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[GESIOR] VictorWEBMaster 2019v

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21 horas atrás, victorfasano disse:

@Jakson Souza Olá amigo, já tive o mesmo problema... Nada de se criar pânico.


Faça o seguinte:

- Entre no e poste seu config.lua (SEM SENHAS POR FAVOR)

- Me envie o link por aqui mesmo no post do script



Normalmente é o método de encrypt que o site não está conseguindo entender, é normal..


Fico no aguardo, espero ter ajudado.

Opa, obrigado pela atenção amigo!


Até agora não consegui resolver, fico no aguardo!

Editado por Jakson Souza
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  • 2 weeks later...

não sei qual vai ser a resposta do @victorfasano mais eu tava com o mesmo problema removi $donateRef = randString(6); funciono normla...

16 horas atrás, adeiltonpessini disse:

Vitor me desculpe incomodar, poderia me ajudar nisso?

Fatal error: Function name must be a string in C:\xampp\htdocs\pages\accountmanagement\donate.php on line 1361


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Em 06/02/2017 at 12:55, victorfasano disse:

@M4Go positivo




$donateRef = randString(6); 


$donateRef = randString('6'); 



OU remova.

Eu só removi e ficou 10..


  • Seria legal se tivesse no painel administrativo um sistema para você colocar o valor da coin, porque ele só está como 2x o valor doado e ou 4x (quando double).


Obs.:Eu tive um #bug com o retorno do PagSeguro e resolvi usar só a conta bancária. (hospedo o servidor no windows deve ser por isso).


@victorfasano Preciso da sua ajuda cara, a tempos estou tentando achar o erro que não esta carregando as imagens do headline.php(título das páginas). Teria como você dar uma olhada por gentileza?


Caminho do Arquivo: Layouts\Monteiro\layout.php


	$headline = ucfirst($_REQUEST['subtopic']);
		if($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "latestnews")
			$headline = "News";
		elseif($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "accountmanagement")
			$headline = "Account Management";
		elseif($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "createaccount")
			$headline = "Create Account";
		elseif($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "whoisonline")
			$headline = "Who is Online";
		elseif($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "adminpanel")
			$headline = "Admin Panel";
	<img id="ContentBoxHeadline" class="Title" src="pages/headline.php?txt=<?PHP echo ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($headline))); ?>" alt="Contentbox headline">

Salve engano é este comando que decide os títulos das páginas, e é isso que não esta aparecendo.


Não tenho muito conhecimento em fóruns mas o link da img é este: 



Ah, eu tomei a liberdade de fazer algumas alterações no site, caso alguém queira ver, basta acessar


Desculpe se a minha dúvida é boba, mas eu juro que tentei ao máximo resolver sem te incomodar e obrigado mais uma vez.

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57 minutos atrás, Lipyzin disse:

Eu só removi e ficou 10..


  • Seria legal se tivesse no painel administrativo um sistema para você colocar o valor da coin, porque ele só está como 2x o valor doado e ou 4x (quando double).


Obs.:Eu tive um #bug com o retorno do PagSeguro e resolvi usar só a conta bancária. (hospedo o servidor no windows deve ser por isso).


@victorfasano Preciso da sua ajuda cara, a tempos estou tentando achar o erro que não esta carregando as imagens do headline.php(título das páginas). Teria como você dar uma olhada por gentileza?


Caminho do Arquivo: Layouts\Monteiro\layout.php


	$headline = ucfirst($_REQUEST['subtopic']);
		if($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "latestnews")
			$headline = "News";
		elseif($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "accountmanagement")
			$headline = "Account Management";
		elseif($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "createaccount")
			$headline = "Create Account";
		elseif($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "whoisonline")
			$headline = "Who is Online";
		elseif($_REQUEST['subtopic'] == "adminpanel")
			$headline = "Admin Panel";
	<img id="ContentBoxHeadline" class="Title" src="pages/headline.php?txt=<?PHP echo ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($headline))); ?>" alt="Contentbox headline">

Salve engano é este comando que decide os títulos das páginas, e é isso que não esta aparecendo.


Não tenho muito conhecimento em fóruns mas o link da img é este: 



Ah, eu tomei a liberdade de fazer algumas alterações no site, caso alguém queira ver, basta acessar


Desculpe se a minha dúvida é boba, mas eu juro que tentei ao máximo resolver sem te incomodar e obrigado mais uma vez.


    <img id="ContentBoxHeadline" class="Title" src="pages/headline.php?txt=<?PHP echo ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($headline))); ?>" alt="Contentbox headline">


<img id="ContentBoxHeadline" class="Title" src="headline.php?text=<?PHP echo ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($headline))); ?>" alt="Contentbox headline">


14 horas atrás, adeiltonpessini disse:

Estou com um problema, queria saber como faço para habilitar para o jogador selecionar vocação e localização, quando for criar o personagem. Alguém pode me ajudar?




# Create Character Options
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample');
$config['site']['newchar_towns'] = array(1,2,4);


Editado por M4Go
Link para o comentário
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Não querendo incomodar, @M4Go o meu sistema de recuperação de conta está com o seguinte erro:







// phpmailer - PHP email class
// Version 1.60, Created 03/30/2002 + modified 01/23/2013 by Gesior for Gesior2012
// Class for sending email using either
// sendmail, PHP mail(), or SMTP.  Methods are
// based upon the standard AspEmail(tm) classes.
// Author: Brent R. Matzelle <>
// License: LGPL, see LICENSE

 * phpmailer - PHP email transport class
 * @author Brent R. Matzelle
class phpmailer

     * Email priority (1 = High, 3 = Normal, 5 = low). Default value is 3.
     * @public
     * @type int
    var $Priority          = 3;

     * Sets the CharSet of the message. Default value is "iso-8859-1".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $CharSet           = "iso-8859-1";

     * Sets the Content-type of the message. Default value is "text/plain".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $ContentType        = "text/plain";

     * Sets the Encoding of the message. Options for this are "8bit" (default),
     * "7bit", "binary", "base64", and "quoted-printable".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $Encoding          = "8bit";

     * Holds the most recent mailer error message. Default value is "".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $ErrorInfo         = "";

     * Sets the From email address for the message. Default value is "root@localhost".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $From               = "root@localhost";

     * Sets the From name of the message. Default value is "Root User".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $FromName           = "Root User";

     * Sets the Sender email of the message. If not empty, will be sent via -f to sendmail
     * or as 'MAIL FROM' in smtp mode. Default value is "".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $Sender            = "";

     * Sets the Subject of the message. Default value is "".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $Subject           = "";

     * Sets the Body of the message.  This can be either an HTML or text body.
     * If HTML then run IsHTML(true). Default value is "".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $Body               = "";

     * Sets the text-only body of the message.  This automatically sets the
     * email to multipart/alternative.  This body can be read by mail
     * clients that do not have HTML email capability such as mutt. Clients
     * that can read HTML will view the normal Body.
     * Default value is "".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $AltBody           = "";

