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  1. Bom dia, Boa Tarde, Boa Noite Galera do XTIBIA Venho apresentar o novo server de DBO, IGNITION SERVER SITE: -- Servidor 24hrs com Exp media por stages -- Diversas vocations como: Bills, Goku Black, Zamasu, Mirai Trunks, Mr. Satan Etc.. -- Muitas Hunts e Quests espalhas pelo mapa, com suporte de sala de quests. -- Sistema de Task com ótimas recompensas -- Sistema de Saga -- +60 Vocations todas balanceadas -- Sistema Castle Wars nas Quartas - Feiras e Sabados as 19:00 A Equipe IGNITION esta contando com sua presença! Venha já conseguir seu lugar no RANK!
  2. O Worth Global chegou, e chegou com tudo. Já anunciamos nossa data de abertura: Dia 16/06/2018(sábado), às 18:00 (BRT). Crie sua conta em: Ah, e se você curtir nossa página e marcar 2 amigos nos comentários da publicação(não vale famosos, ein?!), estará concorrendo a 250 tibia coins! Depois de quase um ano resolvendo bugs e afins, aqui vamos nós! Confiram nossas novidades! ✅Daily Reward System; ✅Achievement System; ✅Imbuiment System; ✅Cast System; ✅Prey System; ✅Reward System(reformulado); Sobre nosso mapa e afins: ✅New mounts 11.40+; ✅New outfits 11.40+; ✅Stages de EXP(stage inicial de 200x); ✅Contamos com um dos mapas mais completos dentre todos os outros servidores, incluindo os novos updates realizados pelo jogo oficial; ✅Feyrist com seu sistema de respawn dia/noite; ✅Novos summons; ✅Novas hunts; ✅Novas quests sendo adicionadas frequentemente por nossos programadores; ✅Novas magias; ✅Novos bosses(incluindo os das quests citadas); ✅Suporte para client 10.0 e 11.49; Quests adicionadas recentemente: ✅Ferumbras' Ascendant Quest ✅Forgotten Knowledge Quest ✅The First Dragon ✅Cults of Tibia ✅The Gravedigger of Drefia Quest ✅The Lion's Rock Quest Algumas imagens para animá-los. Ah, e se você curtir nossa página e marcar 2 amigos nos comentários da publicação(não vale famosos, ein?!), estará concorrendo a 250 tibia coins! Crie já sua conta em nosso website! "Vale a pena jogar!" ? #Tibia #TibiaGlobal #OTserver #Global
  3. Bom dia. Amigos e amigas. Eternia-Global Está no ar o Eternia-Global, lançamos o mesmo em fevereiro e já estamos a 4 meses online. Global completo, com todas as quests, varios acessos e muitas novidades. Atualização diariamente com o nosso Launcher inovador, atualizando o servidor a cada save server para implementar todas as novidades. O Eternia tem o intuito de lhe oferecer toda a diversão e jogabilidade, contando sempre com atualizações diárias de correções e implementos de novos sistemas. Contaremos com uma equipe competente In game para coletar todo tipo de dúvidas dos jogadores e resolver problemas em tempo real. Contaremos também com um canal exclusivo no Discord, onde você pode comunicar com outros player através de chat de voz, sem pagar nada por isso, contando com salas exclusivas e organizadas Nosso servidor se destaca pelo fato de não ser Pay to Win, não havendo itens ou benefícios a venda. veja alguns detalhes do nosso servidor: [SYSTEMAS] Novos Depots Novos Respaws Novo Sistema de Npc via bank balance Novo sistema de critical boost Novas Potions PREY System... [MAPA] Mapa Global Full TODAS CIDADES E NOVAS AREAS QUESTS FUNCIONANDO! Versão Está disponível o cliente tibia 10 e 11, você dicidi qual é melhor a sua forma de jogar!
