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Go/back Com Pokelevel System


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50% MatheusMkalo (go/back System)

50% vitorszvitim (pokelevel System)


Vamos lá!


Primeiro vá em PastadoServer/Data/Actions/Script, copie um arquivo qualquer e renomeie-o com o nome goback.lua, abra-o com o Bloco de Notas e apague tudos o que estiver escrito, depois digite:


local pokes = {

["Zubat"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Zubat!" , back = "Back, Zubat!"},

["Zapdos"] = {level = 150, go = "Go, Zapdos!", back = "Back, Zapdos!"},

["Wygglypuff"] = {level = 8, go = "Go, Wygglypuff!", back = "Back, Wygglypuff!"},

["Wigglytuff"] = {level = 42, go = "Go, Wigglytuff", back = "Back, Wigglytuff!"},

["Weezing"] = {level = 30, go = "Go, Weezing", back = "Back, Weezing!"},

["Weepinbell"] = {level = 18, go = "Go, Weepinbell!", back = "Back, Weepinbell!"},

["Weedle"] = {level = 1, go = "Go, Weedle!", back = "Back, Weedle!"},

["Wartortle"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Wartortle!", back = "Back, Wartortle!"},

["Vulpix"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Vulpix", back = "Back, Vulpix!"},

["Voltorb"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Voltorb!", back = "Back, Voltorb!"},

["Vileplume"] = {level = 50, go = "Go, Vileplume!", back = "Back, Vileplume!"},

["Victreebel"] = {level = 50, go = "Go, Victreebel!", back = "Back, Victreebel!"},

["Venusaur"] = {level = 85, go = "Go, Venusaur!", back = "Back, Venusaur!"},

["Venonat"] = {level = 18, go = "Go, Venonat!", back = "Back, Venonat!"},

["Venomoth"] = {level = 50, go = "Go, Venomoth!", back = "Back, Venomoth!"},

["Vaporeon"] = {level = 55, go = "Go, Vaporeon!", back = "Back, Vaporeon!"},

["Tentacruel"] = {level = 70, go = "Go, Tentacruel!", back = "Back, Tentacruel!"},

["Tentacool"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Tentacool!", back = "Back, Tentacool!"},

["Tauros"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Tauros!", back = "Back, Tauros!"},

["Tangela"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Tangela!", back = "Back, Tangela!"},

["Staryu"] = {level = 15, go = "Go, Staryu!", back = "Back, Staryu!"},

["Starmie"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Starmie!", back = "Back, Starmie!"},

["Squirtle"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Squirtle!", back = "Back, Squirtle!"},

["Spearow"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Spearow!", back = "Back, Spearow!"},

["Snorlax"] = {level = 85, go = "Go, Snorlax!", back = "Back, Snorlax!"},

["Slowpoke"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Slowpoke!", back = "Back, Slowpoke!"},

["Slowbro"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Slowbro!", back = "Back, Slowbro!"},

["Shellder"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Shellder!", back = "Back, Shellder!"},

["Seel"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Seel!", back = "Back, Seel!"},

["Seaking"] = {level = 25, go = "Go, Seaking!", back = "Back, Seaking!"},

["Seadra"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Seadra!", back = "Back, Seadra!"},

["Scyther"] = {level = 70, go = "Go, Scyther!", back = "Back, Scyther!"},

["Sandslash"] = {level = 55, go = "Go, Sandslash!", back = "Back, Sandslash!"},

["Sandshrew"] = {level = 18, go = "Go, Sandshrew!", back = "Back, Sandshrew!"},

["Rhyhorn"] = {level = 35, go = "Go, Rhyhorn!", back = "Back, Rhyhorn!"},

["Rhydon"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Rhydon!", back = "Back, Rhydon!"},

["Rattata"] = {level = 1, go = "Go, Rattata!", back = "Back, Rattata!"},

["Raticate"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Raticate!", back = "Back, Raticate!"},

["Rapidash"] = {level = 60, go = "Go, Rapidash!", back = "Back, Rapidash!"},

["Raichu"] = {level = 50, go = "Go, Raichu!", back = "Back, Raichu!"},

["Psyduck"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Psyduck!", back = "Back, Psyduck!"},

["Primeape"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Primeape!", back = "Back, Primeape!"},

["Porygon"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Porygon!", back = "Back, Porygon!"},

["Ponyta"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Ponyta!", back = "Back, Ponyta!"},

