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Tudo que jhon992 postou

  1. s, mais sou teimoso e n queria mudar o script pq tava certo. asijda
  2. Claro que esta, testei aqui. o problema deve ser pq ao envez de você colocar o nome do monstro com a primeira letra maiuscula, vc esta colocando minuscula.
  3. jhon992

    Erro No Spell.xml

    @nbb147, esses erros que ocorreram não tem nada a vê com oque eu configurei, esses erros é pq não existe essas vocações no vocations.xml. provavelmente esse spells aew, não é desse ot que vc ta usando.
  4. descubri meu erro, o script tava tentando acessar um index nulo. pra resolver era sóh trocar a linha do arquivo repsystem.lua: for i=0, #vetMonster do bastava trocar por: for i=1, #vetMonster do esse erro acontece só na versão 2.0 do código, e ja arrumei no topico.
  5. jhon992

    Erro No Spell.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <spells> <!-- Attack Runes --> <rune name="Poison Field" id="2285" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="14" maglv="0" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/poison field.lua"/> <rune name="Poison Bomb" id="2286" allowfaruse="1" charges="2" lvl="25" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/poison bomb.lua"/> <rune name="Poison Wall" id="2289" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="29" maglv="5" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/poison wall.lua"/> <rune name="Fire Field" id="2301" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="15" maglv="1" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/fire field.lua"/> <rune name="Firebomb" id="2305" allowfaruse="1" charges="2" lvl="27" maglv="5" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/fire bomb.lua"/> <rune name="Fire Wall" id="2303" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="33" maglv="6" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/fire wall.lua"/> <rune name="Soulfire" id="2308" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="27" maglv="7" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/soul fire.lua"/> <rune name="Fireball" id="2302" allowfaruse="1" charges="5" lvl="27" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/fireball.lua"/> <rune name="Great Fireball" id="2304" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="30" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/great fireball.lua"/> <rune name="Energy Field" id="2277" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="18" maglv="3" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/energy field.lua"/> <rune name="Energybomb" id="2262" allowfaruse="1" charges="2" lvl="37" maglv="10" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/energy bomb.lua"/> <rune name="Energy Wall" id="2279" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="41" maglv="9" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/energy wall.lua"/> <rune name="Light Magic Missile" id="2287" allowfaruse="1" charges="10" lvl="15" exhaustion="2000" maglv="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/light magic missile.lua"/> <rune name="Heavy Magic Missile" id="2311" allowfaruse="1" charges="10" lvl="25" exhaustion="2000" maglv="3" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/heavy magic missile.lua"/> <rune name="Explosion" id="2313" allowfaruse="1" charges="6" lvl="31" maglv="6" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/explosion.lua"/> <rune name="Sudden Death" id="2268" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="45" maglv="15" exhaustion="1000" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/sudden death.lua"/> <rune name="Icicle" id="2271" allowfaruse="1" charges="5" lvl="28" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" event="script" value="attack/icicle.lua"/> <rune name="Avalanche" id="2274" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="30" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" event="script" value="attack/avalanche.lua"/> <rune name="Stone Shower" id="2288" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="28" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" event="script" value="attack/stone shower.lua"/> <rune name="Thunderstorm" id="2315" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="28" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" event="script" value="attack/thunderstorm.lua"/> <rune name="Stalagmite" id="2292" allowfaruse="1" charges="10" lvl="24" maglv="3" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" event="script" value="attack/stalagmite.lua"/> <rune name="Holy Missile" id="2295" allowfaruse="1" charges="5" lvl="27" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/holy missile.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7" showInDescription="0"/> </rune> <!-- Healing Runes --> <rune name="Antidote Rune" id="2266" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="15" maglv="0" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="healing/antidote rune.lua"/> <rune name="Intense Healing Rune" id="2265" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="15" maglv="1" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="healing/intense healing rune.lua"/> <rune name="Ultimate Healing Rune" id="2273" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="24" maglv="4" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="healing/ultimate healing rune.lua"/> <!-- Summon Runes --> <rune name="Convince Creature" id="2290" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="16" maglv="5" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="function" value="convince"/> <rune name="Animate Dead" id="2316" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="27" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="summon/animate dead rune.lua"/> <!