     * Sets word wrapping on the body of the message to a given number of 
     * characters. Default value is 0 (off).
     * @public
     * @type int
    var $WordWrap          = 0;

     * Method to send mail: ("mail", "sendmail", or "smtp").
     * Default value is "mail".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $Mailer            = "mail";

     * Sets the path of the sendmail program. Default value is
     * "/usr/sbin/sendmail".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $Sendmail          = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";

     *  Turns Microsoft mail client headers on and off.  Useful mostly
     *  for older clients. Default value is false (off).
     *  @public
     *  @type bool
    var $UseMSMailHeaders = false;
     * Path to phpmailer plugins.  This is now only useful if the SMTP class 
     * is in a different directory than the PHP include path.  
     * Default is empty ("").
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $PluginDir         = "";

     *  Holds phpmailer version.
     *  @public
     *  @type string
    var $Version           = "1.54";

     * Sets the email address that a reading confirmation will be sent. Default value is "".
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $ConfirmReadingTo  = "";

     *  Sets the line endings of the message.  Default is "\n";
     *  @public
     *  @type string
    var $LE           = "\n";


     *  Sets the SMTP hosts.  All hosts must be separated by a
     *  semicolon.  You can also specify a different port
     *  for each host by using this format: [hostname:port]
     *  (e.g. ";").
     *  Hosts will be tried in order.
     *  Default value is "localhost".
     *  @public
     *  @type string
    var $Host        = "localhost";

     *  Sets the default SMTP server port. Default value is 25.
     *  @public
     *  @type int
    var $Port        = 25;

     *  Sets the SMTP HELO of the message.
     *  Default value is "localhost.localdomain".
     *  @public
     *  @type string
    var $Helo        = "localhost.localdomain";

     *  Sets SMTP authentication. Utilizes the Username and Password variables.
     *  Default value is false (off).
     *  @public
     *  @type bool
    var $SMTPAuth     = false;

     *  Sets SMTP username. Default value is "".
     *  @public
     *  @type string
    var $Username     = "";

     *  Sets SMTP password. Default value is "".
     *  @public
     *  @type string
    var $Password     = "";

     *  Sets the SMTP server timeout in seconds. This function will not 
     *  work with the win32 version. Default value is 10.
     *  @public
     *  @type int
    var $Timeout      = 10;

     *  Sets SMTP class debugging on or off. Default value is false (off).
     *  @public
     *  @type bool
    var $SMTPDebug    = false;


     *  Holds all "To" addresses.
     *  @type array
    var $to              = array();

     *  Holds all "CC" addresses.
     *  @type array
    var $cc              = array();

     *  Holds all "BCC" addresses.
     *  @type array
    var $bcc             = array();

     *  Holds all "Reply-To" addresses.
     *  @type array
    var $ReplyTo         = array();

     *  Holds all string and binary attachments.
     *  @type array
    var $attachment      = array();

     *  Holds all custom headers.
     *  @type array
    var $CustomHeader    = array();

     *  Holds the type of the message.
     *  @type string
    var $message_type    = "";

     *  Holds the message boundaries.
     *  @type string array
    var $boundary        = array();


     * Sets message type to HTML.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function IsHTML($bool) {
        if($bool == true)
            $this->ContentType = "text/html";
            $this->ContentType = "text/plain";

     * Sets Mailer to send message using SMTP.
     * Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function IsSMTP() {
        $this->Mailer = "smtp";

     * Sets Mailer to send message using PHP mail() function.
     * Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function IsMail() {
        $this->Mailer = "mail";

     * Sets Mailer to send message using the $Sendmail program.
     * Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function IsSendmail() {
        $this->Mailer = "sendmail";

     * Sets Mailer to send message using the qmail MTA.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function IsQmail() {
        //$this->Sendmail = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject";
        $this->Sendmail = "/var/qmail/bin/sendmail";
        $this->Mailer = "sendmail";


     * Adds a "To" address.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function AddAddress($address, $name = "") {
        $cur = count($this->to);
        $this->to[$cur][0] = trim($address);
        $this->to[$cur][1] = $name;

     * Adds a "Cc" address. Note: this function works
     * with the SMTP mailer on win32, not with the "mail"
     * mailer.  This is a PHP bug that has been submitted
     * on The *NIX version of PHP
     * functions correctly. Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function AddCC($address, $name = "") {
        $cur = count($this->cc);
        $this->cc[$cur][0] = trim($address);
        $this->cc[$cur][1] = $name;

     * Adds a "Bcc" address. Note: this function works
     * with the SMTP mailer on win32, not with the "mail"
     * mailer.  This is a PHP bug that has been submitted
     * on The *NIX version of PHP
     * functions correctly.
     * Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function AddBCC($address, $name = "") {
        $cur = count($this->bcc);
        $this->bcc[$cur][0] = trim($address);
        $this->bcc[$cur][1] = $name;

     * Adds a "Reply-to" address.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function AddReplyTo($address, $name = "") {
        $cur = count($this->ReplyTo);
        $this->ReplyTo[$cur][0] = trim($address);
        $this->ReplyTo[$cur][1] = $name;


     * Creates message and assigns Mailer. If the message is
     * not sent successfully then it returns false.  Use the ErrorInfo
     * variable to view description of the error.  Returns bool.
     * @public
     * @returns bool
    function Send() {
        $header = "";
        $body = "";

        if((count($this->to) + count($this->cc) + count($this->bcc)) < 1)
            $this->error_handler("You must provide at least one recipient email address");
            return false;

        // Set whether the message is multipart/alternative
            $this->ContentType = "multipart/alternative";

        // Attach sender information & date
        $header = $this->received();
        $header .= sprintf("Date: %s%s", $this->rfc_date(), $this->LE);
        $header .= $this->create_header();

        if(!$body = $this->create_body())
            return false;

        //echo "<pre>".$header . $body . "</pre>"; // debugging

        // Choose the mailer
        if($this->Mailer == "sendmail")
          if(!$this->sendmail_send($header, $body))
              return false;
        elseif($this->Mailer == "mail")
          if(!$this->mail_send($header, $body))
              return false;
        elseif($this->Mailer == "smtp")
          if(!$this->smtp_send($header, $body))
              return false;
            $this->error_handler(sprintf("%s mailer is not supported", $this->Mailer));
            return false;

        return true;
     * Sends mail message to an assigned queue directory.  Has an optional 
     * sendTime argument.  This is used when the user wants the 
     * message to be sent from the queue at a predetermined time. 
     * The data must be a valid timestamp like that returned from 
     * the time() or strtotime() functions.  Returns false on failure 
     * or the message file name if success.
     * @public
     * @returns string
    function SendToQueue($queue_path, $send_time = 0) {
        $message = array();
        $header = "";
        $body = "";
        // If invalid or empty just set to the current time
        if($send_time == 0)
            $send_time = time();
            $this->error_handler("The supplied queue directory does not exist");
            return false;

        if((count($this->to) + count($this->cc) + count($this->bcc)) < 1)
            $this->error_handler("You must provide at least one recipient email address");
            return false;