["Poliwrath"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Poliwrath!", back = "Back, Poliwrath!"},

["Poliwhirl"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Poliwhirl!", back = "Back, Poliwhirl!"},

["Poliwag"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Poliwag!", back = "Back, Poliwag!"},

["Pinsir"] = {level = 42, go = "Go, Pinsir!", back = "Back, Pinsir!"},

["Pikachu"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Pikachu!", back = "Back, Pikachu!"},

["Pidgeot"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Pidgeot!", back = "Back, Pidgeot!"},

["Pidgey"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Pidgey!", back = "Back, Pidgey!"},

["Pidgeotto"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Pidgeotto!", back = "Back, Pidgeotto!"},

["Persian"] = {level = 25, go = "Go, Persian!", back = "Back, Persian!"},

["Parasect"] = {level = 50, go = "Go, Parasect!", back = "Back, Parasect!"},

["Paras"] = {level = 8, go = "Go, Paras!", back = "Back, Paras!"},

["Onix"] = {level = 50, go = "Go, Onix!", back = "Back, Onix!"},

["Omastar"] = {level = 70, go = "Go, Omastar!", back = "Back, Omastar!"},

["Omanyte"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Omanyte!", back = "Back, Omanyte!"},

["Oddish"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Oddish!", back = "Back, Oddish!"},

["Ninetales"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Ninetales!", back = "Back, Ninetales!"},

["Nidorino"] = {level = 25, go = "Go, Nidorino!", back = "Back, Nidorino!"},

["Nidorina"] = {level = 25, go = "Go, Nidorina!", back = "Back, Nidorina!"},

["Nidoranma"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Nidoran!", back = "Back, Nidoran!"},

["Nidoranfe"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Nidoran!", back = "Back, Nidoran!"},

["Nidoqueen"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Nidoqueen!", back = "Back, Nidoqueen!"},

["Nidoking"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Nidoking!", back = "Back, Nidoking!"},

["Muk"] = {level = 30, go = "Go, Muk!", back = "Back, Muk!"},

["Mr.Mine"] = {level = 8, go = "Go, Mr.Mime!", back = "Back, Mr.Mime!"},

["Moltres"] = {level = 150, go = "Go, Moltres!", back = "Back, Moltres!"},

["Mewtwo"] = {level = 200, go = "Go, Mewtwo!", back = "Back, Mewtwo!"},

["Mew"] = {level = 200, go = "Go, Mew!", back = "Back, Mew!"},

["Metapod"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Metapod!", back = "Back, Metapod!"},

["Meowth"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Meowth!", back = "Back, Meowth!"},

["Marowak"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Marowak!", back = "Back, Marowak!"},

["Mankey"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Mankey!", back = "Back, Mankey!"},

["Magneton"] = {level = 35, go = "Go, Magneton!", back = "Back, Magneton!"},

["Magnemite"] = {level = 8, go = "Go, Magnemite!", back = "Back, Magnemite!"},

["Magmar"] = {level = 70, go = "Go, Magmar!", back = "Back, Magmar!"},

["Magikarp"] = {level = 1, go = "Go, Magikarp!", back = "Back, Magikarp!"},

["Machop"] = {level = 18, go = "Go, Machop!", back = "Back, Machop!"},

["Machoke"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Machoke!", back = "Back, Machoke!"},

["Machamp"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Machamp!", back = "Back, Machamp!"},

["Lickitung"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Lickitung!", back = "Back, Lickitung!"},

["Lapras"] = {level = 70, go = "Go, Lapras!", back = "Back, Lapras!"},

["Krabby"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Krabby!", back = "Back, Krabby!"},

["Koffing"] = {level = 15, go = "Go, Koffing!", back = "Back, Koffing!"},

["Kingler"] = {level = 35, go = "Go, Kingler!", back = "Back, Kingler!"},

["Kangaskhan"] = {level = 60, go = "Go, Kangaskhan!", back = "Back, Kanghaskan!"},

["Kakuna"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Kakuna!", back = "Back, Kakuna!"},

["Kadabra"] = {level = 50, go = "Go, Kadabra", back = "Back, Kadabra!"},

["Kabutops"] = {level = 70, go = "Go, Kabutops!", back = "Back, Kabutops!"},

["Kabuto"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Kabuto!", back = "Back, Kabuto!"},

["Jynx"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Jynx!", back = "Back, Jynx!"},