-- Support Runes --> <rune name="Desintegrate" id="2310" allowfaruse="0" charges="3" lvl="21" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" range="1" event="script" value="support/desintegrate rune.lua"/> <rune name="Destroy Field" id="2261" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="17" maglv="3" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" range="5" event="script" value="support/destroy field rune.lua"/> <rune name="Chameleon" id="2291" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="27" maglv="4" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="function" value="chameleon"/> <rune name="Magic Wall" id="2293" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="32" maglv="9" exhaustion="1000" blocktype="all" event="script" value="support/magic wall rune.lua"/> <rune name="Wild Growth" id="2269" allowfaruse="1" charges="2" lvl="27" maglv="8" exhaustion="1000" blocktype="all" event="script" value="support/wild growth rune.lua"> </rune> <rune name="Paralyze" id="2278" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="54" maglv="18" exhaustion="2000" mana="1400" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="support/paralyze rune.lua"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6" showInDescription="0"/> </rune> <!-- Attack Spells --> <instant name="Death Strike" words="exori mort" lvl="16" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/death strike.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Flame Strike" words="exori flam" lvl="12" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/flame strike.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Energy Strike" words="exori vis" lvl="12" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/energy strike.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Whirlwind Throw" words="exori hur" lvl="15" mana="40" prem="1" range="5" needtarget="1" blockwalls="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/whirlwind throw.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> </instant> <instant name="Fire Wave" words="exevo flam hur" lvl="18" mana="25" direction="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/fire wave.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </instant> <instant name="Ethereal Spear" words="exori con" lvl="23" mana="25" prem="1" range="5" needtarget="1" exhaustion="1000" blockwalls="1" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/ethereal spear.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </instant> <instant name="Energy Beam" words="exevo vis lux" lvl="23" mana="40" direction="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/energy beam.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </instant> <instant name="Great Energy Beam" words="exevo gran vis lux" lvl="29" mana="110" direction="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/great energy beam.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </instant> <instant name="Groundshaker" words="exori mas" lvl="33" mana="160" prem="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/groundshaker.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> </instant> <instant name="Berserk" words="exori" lvl="35" mana="115" prem="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/berserk.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> </instant> <instant name="Energy Wave" words="exevo vis hur" lvl="38" mana="170" direction="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/energy wave.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </instant> <instant name="Rage of the Skies" words="exevo gran mas vis" lvl="55" mana="650" selftarget="1" prem="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/rage of the skies.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </instant> <instant name="Fierce Berserk" words="exori gran" lvl="70" mana="340" prem="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/fierce berserk.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> </instant> <instant name="Hells Core" words="exevo gran mas flam" lvl="60" mana="1200" prem="1" exhaustion="1500" selftarget="1" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/hells core.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </instant> <instant name="Divine Missile" words="exori san" lvl="40" mana="20" prem="1" range="4" casterTargetOrDirection="1" needlearn="0" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="1500" event="script" value="attack/divine missile.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </instant> <instant name="Divine Caldera" words="exevo mas san" lvl="50" mana="160" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/divine caldera.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </instant> <instant name="Eternal Winter" words="exevo gran mas frigo" lvl="60" mana="1200" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/eternal winter.lua"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Ice Strike" words="exori frigo" lvl="15" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/ice strike.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Ice Wave" words="exevo frigo hur" lvl="18" mana="25" direction="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/ice wave.lua"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Terra Strike" words="exori tera" lvl="13" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/terra strike.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Terra Wave" words="exevo tera hur" lvl="38" mana="210" direction="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/terra wave.lua"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="14"/> </instant> <instant name="Wrath of Nature" words="exevo gran mas tera" lvl="55" mana="770" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/wrath of nature.lua"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="14"/> </instant> <!-- Healing Spells --> <instant name="Light Healing" words="exura" lvl="9" mana="20" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/light healing.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Antidote" words="exana pox" lvl="10" mana="30" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/antidote.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Intense Healing" words="exura gran" lvl="11" mana="70" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/intense healing.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Heal Friend" words="exura sio" lvl="18" mana="140" prem="1" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" params="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/heal friend.lua"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="14"/> </instant> <instant name="Ultimate Healing" words="exura vita" lvl="20" mana="160" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/ultimate healing.