        // Set whether the message is multipart/alternative
            $this->ContentType = "multipart/alternative";

        $header = $this->create_header();
        if(!$body = $this->create_body())
            return false;

        // Seed randomizer
        $msg_id = md5(uniqid(mt_rand()));
        $fp = fopen($queue_path . $msg_id . ".pqm", "wb");
            $this->error_handler(sprintf("Could not write to %s directory", $queue_path));
            return false;
        $message[] = sprintf("----START PQM HEADER----%s", $this->LE);
        $message[] = sprintf("SendTime: %s%s", $send_time, $this->LE);
        $message[] = sprintf("Mailer: %s%s", $this->Mailer, $this->LE);

        // Choose the mailer
        if($this->Mailer == "sendmail")
            $message[] = sprintf("Sendmail: %s%s", $this->Sendmail, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("Sender: %s%s", $this->Sender, $this->LE);
        elseif($this->Mailer == "mail")
            $message[] = sprintf("Sender: %s%s", $this->Sender, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("Subject: %s%s", $this->Subject, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("to: %s%s", $this->addr_list($this->to), $this->LE);
        elseif($this->Mailer == "smtp")
            $message[] = sprintf("Host: %s%s", $this->Host, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("Port: %d%s", $this->Port, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("Helo: %s%s", $this->Helo, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("Timeout: %d%s", $this->Timeout, $this->LE);
                $auth_no = 1;
                $auth_no = 0;
            $message[] = sprintf("SMTPAuth: %d%s", $auth_no, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("Username: %s%s", $this->Username, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("Password: %s%s", $this->Password, $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("From: %s%s", $this->From, $this->LE);

            $message[] = sprintf("to: %s%s", $this->addr_list($this->to), $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("cc: %s%s", $this->addr_list($this->cc), $this->LE);
            $message[] = sprintf("bcc: %s%s", $this->addr_list($this->bcc), $this->LE);
            $this->error_handler(sprintf("%s mailer is not supported", $this->Mailer));
            return false;

        $message[] = sprintf("----END PQM HEADER----%s", $this->LE); // end of pqm header        
        $message[] = $header;
        $message[] = $body;
        fwrite($fp, join("", $message));

        return ($msg_id . ".pqm");

     * Sends mail using the $Sendmail program.  Returns bool.
     * @private
     * @returns bool
    function sendmail_send($header, $body) {
        if ($this->Sender != "")
            $sendmail = sprintf("%s -oi -f %s -t", $this->Sendmail, $this->Sender);
            $sendmail = sprintf("%s -oi -t", $this->Sendmail);

        if(!@$mail = popen($sendmail, "w"))
            $this->error_handler(sprintf("Could not execute %s", $this->Sendmail));
            return false;

        fputs($mail, $header);
        fputs($mail, $body);
        $result = pclose($mail) >> 8 & 0xFF;
        if($result != 0)
            $this->error_handler(sprintf("Could not execute %s", $this->Sendmail));
            return false;

        return true;

     * Sends mail using the PHP mail() function.  Returns bool.
     * @private
     * @returns bool
    function mail_send($header, $body) {
        //$to = substr($this->addr_append("To", $this->to), 4, -2);

        // Cannot add Bcc's to the $to
        $to = $this->to[0][0]; // no extra comma
        for($i = 1; $i < count($this->to); $i++)
            $to .= sprintf(",%s", $this->to[$i][0]);

        if ($this->Sender != "" && PHP_VERSION >= "4.0")
            $old_from = ini_get("sendmail_from");
            ini_set("sendmail_from", $this->Sender);

        if ($this->Sender != "" && PHP_VERSION >= "4.0.5")
            // The fifth parameter to mail is only available in PHP >= 4.0.5
            $params = sprintf("-oi -f %s", $this->Sender);
            $rt = @mail($to, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params);
            $rt = @mail($to, $this->Subject, $body, $header);

        if (isset($old_from))
            ini_set("sendmail_from", $old_from);

            $this->error_handler("Could not instantiate mail()");
            return false;

        return true;

     * Sends mail via SMTP using PhpSMTP (Author:
     * Chris Ryan).  Returns bool.  Returns false if there is a
     * bad MAIL FROM, RCPT, or DATA input.
     * @private
     * @returns bool
    function smtp_send($header, $body) {
        $smtp = new SMTP;

        $smtp->do_debug = $this->SMTPDebug;

        // Try to connect to all SMTP servers
        $hosts = explode(";", $this->Host);
        $index = 0;
        $connection = false;
        $smtp_from = "";
        $bad_rcpt = array();
        $e = "";

        // Retry while there is no connection
        while($index < count($hosts) && $connection == false)
            $host = $hosts[$index];
            $port = $this->Port;

            if($smtp->Connect($host, $port, $this->Timeout))
                $connection = true;
            //printf("%s host could not connect<br>", $hosts[$index]); //debug only
            $this->error_handler("SMTP Error: could not connect to SMTP host server(s)");
            return false;

        // Must perform HELO before authentication

        // If user requests SMTP authentication
            if(!$smtp->Authenticate($this->Username, $this->Password))
                $this->error_handler("SMTP Error: Could not authenticate");
                return false;

        if ($this->Sender == "")
            $smtp_from = $this->From;
            $smtp_from = $this->Sender;

        if(!$smtp->Mail(sprintf("<%s>", $smtp_from)))
            $e = sprintf("SMTP Error: From address [%s] failed", $smtp_from);
            return false;

        // Attempt to send attach all recipients
        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->to); $i++)
            if(!$smtp->Recipient(sprintf("<%s>", $this->to[$i][0])))
                $bad_rcpt[] = $this->to[$i][0];
        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->cc); $i++)
            if(!$smtp->Recipient(sprintf("<%s>", $this->cc[$i][0])))
                $bad_rcpt[] = $this->cc[$i][0];
        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->bcc); $i++)
            if(!$smtp->Recipient(sprintf("<%s>", $this->bcc[$i][0])))
                $bad_rcpt[] = $this->bcc[$i][0];

        // Create error message
        if(count($bad_rcpt) > 0)
            for($i = 0; $i < count($bad_rcpt); $i++)
                if($i != 0)
                    $e .= ", ";
                $e .= $bad_rcpt[$i];
            $e = sprintf("SMTP Error: The following recipients failed [%s]", $e);

            return false;

        if(!$smtp->Data(sprintf("%s%s", $header, $body)))
            $this->error_handler("SMTP Error: Data not accepted");
            return false;

        return true;


     * Creates recipient headers.  Returns string.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function addr_append($type, $addr) {
        $addr_str = $type . ": ";
        $addr_str .= $this->addr_format($addr[0]);
        if(count($addr) > 1)
            for($i = 1; $i < count($addr); $i++)
                $addr_str .= sprintf(", %s", $this->addr_format($addr[$i]));
            $addr_str .= $this->LE;
            $addr_str .= $this->LE;