["Jyglipuff"] = {level = 8, go = "Go, Jyglipuff!", back = "Back, Jyglipuff!"},

["Jolteon"] = {level = 55, go = "Go, Jolteon!", back = "Back, Jolteon!"},

["Jigglypuff"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Jigglypuff!", back = "Back, Jigglypuff!"},

["Ivysaur"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Ivysaur!", back = "Back, Ivysaur!"},

["Hypno"] = {level = 50, go = "Go, Hypno!", back = "Back, Hypno!"},

["Horsea"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Horsea!", back = "Back, Horsea!"},

["Hitmonlee"] = {level = 60, go = "Go, Hitmonlee!", back = "Back, Hitmonlee!"},

["Hitmonchan"] = {level = 60, go = "Go, Hitmonchan!", back = "Back, Hitmonchan!"},

["Haunter"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Haunter!", back = "Back, Haunter!"},

["Gyarados"] = {level = 75, go = "Go, Gyarados!", back = "Back, Gyarados!"},

["Growlithe"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Growlithe!", back = "Back, Growlithe!"},

["Goldeen"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Goldeen!", back = "Back, Goldeen!"},

["Golduck"] = {level = 55, go = "Go, Golduck!", back = "Back, Golduck!"},

["Golem"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Golem!", back = "Back, Golem!"},

["Graveler"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Graveler!", back = "Back, Graveler!"},

["Grimer"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Grimer!", back = "Back, Grimer!"},

["Golbat"] = {level = 30, go = "Go, Golbat!", back = "Back, Golbat!"},

["Gloom"] = {level = 18, go = "Go, Gloom!", back = "Back, Gloom!"},

["Geodude"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Geodude!", back = "Back, Geodude!"},

["Gengar"] = {level = 80, go = "Go, Gengar!", back = "Back, Gengar!"},

["Gastly"] = {level = 18, go = "Go, Gastly!", back = "Back, Gastly!"},

["Flareon"] = {level = 55, go = "Go, Flareon!", back = "Back, Flareon!"},

["Fearow"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Fearow!", back = "Back, Fearow!"},

["Farfetch"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Farfetch!", back = "Back, Farfetch!"},

["Exeggutor"] = {level = 48, go = "Go, Exeggutor!", back = "Back, Exeggutor!"},

["Exeggcute"] = {level = 8, go = "Go, Exeggcute!", back = "Back, Exeggcute!"},

["Staryu"] = {level = 8, go = "Go, Staryu!", back = "Back, Staryu!"},

["Ekans"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Ekans!", back = "Back, Ekans!"},

["Shiny Charizard"] = {level = 100, go = "Go, Shiny Charizard!", back = "Back, Shiny Charizard!"},

["Electabuzz"] = {level = 70, go = "Go, Electabuzz!", back = "Back, Electabuzz!"},

["Electrode"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Electrode!", back = "Back, Electrode!"},

["Dugtrio"] = {level = 35, go = "Go, Dugtrio!", back = "Back, Dugtrio!"},

["Drowzee"] = {level = 22, go = "Go, Drowzee!", back = "Back, Drowzee!"},

["Dratini"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Dratini!", back = "Back, Dratini!"},

["Dragonite"] = {level = 100, go = "Go, Dragonite!", back = "Back, Dragonite!"},

["Dragonair"] = {level = 70, go = "Go, Dragonair!", back = "Back, Dragonair!"},

["Doduo"] = {level = 12, go = "Go, Doduo!", back = "Back, Doduo!"},

["Dodrio"] = {level = 45, go = "Go, Dodrio!", back = "Back, Dodrio!"},

["Ditto"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Ditto!", back = "Back, Ditto!"},

["Diglett"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Digglet!", back = "Back, Digglet!"},

["Dewgong"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Dewgong!", back = "Back, Dewgong!"},

["Cubone"] = {level = 18, go = "Go, Cubone!", back = "Back, Cubone!"},

["Crystal Onix"] = {level = 100, go = "Go, Crystal Onix!", back = "Back, Crystal Onix!"},

["Cloyster"] = {level = 65, go = "Go, Cloyster!", back = "Back, Cloyster!"},

["Clefairy"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Clefairy!", back = "Back, Clefairy!"},

["Clefabe"] = {level = 42, go = "Go, Clefabe!", back = "Back, Clefabe!"},

["Charmeleon"] = {level = 40, go = "Go, Charmeleon!", back = "Back, Charmeleon!"},