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Mass Healing" words="exura gran mas res" lvl="36" mana="150" prem="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/mass healing.lua"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="14"/> </instant> <instant name="Divine Healing" words="exura san" lvl="35" mana="210" prem="1" selftarget="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/divine healing.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="15"/> </instant> <instant name="Wound Cleansing" words="exana mort" lvl="30" mana="65" prem="1" selftarget="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/wound cleasing.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <!-- Support Spells --> <instant name="Light" words="utevo lux" lvl="8" mana="20" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/light.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Find Person" words="exiva" lvl="8" mana="20" aggressive="0" params="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="searchPlayer"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="15"/> </instant> <instant name="Magic Rope" words="exani tera" lvl="9" mana="20" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/magic rope.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Levitate" words="exani hur" lvl="12" mana="50" prem="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" params="1" needlearn="0" event="function" value="Levitate"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Great Light" words="utevo gran lux" lvl="13" mana="60" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/great light.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Magic Shield" words="utamo vita" lvl="14" mana="50" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/magic shield.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> </instant> <instant name="Haste" words="utani hur" lvl="14" mana="60" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/haste.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> <vocation id="15"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Charge" words="utani tempo hur" lvl="25" mana="100" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/charge.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Swift Foot" words="utamo tempo san" lvl="55" mana="400" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/swift foot.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="11"/> <vocation id="15"/> </instant> <instant name="Challenge" words="exeta res" lvl="20" mana="30" prem="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/challenge.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> <vocation id="12"/> <vocation id="16"/> </instant> <instant name="Strong Haste" words="utani gran hur" lvl="20" mana="100" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/strong haste.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Creature Illusion" words="utevo res ina" lvl="23" mana="100" aggressive="0" params="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="Illusion"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> </instant> <instant name="Ultimate Light" words="utevo vis lux" lvl="26" mana="140" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/ultimate light.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="10"/> <vocation id="13"/> <vocation id="14"/> </instant> <instant name="Cancel Invisibility" words="exana ina" lvl="26" mana="200" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/cancel invisibility.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="9"/> <vocation id="13"/> </instant> <instant name="Invisibility" words="utana vid" lvl="35" mana="440" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/invisible.lua"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> </instant> <instant name="Sharpshooter" words="utito tempo san" lvl="60" mana="450" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/sharpshooter.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </instant> <instant name="Protector" words="utamo tempo" lvl="55" mana="200" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/protector.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> </instant> <instant name="Blood Rage" words="utito tempo" lvl="60" mana="290" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/blood rage.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> </instant> <!-- Party Spells --> <instant name="Train Party" words="utito mas sio" lvl="32" mana="60" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="party/train.lua"> <vocation id="8"/> </instant> <instant name="Protect Party" words="utamo mas sio" lvl="32" mana="90" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="party/protect.lua"> <vocation id="7"/> </instant> <instant name="Heal Party" words="utura mas sio" lvl="32" mana="120" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="party/heal.lua"> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Enchant Party" words="utori mas sio" lvl="32" mana="120" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="party/enchant.lua"> <vocation id="5"/> </instant> <!-- Summon Spells --> <instant name="Summon Creature" words="utevo res" lvl="25" params="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="function" value="summonMonster"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <instant name="Undead Legion" words="exana mas mort" lvl="30" mana="500" prem="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summon/undead legion.lua"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> <!