  4. O SERVIDOR EFFERUS OPEN TIBIA ABRE AMANHÃ! (01/06/2018) PREPARADOS? FAÇAM JÁ SUAS CONTAS EM: WWW.EFFERUS.COM.BR E GARATAM 7 DIAS DE PREMIUM ACCOUNT GRÁTIS! (é possível obter premium account in-game através de event points também) | Imbuement | Prey | !Autoloot | Exp bônus share | Task em grupo | Dungeons | Forja | Daily Reward | Summons 200+ | Eventos e Invasões Automáticas | Sistema de Guild Dominante | Bomberman Mini-Game | Reward Chest | Client 11 e 10 | Bônus para runas conjuradas | War Anti-Entrosa | E Muito Mais! Exp: 20x (stage) Level 1 ao 7 = 20 x Level 8 ao 19 = 10 x Level 20 ao 49 = 5 x Level 50 ao 79 = 4 x Level 80 ao 119 = 3 x Level 120 ao 299 = 2 x Level 300 em diante = 1.5 x Skill: 10x Ml: 3x Loot: 1x Servidor low rates, mapa próprio e com muito RPG! Mais informações no site, te espero no jogo! Siga-nos também nas redes sociais! Discord Invite: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: @EfferusOTS
  5. IP: Hey, guys! Apresentando o mais novo Baiak 8.6, abriu dia 30/05 as 16h. SEM LAG, aberto 24h! Exp não é exagerada, pensado pra players ficarem na média do lvl 800-1000 Diversas quests & hunts. VIP free, área e armas donate baratinhas e balanceadas, pra não ficar injusto pra ninguém! COLA RAPAZIADA, AINDA SEM TOP! IP:
  6. Site: Oldera Global Página do Facebook: Client: 10x até 11.75(todos os itens do global) PVP: Retro Open-PVP Exp: x700(inicial) Magic: x10 Skill: x30 Loot: x5 Premium: Free PVP: 8+ Bless: free até level 100 White Skull: 10 minutes Red Skull: 10 no dia Black Skull: 20 no dia Frags: diminuem a cada 24h Host Servercore Canada with Full protection DDosEstamos Online a mais de 3 meses! Segue algumas screens:
  7. AskaraWAR Site (clique aqui) Inauguração dia 02/06/2018 as 06:00 AM Especificações : - Maioria das quests sem precisar de missão - Chest com Mount inicial no templo - Runas infinitas - Munições infinitas - cidade Thais totalmente refeita - Raids 100% - Monstros Novos - Trainer Offline - Trainer Online - Taming system - War System - Npc Addoner em Thais - Npc Djins disponivel no tp do templo - Global MAP Full - Gnome Itens - Itens of Destruction - Warzone 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 e 6 Venha conferir e nos dar a chance de te levar a um outro patamar de otserver. Att: Equipe AskaraWAR
  8. HOY GRAN APERTURA Pagina: IP: *DESCARGA DEL CLIENTE EN LA PAGINA* SERVIDOR DEDICADO 24/7 Bienvenidos a la versión de prueba de JaibOT, servidor 100% de origen Tamaulipeco. Características del Servidor: -Mapa RL 10.98+ -Cast System -Outfits y Monturas Nuevas -Mapas Completos -Experiencia por Stage -Servidor en constante actualización y limpieza de bugs
  9. Hello everybody!I'm glad to announce that The Lost Kingdom: Demis of the Gods server BETA is over!Launch will be next friday 05/25/2018 at 6:00PM GMT +2 (Today in 5 hours!)What will you find on this server?A server with low rate exp with an UNIQUE items system with no vocations.You learn spells by equiping items, and you can combine the items as you like, turning your character on something UNIQUE. There are more than 3000 possible combinations.90% of this server content is CUSTOM, that includes monsters, map, spells, items and much more!A new starting and EASY starting zone (which can be skipped if you know the server mechanics) with a new unique story line throught quest from level 1 to level 200, follow the story of Demise of the Gods.In addition of the main story line quest chain, you will find NPCs giving additional task and missions for an easier leveling.More than 150 chests has been added to the map with awesome rewards, hidden at the end of a hunting spawn, hidden on a whole an many other places to make those who love exploring worth it.-Crafting and gathering system.There are MANY crafting skills which requires RESOURCES (with you gather over the world with gathering) and LEVEL.