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Npc Gym Misty


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Primeiramente se já ouver o NPC GYM Misty Aqui no Forum Podem Fechar o Tópico.


Eae Galera Do XTibia Vou ensinar como Fazer o NPC GYM Misty.


No Final Explicarei Aonde Adcionar Mas Pokes.


Então Vamos lá:


Primeiro Passo: Vá em DATA/LIB/ e Crie Um Arquivo Chamado gymlib.lua (LUA) e Coloque isto Dentro.



funcpokemon = {2531, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2195} -- ID das pokebolas (o pokemon tem que estar vivo nessas IDs)

bpslot = CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK --em outros servers, pode ser que seja CONST_SLOT_AMMO o lugar onde fica a backpack no inventory


ginasios = {

["Misty"] = { storage = 992,

msgdefeat = "You lost! You aren't strong enough yet, don't come back until you get stronger!",

msgafk = "Go away if you don't have any pokemons!",

msgwin = "Congratulations, you were strong enough to win this battle fairly! Take this Water Badge as reward.",

[1] = { msggo = "Lets fight then! I choose you, Starmie!",

msgba = "That's enough, Starmie!",

pokem = "Misty Starmie",

nextp = "Misty Poliwrath"},

[2] = { msggo = "It's your turn, Poliwrath!",

msgba = "Come back, Poliwrath!",

pokem = "Misty Poliwrath",

nextp = "Misty Gyarados"},

[3] = { msggo = "Crush'em, Gyarados!",

msgba = "You did well, Gyarados!",

pokem = "Misty Gyarados",

nextp = "Misty Blastoise"},

[4] = { msggo = "Crush'em, Blastoise!",

msgba = "You did well, Blastoise!",

pokem = "Misty Blastoise",

nextp = "finish"}




function noPokeAtAll(cid, gympoke, npcname, msgafk)

if not isCreature(cid) then

return false


if not isCreature(gympoke) then

return false


if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 992) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ginasios[npcname].storage) ~= 2 then

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 992, -1)

doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), msgafk, 1)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(gympoke), 10)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0)


return true




function gymChecker(cid, duel, nb, npcname)

if not isCreature(cid) then

return true


if not isCreature(duel) then

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10)


return true


if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureByName(npcname)), getThingPos(duel)) >= 8 then

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10)


setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0)

return true


if isCreature(duel) and getPlayerStorageValue(duel, 992) == 0 then

addEvent(noPokeAtAll, 6000, duel, cid, npcname, ginasios[npcname].msgafk)


if isCreature(duel) and getPlayerStorageValue(duel, 992) == -1 then

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10)


setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0)

doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), ginasios[npcname].msgdefeat, 1)

return true


if isCreature(duel) and not hasPokemon(duel) then

setPlayerStorageValue(duel, 992, -1)


if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) then

if nb == 0 then

addEvent(gymChecker, 200, cid, duel, 1, npcname)


doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10)


if isCreature(duel) then

setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0)



return true


addEvent(gymChecker, 1000, cid, duel, 0, npcname)



function hasPokemon(cid)


if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

return true



if isInArray(funcpokemon, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).itemid) then

return true



local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, bpslot)


for cc = 1, #funcpokemon do

if #getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, funcpokemon[cc]) >= 1 then

return true




return false



function doGymBattle(npcname, gympoke, cid, turn)

doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), ginasios[npcname][turn].msggo, 1)

local x = doSummonCreature(gympoke, getThingPos(getCreatureByName(npcname)))

registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym1")

registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym2")

registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym3")

registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym4")

setPlayerStorageValue(x, 201, ".")

setPlayerStorageValue(x, 201, npcname)

setPlayerStorageValue(x, 202, turn)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(x), 10)

setPlayerStorageValue(x, ginasios[npcname].storage, 1)

addEvent(gymChecker, 1000, x, cid, 0, npcname)



--ex: doGymBattle("Misty", "Misty Starmie", cid, 1)