     * Creates a semicolon delimited list for use in pqm files.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function addr_list($list_array) {
        $addr_list = "";
        for($i = 0; $i < count($list_array); $i++)
            if($i > 0)
                $addr_list .= ";";
            $addr_list .= $list_array[$i][0];
        return $addr_list;
     * Formats an address correctly. 
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function addr_format($addr) {
            $formatted = $addr[0];
            $formatted = sprintf('"%s" <%s>', addslashes($addr[1]), $addr[0]);

        return $formatted;

     * Wraps message for use with mailers that do not
     * automatically perform wrapping and for quoted-printable.
     * Original written by philippe.  Returns string.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function word_wrap($message, $length, $qp_mode = false) {
        if ($qp_mode)
        $soft_break = sprintf(" =%s", $this->LE);
        $soft_break = $this->LE;

        $message = $this->fix_eol($message);
        if (substr($message, -1) == $this->LE)
        $message = substr($message, 0, -1);

        $line = explode($this->LE, $message);
        $message = "";
        for ($i=0 ;$i < count($line); $i++)
          $line_part = explode(" ", $line[$i]);
          $buf = "";
          for ($e = 0; $e<count($line_part); $e++)
              $word = $line_part[$e];
              if ($qp_mode and (strlen($word) > $length))
                $space_left = $length - strlen($buf) - 1;
                if ($e != 0)
                    if ($space_left > 20)
                        $len = $space_left;
                        if (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "=")
                        elseif (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "=")
                          $len -= 2;
                        $part = substr($word, 0, $len);
                        $word = substr($word, $len);
                        $buf .= " " . $part;
                        $message .= $buf . sprintf("=%s", $this->LE);
                        $message .= $buf . $soft_break;
                    $buf = "";
                while (strlen($word) > 0)
                    $len = $length;
                    if (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "=")
                    elseif (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "=")
                        $len -= 2;
                    $part = substr($word, 0, $len);
                    $word = substr($word, $len);

                    if (strlen($word) > 0)
                        $message .= $part . sprintf("=%s", $this->LE);
                        $buf = $part;
                $buf_o = $buf;
                if ($e == 0)
                    $buf .= $word;
                    $buf .= " " . $word;
                if (strlen($buf) > $length and $buf_o != "")
                    $message .= $buf_o . $soft_break;
                    $buf = $word;
          $message .= $buf . $this->LE;

        return ($message);

     * Assembles message header.  Returns a string if successful
     * or false if unsuccessful.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function create_header() {
        $header = array();
        // Set the boundaries
        $uniq_id = md5(uniqid(time()));
        $this->boundary[1] = "b1_" . $uniq_id;
        $this->boundary[2] = "b2_" . $uniq_id;

        // To be created automatically by mail()
        if(($this->Mailer != "mail") && (count($this->to) > 0))
            $header[] = $this->addr_append("To", $this->to);

        $header[] = sprintf("From: \"%s\" <%s>%s", addslashes($this->FromName), 
                            trim($this->From), $this->LE);
        if(count($this->cc) > 0)
            $header[] = $this->addr_append("Cc", $this->cc);

        // sendmail and mail() extract Bcc from the header before sending
        if((($this->Mailer == "sendmail") || ($this->Mailer == "mail")) && (count($this->bcc) > 0))
            $header[] = $this->addr_append("Bcc", $this->bcc);

        if(count($this->ReplyTo) > 0)
            $header[] = $this->addr_append("Reply-to", $this->ReplyTo);

        // mail() sets the subject itself
        if($this->Mailer != "mail")
            $header[] = sprintf("Subject: %s%s", trim($this->Subject), $this->LE);

        $header[] = sprintf("X-Priority: %d%s", $this->Priority, $this->LE);
        $header[] = sprintf("X-Mailer: phpmailer [version %s]%s", $this->Version, $this->LE);
        $header[] = sprintf("Return-Path: %s%s", trim($this->From), $this->LE);
        if($this->ConfirmReadingTo != "")
            $header[] = sprintf("Disposition-Notification-To: <%s>%s", 
                            trim($this->ConfirmReadingTo), $this->LE);

        // Add custom headers
        for($index = 0; $index < count($this->CustomHeader); $index++)
            $header[] = sprintf("%s%s", $this->CustomHeader[$index], $this->LE);

            $header[] = $this->AddMSMailHeaders();

        $header[] = sprintf("MIME-Version: 1.0%s", $this->LE);

        // Determine what type of message this is        
        if(count($this->attachment) < 1 && strlen($this->AltBody) < 1)
            $this->message_type = "plain";
            if(count($this->attachment) > 0)
                $this->message_type = "attachments";
            if(strlen($this->AltBody) > 0 && count($this->attachment) < 1)
                $this->message_type = "alt";
            if(strlen($this->AltBody) > 0 && count($this->attachment) > 0)
                $this->message_type = "alt_attachments";
            case "plain":
                $header[] = sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s", 
                                    $this->Encoding, $this->LE);
                $header[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s; charset = \"%s\"",
                                    $this->ContentType, $this->CharSet);
            case "attachments":
            case "alt_attachments":
                if($this->EmbeddedImageCount() > 0)
                    $header[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s;%s\ttype=\"text/html\";%s\tboundary=\"%s\"%s", 
                                    "multipart/related", $this->LE, $this->LE, 
                                    $this->boundary[1], $this->LE);
                    $header[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s;%s",
                                    "multipart/mixed", $this->LE);
                    $header[] = sprintf("\tboundary=\"%s\"%s", $this->boundary[1], $this->LE);
            case "alt":
                $header[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s;%s",
                                    "multipart/alternative", $this->LE);
                $header[] = sprintf("\tboundary=\"%s\"%s", $this->boundary[1], $this->LE);

        // No additional lines when using mail() function
        if($this->Mailer != "mail")
            $header[] = $this->LE.$this->LE;

        return(join("", $header));

     * Assembles the message body.  Returns a string if successful
     * or false if unsuccessful.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function create_body() {
        $body = array();