["Charmander"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Charmander!", back = "Back, Charmander!"},

["Charizard"] = {level = 85, go = "Go, Charizard!", back = "Back, Charizard!"},

["Chansey"] = {level = 60, go = "Go, Chansey!", back = "Back, Chansey!"},

["Caterpie"] = {level = 1, go = "Go, Caterpie!", back = "Back, Caterpie!"},

["Butterfree"] = {level = 30, go = "Go, Butterfree!", back = "Back, Butterfree!"},

["Bulbasaur"] = {level = 20, go = "Go, Bulbasaur!", back = "Back, Bulbasaur!"},

["Blastoise"] = {level = 85, go = "Go, Blastoise!", back = "Back, Blastoise!"},

["Bellsprout"] = {level = 5, go = "Go, Bellsprout!", back = "Back, Bellsprout!"},

["Beedrill"] = {level = 30, go = "Go, Beedril!", back = "Back, Beedril!"},

["Articuno"] = {level = 150, go = "Go, Articuno!", back = "Back, Articuno!"},

["Arcanine"] = {level = 80, go = "Go, Arcanine!", back = "Back, Arcanine!"},

["Arbok"] = {level = 30, go = "Go, Arbok!", back = "Back, Arbok!"},

["Alakazam"] = {level = 80, go = "Go, Alakazam!", back = "Back, Alakazam!"},

["Aerodactyl"] = {level = 100, go = "Go, Aerodactyl!", back = "Back, Aerodactyl!"},

["Abra"] = {level = 10, go = "Go, Abra!", back = "Back, Abra!"},



local msgunica = false


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

if item.uid ~= getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).uid then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you must put your pokeball in the pokeball place.")

return TRUE



local maxh = tonumber(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("/(.+)]"))

local health = tonumber(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("%[(.-)/"))


if item.itemid == pokeout then


if health ~= nil and health <= 0 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon is dead.")



if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

for _,z in pairs(getCreatureSummons(cid)) do

if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):find(getCreatureName(z)) then

doTransformItem(item.uid, pokein)

if msgunica then

doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, " .. getCreatureName(z), TALKTYPE_SAY)


doCreatureSay(cid, pokes[getCreatureName(z)].back, TALKTYPE_SAY)


doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "poke", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(1, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), ".")) .. " HP = ["..getCreatureHealth(z).."/"..getCreatureMaxHealth(z).."]")

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61204, 0)

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(z), 188)

return doRemoveCreature(z)





elseif item.itemid == pokein then


if getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(cid)) then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use pokeball in Protection Zones.")



if not canSummon(cid) then

return doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_NOTENOUGHROOM)



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use pokeball while surfing.")



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 62314) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use pokeball while flying.")



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 59987) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use pokeball while riding.")



for i,x in pairs(pokes) do

if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You already summoned a pokemon.")



if i == getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(9, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), "'")-1) then

if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= x.level then

pk = doSummonCreature(i, getThingPosition(cid))

doConvinceCreature(cid, pk)

setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, tonumber(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):match("/(.+)]")))

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, maxh)

doCreatureAddHealth(pk, health-maxh)

doTransformItem(item.uid, pokeout)

if msgunica then

doCreatureSay(cid, "Go, " .. i, TALKTYPE_SAY)


doCreatureSay(cid, x.go, TALKTYPE_SAY)


doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "poke", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"):sub(1, findLetter(getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke"), ".")))

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(pk), 188)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 61204, 1)

registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "LogoutPoke")



doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Only players level "..x.level.." or higher can use this pokemon.")





return TRUE


Salve e Fexe


Agora vá em PastadoServer/Data/Actions, abra o arquivo Actions.xml e em qualque lugar digite:


<action itemid="2661;2457" event="script" value="goback.lua"/>

Salve e Fexe


Bom Não Esplicarei as Tags Pois o Sistema é Semelhante ao Go/back (MatheusMkalo), a única diferença é o PokeLevel System facil de Entender


Caso Eu Tenha Esquicido Algum Crédito Me Aviza Ae ! ! !