Segundo Passo:Vá em DATA/CREATURESCRIPTS/SCRIPTS e Crie Um Arquivo Chamado gym.lua (LUA) e Coloque isto Dentro:



function onDeath(cid, corpse)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10)


local npc = ""..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 201)..""

local turn = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 202)

local nturn = ((turn) + 1)

local nxt = ginasios[npc][turn].nextp


doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npc), ginasios[npc][turn].msgba, 1)


if nxt == "finish" then

local killer = getItemAttribute(corpse.uid, "corpseowner")

addEvent(doCreatureSay, 1200, getCreatureByName(npc), ginasios[npc].msgwin, 1)

setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(killer), ginasios[npc].storage, 2)

--local item = getPlayerItemById(killer, true, 2307)

--doTransformItem(item.uid, 5924,1)

--doTransformItem(item.uid, 2160,100)

--doTransformItem(item.uid, 2160,100)


return false



local function summonNext(poke, pos, gym, msg, cid)

local x = doSummonCreature(poke, pos)

addEvent(gymChecker, 1000, x, cid, 0)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(x), 10)

doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(gym), msg, 1)



local killer = getItemAttribute(corpse.uid, "corpseowner")

addEvent(doGymBattle, 1200, npc, ginasios[npc][turn].nextp, killer, nturn)


return false



local fightconditionnn = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT)

setConditionParam(fightconditionnn, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 18 * 1000)


function onAttack(cid, target)


if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(target), ginasios[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 201)].storage) ~= 1 then


doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid))

return true



if isPlayer(target) then

if #getCreatureSummons(target) == 0 then


doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid))

return true


if #getCreatureSummons(target) >= 1 then

doMonsterSetTarget(cid, getCreatureSummons(target)[1])




if getCreatureSpeed(cid) == 0 then

doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid))

doChangeSpeed(cid, 200)


doAddCondition(getCreatureMaster(target), fightconditionnn)

return true




function onCast(cid, target)

if isPlayer(target) then

return false


local targete = getCreatureTarget(cid)

if isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(targete)) and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(targete), ginasios[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 201)].storage) ~= 1 then

return false


return true



function onDirection(cid, old, current)

if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) and not isPlayer(getCreatureTarget(cid)) and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(getCreatureTarget(cid)), ginasios[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 201)].storage) == 1 then

return true


return false





Terceiro passo: Vá em DATA/CREATURESCRIPTS abra o Arquivo Creaturescripts.xml (XML) E Adcione Essas 4 Tags.



<event type="cast" name="Gym1" event="script" value="gym.lua"/>

<event type="attack" name="Gym2" event="script" value="gym.lua"/>

<event type="direction" name="Gym3" event="script" value="gym.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="Gym4" event="script" value="gym.lua"/>




Quarto passo: Vá em DATA/NPC/SCRIPTS e Crie um Arquivo Chamado Misty.lua (LUA) e Coloque isto Dentro.



local focus = 0

local talk_start = 0

local target = 0

local following = false

local attacking = false

local talkState = {}


function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos)



function onCreatureAppear(creature)



function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos)

if focus == cid then

selfSay('Good bye sir!')

focus = 0

talk_start = 0




function onCreatureTurn(creature)



function msgcontains(txt, str)

return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))



function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)

local msg = string.lower(msg)



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ginasios["Misty"].storage) >= 1 then

return true



if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus == 0) and (focus ~= cid) and (getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 4)) then

focus = cid

talkState[talkUser] = 1

selfSay("Welcome to the gym of Pewter City. My name is Misty and I am the leader of this gym. Would you like to battle me?")

elseif (msgcontains(msg, "no") or msgcontains(msg, "bye")) and focus == cid and talkState[talkUser] ~= 3 then

selfSay("Bye then, tell strong friends to come here and try to beat me!")

focus = 0

elseif (msgcontains(msg, "yes") or msgcontains(msg, "battle")) and focus == cid and talkState[talkUser] == 1 then

if not hasPokemon(cid) then

selfSay("You don't have any pokemon to battle me!")