(You no longer can gather resources higher than [T5], to get higher resources you can either upgrade lower [TX] or you can participate on events, like Greater Rifts, PvP Ladder, dungeons/Solo Dungeons)(There's ONLY one skill to gather, GATHERING Skill. Gathering skill rises by picking trees, flowers or minerals.)A new feature added to crafting is Scrapping! There are 4 different scrapping machines, which will let you destroy ANY crafted item in order to get back part or if you are lucky enough all the resources used to craft that item.Characters can be customized other than just equipment! Equipment can be enchanted and upgraded. There are items up to [T10], powerful items and legendary items.All items can be given a socket, with a Divine Power (which applies a random socket) or you can now buy from a PvP vendor fixed stones that will give your equipment the desired socket.All items can be upgraded to +3, in addition, legendary Items can be upgraded to +5.All legendary Items, has UNIQUE spells and uses. ONLY 1 legendary weapon and 1 equipment part can be equiped at a time.Characters can buy perks. You can eventually buy ALL perks, but everytime you purchase a perk it rises the cost of your next perk. (Perks can be reseted by buying a Book of Oblivion).As you all know, characters can rise skills as Sword, Club, Magic.. In TLK you do NOT need to spend WEEKS training your skills! Every time you rise a level, you gain 3 Skill Points, which can be spent on !points, to raise your skills. You can reset them by clicking on reset (it costs 10k). At a higher level characters can learn a specialization. That specialization will learn 3 new spells which will define WAY more a character role, as a DPS, Healer, Support or Tank.(Additional info for older beta testers: All specializations have been revamped and balance to be worth of its role, and now they have way more meaning)You will be able to start the quest for a specialization at Servant of Knowledge (3 floor dp)On The Lost Kingdom you will also find SEVERAL things to do, as a solo player or a teamplayer.You will find 14 dungeons which many rewards starting at level 20 up to level 150.For higher levels you have 5 Heroic Dungeons which a reward T9 equipment and many other surprises.As for solo players, there has been a new addition: Solo dungeons.There are 5 solo dungeons. This dungeons, reward many items, and can be done at ANY level, since they scale its difficutly based on the player it joins, as its normal, the reward improves the higher the player level.Also, for proHardcore players there is a new RAID dungeon. This dungeon is for really high levels with a good team. Monsters there are really strong and a final boss rewarding T10 will be met at the end of each scene.On the lost kingdom you will find that hunting is real fun and rewarding! Monsters have levels, from 1 to 10. Higher level monsters have more loot chance and reward more experience, but BEWARE! they have more health and more damage aswell. Monsters, additionally, have a chance to drop RARE items, which will be up to +3 or have a socket already.In addition to monster levels, you will find another kind of monsters, [Godly] and [Demonic].[Godly] Monsters have a 1% to spawn from high level monsters such as demons, behemoths and many more. This monsters are REALLY challenging but killing them will spawn 2 orbs that you will be able to syphon, one orb rewarding high amounts of gold and the other high amounts of high level materials in addition to other valuable items. Choosing whisely is recomended.Godly monsters have a secret, and they drop LEGENDARY SPELLS rune. This rune will teach you a permanent spell while you have it on your inventory. There are 7 legendary spells. (Only one legendary spell can be learnt at the same time).On the other hand [Demonic] monsters can spawn from ANY monster with more than 2000 HP and they reward a demonic bag which can contain event tokens, materials, gold and many other things.For those who like PvP, there