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Surgir Teleport Apos Morte De Um Montro Com [Tempo] + Lord Of The Dragons + Magia Exori Water


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Hola xTibianos, venho aqui apresentar 3 scripts, Teleport Monster[Com Tempo para desaparçer tp] + Lord of the Dragons + Exori Water



Script: Teleport Monster

Eu sei que tinha muitas pessoas com o problema , que o teleport não desaparecia então arrumei!




vá em data\creaturescripts\creaturescripts.xml




<event type="death" name="teleportmonster" script="tpmonster.lua"/>


Depois disso vá em data\creaturescripts\scripts e crie um arquivo com o nome tpmonster.lua.


e adicione isto:


local config = {

message = "Entre no teleporte, ele desapareçera em 1 minuto.",

timeToRemove = 60, -- seconds

teleportId = 1387,

bosses = {

["Nome Bicho"] = { x = 604, y = 586, z = 9 },





local function removal(position)

doRemoveThing(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, 1)

return TRUE



function onDeath(cid, corpse, killer)

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "teleportmonster")

local position = getCreaturePosition(cid)


for name, pos in pairs(config.bosses) do

if name == getCreatureName(cid) then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(config.teleportId, pos, position)

doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removal, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)




return TRUE



Explicação: Quer adicionar mais bosses? Adicione + 1 tag embaixo da tag dos bosses que está aqui

["Nome Bicho"] = { x = 604, y = 586, z = 9 },


Aqui x = 604, y = 586, z = 9 é a cordenada onde o teleporte te levará, edite os números delas.


Apos terminar adicione esta tag no seu monstro desejado:


<event name="teleportmonster"/>



Créditos, eu mesmo e Autor do Snowz , mais tirei de um ot Snowz Thyranic 8.6 , mais estava bugado na hora de remover o teleporte, daí arrumei para desapareçer,sei que algumas pessoas estavam com o problema


Agora o monstro Lord of The Dragons




e adicione:


<monster name="Lord of The Dragons" file="lordragon.xml"/>


depois disso vá em data\monster - e crie um arquivo com o nome lordragon.xml.


e coloque dentro:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<monster name="Lord of The Dragons" nameDescription="a lord of the dragons" race="undead" experience="150000" speed="400">

<health now="300000" max="300000"/>

<look type="291" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="8941"/>

<targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>

<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>


<flag summonable="0"/>

<flag attackable="1"/>

<flag hostile="1"/>

<flag illusionable="1"/>

<flag convinceable="0"/>

<flag pushable="1"/>

<flag canpushitems="1"/>

<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>

<flag targetdistance="1"/>

<flag staticattack="90"/>

<flag runonhealth="5000"/>



<attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="200" attack="200"/>

<attack name="lifedrain" interval="2000" chance="19" range="1" min="-400" max="-550">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>


<attack name="earth" interval="2500" chance="12" length="8" spread="0" min="-800" max="-1200">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="STONES"/>


<attack name="holy" interval="3000" chance="30" radius="3" target="0" min="-1500" max="-1800">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="YELLOWENERGY"/>


<attack name="death" interval="1500" chance="10" radius="3" target="0" min="-2000" max="-3000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>


<attack name="death" interval="1500" chance="10" range="15" target="1" min="-2700" max="-3500">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>

<attribute key="shootEffect" value="suddendeath"/>


<attack name="poisonfield" interval="1000" chance="4" radius="8" target="0" min="-700" max="-1300">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="stones"/>


<attack name="physical" interval="2600" chance="20" radius="6" target="0" min="-3500" max="-4500">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="explosion"/>


<attack name="speed" interval="2000" chance="8" radius="6" target="0" speedchange="-600" duration="60000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>




<defenses armor="17" defense="23">

<defense name="outfit" interval="17000" chance="15" monster="dragon" duration="10000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="ASSASSIN"/>


<defense name="outfit" interval="10000" chance="15" monster="dragon lord" duration="10000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="ASSASSIN"/>


<defense name="outfit" interval="15000" chance="15" monster="frost dragon" duration="10000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="ASSASSIN"/>


<defense name="outfit" interval="30000" chance="15" monster="undead dragon" duration="10000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="ASSASSIN"/>


<defense name="outfit" interval="20000" chance="15" monster="hydra" duration="10000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="ASSASSIN"/>


<defense name="outfit" interval="12000" chance="20" monster="wyrm" duration="10000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="BATS"/>


<defense name="Divine Less" interval="3500" chance="20" duration="10000"/>

<defense name="speed" interval="3500" chance="5" range="7" speedchange="500" duration="30000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>


<defense name="invisible" interval="2500" chance="10" duration="4000">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="TELEPORT"/>