        // wordwrap the message body if set
        if($this->WordWrap > 0)
            $this->Body = $this->word_wrap($this->Body, $this->WordWrap);

            case "alt":
                // Return text of body
                $bndry = new Boundary($this->boundary[1]);
                $bndry->CharSet = $this->CharSet;
                $bndry->Encoding = $this->Encoding;
                $body[] = $bndry->GetSource();
                $body[] = sprintf("%s%s", $this->AltBody, $this->LE.$this->LE);
                $bndry = new Boundary($this->boundary[1]);
                $bndry->CharSet = $this->CharSet;
                $bndry->ContentType = "text/html";
                $bndry->Encoding = $this->Encoding;
                $body[] = $bndry->GetSource();
                $body[] = sprintf("%s%s", $this->Body, $this->LE.$this->LE);
                // End the boundary
                $body[] = sprintf("%s--%s--%s", $this->LE, 
                                  $this->boundary[1], $this->LE.$this->LE);
            case "plain":
                $body[] = $this->Body;
            case "attachments":
                $bndry = new Boundary($this->boundary[1]);
                $bndry->CharSet = $this->CharSet;
                $bndry->ContentType = $this->ContentType;
                $bndry->Encoding = $this->Encoding;
                $body[] = sprintf("%s%s%s%s", $bndry->GetSource(false), $this->LE, 
                                 $this->Body, $this->LE);
                if(!$body[] = $this->attach_all())
                    return false;
            case "alt_attachments":
                $body[] = sprintf("--%s%s", $this->boundary[1], $this->LE);
                $body[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s;%s" .
                                   "multipart/alternative", $this->LE, 
                                   $this->boundary[2], $this->LE.$this->LE);
                // Create text body
                $bndry = new Boundary($this->boundary[2]);
                $bndry->CharSet = $this->CharSet;
                $bndry->ContentType = "text/plain";
                $bndry->Encoding = $this->Encoding;
                $body[] = $bndry->GetSource() . $this->LE;
                $body[] = sprintf("%s%s", $this->AltBody, $this->LE.$this->LE);
                // Create the HTML body
                $bndry = new Boundary($this->boundary[2]);
                $bndry->CharSet = $this->CharSet;
                $bndry->ContentType = "text/html";
                $bndry->Encoding = $this->Encoding;
                $body[] = $bndry->GetSource() . $this->LE;
                $body[] = sprintf("%s%s", $this->Body, $this->LE.$this->LE);

                $body[] = sprintf("%s--%s--%s", $this->LE, 
                                  $this->boundary[2], $this->LE.$this->LE);
                if(!$body[] = $this->attach_all())
                    return false;
        // Add the encode string code here
        $sBody = join("", $body);
        $sBody = $this->encode_string($sBody, $this->Encoding);

        return $sBody;


     * Adds an attachment from a path on the filesystem.
     * Checks if attachment is valid and then adds
     * the attachment to the list.
     * Returns false if the file could not be found
     * or accessed.
     * @public
     * @returns bool
    function AddAttachment($path, $name = "", $encoding = "base64", $type = "application/octet-stream") {
            $this->error_handler(sprintf("Could not access [%s] file", $path));
            return false;

        $filename = basename($path);
        if($name == "")
            $name = $filename;

        // Append to $attachment array
        $cur = count($this->attachment);
        $this->attachment[$cur][0] = $path;
        $this->attachment[$cur][1] = $filename;
        $this->attachment[$cur][2] = $name;
        $this->attachment[$cur][3] = $encoding;
        $this->attachment[$cur][4] = $type;
        $this->attachment[$cur][5] = false; // isStringAttachment
        $this->attachment[$cur][6] = "attachment";
        $this->attachment[$cur][7] = 0;

        return true;

     * Attaches all fs, string, and binary attachments to the message.
     * Returns a string if successful or false if unsuccessful.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function attach_all() {
        // Return text of body
        $mime = array();

        // Add all attachments
        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->attachment); $i++)
            // Check for string attachment
            $isString = $this->attachment[$i][5];
            if ($isString)
                $string = $this->attachment[$i][0];
                $path = $this->attachment[$i][0];
            $filename    = $this->attachment[$i][1];
            $name        = $this->attachment[$i][2];
            $encoding    = $this->attachment[$i][3];
            $type        = $this->attachment[$i][4];
            $disposition = $this->attachment[$i][6];
            $cid         = $this->attachment[$i][7];
            $mime[] = sprintf("--%s%s", $this->boundary[1], $this->LE);
            $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s; name=\"%s\"%s", $type, $name, $this->LE);
            $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s", $encoding, $this->LE);

            if($disposition == "inline")
                $mime[] = sprintf("Content-ID: <%s>%s", $cid, $this->LE);
                $mime[] = sprintf("Content-ID: <%s>%s", $name, $this->LE);

            $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Disposition: %s; filename=\"%s\"%s", 
                              $disposition, $name, $this->LE.$this->LE);

            // Encode as string attachment
                if(!$mime[] = sprintf("%s%s", $this->encode_string($string, $encoding), 
                  return false;
                if(!$mime[] = sprintf("%s%s", $this->encode_file($path, $encoding), 
                  return false;

            $mime[] = sprintf("--%s--%s", $this->boundary[1], $this->LE);


        return(join("", $mime));
     * Encodes attachment in requested format.  Returns a
     * string if successful or false if unsuccessful.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function encode_file ($path, $encoding = "base64") {
        if(!@$fd = fopen($path, "rb"))
            $this->error_handler(sprintf("File Error: Could not open file %s", $path));
            return false;
        $file = fread($fd, filesize($path));
        $encoded = $this->encode_string($file, $encoding);


     * Encodes string to requested format. Returns a
     * string if successful or false if unsuccessful.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function encode_string ($str, $encoding = "base64") {
        switch(strtolower($encoding)) {
          case "base64":
              // chunk_split is found in PHP >= 3.0.6
              $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($str));

          case "7bit":
          case "8bit":
              $encoded = $this->fix_eol($str);
              if (substr($encoded, -2) != $this->LE)
                $encoded .= $this->LE;

          case "binary":
              $encoded = $str;

          case "quoted-printable":
              $encoded = $this->encode_qp($str);

              $this->error_handler(sprintf("Unknown encoding: %s", $encoding));
              return false;

     * Encode string to quoted-printable.  Returns a string.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function encode_qp ($str) {
        $encoded = $this->fix_eol($str);
        if (substr($encoded, -2) != $this->LE)
            $encoded .= $this->LE;

        // Replace every high ascii, control and = characters
        $encoded = preg_replace("/([\001-\010\013\014\016-\037\075\177-\377])/e",
                  "'='.sprintf('%02X', ord('\\1'))", $encoded);
        // Replace every spaces and tabs when it's the last character on a line
        $encoded = preg_replace("/([\011\040])".$this->LE."/e",
                  "'='.sprintf('%02X', ord('\\1')).'".$this->LE."'", $encoded);

        // Maximum line length of 76 characters before CRLF (74 + space + '=')
        $encoded = $this->word_wrap($encoded, 74, true);

        return $encoded;

     * Adds a string or binary attachment (non-filesystem) to the list.
     * This method can be used to attach ascii or binary data,
     * such as a BLOB record from a database.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function AddStringAttachment($string, $filename, $encoding = "base64", $type = "application/octet-stream") {
        // Append to $attachment array
        $cur = count($this->attachment);
        $this->attachment[$cur][0] = $string;
        $this->attachment[$cur][1] = $filename;
        $this->attachment[$cur][2] = $filename;
        $this->attachment[$cur][3] = $encoding;
        $this->attachment[$cur][4] = $type;
        $this->attachment[$cur][5] = true; // isString
        $this->attachment[$cur][6] = "attachment";
        $this->attachment[$cur][7] = 0;
     * Adds an embedded attachment.  This can include images, sounds, and 
     * just about any other document.  
     * @param cid this is the Content Id of the attachment.  Use this to identify
     *        the Id for accessing the image in an HTML form.
     * @public
     * @returns bool
    function AddEmbeddedImage($path, $cid, $name = "", $encoding = "base64", $type = "application/octet-stream") {
            $this->error_handler(sprintf("Could not access [%s] file", $path));
            return false;

