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Sobre Starliks


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  1. Muito obg , deu certo s2, me ajudou d+
  2. Agora o personagem esta apanhando dos mobs, porém cada ataque q ele sofre acontece esse erro.
  3. function Creature:onChangeOutfit(outfit) return true end function Creature:onAreaCombat(tile, isAggressive) return RETURNVALUE_NOERROR end function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) target:registerEvent("ItemSetsHealth") target:registerEvent("UpgradeSystemHealth") target:registerEvent("UpgradeSystemDeath") if self:getStorageValue(STORAGEVALUE_WAR_GREENPLAYER_BOOL) == 1 then if target:getStorageValue(STORAGEVALUE_WAR_REDPLAYER_BOOL) == 1 then return RETURNVALUE_NOERROR elseif target:getStorageValue(STORAGEVALUE_WAR_REDPLAYER_BOOL) == 0 then self:sendCancelMessage("You cannot attack someone that is on your team.") return false end elseif self:getStorageValue(STORAGEVALUE_WAR_REDPLAYER_BOOL) == 1 then if target:getStorageValue(STORAGEVALUE_WAR_GREENPLAYER_BOOL) == 1 then return RETURNVALUE_NOERROR elseif target:getStorageValue(STORAGEVALUE_WAR_GREENPLAYER_BOOL) == 0 then self:sendCancelMessage("You cannot attack someone that is on your team.") return false end end end
  4. sim, só que não achei o erro, já fiz a troca do "self" instancia da criatura pelo método do player porem n obtive sucesso.
  5. Boa tarde, estou precisando de ajuda sobre esse erro no console, se alguém puder me ajudar ;s o erro do console sempre acontece quando apanho de alguma criatura.
  6. Deu certo, agora só tem 1 pequeno erro no console.
  7. Não entendi, tenho que adc 1 linha com Set value do lugar de get?
  8. Alguém que posso me ajudar? Estou com erro que não permite que personagem apanhe, sempre que a criatura vai bater o personagem não toma dano e lota o console de erro. abaixo a print do console.
  9. Estou com esse erro no console, alguém pode ajudar? esse e o script q uso --Config crit chance PS: Values are in % of skill level and using a range 0 to 1 local critChance = { Sword = 0.75, Axe = 0.6, Club = 0.5, Dist = 0.75, Magic = 0.75 } --Config crit damage by weapon type local critDmg = { Sword = 0.3, Axe = 0.3, Club = 0.3, Dist = 0.3, Magic = 0.5 } function onHealthChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin) --If its a field or damage over time if Tile(creature:getPosition()):hasFlag(TILESTATE_MAGICFIELD) == TRUE or attacker == nil then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end --If its not a player or monster attacking if not attacker:isPlayer() and not attacker:isMonster() then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end local pDam, pCap = 0, 0 local dodge = false --Calculate Crit chance of monsters if attacker:isMonster() and not creature:isMonster() then if attacker:getSpeed() * 0.08 > math.random(100) then pDam = primaryDamage * 0.5 end end --Calculate DODGE chance of monsters if creature:isMonster() and attacker:isPlayer() and primaryType ~= COMBAT_HEALING then if creature:getSpeed() * 0.08 > math.random(100) then dodge = true creature:say("DODGE".. pDam, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end --Calculate CRIT chance of players if attacker:isPlayer() then --The chance of critical is based on the weapon type, the same for crit damage if attacker:getWeaponType() == WEAPON_SWORD and math.random(100) <= attacker:getSkillLevel(SKILL_SWORD) * critChance.Sword then pDam = ((attacker:getSkillLevel(SKILL_SWORD) * critDmg.Sword) / 100) * primaryDamage elseif attacker:getWeaponType() == WEAPON_AXE and math.random(100) <= attacker:getSkillLevel(SKILL_AXE) * critChance.Axe then pDam = ((attacker:getSkillLevel(SKILL_AXE) * critDmg.Axe) / 100) * primaryDamage elseif attacker:getWeaponType() == WEAPON_CLUB and math.random(100) <= attacker:getSkillLevel(SKILL_CLUB) * critChance.Club then pDam = ((attacker:getSkillLevel(SKILL_CLUB) * critDmg.Club) / 100) * primaryDamage elseif attacker:getWeaponType() == WEAPON_DISTANCE and math.random(100) <= attacker:getSkillLevel(SKILL_DISTANCE) * critChance.Dist then pDam = ((attacker:getSkillLevel(SKILL_DISTANCE) * critDmg.Dist) / 100) * primaryDamage elseif attacker:getWeaponType() == WEAPON_WAND and math.random(100) <= attacker:getMagicLevel(SKILL_MAGLEVEL) * critChance.Magic then pDam = ((attacker:getMagicLevel(SKILL_MAGLEVEL) * critDmg.Magic) / 100) * primaryDamage end end --Calculate DODGE chance of players if creature:isPlayer() and primaryType ~= COMBAT_HEALING then --Get's the free % of the capacity pCap = getPlayerFreeCap(creature) / (creature:getCapacity() / 100) --The calculation is based on speed and % of free capacity (cap) if ((creature:getSpeed() / 2) * 0.05) * (pCap * 1.5/1) > math.random(100) then dodge = true creature:say("DODGE", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end --If its a Critical show message if pDam ~= 0 then if origin == ORIGIN_RANGED then creature:say("HEADSHOT!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) creature:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_EXPLOSIONAREA) elseif origin == ORIGIN_MELEE then attacker:say("CRITICAL!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) creature:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_HITAREA) elseif origin == ORIGIN_SPELL then if primaryType == 2 then attacker:say("ELECTROCUTE!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) elseif primaryType == 512 then attacker:say("FREEZE!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) elseif primaryType == 8 then attacker:say("BURN!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) elseif primaryType == 2048 then attacker:say("EMBRACE!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) elseif primaryType == 1024 then attacker:say("PURIFY!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) elseif primaryType == 128 then attacker:say("REVIVE!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) elseif primaryType == 1 then attacker:say("CRITICAL!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) elseif primaryType == 4 then attacker:say("THORN!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end end --If dodged if dodge then return primaryDamage - primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage - secondaryDamage, secondaryType else --If critted if pDam ~= 0 then if attacker:isPlayer() then attacker:sendTextMessage((MESSAGE_DAMAGE_DEALT), "Critical Hit: +".. pDam .." DMG") return primaryDamage + pDam, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType else attacker:say("Crit: ".. pDam, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) return primaryDamage + pDam, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end end --Normal damage return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end end
  10. Oi pode me ajudar?

    1. Starliks


      olá boa noite, desculpa e demora em responder, em que precisa de ajuda  ?

    2. siniiab


      você recentemente postou um sistema de pontos de habilidade aonde falava que ficava -1, como resolveu este problema ? Obg

  11. Alguem sabe me dizer como funciona as profissões eu li e li e não descobrir como utilizar.
  12. Starliks

    Barra de ataque

    Realmente não consigo =/
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