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  1. Gostei Do Tutorial Legal Amigo Mais Eu Pegava Ip Do Cara Dava Info Nos Char Ate Achar Dele Da Ban Ip Pronto De Boa kkk"
  2. notle

    Top Frags

    to usando em 8.40 não sei pq não parece os nome tem que coloca algo em sqlite? ou editar algo nas souce?
  3. function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) local comprarr = { [10028] = {[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]9020[/font][/color],100000,"Nome Do Item",43.0}, } local comprar = comprarr[getItemAttribute(item.uid,"aid")] local alavancas = { [1945] = {1946}, [1946] = {1945}, } local alavanca = alavancas[item.itemid] if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) < comprar[4] then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Voce precisa de "..comprar[4].." pontos de capacidade.") end if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,comprar[2],1) == TRUE then doPlayerAddItem(cid, comprar[1]) if alavanca ~= nil then doTransformItem(item.uid,alavanca[1]) end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,19,"Voce comprou um(a) "..comprar[3].. " por "..comprar[2].." gold coins.") return true else return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Voce não tem "..comprar[2].." gold coins.") end return true end
  4. notle

    Top Frags

    a partir de qual versão esse scripts funciona?
  5. Vlw Veio Queria Ter Uma Noção Como Funciona Sql Vc Me Ajudo
  6. fico legal pra quem ta começando né @HatsuneMiku faz umas muitos loucas uahshahshahs
  7. vc tem que entender sobre scripts para editar fica em data\lib\cooldown bar.lua
  8. pra vc tirar level system vc tem que ter as sources e quem tem acc as sources só brun123 só ele pode fazer isso
  9. tem como vc alterar tirar um para coloca outro com NOTEPAD++
  10. coloca Media que os q coisa de Rate alto e baixa vai ir jogar de boa
  11. baixei aqui de boa e notei que quando dono do pokeflay não quer compartilhar ai galera da uma força "" Pflay Hacked hehehe
  12. vc já destravou port 7171 e Port 7172 tbm aviso tem que destrava do seu modem tbm ver modelo e como destrava
  13. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Mark" script="default.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0"> <health now="150" max="150"/> <look type="510" head="91" body="114" legs="86" feet="0"/> <parameters> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Hello dear customer! Are you here to see my offers? Come on, lets {trade}!"/> <parameter key="message_farewell" value="Good bye!"/> <parameter key="message_idletimeout" value="Good bye!"/> <parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Good bye!"/> <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/> <parameter key="shop_buyable" value="pokebag,12326,50;greatbag,7342,300;pokeball,2394,8;greatball,2391,35;superball,2393,85;ultraball,2392,130;full restore,12343,400;super potion,12347,50;great potion,12348,120;antidote,12349,200;ultra potion,12345,200;potion,12346,20;"/> <parameter key="shop_sellable" value="potoflava,12152,20;essencesoffire,12162,3;foxtail,12180,100;firependant,12286,12;potwithfire,12342,50;magmerizer,12245,30;watergem,12161,3;waterpendant,12170,12;waterorb,12283,25;bugvenom,12185,34;insectantenna,12184,50;mushroons,12183,10;venomflute,12210,100;venompendant,12282,12;potofvenom,12288,20;dragonscale,12417,50;soothebell,12418,125;upgrade,12419,400;ironpiece,12142,13;gyaradostail,12148,150;tealfeather,12149,35;yellowfeather,12150,80;redfeather,12151,80;bagofpolem,12153,20;bulb,12154,40;pairofleaves,12155,9;longfang,12156,50;nail,12157,17;turtlehull,12158,42;dragontooth,12159,32;ironpin,12160,22;seed,12163,2;screws,12164,5;bottleofpoison,12165,3;mimicclothes,12166,200;scythe,12167,300;buzztail,12169,180;potofmossbug,12171,10;birdbeak,12172,23;applebite,12173,7;rattail,12174,18;tooth,12175,9;electricbox,12176,54;sandbag,12177,18;longhorn,12178,25;comb,12179,80;fur,12181,33;batwing,12182,14;luckmedalion,12186,28;woolball,12187,30;ruby,12188,40;psyduckmug,12189,53;ninjamask,12190,125;punchtoy,12191,200;ironbracelet,12192,35;twistedspoon,12193,60;futureorb,12194,40;championbelt,12195,100;stoneorb,12196,25;slowpoketail,12197,50;imam,12198,35;stick