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Tudo que RAJADAO postou



    e onde coloco o arquivo tasks.lua que vem no mod ?


    Olá amigos, alguém sabe me dizer como faço para instalar um modulo de task no client em otclient v8 ? Já tenho aqui o mod do Oen, porém não estou conseguindo instalar, ele tem as seguintes pastas: Client/mods/game_task e Server/data/scripts/task.lua já coloquei esses arquivos em diversas pastas diferentes e nada, quando coloco o game_task na pasta mods do client ele aparece um task tracker mas não o sistema de task em si, alguém que possa me dar uma luz ?
  3. .Qual servidor ou website você utiliza como base? SABREHAVEN & SITE ZNOTE Olá prezados, não estou conseguindo alterar o local onde novos players nascem em meu servidor, atualmente eles estão nascendo em Thais (TownID= 1 , Position: 32369, 32241, 7), gostaria que eles nascessem em Rookgaard (TownID = 11, Position: 32097, 32219, 7). Alguém poderia me dizer onde devo fazer está alteração? Já fiz diversas tentativas todas sem sucesso. EDIT: RESOLVIDO !!!


    meu server não possui esses comandos, nem /x e nem /z
  5. Olá amigos, gostaria de ajuda para introduzir os seguintes efeitos no meu servidor (usando o Sabrehaven 8.0 como base), adicionei algumas runas novas (avalanche, icicle, míssil sagrado, stoneshower & Thunderstorm) e alguns novos feitiços (exevo mas san, exori san, exori tera, exori frigo, exevo gran mas frigo, exevo gran mas tera, exevo tera hur, exevo frigo hur) mas nenhum dos efeitos dessas magias parece existir no servidor, alguém tem um link para um tutorial ou algo assim para que eu possa fazer isso funcionar?Desculpe pelo mau inglês, sou brasileiro.Obrigado!AVALANCHE RUNE id:3161 \/(COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE)(COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_ICEAREA)(COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, CONST_ANI_ICE)STONESHOWER RUNE id:3175 \/(COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE)(COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_STONES)(COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, CONST_ANI_EARTH)THUNDERSTORM RUNE id:3202 \/(COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE)(COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_E NERGYHIT)(COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, CONST_ANI_ENERGYBALL)ICICLE RUNE id:3158 \/COMBAT_ICEDAMAGECONST_ME_ICEAREACONST_ANI_ICESANTO MÍSSIL RUNA id:3182 \/(COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE)(COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_HOLYDAMAGE)(COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_HOLYAREA)(COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, CONST_ANI_HOLY)CONST_ME_PLANTATTACK (exevo gran mas tera)CONST_ME_ICETORNADO (exevo gran mas frigo)CONST_ME_SMALLPLANTS (exevo tera hur)CONST_ME_ICEAREA (exevo frigo hur)CONST_ME_ICEATTACK (exori frigo)CONST_ME_CARNIPHILA (exori tera)EXORI SAN \/(COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, CONST_ANI_SMALLHOLY)CONST_ME_HOLYDAM IDADEEXEVO MAS SAN \/CONST_ME_HOLYAREA

    Arquivos em .npc

    ola amigos, gostaria de saber como eu faço para transformar arquivos NPC do tipo EX: Rashid.xml para Rashid.npc, meu server só reconhece em .npc , adicionei alguns novos npcs em .xml pelo RME porém eles não aparecem no server
  7. Então, mas esse erro aparece quando abro o RME, antes mesmo de selecionar algum mapa, porém quando tento abrir o mapa direto sem abrir o RME antes, ele aparece esse outro erro. Eu só consigo abrir o mapa se eu abrir primeiro o RME e dps ir em open, file e ir no diretório do mapa. Alguem me ajuda, só aparecem 2 NPCS na aba creatures pallet - npcs e alguns lugares como liberty bay e svargronds ficam aparecendo assim.