are MANY PvP events, such as:an UNIQUE PvP 1vs1 arena ladder with Incredible rewards. (Every month, top5 will get an UNIQUE reward)(Ranking from 1vs1 ladder is required to buy items from the PvP Vendor)A custom Capture the Flag event, never seen before.Hunger games event, really customized and fun. On the other hand if you like having events but you dont like PvP that much you will find MANY other events, such as:Rift and Greater Rift.Rift is an event where you can join by doing !rift or !grift which will let you choose many different levels. At normal rift you will face a 15 minute timer to slay 100 monsters which have increased health and damage on higher rift levels and it rewards a good amount of experience. (It is like a practice rift).As for Greater rifts, it is the same mechanic as Rifts, but after defeating the 100 monsters you will be teleported to a Rift Boss room. If you manage to kill the Rift Boss, it will give you a chest that will reward many amazing items based on the rift level you chose with an addition of a Legendary Egg that contains a legendary and unique pet. For more competitive players, Greater Rift has an ingame ladder with the best timers on highest levels. (Every month, top5 will get an UNIQUE reward)Zombie Survival.Minions of Hell.Hell lift.And a NEW event called "Farming Hell". Every 3 hours a new portal will open that will lead to a random zone. Those zones have T7 and T8 nodes to gather but BEWARE, since really high level monsters will appear there.But thats not all! On the Lost Kingdom we have pets that level up, evolve and fight along you!The new pet system is revamped and separates pets in different categories.Quality: Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. The better the quality the better its damage and its health.Role: Tank, Damage (ranged or melee) and Support.Also, Pets have different resistences and attack types which will be useful to know on PetVSPet battles whichh will be held every 2 weeks with awesome rewards.But there's MORE! New Outfits have been added and system for bonus revamped and separated into 5 ranks.There are MANY outfits for rank 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, all outfits on the same rank have the same bonus.(this way you can wear the outfit you like and still be a worthy outfit)Rank 1: 20health/tick and 2% to all skills.Rank 2: 40health/tick and 4% to all skills.Rank 3: 60health/tick, 6% to all skills and speed.Rank 4: 80health/tick, 8% to all skills and high speed.Rank 5: 100health/tick, 10% to all skills, REALLY high speed and 500 base hp.ADDITIONAL INFO:Ingame shop! with NO P2W items, only to support the server.There are no potions at ALL. (Only battle elixirs that increases your stats)There are no blessings, but you can purchase a Phoenix Charm, which let you resurrect at the same place or at temple on death.New fishing monsters with automatic fishing.Marks on the map.New spawns.Easy learning tutorials.Stagged level damage.Great Items Balance.Summons damage and health now is based on CASTER.New currencty: Ruby coin (100 crystal = 1 ruby coin = 1kk)Casino! (without BUGS).Custom client with autoupdater!AND MANY MANY OTHER THINGS TO DISCOVER!!Accounts and characters can be already created!One of the greatest CUSTOM servers around!Visit us atWebsite: The Lost Kindgom
  10. ClavieraOT Starts on Saturday 18:00 CEST 25th May 2018 ! IP: EXP: Stages Port: 7171 Client: 8.60/Custom client Website : Are you looking for a fun Custom Retro Evolution PVP-e OT who can bring you back into old evolutions, like Qumora, Roxor, Ghost-OT and all other awesome memories? We hope to bring you the most unique and advanced developed retro custom map with over 50+ Quests, 200+ Spawns, 50+ Mission, 50+ Custom Bosses and several different custom item sets and other rare custom items for a balanced late game! We believe it's time to give all of you a different kind of taste of Open Tibia Servers! We