three of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 5 crystal coins!", 3},

[140] = {2160, 7, "Congratulations, you have achieved four of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 7 crystal coins!", 4},

[180] = {2160, 8, "Congratulations, you have achieved five of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 8 crystal coins!", 5},

[220] = {2160, 9, "Congratulations, you have achieved six of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 9 crystal coins!", 6},

[260] = {2160, 10, "Congratulations, you have achieved seven of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 10 crystal coins!", 7},

[300] = {2160, 11, "Congratulations, you have achieved eight of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 11 crystal coins!", 8},

[340] = {2160, 12, "Congratulations, you have achieved ten of eleven goals! You have been awarded with 12 crystal coins!", 9},

[380] = {2160, 13, "Congratulations, you have achieved all eleven goals! You have been awarded with 13 crystal coins!", 10}



function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldlevel, newlevel)

if skill == SKILL__LEVEL then

for level, v in pairs(t[2]) do

if oldlevel < level and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= level and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, t[1]) < v[4] then

doPlayerAddItem(cid, v[1], v[2])

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, v[3])

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, t[1], v[4])




doPlayerSave(cid, true)

return true





e em login.lua você coloca.

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PREMIOS")


Logo após você entra em creaturescript.xml

E coloca isso:

<event type="advance" name="PREMIOS" event="script" value="premios.lua"/>

Editado por murilo103
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Crie um arquivo em data\creaturescripts\scripts chamado de protecaolevel.lua


function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

local config = {

onlypremium = false, -- se precisa ser premium para não perder nada

skills = false, -- se ao morrer vai perder skills

magic = false, -- se vai perder magic level

loot = false, -- se ao morrer o jogador irá perder o loot

level = 300 -- até que level irá proteger o player


if isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= config.level then

if config.onlypremium == true and not isPremium(cid) then return TRUE end

if config.loot == false then doCreatureSetDropLoot(cid, false) end

if config.magic == false then doPlayerSetLossPercent(cid, false) end

if config.skills == false then doPlayerSetLossPercent(cid, false) end

return TRUE end return TRUE end



e em login.lua você coloca.


registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Protecao")


Logo após você entra em creaturescript.xml

E coloca isso:

<event type="death" name="Protecao" event="script" value="protecaolevel.lua"/>

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