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  1. Here I share with you the client files without encryption. Enjoy an amazing code and take references for yours. Scan: VirusTotal - File - 2a1b2fa87800e3130248caef3e0f064adff32098d056c4549ec9758c36678f9d
  2. XxhadesXx

    Ravendawn spr&dat 2024

    without many words here I leave the davendawn spr&dat ready to read with object builder version 10.98 The files to decrypt the client are on the internet, I will not publish links to other forums. search on google and find. The .dat is not perfect, but it can give us the opportunity to enter and see the sprites or extract them or rebuild them Download Link: Ravendawn Sprites 1098 Credits for Sprites: Ravendawn Online Add in Object Builder Version.xml <version value="1098" string="10.98 v2" dat="8EAE" spr="55555556" otb="0"/>
  3. The market system is designed to be used with OpenTibia 7.4 and it uses the Lua scripting language. It includes features such as: Adding offers to the market where players can sell items to other players Retrieving offers for a specific item Buying offers from the market A tax system that applies a percentage on top of the offer price A validation system that checks if the offer is valid (sufficient item quantity and reasonable price) Support for MySQL database to store and retrieve offers. Secure system to prevent duplicate or fake offers Additionally, the system uses events that can be registered and called by the game client to interact with the market. These events include: BuyOffer: Allows a player to buy an offer from the market GetOffers: Retrieves all offers for a specific item AddOffer: Allows a player to add an offer to the market The system also includes a function to send the offers to the player's client in order to be displayed in-game. MySQL: And here I present the tables that need to be imported into the MySQL database: ```sql CREATE TABLE market_offers ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, player_name VARCHAR(255), item_id INT, item_count INT, price INT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); market.lua: market.lua
  4. XxhadesXx

    LiteBringer Cipsoft New Game!

    Hello how are you, I want to present the second chapter of my channel which I tell you about the game recently created by Cipsoft. I will be showing in the following videos and in our Discord group how to make money with LiteBringer and exchange them yourself without an intermediary to the Binance platform in LTC "Lite Coín" I will also show you how to exchange them for $ - Bolívares or Tibia Coín. Create an account in LiteBringer and leave your address in the discord group or in the comments of the youtube videos to receive 7 lites and you can start the LTC mining in LiteBringer, we are waiting for you! ?LITEBRINGER REGISTRATION LINK ? ? LiteBringer | Download: ?- Official LiteBringer link in English- ? ?- Official Link of LiteBringer in Spanish - ? ⭐?Don't forget to ?SUBSCRIBE? ⏩Share⏩ and ?LIKE? the Video ?⭐
  5. Quero que quando um player use uma magia no outro ele não possa usar a mana fluid Eu trabalho com source evolutions 7.92
  6. Good afternoon, someone has the Corpse id of the version 10.90? especially these creatures. hellflayer, grimeleech vexclaw, clomp, hellflayer, grimeleech, ogre brute, savage ogre, ogre shaman, vexclaw if anyone can help me please?
  7. You also may be used. Use it if you're interested.
  8. Hello Community.! What is expected in this release MMORPG game called "tepid" in a nutshell "is to incorporate the new updates of the newest versions to an older platform" that is the mission of this project, because many fans will warm really excited about this. Perhaps many of you have ever thought that would warm the PVP version 7.72 and implement new Maps, Items, Monster and Outfits Reality is not as we thought, Tibia developers focused more to the field of Marketing for better monetary gain rather than meet the needs of players in the end made no radical changes and not we liked all the changes. To be honest. Maps, Monsters, Outfits, addons and mounts are great, not to mention the system of "War System" it is innovative, Tibia happened to be a totally strategic and complicated game to be a game without any difficulty. The challenge, excitement and adrenaline of the game was completely lost in the moment. Are we satisfied with the current Tibia?Because best not to create a server that contains the good things about the current versions but also have good things of old versions! Well here it is. "Blast Networks" offers you the opportunity to relive those times but also offers them a Mechanical retaining a 7.7 server, and implement the best things about the current versions. example: new outfits, Addons, Mounts, Items and Maps. Do not wait, follow us on Facebook for more information and details of the progress that arise in "Blast.Networks". Do not miss it. . Tibia Features . NPC System 7.7. 100% Balanced Vocations. 100% Bless System. 100% Party Experience Shared System. 100% Market System. 12% Bounty Hunter System. 50% Guild War System. 65% . Tibia - Quests . . In construction Quests . *The Pits of Inferno Quest. 20% * The Svargrond Arena Quest. 100% * The Inquisition Quest. 45% * The Demon Oak Quest. 100% * Eleonores Quest. 0% * Voodoo Master Quest. 0% * The Shattered Isles Quest. 0% * The Killing In The Name Of... Quest. 35% * The Queen of the Banshees Quest. 42% * The Postman Missions Quest. 0% * The Ancient Tombs Quest. 0% * The Paradox Tower Quest. 0% * The Annihilator Quest. 100% * The Demon Helmet Quest. 100% * The Fire Axe Quest. 100% * The Parchment Quest. 100% * The Behemoth Quest. 20% * The Black Knight Quest. 0% * The Mad Mage Room Quest. 0% * The Outlaw Camp Quest (Bright Sword). 0% More information at Facebook Group: System added the 12/04/2015 Wolrd 8.6 in 7.72 Server and Client. reserved
  9. It shows only some parts of the map. I will be putting the project's progress, every Sunday night. I work on the server only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The server version is 7.72 as the client version is 7.72. Progress in facebook follow.
  10. my config.lua -- Map -- NOTE: storeTrash costs more memory, but will perform alot faster cleaning. -- houseDataStorage usage may be found at how-use-internal-functions.log mapAuthor = "Mapper" randomizeTiles = true houseDataStorage = "binary-tilebased" storeTrash = true cleanProtectedZones = true mapName = "World.otbm"
  11. bom dia, eu tenho um problema. quando eu tento abrir meu servidor 8.6 RL Map eu recebo erros como este. example: [26/9/2015 10:51:41] >>> Map descriptions: - "Saved with Remere's Map Editor 3.0 BETA" - ""> FATAL: OTBM Loader - Failed to load item 1716. example: [26/9/2015 10:51:41] >>> Map descriptions: - "Saved with Remere's Map Editor 3.0 BETA" - ""> FATAL: OTBM Loader - Failed to load item 2666.
  12. como poderia mudar a cor das outfit? poderia fazer é equipar x item aleatório Color?
  13. XxhadesXx


    alguém pode carregar o cliente que vem configurado com neblina? please
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