Ajudei? REP+ não custa nada :button_ok:

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Cara Esse System Da Nos Server Do Thalia?


se for igual me desculpe, mais te garanto que no meu próximo Script eu vou pesquisar bastante antes de postar para ter Serteza que não terá nenhum Igual

Link para o comentário
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Cara Esse System Da Nos Server Do Thalia?


se for igual me desculpe, mais te garanto que no meu próximo Script eu vou pesquisar bastante antes de postar para ter Serteza que não terá nenhum Igual

Nao, nao. Ele quis dizer "O sistema funciona no Server do Thalia?" :/

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no meu tambem nao funciounou, se possivel tenta faze um pro server do thalia ou pro flash.



Bom. Poste o Download do Server da Thalia que eu posso dar uma revizada nele e arrumar o Script



me desculpe se entendi errado sua pergunta...

Bom... ainda não foi testado no Server Da Thalia!



Sim você está serto, por enquanto só funciona com Pokeball, e quanto ao Pokelevel System é 100% meu ainda não estava na Script Go/Back



Sim Ierei fazer pois os IDs de itens são Diferentes caso você tiver um conhecimento Básico em Script conseguirá modificar sem problema nenhum.

Caso não consigua poste o Download do Server da Thalia

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vitor me add no msn que eu te passo pra tu arrumar



vo posta os scripts de go/back e catch do thalia, ai tu edita e arruma pra min plx


go / back

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
function getPokemonMaxLife(name)
	local file ='data/monster/monsters.xml','r')
	local arquivo = file:read(-1):lower():match('<monster name="''" file="(.-)"/>')
	local data ='data/monster/'..(arquivo or ''),'r')
	if not data then
		return 100
	local maximo = data:read(-1):match('max%s*=%s*"(%d+)"')
	return maximo
----- Config -----
local MaximoSummon = 1
local nome = getItemName(item.uid)
local poke_name = nome:match('(.-) Pokeball')
local summons = getCreatureSummons(cid)
local action_id = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aid")
----- Config -----
   if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aid") == -1 then
return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your Pokemon Is Dead.")

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 25000) == 5 then       
return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are riding.")
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 23000) == 5 then
return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are flying.")
local summons = getCreatureSummons(cid)
if item.uid ~= getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).uid then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you must put your pokeball in the pokeball place.")
return TRUE
if(table.maxn(summons) < MaximoSummon) then -- no summons
creature = doSummonCreature(poke_name, getCreaturePosition(cid))
doConvinceCreature(cid, creature)
registerCreatureEvent(creature, "DiePoke")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "LogoutPoke")
doPlayerSay(cid, poke_name .. " eu escolho você!!")
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(creature), 188)
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid, 2531, 1)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid,"name", poke_name .." Pokeball")
	if action_id ~= 0 then
doCreatureAddHealth(creature, -(tonumber(getPokemonMaxLife(poke_name) - action_id)))
	doCreatureAddHealth(creature, getPokemonMaxLife(poke_name))
for _, pid in ipairs(summons) do
if (table.maxn(summons) >= 1) then
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "aid", getCreatureHealth(summons[1]))
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 188)
doPlayerSay(cid,"Back, "..poke_name.."")
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid, 2532, 1)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid,"name", poke_name .." Pokeball")
return true