        $filename = basename($path);
        if($name == "")
            $name = $filename;

        // Append to $attachment array
        $cur = count($this->attachment);
        $this->attachment[$cur][0] = $path;
        $this->attachment[$cur][1] = $filename;
        $this->attachment[$cur][2] = $name;
        $this->attachment[$cur][3] = $encoding;
        $this->attachment[$cur][4] = $type;
        $this->attachment[$cur][5] = false; // isStringAttachment
        $this->attachment[$cur][6] = "inline";
        $this->attachment[$cur][7] = $cid;
        return true;
     * Returns the number of embedded images in an email.
     * @private
     * @returns int
    function EmbeddedImageCount() {
        $ret = 0;
        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->attachment); $i++)
            if($this->attachment[$i][6] == "inline")
        return $ret;


     * Clears all recipients assigned in the TO array.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function ClearAddresses() {
        $this->to = array();

     * Clears all recipients assigned in the CC array.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function ClearCCs() {
        $this->cc = array();

     * Clears all recipients assigned in the BCC array.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function ClearBCCs() {
        $this->bcc = array();

     * Clears all recipients assigned in the ReplyTo array.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function ClearReplyTos() {
        $this->ReplyTo = array();

     * Clears all recipients assigned in the TO, CC and BCC
     * array.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function ClearAllRecipients() {
        $this->to = array();
        $this->cc = array();
        $this->bcc = array();

     * Clears all previously set filesystem, string, and binary
     * attachments.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function ClearAttachments() {
        $this->attachment = array();

     * Clears all custom headers.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function ClearCustomHeaders() {
        $this->CustomHeader = array();


     * Adds the error message to the error container.
     * Returns void.
     * @private
     * @returns void
    function error_handler($msg) {
        $this->ErrorInfo = $msg;

     * Returns the proper RFC 822 formatted date. Returns string.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function rfc_date() {
        $tz = date("Z");
        $tzs = ($tz < 0) ? "-" : "+";
        $tz = abs($tz);
        $tz = ($tz/3600)*100 + ($tz%3600)/60;
        $date = sprintf("%s %s%04d", date("D, j M Y H:i:s"), $tzs, $tz);
        return $date;

     * Returns received header for message tracing. Returns string.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function received() {
        // Check for vars because they might not exist.  Possibly
        // write a small retrieval function (that mailer can use too!)

        $str = sprintf("Received: from phpmailer ([%s]) by %s " .
               "with HTTP;%s\t %s%s",

        return $str;
     * Returns the appropriate server variable.  Should work with both 
     * PHP 4.1.0+ as well as older versions.  Returns an empty string 
     * if nothing is found.
     * @private
     * @returns mixed
    function get_server_var($varName) {
        global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
        global $HTTP_ENV_VARS;

            $_SERVER = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
                $_SERVER = $HTTP_ENV_VARS; // must be Apache
            return $_SERVER[$varName];
            return "";

     * Changes every end of line from CR or LF to CRLF.  Returns string.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function fix_eol($str) {
        $str = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $str);
        $str = str_replace("\r", "\n", $str);
        $str = str_replace("\n", $this->LE, $str);
        return $str;

     * Adds a custom header.  Returns void.
     * @public
     * @returns void
    function AddCustomHeader($custom_header) {
        $this->CustomHeader[] = $custom_header;

     * Adds all the Microsoft message headers.  Returns string.
     * @private
     * @returns string
    function AddMSMailHeaders() {
        $MSHeader = "";
        if($this->Priority == 1)
            $MSPriority = "High";
        elseif($this->Priority == 5)
            $MSPriority = "Low";
            $MSPriority = "Medium";

        $MSHeader .= sprintf("X-MSMail-Priority: %s%s", $MSPriority, $this->LE);
        $MSHeader .= sprintf("Importance: %s%s", $MSPriority, $this->LE);



 * Boundary - MIME message boundary class
 * @author Brent R. Matzelle
class Boundary
     * Sets the boundary ID.
     * @private
     * @type string
    var $ID = 0;

     * Sets the boundary Content Type.
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $ContentType = "text/plain";

     * Sets the Encoding.
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $Encoding = "";

     * Sets an attachment disposition.
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $Disposition = "";

     * Sets an attachment file name.
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $FileName = "";
     * Sets the Char set.
     * @public
     * @type string
    var $CharSet = "";
     *  Sets the line endings of the message.  Default is "\n";
     *  @public
     *  @type string
    var $LE           = "\n";
     * Main constructor.
    function Boundary($boundary_id) {
        $this->ID = $boundary_id;
     * Returns the source of the boundary.
     * @public
     * @returns string
    function GetSource($bLineEnding = true) {
        $ret = array();
        $mime[] = sprintf("--%s%s", $this->ID, $this->LE);
        $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s; charset = \"%s\"%s", 
                          $this->ContentType, $this->CharSet, $this->LE);
        //$mime[] = sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s", $this->Encoding, 
        //                  $this->LE);
        if(strlen($this->Disposition) > 0)
            $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Disposition: %s;");
            if(strlen($this->FileName) > 0)
                $mime[] = sprinf("filename=\"%s\"", $this->$this->FileName);
            $mime[] = $this->LE;

        return join("", $mime);






     * File: smtp.php
     * Description: Define an SMTP class that can be used to connect
     *              and communicate with any SMTP server. It implements
     *              all the SMTP functions defined in RFC821 except TURN.
     * Creator: Chris Ryan <>
     * Created: 03/26/2001
     * TODO:
     *     - Move all the duplicate code to a utility function
     *           Most of the functions have the first lines of
     *           code do the same processing. If this can be moved
     *           into a utility function then it would reduce the
     *           overall size of the code significantly.