-- Conjure Spells --> <conjure name="Conjure Arrow" words="exevo con" lvl="13" mana="100" soul="1" conjureId="2544" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Food" words="exevo pan" lvl="14" mana="120" soul="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureFood"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Poisoned Arrow" words="exevo con pox" lvl="16" mana="130" soul="2" conjureId="2545" conjureCount="7" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Conjure Bolt" words="exevo con mort" lvl="17" mana="140" soul="2" prem="1" conjureId="2543" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Conjure Sniper Arrow" words="exevo con hur" lvl="24" mana="160" soul="3" prem="1" conjureId="7364" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Explosive Arrow" words="exevo con flam" lvl="25" mana="290" soul="3" conjureId="2546" conjureCount="8" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Conjure Piercing Bolt" words="exevo con grav" lvl="33" mana="180" soul="3" prem="1" conjureId="7363" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Enchant Staff" words="exeta vis" lvl="41" mana="80" prem="1" conjureId="2433" reagentId="2401" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="5"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Enchant Spear" words="exeta con" lvl="45" mana="350" soul="3" prem="1" conjureId="7367" reagentId="2389" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Power Bolt" words="exevo con vis" lvl="59" mana="800" soul="4" prem="1" conjureId="2547" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem"> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Poison Field" words="adevo grav pox" lvl="14" mana="200" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2285" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Light Magic Missile" words="adori min vis" lvl="15" mana="120" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2287" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Fire Field" words="adevo grav flam" lvl="15" mana="240" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2301" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Fireball" words="adori flam" lvl="27" mana="460" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2302" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Energy Field" words="adevo grav vis" lvl="18" mana="320" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2277" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Stalagmite" words="adori tera" lvl="24" mana="400" soul="2" prem="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2292" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Great Fireball" words="adori mas flam" lvl="30" mana="530" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2304" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Heavy Magic Missile" words="adori vis" lvl="25" mana="350" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2311" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Poison Bomb" words="adevo mas pox" lvl="25" mana="520" soul="2" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2286" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Firebomb" words="adevo mas flam" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2305" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Soulfire" words="adevo res flam" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2308" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Poison Wall" words="adevo mas grav pox" lvl="29" mana="640" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2289" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Explosion" words="adevo mas hur" lvl="31" mana="570" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2313" conjureCount="6" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Fire Wall" words="adevo mas grav flam" lvl="33" mana="780" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2303" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Energybomb" words="adevo mas vis" lvl="37" mana="880" soul="5" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2262" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Energy Wall" words="adevo mas grav vis" lvl="41" mana="1000" soul="5" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2279" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Sudden Death" words="adori gran mort" lvl="45" mana="985" soul="5" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2268" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Antidote Rune" words="adana pox" lvl="15" mana="200" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2266" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Intense Healing Rune" words="adura gran" lvl="15" mana="240" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2265" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Ultimate Healing Rune" words="adura vita" lvl="24" mana="400" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2273" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Convince Creature" words="adeta sio" lvl="16" mana="200" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2290" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Animate Dead" words="adana mort" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="5" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2316" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Chameleon" words="adevo ina" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2291" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Destroy Field" words="adito grav" lvl="17" mana="120" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2261" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Desintegrate" words="adito tera" lvl="21" mana="200" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2310" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="5"/> <vocation id="6"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Magic Wall" words="adevo grav tera" lvl="32" mana="750" soul="5" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2293" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Wild Growth" words="adevo grav vita" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="5" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2269" conjureCount="2" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Paralyze" words="adana ani" lvl="54" mana="1400" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2278" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Icicle" words="adori frigo" lvl="28" mana="460" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2271" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Avalanche" words="adori mas frigo" lvl="30" mana="530" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2274" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Stone Shower" words="adori mas tera" lvl="28" mana="430" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2288" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="2"/> <vocation id="6"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Thunderstorm" words="adori mas vis" lvl="28" mana="430" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2315" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="1"/> <vocation id="5"/> </conjure> <conjure name="Holy Missile" words="adori san" lvl="27" mana="350" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2295" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> </conjure> </spells>