local chance = {
['abra'] = 100,
['shiny abra'] = 100,
['shiny abra'] = 100,
['aerodactyl'] = 30,
['kadabra'] = 100,
['alakazam'] = 50,
['grimer'] = 50,
['machop'] = 200,
['machoke'] = 100,
['machamp'] = 50,
['bellsprout'] = 200,
['weepinbell'] = 200,
['victreebel'] = 100,
['tentacool'] = 200,
['shiny tentacool'] = 200,
['tentacruel'] = 100,
['shiny tentacruel'] = 100,
['geodude'] = 200,
['graveler'] = 100,
['golem'] = 50,
['ponyta'] = 100,
['rapidash'] = 50,
['slowpoke'] = 200,
['slowbro'] = 50,
['magnemite'] = 200,
['magneton'] = 100,
['farfetchd'] = 200,
['shiny farfetchd'] = 200,
['duduo'] = 200,
['dodrio'] = 100,
['seel'] = 200,
['dewgong'] = 100,
['grimmer'] = 100,
['muk'] = 50,
['shiny muk'] = 50,
['shellder'] = 100,
['cloyster'] = 50,
['gastly'] = 100,
['haunter'] = 100,
['gengar'] = 50,
['onix'] = 50,
['crystal onix'] = 50,
['drownzee'] = 100,
['hypno'] = 50,
['krabby'] = 170,
['shiny krabby'] = 170,
['kingler'] = 100,
['shiny kingler'] = 100,
['voltorb'] = 130,
['shiny voltorb'] = 130,
['electrode'] = 110,
['shiny electrode'] = 110,
['exeggcute'] = 80,
['exeggutor'] = 50,
['cubone'] = 130,
['marowak'] = 50,
['hitmonlee'] = 50,
['shiny hitmonlee'] = 50,
['hitmonchan'] = 50,
['shiny hitmonchan'] = 50,
['lickitung'] = 55,
['koffing'] = 150,
['weezing'] = 150,
['rhyhorn'] = 100,
['rhydon'] = 100,
['chansey'] = 100,
['tangela'] = 100,
['kangaskhan'] = 75,
['horsea'] = 200,
['shiny horsea'] = 200,
['seadra'] = 150,
['shiny seadra'] = 150,
['goldeen'] = 170,
['seaking'] = 100,
['staryu'] = 80,
['starmie'] = 50,
['mr.Mime'] = 100,
['scyther'] = 80,
['shiny scyther'] = 80,
['jynx'] = 75,
['shiny jynx'] = 75,
['electabuzz'] = 30,
['shiny electabuzz'] = 30,
['magmar'] = 100,
['pinsir'] = 120,
['tauros'] = 110,
['magikarp'] = 150,
['shiny magikarp'] = 150,
['gyarados'] = 50,
['shiny gyarados'] = 50,
['lapras'] = 20,
['ditto'] = 40,
['eevee'] = 140,
['vaporeon'] = 100,
['flareon'] = 100,
['jolteon'] = 100,
['porygon'] = 50,
['omanyte'] = 10,
['omastar'] = 10,
['kabuto'] = 110,
['kabutops'] = 50,
['snorlax'] = 50,
['articuno'] = 10,
['zapdos'] = 900,
['moltres'] = 10,
['dratini'] = 100,
['shiny dratini'] = 100,
['dragonair'] = 80,
['dragonite'] = 50,
['mew'] = 1,
['mewtwo'] = 1,
['beedrill'] = 180,
['shiny beedrill'] = 180,
['bulbasaur'] = 190,
['ivysaur'] = 100,
['venusaur'] = 55,
['charmander'] = 150,
['charmeleon'] = 100,
['charizard'] = 50,
['elder charizard'] = 1,
['squirtle'] = 180,
['wartortle'] = 100,
['blastoise'] = 85,
['shiny blastoise'] = 85,
['caterpie'] = 900,
['metapod'] = 180,
['butterfree'] = 130,
['shiny butterfree'] = 130,
['weedle'] = 200,
['kakuna'] = 150,
['pidgey'] = 200,
['pidgeotto'] = 100,
['pidgeot'] = 65,
['rattata'] = 200,
['shiny rattata'] = 200,
['raticate'] = 100,
['shiny raticate'] = 100,
['spearow'] = 100,
['fearow'] = 80,
['ekans'] = 200,
['arbok'] = 100,
['pikachu'] = 80,
['raichu'] = 50,
['shiny raichu'] = 50,
['sandshrew'] = 100,
['sandslash'] = 80,
['nidoranFE'] = 150,
['nidorina'] = 100,
['nidoqueen'] = 80,
['nidoranMA'] = 150,
['nidorino'] = 100,
['nidoking'] = 80,
['clefairy'] = 100,
['clefable'] = 80,
['vulpix'] = 120,
['ninetales'] = 65,
['jigglypuff'] = 100,
['wigglytuff'] = 50,
['zubat'] = 150,
['shiny zubat'] = 150,
['golbat'] = 100,
['oddish'] = 200,
['gloom'] = 120,
['vileplume'] = 50,
['paras'] = 200,
['parasect'] = 100,
['shiny parasect'] = 100,
['venonat'] = 150,
['venomoth'] = 100,
['shiny venomoth'] = 100,
['diglett'] = 180,
['dugtrio'] = 100,
['meowth'] = 100,
['persian'] = 100,
['psyduck'] = 80,
['golduck'] = 55,
['mankey'] = 180,
['primeape'] = 100,
['growlithe'] = 100,
['shiny growlithe'] = 100,
['arcanine'] = 80,
['shiny arcanine'] = 80,
['poliwag'] = 200,
['poliwhirl'] = 140,
['poliwrath'] = 90,

