Me ajudem estou com um erro "[11/06/2016 12:26:48] Reloaded actions. [11/06/2016 12:26:48] [Error - Action Interface] [11/06/2016 12:26:48] data/actions/scripts/megaevolve.lua [11/06/2016 12:26:48] Description: [11/06/2016 12:26:48] (luaGetThingPosition) Thing not found" Adicionei mega evoluçao mas esta dando esse erro se alguem souber me ajuda dou rep+
Meu script
function onUse(cid, item) local mEvolution, ball = megaEvolutions[item.itemid], getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid if not mEvolution then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, this isn't a mega stone.") elseif ball < 1 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Put a pokeball in the pokeball slot.") elseif #getCreatureSummons(cid) > 0 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Return your pokemon.") elseif getItemAttribute(ball, "poke") ~= mEvolution[1] then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Put a pokeball with a(n) "..mEvolution[1].." in the pokeball slot.") elseif getItemAttribute(ball, "megaStone") then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is already holding a mega stone.") end doItemSetAttribute(ball, "megaStone", item.itemid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Now your "..getItemAttribute(ball, "poke").." is holding a(n) "..getItemNameById(item.itemid)..".") doRemoveItem(item.uid) return true end
E o do actions.xml é esse
--MEGA EVOLVE <action itemid="13936" event="script" value="megaevolve.lua"/>
Me ajudem pfv