  8. Quem pode me ajudar com este erro ao abrir o RME ?


    Sabrehaven 8.0 Nostalrius


    Bom dia irmão, já tentei de tudo =/ SCRIPT advanceSave.lua local config = { savePlayer = true, healPlayerOnLevel = true } function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldLevel, newLevel) if(skill == SKILL__EXPERIENCE) then return true end if(skill == SKILL__LEVEL and config.healPlayerOnLevel) then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) - getCreatureHealth(cid)) doCreatureAddMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid) - getCreatureMana(cid)) end if(config.savePlayer) then doPlayerSave(cid, true) end return true end SCRIPT playerSave.lua local save = {} function saveRepeat(cid) if not isPlayer(cid) then return true end doPlayerSave(cid) save[cid] = addEvent(saveRepeat, math.random(1,1) *30*1000, cid) end function onLogin(cid) save[cid] = addEvent(saveRepeat, math.random(1,1)*30*1000, cid) return true end function onLogout(cid) stopEvent(save[cid]) return true end SCRIPT logout.lua function onLogout(player) local playerId = player:getId() if nextUseStaminaTime[playerId] then nextUseStaminaTime[playerId] = nil end return true end SCRIPT login.lua local fakePlayers = { {x = 32864, y = 31997, z = 7}, {x = 32864, y = 31998, z = 7}, {x = 32865, y = 31999, z = 7}, {x = 32871, y = 31999, z = 7}, {x = 32872, y = 32000, z = 7}, {x = 32825, y = 32065, z = 7}, {x = 32828, y = 32065, z = 7}, {x = 32885, y = 32050, z = 7}, {x = 32885, y = 32049, z = 7}, {x = 32823, y = 31887, z = 7}, {x = 32691, y = 31716, z = 7}, {x = 32705, y = 31787, z = 7}, {x = 32716, y = 31928, z = 7}, {x = 32880, y = 31845, z = 7}, {x = 32879, y = 31845, z = 7}, {x = 32882, y = 31840, z = 7}, {x = 32655, y = 32109, z = 8}, {x = 32665, y = 32109, z = 8}, {x = 32254, y = 32019, z = 7}, {x = 32255, y = 32020, z = 7}, {x = 32245, y = 32021, z = 7}, {x = 32238, y = 32330, z = 7}, {x = 32238, y = 32331, z = 7}, {x = 32273, y = 32396, z = 7}, {x = 32465, y = 32315, z = 7}, {x = 32225, y = 31740, z = 7}, {x = 32230, y = 31739, z = 7}, {x = 32257, y = 31838, z = 7}, {x = 32258, y = 31840, z = 7}, {x = 32258, y = 31844, z = 7}, {x = 32260, y = 31846, z = 7}, {x = 32261, y = 31848, z = 7}, {x = 32231, y = 31701, z = 7}, {x = 32516, y = 31599, z = 7}, {x = 32486, y = 31590, z = 7}, {x = 32493, y = 31590, z = 7}, {x = 32503, y = 31670, z = 7}, {x = 32579, y = 31928, z = 0}, {x = 32596, y = 31922, z = 0}, {x = 32621, y = 31921, z = 1}, {x = 32651, y = 31942, z = 7}, {x = 32531, y = 32721, z = 7}, {x = 32531, y = 32720, z = 7}, {x = 32530, y = 32720, z = 7}, {x = 32537, y = 32813, z = 7}, {x = 32537, y = 32814, z = 7}, {x = 32537, y = 32759, z = 7}, {x = 32538, y = 32759, z = 7}, {x = 33275, y = 32829, z = 7}, {x = 33238, y = 32555, z = 7}, {x = 33237, y = 32555, z = 7}, {x = 33187, y = 32343, z = 7}, {x = 33187, y = 32342, z = 7}, {x = 33152, y = 32354, z = 7}, {x = 33154, y = 32354, z = 7}, {x = 33076, y = 32345, z = 7}, {x = 32655, y = 31648, z = 10}, {x = 32656, y = 31648, z = 10}, {x = 32657, y = 31648, z = 10}, {x = 33262, y = 31866, z = 7}, {x = 33263, y = 31866, z = 7}, {x = 33244, y = 31904, z = 7}, {x = 33245, y = 31903, z = 7}, {x = 33219, y = 31926, z = 7}, {x = 33298, y = 31839, z = 7}, {x = 33298, y = 31838, z = 7}, {x = 33358, y = 31692, z = 9}, {x = 33359, y = 31692, z = 9}, {x = 33360, y = 31692, z = 