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poketibia Função onSpawn(cid) para TFS 0.3.6
um tópico no fórum postou lSainty Linguagens de Programação
Eae galera, estava passando aqui por essa seção e vi que só havia a função onSpawn para TFS 0.4, então resolvi trazer para 0.3.6 Primeiramente, va em Creatureevent.h e procure por: uint32_t executePrepareDeath(Creature* creature, DeathList deathList); E cole embaixo: uint32_t executeOnSpawn(Creature* creature); Procure por: CREATURE_EVENT_DEATH, E cole isso por cima da linha de baixo: CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH, CREATURE_EVENT_SPAWN Agora va em creatureevent.cpp e procure por: else if(tmpStr == "preparedeath") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH; E cole embaixo: else if(tmpStr == "spawn") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_SPAWN; Procure por: case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "onPrepareDeath"; E cole embaixo: case CREATURE_EVENT_SPAWN: return "onSpawn"; Procure por: case CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH: return "cid, deathList"; E cole embaixo: case CREATURE_EVENT_SPAWN: return "cid"; Va ao fim do arquivo e cole isso: uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeOnSpawn(Creature* creature) { //onSpawn(cid) if(m_interface->reserveEnv()) { ScriptEnviroment* env = m_interface->getEnv(); if(m_scripted == EVENT_SCRIPT_BUFFER) { env->setRealPos(creature->getPosition()); std::stringstream scriptstream; scriptstream << "local cid = " << env->addThing(creature) << std::endl; scriptstream << m_scriptData; bool result = true; if(m_interface->loadBuffer(scriptstream.str())) { lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); result = m_interface->getGlobalBool(L, "_result", true); } m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } else { #ifdef __DEBUG_LUASCRIPTS__ std::stringstream desc; desc << creature->getName(); env->setEvent(desc.str()); #endif env->setScriptId(m_scriptId, m_interface); env->setRealPos(creature->getPosition()); lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); m_interface->pushFunction(m_scriptId); lua_pushnumber(L, env->addThing(creature)); bool result = m_interface->callFunction(1); m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } } else { std::clog << "[Error - CreatureEvent::executeCast] Call stack overflow." << std::endl; return 0; } } Va em monster.cpp e procure por: void Monster::onCreatureAppear(const Creature* creature) { Creature::onCreatureAppear(creature); if(creature == this) { //We just spawned lets look around to see who is there. if(isSummon()) isMasterInRange = canSee(master->getPosition()); Embaixo pressione enter 2x e cole: CreatureEventList spawn = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_SPAWN); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = spawn.begin(); it != spawn.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeOnSpawn(this); E pronto, basta compilar agora Exemplos de como usar essa função: -- EDIT -- Para fazer com que o evento seja iniciado junto com o servidor ao invés de somente quando o monstro der RESPAWN, va em spawn.cpp e procure por: bool Spawn::spawnMonster(uint32_t spawnId, MonsterType* mType, const Position& pos, Direction dir, bool startup /*= false*/) { Monster* monster = Monster::createMonster(mType); if(!monster) return false; if(startup) { //No need to send out events to the surrounding since there is no one out there to listen! if(!g_game.internalPlaceCreature(monster, pos, false, true)) { delete monster; return false; } } else { if(!g_game.placeCreature(monster, pos, false, true)) { delete monster; return false; } } monster->setSpawn(this); monster->addRef(); monster->setMasterPosition(pos, radius); monster->setDirection(dir); spawnedMap.insert(SpawnedPair(spawnId, monster)); spawnMap[spawnId].lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME(); return true; } e apague essa parte: { //No need to send out events to the surrounding since there is no one out there to listen! if(!g_game.internalPlaceCreature(monster, pos, false, true)) { delete monster; return false; } } else Pronto, agora a função é executada assim que o servidor inicia Se os monstros pararem de dar respawn, ao invés de apagarem a parte que citei acima, troquem isso: bool Spawn::spawnMonster(uint32_t spawnId, MonsterType* mType, const Position& pos, Direction dir, bool startup /*= false*/) { Monster* monster = Monster::createMonster(mType); if(!monster) return false; if(startup) { //No need to send out events to the surrounding since there is no one out there to listen! if(!g_game.internalPlaceCreature(monster, pos, false, true)) { delete monster; return false; } } else { if(!g_game.placeCreature(monster, pos, false, true)) { delete monster; return false; } } monster->setSpawn(this); monster->addRef(); monster->setMasterPosition(pos, radius); monster->setDirection(dir); spawnedMap.insert(SpawnedPair(spawnId, monster)); spawnMap[spawnId].lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME(); return true; } Por isso: bool Spawn::spawnMonster(uint32_t spawnId, MonsterType* mType, const Position& pos, Direction dir, bool startup /*= false*/) { Monster* monster = Monster::createMonster(mType); if(!monster) return false; if(startup) { //No need to send out events to the surrounding since there is no one out there to listen! if(!g_game.internalPlaceCreature(monster, pos, false, true)) { delete monster; return false; } else { monster->onCreatureAppear(monster); } } else { if(!g_game.placeCreature(monster, pos, false, true)) { delete monster; return false; } } monster->setSpawn(this); monster->addRef(); monster->setMasterPosition(pos, radius); monster->setDirection(dir); spawnedMap.insert(SpawnedPair(spawnId, monster)); spawnMap[spawnId].lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME(); return true; } Créditos: Doggynub por fazer a função (OTIlha) ArkSeyonet por adaptar para 0.3.6 (OTIlha) Eu por pequenas edições :3 Slicer -
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