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Sobre EddieGoulding


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  1. server is online and some players got cast on but in the website dont show player casting PHP FILE I USE THIS IN DB CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `live_casts` ( `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cast_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `password` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, `description` varchar(255), `spectators` smallint(5) DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE KEY `player_id_2` (`player_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
  2. tu sabes como agregar cast system en TFS 1.2?, tengo un server 10.76 10.77 RL uso los sources oficiales #791 de nightly builds dedicated server uso ORT datapack from otland
  3. I use ORTS Datapack from otland, TFS 1.2 32 bits THIS ERROR
  4. anyone knows how to add the new system equip hotkey, and cast system ? I use TFS 1.2 from
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