9}, {x = 33362, y = 31696, z = 9}, {x = 33366, y = 31696, z = 9}, {x = 33318, y = 31728, z = 7}, {x = 33318, y = 31729, z = 7}, {x = 33273, y = 31680, z = 7}, {x = 33169, y = 31737, z = 7}, {x = 33274, y = 31791, z = 6}, {x = 33321, y = 32419, z = 7}, {x = 33318, y = 32406, z = 7}, {x = 32372, y = 32840, z = 7}, {x = 32371, y = 32839, z = 7}, {x = 32369, y = 32838, z = 7}, {x = 32347, y = 32691, z = 7}, {x = 32348, y = 32692, z = 7}, {x = 32157, y = 32783, z = 7}, {x = 32225, y = 32880, z = 7}, {x = 32386, y = 32695, z = 7}, {x = 32314, y = 32830, z = 8}, {x = 32593, y = 31885, z = 12}, {x = 32593, y = 31884, z = 12}, {x = 32586, y = 31919, z = 10}, {x = 32547, y = 31921, z = 10}, {x = 32763, y = 31941, z = 7}, {x = 32763, y = 31942, z = 7}, {x = 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= 3}, {x = 32382, y = 32130, z = 10}, {x = 32410, y = 32123, z = 10}, {x = 32408, y = 32123, z = 10}, {x = 32445, y = 32213, z = 8}, {x = 32445, y = 32212, z = 8}, {x = 32444, y = 32210, z = 8}, {x = 32392, y = 31805, z = 8}, {x = 32127, y = 31660, z = 8}, {x = 32127, y = 31659, z = 8}, {x = 32187, y = 31623, z = 4}, {x = 32188, y = 31623, z = 4}, {x = 32189, y = 31623, z = 4}, {x = 32189, y = 31624, z = 4}, {x = 32187, y = 31625, z = 4}, {x = 32190, y = 31656, z = 7}, {x = 32030, y = 31691, z = 7}, {x = 32030, y = 31692, z = 7}, {x = 32030, y = 31693, z = 7}, {x = 31960, y = 31583, z = 7}, {x = 31960, y = 31584, z = 7}, {x = 31961, y = 31585, z = 7}, {x = 31961, y = 31582, z = 7}, {x = 32029, y = 31536, z = 10}, {x = 32258, y = 31641, z = 7}, {x = 32316, y = 31747, z = 2}, {x = 32317, y = 31747, z = 2}, {x = 32910, y = 32085, z = 5}, {x = 33021, y = 32046, z = 5}, {x = 32978, y = 32254, z = 7}, {x = 32977, y = 32254, z = 7}, {x = 32976, y = 32254, z = 7}, {x = 32975, y = 32254, z = 7}, {x = 32974, y = 32254, z = 7}, {x = 32950, y = 32271, z = 7}, {x = 32952, y = 32270, z = 7}, {x = 32951, y = 32270, z = 7}, {x = 32953, y = 32264, z = 7}, {x = 32383, y = 32852, z = 6}, {x = 32393, y = 32838, z = 0}, {x = 32393, y = 32839, z = 0}, {x = 32393, y = 32840, z = 0}, {x = 32572, y = 31875, z = 10}, {x = 32571, y = 31875, z = 10}, {x = 32724, y = 31975, z = 6}, {x = 32801, y = 31861, z = 6}, {x = 32800, y = 31862, z = 6}, {x = 32801, y = 31862, z = 6}, {x = 32801, y = 31863, z = 6}, {x = 32800, y = 31863, z = 6}, {x = 33227, y = 32389, z = 5}, {x = 33228, y = 32389, z = 5}, {x = 33329, y = 32171, z = 5}, {x = 33330, y = 32171, z = 5}, {x = 33305, y = 31991, z = 6}, {x = 33305, y = 31992, z = 6}, {x = 33311, y = 31990, z = 6}, {x = 33312, y = 31990, z = 6}, {x = 33361, y = 32048, z = 7}, {x = 33363, y = 32047, z = 7}, {x = 33364, y = 32045, z = 7}, {x = 33359, y = 32046, z = 7}, {x = 33331, y = 32056, z = 7}, {x = 33332, y = 32055, z = 7}, {x = 33335, y = 32054, z = 7}, {x = 33334, y = 32049, z = 7}, {x = 33313, y = 31946, z = 7}, {x = 33314, y = 31882, z = 7}, {x = 33280, y = 31842, z = 8}, {x = 33226, y = 32869, z = 7}, {x = 33204, y = 31909, z = 7}, {x = 33218, y = 31924, z = 7}, {x = 33220, y = 31924, z = 7} } local fakePlayerOutfits = { [1] = {136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 147, 148, 149, 150}, -- female outfits [2] = {128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 143, 144, 145, 146} -- male outfits } local fakePlayerRunes = { [1] = { id = 3189, count = 3}, [2] = { id = 3152, count = 1}, [3] = { id = 3198, count = 5} } function onLogin(player) local loginStr = "Welcome to " .. configManager.getString(configKeys.SERVER_NAME) .. "!" if player:getLastLoginSaved() <= 0 then loginStr = loginStr .. " Please choose your outfit." player:sendOutfitWindow() else if loginStr ~= "" then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, loginStr) end loginStr = string.format("Your last visit on " .. configManager.getString(configKeys.SERVER_NAME) .. ": %s.","%a %b %d %X %Y", player:getLastLoginSaved())) end if not player:isPremium() then local dayNow = tonumber("%d", os.time())) local hourNow = tonumber("%H", os.time())) if dayNow == 8 and hourNow == 20 then player:addPremiumDays(5) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Congratulations " .. player:getName() .. " on starting your adventure at the " .. configManager.getString(configKeys.SERVER_NAME) .. "! 5 premium days have been added to your account!") elseif dayNow == 8 then player:addPremiumDays(2) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Congratulations " .. player:getName() .. " on starting your adventure at the " .. configManager.getString(configKeys.SERVER_NAME) .. "! 2 premium days have been added to your account!") end end player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, loginStr) -- Stamina nextUseStaminaTime[player.uid] = 0 -- Promotion if player:getVocation():getId() ~= 0 and player:getVocation():getId() < 5 and player:getStorageValue(30018) == 1 then player:setVocation(player:getVocation():getId() + 4) end -- Premium system if player:isPremium() then player:setStorageValue(43434, 1) elseif player:getStorageValue(43434) == 1 then player:setStorageValue(43434, 0) end -- FakePlayer if player:isFakePlayer() then local inFightCondition = Condition(CONDITION_INFIGHT) inFightCondition:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 2000 * 60 * 1000) player:addCondition(inFightCondition) player:addManaSpent(2500) if player:getLevel() <= 17 then if player:getVocation():getId() == 2 then player:addExperience(math.random(2500, 11000), false) else player:addExperience(math.random(9000, 11000), false) end end if player:getItemCount(3578) <= 0 then local randomFakePlayerPosition = math.random(1, #fakePlayers) player:teleportTo(fakePlayers[randomFakePlayerPosition]) Game.sendMagicEffect(fakePlayers[randomFakePlayerPosition], 11) table.remove(fakePlayers, randomFakePlayerPosition) local container = Game.createItem(2854, 1) container:addItem(3578, math.random(5, 15)) if math.random(5, 15) >= 10 then container:addItem(3483, 1) end if math.random(5, 15) >= 5 then container:addItem(3003, 1) end player:addItemEx(container, true, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK) if player:getVocation():getId() == 1 or player:getVocation():getId() == 2 or player:getVocation():getId() == 3 then local backpackCount = math.random(1, 2) local runeCount = math.random(5, 20) * backpackCount for i=1,backpackCount do local bp = Game.createItem(2854, 1) for i=1,20 do if runeCount <= 0 then bp:addItem(3147, 1) else bp:addItem(fakePlayerRunes[player:getVocation():getId()].id, fakePlayerRunes[player:getVocation():getId()].count) runeCount = runeCount - 1 end end player:addItemEx(bp, true, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK) end end end if player:getStorageValue(17740) ~= 1 