     * STMP is rfc 821 compliant and implements all the rfc 821 SMTP
     * commands except TURN which will always return a not implemented
     * error. SMTP also provides some utility methods for sending mail
     * to an SMTP server.
    class SMTP {
        var $SMTP_PORT = 25; # the default SMTP PORT
        var $CRLF = "\r\n";  # CRLF pair

        var $smtp_conn;      # the socket to the server
        var $error;          # error if any on the last call
        var $helo_rply;      # the reply the server sent to us for HELO

        var $do_debug;       # the level of debug to perform

         * SMTP()
         * Initialize the class so that the data is in a known state.
        function SMTP() {
            $this->smtp_conn = 0;
            $this->error = null;
            $this->helo_rply = null;

            $this->do_debug = 0;

         *                    CONNECTION FUNCTIONS                  *

         * Connect($host, $port=0, $tval=30)
         * Connect to the server specified on the port specified.
         * If the port is not specified use the default SMTP_PORT.
         * If tval is specified then a connection will try and be
         * established with the server for that number of seconds.
         * If tval is not specified the default is 30 seconds to
         * try on the connection.
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 220
         * SMTP CODE FAILURE: 421
        function Connect($host,$port=0,$tval=30) {
            # set the error val to null so there is no confusion
            $this->error = null;

            # make sure we are __not__ connected
            if($this->connected()) {
                # ok we are connected! what should we do?
                # for now we will just give an error saying we
                # are already connected
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "Already connected to a server");
                return false;

            if(empty($port)) {
                $port = $this->SMTP_PORT;

            #connect to the smtp server
            $this->smtp_conn = fsockopen($host,    # the host of the server
                                         $port,    # the port to use
                                         $errno,   # error number if any
                                         $errstr,  # error message if any
                                         $tval);   # give up after ? secs
            # verify we connected properly
            if(empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
                $this->error = array("error" => "Failed to connect to server",
                                     "errno" => $errno,
                                     "errstr" => $errstr);
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": $errstr ($errno)" . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            # sometimes the SMTP server takes a little longer to respond
            # so we will give it a longer timeout for the first read
            // Windows still does not have support for this timeout function
            if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN")
               socket_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, 1, 0);

            # get any announcement stuff
            $announce = $this->get_lines();

            # set the timeout  of any socket functions at 1/10 of a second
            //   socket_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, 0, 100000);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $announce;

            return true;

         * Authenticate()
         * Performs SMTP authentication.  Must be run after running the
         * Hello() method.  Returns true if successfully authenticated.
        function Authenticate($username, $password) {
            // Start authentication
            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"AUTH LOGIN" . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($code != 334) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "AUTH not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            // Send encoded username
            fputs($this->smtp_conn, base64_encode($username) . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($code != 334) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "Username not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            // Send encoded password
            fputs($this->smtp_conn, base64_encode($password) . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($code != 235) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "Password not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            return true;

         * Connected()
         * Returns true if connected to a server otherwise false
        function Connected() {
            if(!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
                $sock_status = socket_get_status($this->smtp_conn);
                if($sock_status["eof"]) {
                    # hmm this is an odd situation... the socket is
                    # valid but we aren't connected anymore
                    if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                        echo "SMTP -> NOTICE:" . $this->CRLF .
                             "EOF caught while checking if connected";
                    return false;
                return true; # everything looks good
            return false;

         * Close()
         * Closes the socket and cleans up the state of the class.
         * It is not considered good to use this function without
         * first trying to use QUIT.
        function Close() {
            $this->error = null; # so there is no confusion
            $this->helo_rply = null;
            if(!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
                # close the connection and cleanup
                $this->smtp_conn = 0;

         *                        SMTP COMMANDS                       *

         * Data($msg_data)
         * Issues a data command and sends the msg_data to the server
         * finializing the mail transaction. $msg_data is the message
         * that is to be send with the headers. Each header needs to be
         * on a single line followed by a <CRLF> with the message headers
         * and the message body being seperated by and additional <CRLF>.
         * Implements rfc 821: DATA <CRLF>
         *     [data]
         *     <CRLF>.<CRLF>
         *     SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         *     SMTP CODE FAILURE: 552,554,451,452
         * SMTP CODE FAILURE: 451,554
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,503,421
        function Data($msg_data) {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Data() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"DATA" . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 354) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "DATA command not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            # the server is ready to accept data!
            # according to rfc 821 we should not send more than 1000
            # including the CRLF
            # characters on a single line so we will break the data up
            # into lines by \r and/or \n then if needed we will break
            # each of those into smaller lines to fit within the limit.
            # in addition we will be looking for lines that start with
            # a period '.' and append and additional period '.' to that
            # line. NOTE: this does not count towards are limit.

            # normalize the line breaks so we know the explode works
            $msg_data = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$msg_data);
            $msg_data = str_replace("\r","\n",$msg_data);
            $lines = explode("\n",$msg_data);

            # we need to find a good way to determine is headers are
            # in the msg_data or if it is a straight msg body
            # currently I'm assuming rfc 822 definitions of msg headers
            # and if the first field of the first line (':' sperated)
            # does not contain a space then it _should_ be a header
            # and we can process all lines before a blank "" line as
            # headers.
            $field = substr($lines[0],0,strpos($lines[0],":"));
            $in_headers = false;
            if(!empty($field) && !strstr($field," ")) {
                $in_headers = true;

            $max_line_length = 998; # used below; set here for ease in change

            while(list(,$line) = @each($lines)) {
                $lines_out = null;
                if($line == "" && $in_headers) {
                    $in_headers = false;
                # ok we need to break this line up into several
                # smaller lines
                while(strlen($line) > $max_line_length) {
                    $pos = strrpos(substr($line,0,$max_line_length)," ");
                    $lines_out[] = substr($line,0,$pos);
                    $line = substr($line,$pos + 1);
                    # if we are processing headers we need to
                    # add a LWSP-char to the front of the new line
                    # rfc 822 on long msg headers
                    if($in_headers) {
                        $line = "\t" . $line;
                $lines_out[] = $line;

                # now send the lines to the server
                while(list(,$line_out) = @each($lines_out)) {
                    if(strlen($line_out) > 0)
                        if(substr($line_out, 0, 1) == ".") {
                            $line_out = "." . $line_out;
                    fputs($this->smtp_conn,$line_out . $this->CRLF);

            # ok all the message data has been sent so lets get this
            # over with aleady
            fputs($this->smtp_conn, $this->CRLF . "." . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "DATA not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;
            return true;

         * Expand($name)
         * Expand takes the name and asks the server to list all the
         * people who are members of the _list_. Expand will return
         * back and array of the result or false if an error occurs.
         * Each value in the array returned has the format of:
         *     [ <full-name> <sp> ] <path>
         * The definition of <path> is defined in rfc 821
         * Implements rfc 821: EXPN <SP> <string> <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE FAILURE: 550
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,502,504,421
        function Expand($name) {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Expand() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"EXPN " . $name . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "EXPN not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            # parse the reply and place in our array to return to user
            $entries = explode($this->CRLF,$rply);
            while(list(,$l) = @each($entries)) {
                $list[] = substr($l,4);

            return $rval;

         * Hello($host="")
         * Sends the HELO command to the smtp server.
         * This makes sure that we and the server are in
         * the same known state.
         * Implements from rfc 821: HELO <SP> <domain> <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500, 501, 504, 421
        function Hello($host="") {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Hello() without being connected");
                return false;

            # if a hostname for the HELO wasn't specified determine
            # a suitable one to send
            if(empty($host)) {
                # we need to determine some sort of appopiate default
                # to send to the server
                $host = "localhost";

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"HELO " . $host . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER: " . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "HELO not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            $this->helo_rply = $rply;

            return true;