local ID_GREATBALL = 2146
local ID_SUPERBALL = 2147
local ID_ULTRABALL = 2150
local ID_MASTERBALL = 2554
local ID_CAPTUROU = 24
local ID_NAO_CAPTUROU = 23

local pokebolas = {
[2149] = {2532,"Pokeball"},
[2147] = {2653,"Superball"},
[2146] = {2652,"Greatball"},
[2150] = {2654,"Ultraball"},
[2521] = {2195,"Masterball"},

local level = {
['abra'] = 15,
['shiny abra'] = 15,
['kadabra'] = 45,
['alakazam'] = 80,
['machop'] = 20,
['machoke'] = 45,
['machamp'] = 70,
['bellsprout'] = 5,
['weepinbell'] = 25,
['victreebel'] = 50,
['tentacool'] = 15,
['tentacruel'] = 75,
['shiny tentacool'] = 15,
['shiny tentacruel'] = 75,
['geodude'] = 15,
['graveler'] = 40,
['golem'] = 65,
['ponyta'] = 20,
['rapidash'] = 55,
['slowpoke'] = 15,
['slowbro'] = 45,
['magnemite'] = 15,
['magneton'] = 35,
['farfetchd'] = 40,
['shiny farfetchd'] = 40,
['duduo'] = 15,
['dodrio'] = 45,
['seel'] = 20,
['dewgong'] = 65,
['grimmer'] = 15,
['shiny grimmer'] = 15,
['muk'] = 35,
['shiny muk'] = 35,
['shellder'] = 10,
['cloyster'] = 60,
['gastly'] = 20,
['haunter'] = 45,
['gengar'] = 80,
['onix'] = 50,
['crystal onix'] = 50,
['drownzee'] = 25,
['hypno'] = 55,
['krabby'] = 10,
['shiny krabby'] = 10,
['klinger'] = 40,
['shiny klinger'] = 40,
['voltorb'] = 10,
['shiny voltorb'] = 10,
['electrode'] = 35,
['shiny electrode'] = 35,
['exeggcute'] = 10,
['exeggutor'] = 55,
['cubone'] = 20,
['marowak'] = 55,
['hitmonlee'] = 60,
['shiny hitmonlee'] = 60,
['hitmonchan'] = 75,
['shiny hitmonchan'] = 75,
['lickitung'] = 55,
['koffing'] = 15,
['weezing'] = 35,
['rhyhorn'] = 30,
['rhydon'] = 70,
['chansey'] = 60,
['tangela'] = 40,
['kangaskhan'] = 75,
['horsea'] = 10,
['shiny horsea'] = 10,
['seadra'] = 45,
['shiny seadra'] = 45,
['goldeen'] = 10,
['seaking'] = 35,
['staryu'] = 15,
['starmie'] = 35,
['mr.Mime'] = 60,
['scyther'] = 80,
['shiny scyther'] = 80,
['jynx'] = 75,
['shiny jynx'] = 75,
['electabuzz'] = 80,
['shiny electabuzz'] = 80,
['magmar'] = 80,
['pinsir'] = 45,
['tauros'] = 45,
['magikarp'] = 5,
['shiny magikarp'] = 5,
['gyarados'] = 85,
['shiny gyarados'] = 85,
['lapras'] = 80,
['ditto'] = 40,
['eevee'] = 20,
['vaporeon'] = 55,
['flareon'] = 55,
['jolteon'] = 55,
['porygon'] = 40,
['omanyte'] = 20,
['omastar'] = 80,
['kabuto'] = 20,
['kabutops'] = 80,
['snorlax'] = 85,
['articuno'] = 100,
['zapdos'] = 100,
['moltres'] = 100,
['dratini'] = 20,
['shiny dratini'] = 20,
['dragonair'] = 60,
['dragonite'] = 90,
['mew'] = 150,
['mewtwo'] = 160,
['beedrill'] = 3,
['shiny beedrill'] = 3,
['bulbasaur'] = 20,
['ivysaur'] = 40,
['venusaur'] = 85,
['charmander'] = 20,
['charmeleon'] = 40,
['charizard'] = 85,
['elder charizard'] = 150,
['squirtle'] = 20,
['wartortle'] = 40,
['blastoise'] = 85,
['shiny blastoise'] = 85,
['caterpie'] = 1,
['metapod'] = 10,
['butterfree'] = 30,
['shiny butterfree'] = 30,
['weedle'] = 1,
['kakuna'] = 10,
['pidgey'] = 5,
['pidgeotto'] = 20,
['pidgeot'] = 65,
['rattata'] = 1,
['raticate'] = 20,
['shiny rattata'] = 1,
['shiny raticate'] = 20,
['spearow'] = 5,
['fearow'] = 50,
['ekans'] = 15,
['arbok'] = 30,
['pikachu'] = 20,
['raichu'] = 45,
['shiny raichu'] = 45,
['sandshrew'] = 20,
['sandslash'] = 55,
['nidoranFE'] = 10,
['nidorina'] = 30,
['nidoqueen'] = 65,
['nidoranMA'] = 10,
['nidorino'] = 25,
['nidoking'] = 65,
['clefairy'] = 20,
['clefable'] = 35,
['vulpix'] = 15,
['ninetales'] = 65,
['jigglypuff'] = 20,
['wigglytuff'] = 45,
['zubat'] = 10,
['golbat'] = 30,
['oddish'] = 5,
['gloom'] = 25,
['vileplume'] = 50,
['paras'] = 5,
['parasect'] = 50,
['shiny paras'] = 5,
['shiny parasect'] = 50,
['venonat'] = 20,
['venomoth'] = 50,
['shiny venomoth'] = 50,
['diglett'] = 10,
['dugtrio'] = 35,
['meowth'] = 15,
['persian'] = 25,
['psyduck'] = 20,
['golduck'] = 55,
['mankey'] = 15,
['primeape'] = 50,
['growlithe'] = 25,
['shiny growlithe'] = 25,
['arcanine'] = 80,
['shiny arcanine'] = 80,
['poliwag'] = 5,
['poliwhirl'] = 25,
['poliwrath'] = 65,