are commited to ensure that it will remain to be an high quality server that will remain for a longer time. We are trying to make our server not Pay To Win, Thats why we added several new items and balanced normal, Thats why we made every single donation item in-game available! We added several ways to get Premium Points: Standard reaching levels Loot from Bosses Quests Daily Quests Daily/Weekly Missions Events and further hidden ways! The reworked Free Points system makes ClavieraOT more enjoyable without donating since you can obtain every donate item by playing the server, and maybe you are even lucky and win a donate item from the mystery gift which you can get with a low chance every third hour! VIP is available by purchasing it on our website or through in-game NPCs. On our website you can buy 14 vip days and in-game you can buy 7 days vip days for 10kk. These are just a few Features that ClavieraOT has to offer... So what are you waiting for? Invite your friends and join now! EXP Rates : 1-30 | 100x 31-50 | 70x 51-100 | 50x 101-150 | 25x 151-200 | 15x 201-250 | 9x 251-300 | 7x 301-350 | 4x 351-400 | 2x 401-425 | 1x426-450 | 0.5x 451-500 | 0.3x501 + | 0.1x EXP from players Skill Rate 3x Magic Rate 3x Loot Rate 2x Free Premium Points Systems : 150 - 50 Premium Points, 200 - 75 Premium Points, 250 - 100 Premium Points, 300 - 125 Premium Points, 350 - 150 Premium Points, 400 - 175 Premium Points, 450 - 200 Premium Points, 500 - 250 Premium Points, 501+ Special Rewards By Killing Bosses By Joining our Weekly Free Premium Points Event Through our Facebook Page By Completing Daily Tasks-Mission, Weekly Tasks-Mission and Normal Task/Missions By Playing our Daily Events in ClavieraOT Zombie Event is hosted everyday 09:00,12:00,15:00,18:00 Last Man Standing Event is hosted everyday 13:00,14:00,19:00 Fire Storm Event is hosted everyday 8:00,11:00,16:00,17:00 Stone Event is hosted everyday 18:30, 20:30 Rush Event/Team Battle Event is hosted everyday at 22:00. For all of the above events rewards are premium points ! This is just a few things that Claviera has to offer.... What are you waiting for invite ur friends and get online now!
  11. O melhor Global do mundo está de volta! Você esta de saco cheio de entrar em um server novo, começar a treinar, juntar itens e depois não conseguir mais logar? Pois é, aqui o servidor é 100% dedicado e online 24horas. Sem perigo de resets! Versão: Tibia 10.96 Mapa: Global + custom Eventos diários XP: 50x Skill/Magic: 30x Loot: 4x Fastattack Site: Baixe o cliente 10.96, o tibia loader, crie sua conta e bom jogo! Sem stages, sem frescura e loots decentes! Todas as quests e + algumas surpresas Servidor dedicado 24 hrs online. Sem resets!
  12. Servidor Novo ! Aberto Hoje dia 21/05/2018 Site: EXP STAGES: -EXP: 200x até lvl 100. -Loot: 4x -Skill 50x -Magic 10x -Mapa: Global Full 100% sem Bugs! SERVIDOR SERIO, ORIGINAL, PREZAMOS PELO RPG, SERVIDOR SEM MIMIMI ! -Old Attack Speed. -RetroPvp. -Quests completas. -Runas e Pot Não são infinitas. -Munições infinitas. -Servidor 24 Horas -Alguns Acessos sem quests. Baixe nosso cliente para evitar debugs. Baixe nosso cliente para evitar debugs. New Server! Open Today 05/21/2018 Website: EXP STAGES: -EXP: 200x to lvl 100. -Loot: 4x -Skill 50x -Magic 10x -Map: Global Full 100% without Bugs! SERVER SERIOUS, ORIGINAL, WE PREACH FOR THE RPG, SERVER WITHOUT MIMIMI! -Old Attack Speed. -RetroPvp. -Complete quests. -Runas and Pot They are not infinite. - 24 Hour Server -Quests sem quests. Download our client to avoid debugging.
  13. Você está procurando um servidor para passar tempo? Então acesse hoje mesmo o site e crie sua conta! Em nosso site você vai encontrar todas as informações e recursos necessários para jogar em nosso servidor, se você procura por diversão acabou de encontrar. E ai? Está esperando o que? Informações: IP/SITE: RATE: 400x (STAGES) O servidor se encontra na fase alfa com poucos recursos.