then local fakeOutfitTypes = fakePlayerOutfits[player:getSex() + 1] player:setOutfit({ lookType = fakeOutfitTypes[math.random(#fakeOutfitTypes)], lookHead = math.random(0, 132), lookBody = math.random(0, 132), lookLegs = math.random(0, 132), lookFeet = math.random(0, 132) }) player:setStorageValue(17740, 1) end end -- Events player:registerEvent("PlayerDeath") player:registerEvent("kills") player:registerEvent("PlayerLogout") player:registerEvent("FirstItems") player:registerEvent("RegenerateStamina") player:registerEvent("InquisitionUngreez") player:registerEvent("InquisitionBosses") player:registerEvent("SvargrondArenaKill") player:registerEvent("Shop") return true end Creaturescripts.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <creaturescripts> <event type="login" name="PlayerLogin" script="login.lua"/> <event type="login" name="SyncOutfit" script="syncoutfit.lua"/> <event type="logout" name="PlayerLogout" script="logout.lua" /> <event type="login" name="FirstItems" script="firstitems.lua"/> <event type="login" name="RegenerateStamina" script="regeneratestamina.lua" /> <event type="death" name="PlayerDeath" script="playerdeath.lua"/> <event type="login" name="OfflineTraining" script="offlinetraining.lua" /> <event type="advance" name="AdvanceSave" event="script" value="advancesave.lua"/> <!-- Killing In The Name Of Quest --> <event type="death" name="KillingInTheNameOf" script="killing_in_the_name_of.lua" /> <event type="kill" name="InquisitionUngreez" script="inquisitionQuestUngreez.lua" /> <event type="kill" name="InquisitionBosses" script="inquisitionQuestBosses.lua" /> <!-- Svargrond Arena: Killing a boss --> <event type="kill" name="SvargrondArenaKill" script="arena_kill.lua" /> <event type="extendedopcode" name="Shop" script="shop.lua" /> </creaturescripts>
  11. Ola prezados, estou com um problema no qual meu servidor não está salvando nenhum char, seja ele player normal ou GM, alguém poderia me dar um help ? segue o erro que aparece na distro.. ADMIN has logged out. [Error - mysql_real_query] Query: UPDATE `players` SET `level` = 8,`group_id` = 3,`vocation` = 1,`health` = 185,`healthmax` = 185,`experience` = 4200,`lookbody` = 106,`lookfeet` = 95,`lookhead` = 78,`looklegs` = 58,`looktype` = 128,`lookaddons` = 0,`maglevel` = 100,`mana` = 40,`manamax` = Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '☺,`lastlogin` = 1681044343,`lastip` = 16777343,`conditions` = '',`skulltime` ...' at line 1 [Error - mysql_real_query] Query: UPDATE `players` SET `level` = 8,`group_id` = 3,`vocation` = 1,`health` = 185,`healthmax` = 185,`experience` = 4200,`lookbody` = 106,`lookfeet` = 95,`lookhead` = 78,`looklegs` = 58,`looktype` = 128,`lookaddons` = 0,`maglevel` = 100,`mana` = 40,`manamax` = Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '☺,`lastlogin` = 1681044343,`lastip` = 16777343,`conditions` = '',`skulltime` ...' at line 1 [Error - mysql_real_query] Query: UPDATE `players` SET `level` = 8,`group_id` = 3,`vocation` = 1,`health` = 185,`healthmax` = 185,`experience` = 4200,`lookbody` = 106,`lookfeet` = 95,`lookhead` = 78,`looklegs` = 58,`looktype` = 128,`lookaddons` = 0,`maglevel` = 100,`mana` = 40,`manamax` = Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '☺,`lastlogin` = 1681044343,`lastip` = 16777343,`conditions` = '',`skulltime` ...' at line 1 Error while saving player: ADMIN