focus = 0

return true


talkState[talkUser] = 3

doGymBattle("Misty", "Misty Starmie", cid, 1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, ginasios["Misty"].storage, 1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 992, 0)


local function focusCheck(cid)

if not isCreature(cid) then

focus = 0

return true


if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 992) == -1 then

focus = 0

return true


addEvent(focusCheck, 500, cid)



addEvent(focusCheck, 1000, cid)




function onThink()

if focus ~= 0 then

a, b, c = selfGetPosition()

if c ~= getThingPos(focus).z then

focus = 0




if focus ~= 0 then

if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 6 then

focus = 0




return true





Quinto Passo: Vá em DATA/NPC/ e Crie um Arquivo Chamado Misty.xml (XML) e Coloque isto Dentro.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<npc name="Misty" script="misty.lua" walkinterval="0" floorchange="0">

<health now="100" max="100"/>

<look type="176" head="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0" addons="0"/>





Abrindo o arquivo gymlib.lua, localizado em DATA/LIB/ você encontra essa tabela:



ginasios = {

["Misty"] = { storage = 992,

msgdefeat = "You lost! You aren't strong enough yet, don't come back until you get stronger!",

msgafk = "Go away if you don't have any pokemons!",

msgwin = "Congratulations, you were strong enough to win this battle fairly! Take this Water Badge as reward.",

[1] = { msggo = "Lets fight then! I choose you, Starmie!",

msgba = "That's enough, Starmie!",

pokem = "Misty Starmie",

nextp = "Misty Poliwrath"},

[2] = { msggo = "It's your turn, Poliwrath!",

msgba = "Come back, Poliwrath!",

pokem = "Misty Poliwrath",

nextp = "Misty Gyarados"},

[3] = { msggo = "Crush'em, Gyarados!",

msgba = "You did well, Gyarados!",

pokem = "Misty Gyarados",

nextp = "Misty Blastoise"},

[4] = { msggo = "Crush'em, Blastoise!",

msgba = "You did well, Blastoise!",

pokem = "Misty Blastoise",

nextp = "finish"}





Ali São Aonde Tem os Pokes o Finish Representa Acabou ou Terminou Que dizer Que não Haverá Mas Pokemons Depois de Blastoise.

Para Acrescentar Mas Pokemons Tire o Finish e Coloque o Nome do Pokemon Que você quiser e Coloque Mas isto:



[5] = { msggo = "Crush'em, Pokemon Que Você Quiser.!",

msgba = "You did well, Pokemon Que Você Quiser!",

pokem = "Misty Pokemon Que Você Quiser",

nextp = "finish"}



Ali em Preto é o Pokemon Que Você Quiser.


Mas Sempre que Você Não Quiser Mas Pokemons Depois Do Ultimo Coloque Finish no Final Depois de Nextp -.


Para o NPC Funcionar Você Terá que Criar os Pokes Com o Nome Misty Antes.


Por Exemplo: Misty Blastoise.


Ai Você Cria Todos os Pokemon Com o Nome (Misty Antes) e Adciona As Tags dos Pokemon no Monster.xml (XML)


Para Ver se o NPC Funcionou Você Fala no Seu Serve /n Misty.


Bom é isso Ai.


Valeu Galera espero Ter Ajudado Todos do XTibia.


Créditos: Bom 99% Fui eu Que fiz Mas Não Sei Exatamente Quem Fez o 1%. Mas Não Foi Aqui do Forum Mas Quando Achar eu Botarei Aqui.

Editado por GMRaphael
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Cara Você Tem que Criar o Pokemon Com o Nome Misty Starmie e Os Outros Também Misty Blastoise, Misty Gyarados etc.



e Adcionar esses Pokes no Monsters.xml (XML) Como se Fosse Criar Um Poke Normal Só que com o Nome Misty Antes Facil.