-- Vá adicionando mais acima, como está ali ""
local function capturou(params)
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(params.cid), 173)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(params.cid, 25, 'You cath a Pokemon! ('').')
item = doCreateItemEx(params.ball)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "name", """ "..params.ball2)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", params.level)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "aid", params.hp)
doPlayerAddItemEx(params.cid, item, true)

local function naocapturou(params)


function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)

local monster = getItemName(itemEx.uid):match("dead (.*)")
if item.itemid == ID_GREATBALL then
chances = (chance[monster]) * 2
elseif item.itemid == ID_SUPERBALL then
chances = (chance[monster]) * 3
elseif item.itemid == ID_ULTRABALL then
chances = (chance[monster]) * 4
elseif item.itemid == 2521 then
chances = (chance[monster]) * 25
chances = chance[monster]

if not chance[monster] then
return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 23, 'You captured pokemon defeated!')

if math.random(1,1000) <= chances then
if item.itemid == 2149 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 24)
elseif item.itemid == 2147 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 202)
elseif item.itemid == 2146 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 198)
elseif item.itemid == 2150 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 200)
elseif item.itemid == 2521 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 24)

local hpmax = 0
local ball = pokebolas[item.itemid]
addEvent(capturou, 4000, {cid = cid, monster = monster, ball = ball[1], ball2 = ball[2], level = level[monster], hp = hpmax})
doRemoveItem(itemEx.uid, 1)
doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)
if item.itemid == 2149 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 23)
elseif item.itemid == 2147 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 201)
elseif item.itemid == 2146 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 197)
elseif item.itemid == 2150 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 199)
elseif item.itemid == 2521 then
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 23)
doRemoveItem(itemEx.uid, 1)
doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)
return TRUE

Editado por RicardoSohnn
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Antes de tudo me explique o que você quer que eu edite



eu quero que voce faca funcionar no servidor da thalia, cujos scripts de go back e catch eu postei antes.

vou passar os ids das balls:

poke balls: 2531, 2532

2653;2557 superball

2652;2524 greatball

2654;2525 ultraball

2195;2523 masterball

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eu quero que voce faca funcionar no servidor da thalia, cujos scripts de go back e catch eu postei antes.

vou passar os ids das balls:

poke balls: 2531, 2532

2653;2557 superball

2652;2524 greatball

2654;2525 ultraball

2195;2523 masterball


bom... posso te mandar este link aki que contem um server com todos meus Scripts

Download Aki

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ei Test No Thalia e no flash,nao pegaram e as pokemon inicial buga,ajeita isso pow ai vai fica not 10,por encanto nao do :button_ok: :thumbsupsmiley2:


pesquisei no :google_lt: e chaeio um server ingau a esse so que ta todo bugado e muito virus.

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