  6. jhon992

    Duvida Com Teleport

    kra eu tenho uma talkaction de tp bem lgl aqui e facil de configurar, quem sabe vc goste. créditos: VodKart. function onSay(cid, words, param) local config = { exhaustionInSeconds = 1800, -- exausted em segundos. storage = 34534, pz = "no", -- players precisam estar em protection zone para usar? ("yes" or "no"). battle = "no", -- players deve estar sem battle ("yes" or "no") custo = "no", -- se os teleport irão custa ("yes" or "no") premium = "no" -- se precisa ser premium account ("yes" or "no") } -------------Config Lugares---------------- local lugar = { ["sul"] = {{x=2461, y=2419, z=7}, 1, 2000}, -- nome da city, posição, lvl minimo, preço em gps. ["west"] = {{x=2269, y=2264, z=7}, 10, 1000}, ["east"] = {{x=2997, y=2163, z=7}, 1, 2000}, ["nort"] = {{x=2531, y=1726, z=7}, 1, 2000}, ["center"] = {{x=2577, y=2086, z=7}, 1, 2000} } -------------/Config Checkar não mecha---------------- local lugar = lugar[param] if (param == "check") then for name, pos in pairs(lugar) do text = "Destination: "", Level required: "..pos[2].."," if(config.battle == "yes") then text = text.." You can use while fighting: Yes" else text = text.." You can use while fighting: No" end if(config.pz == "yes") then text = text.." You should use in protection zone: Yes" else text = text.." You should use in protection zone: No" end if (pos[3] == TRUE) then text = text..", Cost: "..pos[4]..";" end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, ""..text.."") end return TRUE end if(exhaustion.check(cid, == TRUE) then if (exhaustion.get(cid, 34534) >= 60) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can only teleport after [" .. math.floor(exhaustion.get(cid, 34534) / 60 + 1) .."] minutes.") end if (exhaustion.get(cid, 34534) <= 60) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can only teleport after [" .. exhaustion.get(cid, 34534).."] seconds.") end return TRUE end if(config.pz == "yes") and (getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(cid)) == FALSE) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT,"You should be in the protection zone for use.") return TRUE end if(config.premium == "yes") and (not isPremium(cid)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Only players with premium account can use.") return TRUE end if(config.battle == "yes") and (getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) == TRUE) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "You can not use in battle.") return TRUE end if not(lugar) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "Sorry, this place does not exist.") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return TRUE end if (getPlayerLevel(cid) <= lugar[2]) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "Sorry, you don't have level. You need "..lugar[2].." level or more to be teleported.") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return TRUE end if(config.custo == "yes") and (doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, lugar[3]) == FALSE) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "Sorry, you do not have enough money. You need "..lugar[3].." golds to be teleported.") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) return TRUE end exhaustion.set(cid,, config.exhaustionInSeconds) doTeleportThing(cid, lugar[1]) doSendMagicEffect(lugar[1], 46) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "" .. getPlayerName(cid) .. " was teleported to: " .. param .. ".") return TRUE end
  7. você deve ter feito algo errado. tente copiar os códigos novamente e teste o script como esta antes de alterar os monstros. o problema deve ter ocorrido na hora de adicionar mais monstros no vetor, ou na hora de copiar o script.
  8. msm estilo Beeki, sóh muda a função onUse por onThink. function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval) local fromPos = {x=2453, y=2451, z=7} -- posição superior esquerda do mapa. local toPos = {x=2457, y=2454, z=7} -- posição inferior direita do mapa. local pos = {x=2456, y=2457, z=7} -- posição para qual o players serão teleportados. local players = getPlayerInArea(fromPos, toPos) for i=1, #players do doTeleportThing(players[i], {x=2456, y=2457, z=7}) end return true end function getPlayerInArea(fromPos, toPos) -- by jhon992 local online = getPlayersOnline() local players = {} for i=1, #online do if isInArea(getPlayerPosition(online[i]), fromPos, toPos) then players[#players+1] = online[i] end end return players end
  9. jhon992


    Como o @Lucaswc15 falou, tente aumentar essas infos do config.lua: blessingReductionBase = blessingReductionDecreament = eachBlessReduction = vai aumentando e testando pra vê qual se adapta mais com o seu server.
  10. function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) local fromPos = {x=2453, y=2451, z=7} -- posição superior esquerda do mapa. local toPos = {x=2457, y=2454, z=7} -- posição inferior direita do mapa. local pos = {x=2456, y=2457, z=7} -- posição para qual o players serão teleportados. local players = getPlayerInArea(fromPos, toPos) for i=1, #players do doTeleportThing(players[i], pos) end return true end function getPlayerInArea(fromPos, toPos) -- by jhon992 local online = getPlayersOnline() local players = {} for i=1, #online do if isInArea(getPlayerPosition(online[i]), fromPos, toPos) then players[#players+1] = online[i] end end return players end
  11. to meio sem tempo agora pra fazer isso, mais n é dificil sóh teria que guardar 1 numero em cada storage diferente e depois verificar. mais ia ser quase imposivel alguem acertar os 7 numeros sajida, mais vale pra deixar esse script mais dificil almenta o numero maximo que pode ser escolhido.
  12. function onSay(cid, words, param) local players = getPlayersOnline() local pos = {x=2456, y=2457, z=7} -- posição do templo for i=1, #players do doTeleportThing(players[i], pos) end return true end essa vai mandar todos os player online pra uma determinada posição que vc escolher. se vc quiser que cada player online vai para a posição do templo de sua determinada city, é sóh pedir aqui.