  12. Olá Bruno, sabe me dizer qual site compativel com esse otserver e qual versao do xampp usar ?


     [8.0] [TFS 1.2] - Server Global Full [Real Map com questlong]

  13. Alguém pode me indicar um site compativel com esse servidor ? E qual seria a versão correta de xampp pra ultilizar com ele ? Queria por site e ot online aqui de casa para fazer uns testes..




    Ola prezados, tenho um servidor 7.4 com cliente 7.72, o unico npc que precisa de premium pra negociar é o RASHID, porem bugou e todos estão falando apenas com player premium accounts, eu gostaria de colocar todos npcs pra free account como ja era e deixar apenas o rashid para premium accounts. Alguem que entenda e possa ajudar ?
  16. alguem que tenha esse server pra me passar ?
  17. Boa tarde, preciso de ajuda pra colocar o link do meu discord no site do meu otserver, ja criei a aba discord no layout e ja criei o discord.php em pages, mas só colocando o link do discord la dentro nao ta indo, alguém que possa dar uma maozinha ?
  18. Ola prezados, estou com um projeto de otserver old school 7.4, estou usando um old cliente 7.72 porem não estamos satisfeitos com ele, gostaria de um novo cliente proprio pro meu projeto, estou disposto a pagar pelo serviço, interessados favor entrar em contato, segue a lista do que preciso. -Cliente começar com o MAPA FULL aberto. -Cliente obter a opção de caminhar pelas teclas WASD. -Cliente com ABA LATERAL EXTRA, muito limitado para abrir bps, battle, vip,etc. -Opção de sumir players do battle e npcs para facilitar na hora de hunt. -Colocar opção para o player ver seu FPS/PING. -Desenvolver sistema de CAST no cliente. -Colocar o acess acc do cliente direto pro site oficial do ot. -Adicionar o sistema de addons e outfits 8.6 ao cliente.
  19. Ola, gostaria de colocar jogadores premium account pra ganhar 30% a mais de exp que jogadores free, tentei usar alguns scripts que vi aqui pelo forum mas não obtive resultado, alguém com conhecimento e boa vontade que possa me ajudar??