slash,12199,200;feather,12200,15;iceorb,12201,28;gosme,12202,20;locksmithofshell,12203,33;tracesofghost,12204,50;onixtail,12205,55;figthmedalion,12206,60;crabclaw,12207,20;bone,12208,44;bigtongue,12209,250;bigegg,12211,7;powerorb,12223,40;bracelet,12226,41;star,12228,40;magmaorb,12229,50;blackstone,12230,20;whitestone,12231,20;shell,12235,15;aligatorskin,12236,80;black diamond,12237,60;energyorb,12238,60;ironbar,12239,40;bagofpoisondust,12240,55;steelwing,12241,77;greenorb,12243,50;steelore,12250,75;majestywing,12268,10000;pairofclaws,12269,58;charizardwing,12270,200;magmabox,12271,80;giantturtlehull,12272,80;red gyaradistail,12273,500;crystaltail,12274,300;bigwing,12275,40;dragontail,12276,100;purpletail,12277,80;greenapplebite,12278,30;leafpendant,12279,20;bonemask,12280,80;bigmushroons,12281,75;pikachutail,12284,50;raichutail,12285,100;magmastone,12287,60;whiterune,12289,55;remaisofmagikarp,12334,10;bluestoneball,12335,25;bronzeball,12336,40;psychicorb,12338,99;tangelahair,12341,80;"/> </parameters> </npc>
  14. data/talkactions/scripts/creature.lua troque por esse function onSay(cid, words, param) local func = doCreateMonster if(words:sub(2, 2) == "n") then func = doCreateNpc end local position = getCreaturePosition(cid) local effect = CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED if(func(param, position) == LUA_ERROR) then effect = CONST_ME_POFF doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_NOTENOUGHROOM) end doSendMagicEffect(position, effect) return TRUE end
  15. programa ta desatualizado o seu sqlitestudio procura novas versão na net
  16. ta vendo uma parte que ta assim <loot> </loot> coloca essas linhas <item id="12198" chance="4000" count="1" countmax="1"/> <item id="12164" chance="5000" countmax="50"/> <item id="12169" chance="2000" count="1" countmax="1"/> <item id="12176" chance="4000" countmax="5"/> <item id="11444" chance="100" count="1" countmax="1"/> ficando assim <loot> <item id="12198" chance="4000" count="1" countmax="1"/> <item id="12164" chance="5000" countmax="50"/> <item id="12169" chance="2000" count="1" countmax="1"/> <item id="12176" chance="4000" countmax="5"/> <item id="11444" chance="100" count="1" countmax="1"/> </loot>
  17. data\globalevents\scripts\save.lua local config = { broadcast = {120, 30}, shallow = "no", delay = 120, events = 30 } config.shallow = getBooleanFromString(config.shallow) local function executeSave(seconds) if(isInArray(config.broadcast, seconds)) then local text = "" if(not config.shallow) then text = "Full s" else text = "S" end text = text .. "erver save within " .. seconds .. " seconds, please mind it may freeze!" doBroadcastMessage(text) end if(seconds > 0) then addEvent(executeSave, * 1000, seconds - else doSaveServer(config.shallow) end end function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval) if(table.maxn(config.broadcast) == 0) then doSaveServer(config.shallow) else executeSave(config.delay) end return true end
  18. vou te da 3 modos ver ae
  19. system level e muito bom + sinceramente eu prefiro estilo Svke motivo da menos lag no servidor entre outros... e respeito opiniões dos outros
  20. seguei ae
  22. hehe lek 10 mega e luxo aki no brasil...i se o nuker for estrangeiro em outros paises a internet e mto boa! Acho q melhor coisa a faser e pagar um dedicado bom. Abraços. realmente deve ser erro no servidor aqui minha net 8 mega nunca fui nukado
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