  14. NostalgicOT foi lançado dia 30/05/2018 às 16:00 (horário de Brasília) Cria sua conta no link abaixo: Crie sua conta no Nostalgic OT O NostalgicOT é um servidor OldSchool para aqueles que gostam de relembrar como era o bom tibia de antes. Rodando na versão do tibia 7.72 vamos jogar e relembrar aqueles velhos e bons momentos juntos. Recursos Nenhuma zona de proteção em barcos e tapetes. Vocações e magias formuladas com base no Tibia 7.4. Não há Hotkleys! Anti Clone. Party Sharing Experience. Você pode compartilhar experiências em grupo com seus amigos e receber 10% de bônus de experiência quando ativado (!share). Não há runas nas lojas. Elas devem ser feitas. (Não é necessário colocar a runa na mão, pode runar na bp). Sem rods e wands. Você pode comprar BP de mana fluid usando as palavras: "buy bp mf". Você pode comprar BP de life fluid usando as palavras: "buy bp lf". Djinns em Ank sem necessidade de fazer quest. Rashid em Edron. Eremo vende AOL. Ouro e outros itens podem ser agrupados. SSA não pode ser comprado em NPC, apenas dropado de monstros. Mapa completo do Tibia, incluindo todos os NPCs, Port Hope, monstros e quests. POI quest completa. Demon Oak Quest. Uptime: 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. Equipe: Equipe dedicada, pronta para lhe dar o suporte adequado. Nós queremos você como jogador! Suas opiniões, conselhos e / ou reclamações serão bem-vindos em nossos fóruns. Stages From 1 To 8 - 130x From 9 To 20 - 100x From 21 To 30 - 80x From 31 To 40 - 60x From 41 To 50 - 40x From 51 To 60 - 20x From 61 To 70 - 16x From 71 To 80 - 10x From 81 To 100 - 8x From 101 To 150 - 6x From 151 To 160 - 5x From 161+ - 4x Rates Skills: 7x Magic: 6x Loot: 2.2x Server IP: port: 7171 site: Localização do servidor: São Paulo
  15. Opa Galera Venho através desta, divulgar um OT de um amigo Mapa Próprio, versão 8.6, com magias exclusivas e muita diversão ! acessem --- > ~ ~ não vão se arrepender. enjoy !
  16. SamWang

    OTPkaty Pokemon Online 2.0.rar
  17. Bem-vindo ao Arcano-OTExp: 9999x » Dedicado 24/7 SEM LAG! » ABRIU 05/05/2018 » bug do reset arrumado! » 20 vips com otimas hunts » Cast System » Mapa Inovador » Mega Fast attack! » 24 Horas Online » Caves exclusivas » Sistema de pet » WAR SYSTEM COM ESCUDO » Cast System » Addons System » Dodge System » Critical System » Mais de 10 Eventos Diarios » Vocações Balanceadas! » Quests Inovadas. » Excelente Suporte In-Game. E muito mais... gogo >>>> Arcano-OT <<<<
  18. - Jest to rozbudowana mapa Evolution z teleportami. Exp Stage : 1-50: x 400 50-150: x 350 150-200: x 320 200-300: x 300 300-400: x 200 400-500: x 100 500-600: x 50 600-700: x 25 700-1500: x 10 1500 +: x 5 IP: Skill: x30 Magic: x15 Loot: x3 Spawn: x 3 Klient: 8.60 PvP: Od 100lvla RS: od 25+ fragów na dzien *Warto dodac ze Wszystkie itemy z sms shopu dostepne sa z questow. *Guild War System *Zbalansowane profesje - dużo Eventów - nowe Taski - nowe Raidy - system Aukcji - outfit Bonusy - Regroup System - House System - Predator System -Nowe Itemy (atrybuty) -Nowe Questy -niekończące się runy potiony WWW.AXERA.PL
