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Magia Para Afastar O Inimigo


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Tipo do script:Spell

Protocolo (versão do Tibia):8.54

Servidor utilizado:TFS

Nível de experiência:meio ANo



isso é em afastar.lua




local mayNotMove = doCreatureSetNoMove


function doPushCreature(pos, target)

creature = getThingfromPos({x=target.x, y=target.y, z=target.z, stackpos=253}).uid

if target.y < pos.y and target.x == pos.x then

newpos = {x=target.x, y=target.y-1, z=target.z}

elseif target.y > pos.y and target.x == pos.x then

newpos = {x=target.x, y=target.y+1, z=target.z}

elseif target.y == pos.y and target.x > pos.x then

newpos = {x=target.x+1, y=target.y, z=target.z}

elseif target.y == pos.y and target.x < pos.x then

newpos = {x=target.x-1, y=target.y, z=target.z}

elseif target.y < pos.y and target.x > pos.x then

newpos = {x=target.x+1, y=target.y-1, z=target.z}

elseif target.y > pos.y and target.x < pos.x then

newpos = {x=target.x-1, y=target.y+1, z=target.z}

elseif target.y > pos.y and target.x > pos.x then

newpos = {x=target.x+1, y=target.y+1, z=target.z}

elseif target.y < pos.y and target.x < pos.x then

newpos = {x=target.x-1, y=target.y-1, z=target.z}


if creature > 0 then

if queryTileAddThing(creature, newpos) == TRUE then

doTeleportThing(creature, newpos, TRUE)





local arr = {

[1] = {






[2] = {








[3] = {










[4] = {















function onTargetCreature(cid, target)

doPushCreature(getCreaturePosition(cid), target)



combat = {}

for n, v in pairs(arr) do

combat[n] = createCombatObject()

_G["callback"..n] = onTargetCreature

setCombatCallback(combat[n], CALLBACK_PARAM_TARGETTILE, "callback"..n)

setCombatParam(combat[n], COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 2)

setCombatArea(combat[n], createCombatArea(v))



function onCastSpell(cid, var)

mayNotMove(cid, TRUE)

for i = 1, #combat do

addEvent(doCombat, i*150-150, cid, combat, var)

if i == #combat then

addEvent(mayNotMove, i*150-150, cid, FALSE)



return TRUE



e isto em spells.xml




<instant name="punicao divina" words="Shinra Tensei" lvl="360" mana="1500" prem="1" blockwalls="0" exhaustion="5000" needlearn="0" script="air.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />

<vocation name="Slayer Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Slayer Druid" />

<vocation name="Slayer Paladin" />

<vocation name="Slayer Knight" />


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Como que eu boto:

<instant name="punicao divina" words="Shinra Tensei" lvl="360" mana="1500" prem="1" blockwalls="0" exhaustion="5000" needlearn="0" script="air.lua">

em spells se o nome:


não bate com o nome que você disse acima (

isso é em afastar.lua

Assim o script não ira funcionar, reveja esse scripts, teste e depois edite.

Editado por Pess0a
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