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Tempo Por Dialago



Olá , galerinha do xTibia , eu gostaria de fazer um pedido a vocês , caso me ajudem darei REP++ , O PEDIDO É O SEGUINTE .


Eu gostaria de uma script que tenha um Deley de 60segundos , por cada fala de player quando eles falam no chat help , para evitar o flood e melhore o suporte .

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2 respostass a esta questão

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Muito simples, vai na pasta data/xml/channels.xml e estará mais ou menos assim:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- README:

0 - dynamic, reserved for guilds

1 - always acts as Party channel, only "name" tag available

3 - always acts as Rule Violations channel

9 - acts as Help channel- clientsided message

65535 - DO NOT CHANGE THE ID- only "name", "enabled", "active" and "logged" tags available


<channel id="1" name="Party"/>

<channel id="2" name="Staff" access="3"/>

<channel id="3" name="Rule Violations" logged="yes"/>

<channel id="4" name="Counselor" access="1"/>

<channel id="5" name="Game-Chat" level="2"/>

<channel id="6" name="Trade" level="8" muted="120" conditionId="2" conditionMessage="You may only place one offer in two minutes.">

<vocation id="1-8"/>


<channel id="7" name="Trade-Rookgaard" level="2" muted="120" conditionId="3" conditionMessage="You may only place one offer in two minutes.">

<vocation id="0"/>


<channel id="8" name="RL-Chat" level="2"/>

<channel id="9" name="Help" logged="yes"/>

<!-- <channel id="10" name="My Custom Channel"/> -->

<channel id="65535" name="Private Chat Channel"/>





Na linha em negrito basta adicionar esta tag:

muted="60" está em segundos, basta colocar a quantidade de segundos desejados!


Ficando assim:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- README:

0 - dynamic, reserved for guilds

1 - always acts as Party channel, only "name" tag available

3 - always acts as Rule Violations channel

9 - acts as Help channel- clientsided message

65535 - DO NOT CHANGE THE ID- only "name", "enabled", "active" and "logged" tags available


<channel id="1" name="Party"/>

<channel id="2" name="Staff" access="3"/>

<channel id="3" name="Rule Violations" logged="yes"/>

<channel id="4" name="Counselor" access="1"/>

<channel id="5" name="Game-Chat" level="2"/>

<channel id="6" name="Trade" level="8" muted="120" conditionId="2" conditionMessage="You may only place one offer in two minutes.">

<vocation id="1-8"/>


<channel id="7" name="Trade-Rookgaard" level="2" muted="120" conditionId="3" conditionMessage="You may only place one offer in two minutes.">

<vocation id="0"/>


<channel id="8" name="RL-Chat" level="2"/>

<channel id="9" name="Help" muted="60" logged="yes"/>

<!-- <channel id="10" name="My Custom Channel"/> -->

<channel id="65535" name="Private Chat Channel"/>




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