  19. Naruto ATOM Online [*] 24 horas [*] Up Easy/Médio/Hard [*] Server Sério. [*] Sistemas de Guerra Ninja [*] Pvp Ativo Level 200+. [*] Red Skulls Ativos Com 15 Kills. [*] Evento Invasão. [*] Shop Funcionando 100%. [*] Guild System 100%. [*] Cast System 100%. [*] Qualquer Tipo de Abuso Verbal Resultara Em Punição. [*] Staff Não Se Responsabiliza Por Items Perdidos/Roubados. [*] Todos os Combos Estão no Site. [*] O Personagem Que Aproveitar de Bugs Sera Banido/Deletado. v Visite Nosso Site: [*] Visite Nossa Fan Page: [*] Visite Nosso Grupo Naruto ATOM Online [*] Leia As Regras No Site
  20. Servidor Inaugurado 04/05/2018 --> IP : -- Versão 8.60 *Exp 300x Stages * Arma e Boots Donate de graça ao começar ! * Bosses Automaticos * Eventos 100% Funcionando * Servidor 24 horas Online , Hospedado na data center de São Paulo 30Ms/Ping Para uma boa jogabilidade . * Vocações Balanceadas * Castle 24 Horas 100% * Castle 48 Horas 100% Iniciando ás 20:00 e Terminando as 21:30 em Horário de brasília * Mapa RealBaiak * Suporte in-Game * Pvp Balanceado * Muitas Hunts * Area Donate * Muitas Novidades * Sempre procurando adicionar updates! Equipe Sempre disposta e ativa no servidor !!!
  21. Beloria Global é um servidor completamente novo e será inaugurado no dia 04/05/2018 as 19:00 horário de Brasília, visamos aproximar a jogabilidade ao Tibia Global. Sendo assim, você irá jogar por menos tempo e aproveitará muito mais! O mapa é classico e as hunts são de acordo com o original. Com XP e Skills em estágios, você tera um jogo muito dinâmico e divertido. O servidor é hospedado em São Paulo, com isso a conexão fica muito estável e você não precisará de proxy para jogar. Caso tenha duvidas, acesse as Informações do Servidor. Com cliente próprio, oferecemos duas opções de login. Caso goste do novo Cliente 11 poderá desfrutar de todas as novidades nele incluso, porém se preferir o modelo clássico, poderá utilizar o Cliente 10 Outdated, o qual contém todas as sprites do servidor 11+. Você poderá fazer o download no link a seguir. Beloria Global
  22. ## ## VERSÃO: 8.60 - PORTA: 7171 Informações: Dedicado 24 horas sem lag, não precisa tunnel. PUSH FAST. * Cast System * Mapa Inovador * Fast Atk Moderado! * 24 Horas Online * WAR SYSTEM COM ESCUDO * Cast System * Addons System * Dodge System * Critical System * Eventos Diarios * Vocações Balanceadas! * Quests Inovadas. * Excelente Suporte In-Game. » EXP Rate: 400x » Skill Rate: 25x » Magic Rate: 10x » Loot Rate: 8x Não perca mais tempo!
  23. ## ## VERSÃO: 8.60 - PORTA: 7171Informações:Dedicado 24 horas sem lag, não precisa tunnel.PUSH FAST.* Cast System* Mapa Inovador* Fast Atk Moderado!* 24 Horas Online* WAR SYSTEM COM ESCUDO* Cast System* Addons System* Dodge System* Critical System* Eventos Diarios* Vocações Balanceadas!* Quests Inovadas.* Excelente Suporte In-Game.» EXP Rate: 400x» Skill Rate: 25x» Magic Rate: 10x» Loot Rate: 8xNão perca mais tempo!
  24. OLD trailer Já estamos ONLINE! Acesse Faremos 2 Lives dia 29/04/2018 às 15h e 20h. Notes: - Alpha é versão de TESTE. Todos os players serão apagados após o release oficial. - Todos as compras feitas na loja serão repostas no release oficial. - Todos que contribuírem testando e reportando bugs nas versões Alpha e Beta receberão premium e título de contribuidor do projeto no release oficial.
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