  20. Fiz isso, não deu nenhum erro nos logs mas também não funcionou, procurei tudo no arquivo outfit.h e nem tem a palavra max, é possivel que essa informação fique em algum outro arquivo dentro da pasta soucers ?? De qualquer forma obrigado por estar ajudando
  21. Não achei, o mais parecido é sem o max number: #define __OUTFIT__ Da uma olhada no script. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __OUTFIT__ #define __OUTFIT__ #include "otsystem.h" #include "enums.h" #include "const.h" #include "tools.h" struct Outfit { Outfit() { memset(skills, 0, sizeof(skills)); memset(skillsPercent, 0, sizeof(skillsPercent)); memset(stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); memset(statsPercent, 0, sizeof(statsPercent)); memset(absorb, 0, sizeof(absorb)); memset(reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT], 0, sizeof(reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT])); memset(reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE], 0, sizeof(reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE])); manaShield = invisible = regeneration = false; outfitId = lookType = speed = attackSpeed = 0; healthGain = healthTicks = manaGain = manaTicks = conditionSuppressions = 0; } bool manaShield, invisible, regeneration; int16_t absorb[COMBAT_LAST + 1], reflect[REFLECT_LAST + 1][COMBAT_LAST + 1]; int32_t skills[SKILL_LAST + 1], skillsPercent[SKILL_LAST + 1], stats[STAT_LAST + 1], statsPercent[STAT_LAST + 1], speed, attackSpeed, healthGain, healthTicks, manaGain, manaTicks, conditionSuppressions; uint32_t outfitId, lookType; std::string name; }; typedef std::list<Outfit> OutfitList; typedef std::map<uint32_t, Outfit> OutfitMap; class Outfits { public: virtual ~Outfits() {} static Outfits* getInstance() { static Outfits instance; return &instance; } bool loadFromXml(); bool parseOutfitNode(xmlNodePtr p); const OutfitMap& getOutfits(uint16_t sex) {return outfitsMap[sex];} bool getOutfit(uint32_t outfitId, uint16_t sex, Outfit& outfit); bool getOutfit(uint32_t lookType, Outfit& outfit); bool addAttributes(uint32_t playerId, uint32_t outfitId, uint16_t sex); bool removeAttributes(uint32_t playerId, uint32_t outfitId, uint16_t sex); uint32_t getOutfitId(uint32_t lookType); int16_t getOutfitAbsorb(uint32_t lookType, uint16_t sex, CombatType_t combat); int16_t getOutfitReflect(uint32_t lookType, uint16_t sex, CombatType_t combat); private: Outfits() {} OutfitList allOutfits; std::map<uint16_t, OutfitMap> outfitsMap; }; #endif
  22. Exclui, não foi =/, o estranho é que não da nenhum erro nos logs nem nada, compilei sim, tanto está no cliente que pelo comando /newtype as outfits novas aparecem com o gm, só que continuam não aparecendo no set outfit.. segue o script. <?xml version="1.0"?> <outfits> <outfit id="1"> <list gender="0" lookType="136" name="Citizen"/> <list gender="1" lookType="128" name="Citizen"/> </outfit> <outfit id="2"> <list gender="0" lookType="137" name="Hunter"/> <list gender="1" lookType="129" name="Hunter"/> </outfit> <outfit id="3"> <list gender="0" lookType="138" name="Mage"/> <list gender="1" lookType="130" name="Mage"/> </outfit> <outfit id="4"> <list gender="0" lookType="139" name="Knight"/> <list gender="1" lookType="131" name="Knight"/> </outfit> <outfit id="5"> <list gender="0" lookType="140" name="Noblewoman"/> <list gender="1" lookType="132" name="Nobleman"/> </outfit> <outfit id="6"> <list gender="0" lookType="141" name="Summoner"/> <list gender="1" lookType="133" name="Summoner"/> </outfit> <outfit id="7"> <list gender="0" lookType="142" name="Warrior"/> <list gender="1" lookType="134" name="Warrior"/> </outfit> <outfit id="8"> <list gender="0" looktype="320" name="Shaman"/> <list gender="1" looktype="328" name="Shaman"/> </outfit> <outfit id="9"> <list gender="0" looktype="323" name="Assassin"/> <list gender="1" looktype="317" name="Assassin"/> </outfit> <outfit id="10"> <list gender="0" looktype="307" name="Norseman"/> <list gender="1" looktype="306" name="Norseman"/> </outfit> <outfit id="11"> <list gender="0" looktype="318" name="Pirate"/> <list gender="1" looktype="299" name="Pirate"/> </outfit> <outfit id="12"> <list gender="0" lookType="311" name="Oriental"/> <list gender="1" lookType="304" name="Oriental"/> </outfit> <outfit id="13"> <list gender="0" lookType="310" name="Barbarian"/> <list gender="1" lookType="316" name="Barbarian"/> </outfit> <outfit id="14"> <list gender="0" lookType="324" name="Summoner"/> <list gender="1" lookType="300" name="Summoner"/> </outfit> </outfits> @Jair Kevick Obrigado por tentar ajudar!!
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