Editado por GMRaphael
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Ai so coloca tipo eu fiz la misty blastoise ai tipo coloca la os negocio do blastoise?


Tipow como add no monster.xlm so novo malz ae! Da um exemplo ai de como eu coloco la

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Pegue Os Pokes Como Starmie Poliwhart Gayarados e Blatoise Que ja Tem no Seu Serve (Copie) Coloque o Nome Misty Antes e Adcione do Monster.XML (XML)


Um Exemplo Do Pokemon Blastoise Feito Com o Nome Misty Antes.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<monster name="Misty Blastoise" nameDescription="a Misty Blastoise" race="undead" experience="1600" speed="240" manacost="0">

<health now="10000" max="10000"/>

<look type="55" head="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0" corpse="5999"/>

<targetchange interval="1000" chance="1000"/>

<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>


<flag summonable="1"/>

<flag attackable="1"/>

<flag hostile="1"/>

<flag illusionable="1"/>

<flag convinceable="1"/>

<flag pushable="0"/>

<flag canpushitems="1"/>

<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>

<flag targetdistance="1"/>

<flag staticattack="80"/>

<flag runonhealth="0"/>



<attack name="headbutt" interval="1000" chance="50" min="-850" max="-950">


<attack name="bubble" interval="1000" chance="50" min="-600" max="-700">


<attack name="waterball" interval="4500" chance="50" min="-750" max="-800">


<attack name="water gun" interval="4500" chance="50" min="-900" max="-1000">


<attack name="bubblebeam" interval="5000" chance="50" min="-1500" max="-2000">


<attack name="hydro cannon" interval="5000" chance="50" min="-1450" max="-1500">


<attack name="aqua tail" interval="3500" chance="90" min="-2000" max="-2760">


<attack name="hydro pump" interval="7000" chance="90" min="-2500" max="-3000">



<defenses armor="1" defense="1">

<defense name="Intense Healing" interval="5000" chance="100" min="150" max="199">



<voices interval="2000" chance="10">

<voice sentence="MISTY BLASTOISE!"/>

<voice sentence="TOISE!"/>



<item id="7159" countmax="15" chance="15000"/><!-- Sell Item -->

<item id="6569" countmax="2" chance="10000"/><!-- Sell Item -->

<item id="6126" countmax="1" chance="1500"/><!-- Sell Item -->

<item id="5810" chance="300"/><!-- Stone -->




Onde Estão Em Preto é o Nome Deles


e No Monsters.xml (XML) Adcione Isto e Mais Os Outros Pokes é Claro.



<monster name="misty starmie" file="pokes/misty starmie.xml"/>

<monster name="misty poliwrath" file="pokes/misty poliwrath.xml"/>

<monster name="misty gyarados" file="pokes/misty gyarados.xml"/>

<monster name="misty blastoise" file="pokes/misty blastoise.xml"/>



A Tag Ja Ta Com os Pokemons Feitos é Só Adcionar no Monsters.XML (XML) e Os Pokes Você Faz Como o Exemplo Lá em Cima.



Espero Ter Ajudado Mais Uma Vez.

Editado por GMRaphael
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Tipo ja entendi mais tipow eu tenho um ot ake ke o acc manager ta bugado ele fala isso qnd termina de cria o char:

Account Manager: Your character couldn't be created, please try again.



Ja dei rep+

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Eu Achei Em Outro Forum Nem Foi Aqui.



Mas Pode Ser Que Tenha Se Expalhado Sei lá.



Por isso Não Vou dar Créditos Não Sei Exatamente Quem Fez.

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po velho parabens!!!


rep + certeza.



não precisa adicionar nenhum script dentor do xml do pokemon? ex:



<script> alguma coisa </script>

Editado por TeruN
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Não Precisa Não Funciona Corretamente.





Só Mudar o Looktype do NPC em DATA/NPC/ Você Abre o Aquivo e Muda o Looktype Corretamente.


Bom os Looktypes Eu só sei o Da Misty Mesmo

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