<defense name="healing" interval="3000" chance="20" min="13500" max="20000"/>

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="BIGCLOUDS"/>



<element physicalPercent="60"/>

<element firePercent="100"/>

<element holyPercent="100"/>



<immunity earth="1"/>

<immunity death="1"/>

<immunity lifedrain="1"/>

<immunity paralyze="1"/>

<immunity invisible="1"/>

<immunity fire="1"/>


<voices interval="5000" chance="100">

<voice sentence="GRRRRRRRR!" yell="1"/>

<voice sentence="GRRRRR I AM THE LORD OF THE DRAGONS!."/>

<voice sentence="You will go to destroyed."/>

<voice sentence="MY DEATH KILL YOU!"/>



<item id="2160" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> -- gold coins

<item id="2152" countmax="100" chance1="33333" chancemax="2000"/> --Plat

<item id="2514" chance="8000"/> --mastermind shield

<item id="2472" chance="8000"/> --magic plate armor

<item id="8883" chance="1500"/> -- ice hammer

<item id="7434" chance="1500"/> -- black death axe

<item id="8907" chance="900"/> -- icy rainbow shield

<item id="8907" countmax="30" chance="1000"/> -- crystal arrow

<item id="2431" chance="2100"/> --might ring

<item id="2176" chance="3500"/> --orb

<item id="6433" chance="1100"/> --purpel tome

<item id="9776" chance="1700"/> --yalahari armor

<item id="1987" chance="100000">


<item id="2393" chance="5000"/>

<item id="6500" countmax="35" chance="10000"/>

<item id="2640" chance="3000"/> --soft boots

<item id="2214" chance="2222"/> --ring of healing

<item id="2396" chance="2600"/> --ice rapier

<item id="8908" chance="4500"/> --sparking rainbow shield

<item id="2795" countmax="6" chance="16000"/>

<item id="2678" countmax="3" chance1="12000" chancemax="0"/>

<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> -- gold coin

<item id="2151" countmax="4" chance1="5500" chancemax="0"/>

<item id="2184" chance="4000"/> --Yalahari Mask

<item id="2149" countmax="3" chance1="11000" chancemax="0"/>

<item id="2169" chance="3000"/> --platinum amulet

<item id="9777" chance="3000"/> --yalahari leg piece

<item id="2470" chance="5000"/> --golden legs

<item id="7382" chance="5000"/> -- Demonrage Sword

<item id="7393" chance="1700"/> -- Demon Trophy

<item id="2520" chance="3100"/> --demon shield

<item id="2542" chance="1300"/> --golden sickle

<item id="2183" chance="2500"/> --two-handed sword






Edite os hits dos ataques, caso não goste, e exp.


Créditos: Eu mesmo.


Agora a magia "Exori Water"


Vá em \data\spells\spells.xml


e adicione : para versão 8.52+ não tenho certeza


<instant name="Water Strike" words="exori water" lvl="50" mana="100" prem="0" range="5" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/water strike.lua">

<vocation id="1"/>

<vocation id="2"/>

<vocation id="5"/>

<vocation id="6"/>



e se a versão for 8.5


<instant name="Water Strike" words="exori water" lvl="50" mana="100" prem="0" range="5" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/water strike.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>




agora vá em \data\spells\scripts\attack


e crie um arquivo com o nome water strike.lua

e adicione:


--Calculed by ta4e--

local combat = createCombatObject()


setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 10)

setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_HITCOLOR, 35)



function getCombatFormulas(cid, lv, maglv)

local formula_min = -((lv*0 + maglv*3) * 3.8)

local formula_max = -((lv*0 + maglv*3) * 4.1)


if(formula_max < formula_min) then

local tmp = formula_max

formula_max = formula_min

formula_min = tmp


return formula_min, formula_max



setCombatCallback(combat, CALLBACK_PARAM_LEVELMAGICVALUE, "getCombatFormulas")


local distanceCombat = createCombatObject()


setCombatParam(distanceCombat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 10)

setCombatParam(distanceCombat, COMBAT_PARAM_HITCOLOR, 35)




function getCombatFormulas(cid, lv, maglv)

local formula_min = -((lv*0 + maglv*3) * 2.8)

local formula_max = -((lv*0 + maglv*3) * 3.3)


if(formula_max < formula_min) then

local tmp = formula_max

formula_max = formula_min

formula_min = tmp


return formula_min, formula_max



setCombatCallback(distanceCombat, CALLBACK_PARAM_LEVELMAGICVALUE, "getCombatFormulas")


function onCastSpell(cid, var)

if(variantToNumber(var) ~= 0) then

return doCombat(cid, distanceCombat, var)


return doCombat(cid, combat, var)



CréditosMeu mesmo


Coments !!! :) até mais TE AJUDEI? REP +++

Editado por ElitePally
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Muito bom seu tópico


gostei do seu monstro :]


e o 1° script de abrir teleport já tinha aqui =X


de qualquer forma obrigado por trazer o conteudo ao xtibia



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