  13. parece funcional, tenta explicar melhor. oque esta acontecendo quando o player morre? aparece algum erro no executavel? se matar de mc acontece algo? ...
  14. era pra estar funcionando, não sei pq acontece esse erro.
  15. Tópico resolvido, reportado para moverem.
  16. sim, quanto maior, maior é o tempo que eles demoram para nascer.
  17. Se tu passar o script de auto loot que esta usando, tem maior chance de ser ajudado.
  18. Faiz assim oh, vai no arquivo "data/world/nomedoseumapa-spawn.xml". Abre ele com algum editor e troca o "spawntime" do monstros por um maior. Se tu estiver pensando que trocar tudo seria muito demorado, vai baixar um editor como o "Notepad++" ou outro que tenha a funcionalidade de mudar palavras iguais todas de uma vez, exemplo pelo Notepad++. Basta abrir o arquivo, apertar ctrl+f, depois vai na aba "substituir", no campo "Localizar" poem: spawntime="tempoqueestanosseusspawns"/> E no campo "Substituir por" poem: spawntime="60"/>, ou mais, como preferir. Depois sóh apertar em "Substituir todos" e salvar o arquivo. O Notepad++, pode ser encontrado pra download no baixaki.
  19. tenta assim: function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local players = getPlayersOnline() local strings = "" for i=1, #players do if getPlayerAccess(players[i]) < 3 then strings = strings .. ", " .. getCreatureName(players[i]) end end strings = strings .. "." doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player(s) online:") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, strings) return true end obs: nem testei, qualquer erro me fala.
  20. jhon992


    ixi, agora se me pegou. não faço idéia, se possivel tenta trocar esse seu ot por um outro pq eu acho que vc vai precisar do globalevents cedo ou tarde, muitos scripts legais são feitos por nela.
  21. vai em data/actions/actions.xml e poem a tag: <action itemid="2366" script="show_effect.lua"/> agora em data/actions/scripts, duplica um arquivo e nomeia para "show_effect" sem as aspas e nele cole: function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) showEffect(cid) return true end function showEffect(cid) if isPlayer(cid) then doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 35) -- troque o 35 por outro effect caso desejar. addEvent(showEffect, 1000, cid) end end Obs: nem testei, qualquer erro avisa e jah que tu n informou mais nada fis pra durar o effect até vc deslogar.
  22. jhon992


    olha sóh esse raid system: tira esse que se colocou aew e usa esse que eu postei. créditos @Vodkart.
  23. tenho aqui prontinho que tu quer e até melhor olha só: Vai em data/talkactions/scritps e duplica 3 arquivos, um renomeia para "addpremium", outro para "premiumcheck" e o ultimo "removepremium" todos sem as aspas. Agora no arquivo "addpremium" cole isso: function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end local t = string.explode(param, ",") local player = getPlayerByNameWildcard(tostring(t[1])) if(not isPlayer(player)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player nao existe.") return true end local pos = getCreaturePosition(player) local effect = 30 local days = tonumber(t[2]) doPlayerAddPremiumDays(player, days) doSendMagicEffect(pos, effect) return true end No arquivo "premiumcheck" cole isso: function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end local player = getPlayerByNameWildcard(tostring(param)) if(not isPlayer(player)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player nao existe.") return true end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, param.." possui "..getPlayerPremiumDays(player).." dias de premium restantes.") return true end E no arquivo "removepremium" cole isso: function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end local t = string.explode(param, ",") local player = getPlayerByNameWildcard(tostring(t[1])) if(not isPlayer(player)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player nao existe.") return true end local pos = getCreaturePosition(player) local effect = 30 local days = tonumber(t[2]) doPlayerRemovePremiumDays(player, days) doSendMagicEffect(pos, effect) return true end E por último vai em data/talkactions/talkactions.xml e cole as tags: <talkaction words="/addpacc" access="6" event="script" value="addpremium.lua"/> <talkaction words="/premiumcheck" access="6" event="script" value="premiumcheck.lua"/> <talkaction words="/removepremium" access="6" event="script" value="removepremium.lua"/>
  24. @RodrigoSigrist, criei ali um script que torna isso editavel e jah esta na pagina inicial do tópico.
  25. Ótimo, bom material e espero que ajude bastante gente. @PsyMcKenzie, ta de parebéns.
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