         * Help($keyword="")
         * Gets help information on the keyword specified. If the keyword
         * is not specified then returns generic help, ussually contianing
         * A list of keywords that help is available on. This function
         * returns the results back to the user. It is up to the user to
         * handle the returned data. If an error occurs then false is
         * returned with $this->error set appropiately.
         * Implements rfc 821: HELP [ <SP> <string> ] <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 211,214
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,502,504,421
        function Help($keyword="") {
            $this->error = null; # to avoid confusion

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Help() without being connected");
                return false;

            $extra = "";
            if(!empty($keyword)) {
                $extra = " " . $keyword;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"HELP" . $extra . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 211 && $code != 214) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "HELP not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            return $rply;

         * Mail($from)
         * Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
         * $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
         * the mail transaction is started and then one or more Recipient
         * commands may be called followed by a Data command.
         * Implements rfc 821: MAIL <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 552,451,452
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 500,501,421
        function Mail($from) {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Mail() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"MAIL FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "MAIL not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;
            return true;

         * Noop()
         * Sends the command NOOP to the SMTP server.
         * Implements from rfc 821: NOOP <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500, 421
        function Noop() {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Noop() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"NOOP" . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "NOOP not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;
            return true;

         * Quit($close_on_error=true)
         * Sends the quit command to the server and then closes the socket
         * if there is no error or the $close_on_error argument is true.
         * Implements from rfc 821: QUIT <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 221
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500
        function Quit($close_on_error=true) {
            $this->error = null; # so there is no confusion

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Quit() without being connected");
                return false;

            # send the quit command to the server
            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"quit" . $this->CRLF);

            # get any good-bye messages
            $byemsg = $this->get_lines();

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $byemsg;

            $rval = true;
            $e = null;

            $code = substr($byemsg,0,3);
            if($code != 221) {
                # use e as a tmp var cause Close will overwrite $this->error
                $e = array("error" => "SMTP server rejected quit command",
                           "smtp_code" => $code,
                           "smtp_rply" => substr($byemsg,4));
                $rval = false;
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $e["error"] . ": " .
                             $byemsg . $this->CRLF;

            if(empty($e) || $close_on_error) {

            return $rval;

         * Recipient($to)
         * Sends the command RCPT to the SMTP server with the TO: argument of $to.
         * Returns true if the recipient was accepted false if it was rejected.
         * Implements from rfc 821: RCPT <SP> TO:<forward-path> <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250,251
         * SMTP CODE FAILURE: 550,551,552,553,450,451,452
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,503,421
        function Recipient($to) {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Recipient() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"RCPT TO:" . $to . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250 && $code != 251) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "RCPT not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;
            return true;

         * Reset()
         * Sends the RSET command to abort and transaction that is
         * currently in progress. Returns true if successful false
         * otherwise.
         * Implements rfc 821: RSET <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,504,421
        function Reset() {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Reset() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"RSET" . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "RSET failed",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;

            return true;

         * Send($from)
         * Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
         * $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
         * the mail transaction is started and then one or more Recipient
         * commands may be called followed by a Data command. This command
         * will send the message to the users terminal if they are logged
         * in.
         * Implements rfc 821: SEND <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 552,451,452
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 500,501,502,421
        function Send($from) {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Send() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"SEND FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "SEND not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;
            return true;

         * SendAndMail($from)
         * Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
         * $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
         * the mail transaction is started and then one or more Recipient
         * commands may be called followed by a Data command. This command
         * will send the message to the users terminal if they are logged
         * in and send them an email.
         * Implements rfc 821: SAML <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 552,451,452
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 500,501,502,421
        function SendAndMail($from) {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                    "error" => "Called SendAndMail() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"SAML FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "SAML not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;
            return true;

         * SendOrMail($from)
         * Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
         * $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
         * the mail transaction is started and then one or more Recipient
         * commands may be called followed by a Data command. This command
         * will send the message to the users terminal if they are logged
         * in or mail it to them if they are not.
         * Implements rfc 821: SOML <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 552,451,452
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 500,501,502,421
        function SendOrMail($from) {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                    "error" => "Called SendOrMail() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"SOML FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "SOML not accepted from server",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;
            return true;

         * Turn()
         * This is an optional command for SMTP that this class does not
         * support. This method is here to make the RFC821 Definition
         * complete for this class and __may__ be implimented in the future
         * Implements from rfc 821: TURN <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
         * SMTP CODE FAILURE: 502
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500, 503
        function Turn() {
            $this->error = array("error" => "This method, TURN, of the SMTP ".
                                            "is not implemented");
            if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                echo "SMTP -> NOTICE: " . $this->error["error"] . $this->CRLF;
            return false;

         * Verify($name)
         * Verifies that the name is recognized by the server.
         * Returns false if the name could not be verified otherwise
         * the response from the server is returned.
         * Implements rfc 821: VRFY <SP> <string> <CRLF>
         * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250,251
         * SMTP CODE FAILURE: 550,551,553
         * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,502,421
        function Verify($name) {
            $this->error = null; # so no confusion is caused

            if(!$this->connected()) {
                $this->error = array(
                        "error" => "Called Verify() without being connected");
                return false;

            fputs($this->smtp_conn,"VRFY " . $name . $this->CRLF);

            $rply = $this->get_lines();
            $code = substr($rply,0,3);

            if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
                echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;

            if($code != 250 && $code != 251) {
                $this->error =
                    array("error" => "VRFY failed on name '$name'",
                          "smtp_code" => $code,
                          "smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
                if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
                    echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
                             ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
                return false;
            return $rply;

         *                       INTERNAL FUNCTIONS                       *

         * get_lines()
         * __internal_use_only__: read in as many lines as possible
         * either before eof or socket timeout occurs on the operation.
         * With SMTP we can tell if we have more lines to read if the
         * 4th character is '-' symbol. If it is a space then we don't
         * need to read anything else.
        function get_lines() {
            $data = "";
            while($str = fgets($this->smtp_conn,515)) {
                if($this->do_debug >= 4) {
                    echo "SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data was \"$data\"" .
                    echo "SMTP -> get_lines(): \$str is \"$str\"" .
                $data .= $str;
                if($this->do_debug >= 4) {
                    echo "SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data is \"$data\"" . $this->CRLF;
                # if the 4th character is a space then we are done reading
                # so just break the loop
                if(substr($str,3,1) == " ") { break; }
            return $data;




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10 horas atrás, Lipyzin disse:

Não querendo incomodar, @M4Go o meu sistema de recuperação de conta está com o seguinte erro:


 veja as configurações do email no config.php

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  • 1 month later...

Olá @victorfasano, muito obrigado pelo tópico, me ajudou muuuito!!!

Tenho apenas uma dúvida, quando eu entro em create account, ele pede para criar um char, porém ele nasce como no vocation..


Já alterei no config.php a linha que pede para criar e escolher a vocação, mas não adiantou, ele continua nascendo no vocation (estou usando o seu site e a database também)

O que eu preciso alterar, para poder escolher e nascer com a vocação escolhida?

No aguardo amigo :D

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