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Dias Ganhos
Tudo que cs007 postou
Se você usou aquele site seguro lá..normal acontecer isso...e um problema no install.php se não me engano postei um que está funcionando lá. flws
Accountmanagement Ñ Manda Para Cidade Certa
tópico respondeu ao pesadeloxx de cs007 em Lixeira Pública
isso é mudado no arquivo config.php acha a linha New_town é muda o valor -
Tem como me ajudar com esse problema? Tem esses outros erros aqui também. toda vez que tento usar ot em linux isso ocorre. Ajuda aii agalera.. Aguardo resposta. ajudar REP+ Obter resposta aqui na XTIBIA está difícil em... único que vejo ajudar é o vodkart --'
também estou com esse mesmo problema...alguém sabe resolver isso? flws
dúvida [Encerrado] Duvida Ot Server List
tópico respondeu ao Secuela de cs007 em Tópicos Sem Resposta
concerteza tem risco e se continuar assim vai acabar sendo banido. Eu fiz um tutorial para arrumar esse problema no IDLE. flws -
Sim. Eu uso premium_points eu queria um global events que entregasse 1 ponto para o player que ficar logado mais de 10 horas. Ai ele iria entregando de 10 em 10 horas. valeu
Olá pessoal da xtibia vim aqui fazer um pequeno pedido a vocês. tem como fazer um script que ao players ficar 10 horas logado direto ele entregar 1 premium points? mas eu queria que esse script só entregasse esse ponto para no maximo 2 player por IP. Isso é possivel? valeu
Problema é que se eu mudar direto no config.lua as senhas que estão em plain não vai logar no jogo é nem no site por isso eu quero uma query para tentar fazer isso, mas acho que tal coisa não existe.
Pessoal no meu server eu uso criptografia em PLAIN gostaria de passar ela para SHA1 isso é possivel? tem como rodar uma query que passa as senhas para SHA1? valeu
Eu já resolvi esse problema trocando o arquivo install.php =D flws
Aqui também deu o mesmo erro do mulek ali de cima. @EDIT O problema está no latestnews, porém não sei como resolver. Ah um problema também na instalação...Tenta arrumar ai veio seu site parece ser muito bom. valeu Aaah o Painel do ADMIN não está funcionando clica em EDIT CONFIGS NEWS SYSTEM Resolver o problema na hora de instalar! Vai na pasta install e mude tudo que está lá dentro por isto! <?PHP error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); $config['site'] = parse_ini_file('../config/config.ini'); session_start(); //save config in ini file function saveconfig_ini($config) { $file = fopen("../config/config.ini", "w"); foreach($config as $param => $data) { $file_data .= $param.' = "'.str_replace('"', '', $data).'" '; } rewind($file); fwrite($file, $file_data); fclose($file); }[/b][/size] [size=5][b]function check_password($pass) { $temp = strspn("$pass", "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890"); if ($temp != strlen($pass)) { return false; } else { $ok = "/[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,40}/"; return (preg_match($ok, $pass))? true: false; } }[/b][/size] [size=5][b]function password_ency($password) { $ency = $GLOBALS['config']['server']['encryptionType']; if($ency != 'plain') return hash($ency, $password); elseif($ency == 'plain') return $password; } if($_REQUEST['page'] == '' && !isset($_REQUEST['step'])) { echo '<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2" /> <title>Installation of account maker</title> </head> <frameset cols="230,*"> <frame name="menu" src="install.php?page=menu" /> <frame name="step" src="install.php?page=step&step=0" /> <noframes><body>Frames don\'t work. Install Firefox </body></noframes> </frameset> </html>'; } if($_REQUEST['page'] == 'menu') { echo '<h2>MENU</h2><br> <b>IF NOT INSTALLED:</b><br> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=start" target="step">0. Informations</a><br> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=1" target="step">1. Set server path</a><br> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=2" target="step">2. Check DataBase connection</a><br> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=3&server_conf=yes" target="step">3. Add tables and columns to DB</a><br> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=4&server_conf=yes" target="step">4. Add samples to DB</a><br> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=5&server_conf=yes" target="step">5. Set Admin Account</a><br> <!--<b>FOR ADMINS:</b><br> <a href="index.php?subtopic=adminpanel&action=install_monsters" target="step">6. Load Monsters from OTS</a><br> <a href="index.php?subtopic=adminpanel&action=install_spells" target="step">7. Load Spells from OTS</a><br>-->'; } if($_REQUEST['page'] == 'step') { if($config['site']['install'] != "no") { if($_REQUEST['server_conf'] == 'yes' || ($_REQUEST['step'] > 2 && $_REQUEST['step'] < 6)) { //load server config $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if(isset($config['server']['sqlHost'])) { $mysqlhost = $config['server']['sqlHost']; $mysqluser = $config['server']['sqlUser']; $mysqlpass = $config['server']['sqlPass']; $mysqldatabase = $config['server']['sqlDatabase']; } $sqlitefile = $config['server']['sqliteDatabase']; // loads #####POT mainfile##### include('../pot/OTS.php'); // PDO and POT connects to database $ots = POT::getInstance(); if(strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']) == "mysql") { //connect to MySQL database try { $ots->connect(POT::DB_MYSQL, array('host' => $mysqlhost, 'user' => $mysqluser, 'password' => $mysqlpass, 'database' => $mysqldatabase) ); } catch(PDOException $error) { echo 'Database error - can\'t connect to MySQL database. Possible reasons:<br>1. MySQL server is not running on host.<br>2. MySQL user, password, database or host isn\'t configured in: <b>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</b>.<br>3. MySQL user, password, database or host is wrong.'; exit; } } elseif(strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']) == "sqlite") { //connect to SQLite database $link_to_sqlitedatabase = $config['site']['server_path'].$sqlitefile; try { $ots->connect(POT::DB_SQLITE, array('database' => $link_to_sqlitedatabase)); } catch(PDOException $error) { echo 'Database error - can\'t open SQLite database. Possible reasons:<br><b>'.$link_to_sqlitedatabase.'</b> - file isn\'t valid SQLite database.<br><b>'.$link_to_sqlitedatabase.'</b> - doesn\'t exist.'; exit; } } else { echo 'Database error. Unknown database type in <b>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</b>. Must be equal to: "<b>mysql</b>" or "<b>sqlite</b>". Now is: "<b>'.strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']).'"</b>'; exit; } $SQL = POT::getInstance()->getDBHandle(); } $step = $_REQUEST['step']; if(empty($step)) { $step = $config['site']['install']; } if($step == 'start') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Informations<br>'; echo 'Welcome to Gesior Account Maker installer. <b>First do steps 1-5 one by one, later (when you will be logged on admin account) press on links to steps 6-7 to load configuration from OTS.</b>'; } if($step == '1') { if(isset($_REQUEST['server_path'])) { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Check server configuration<br>'; $config['site']['server_path'] = $_REQUEST['server_path']; $config['site']['server_path'] = trim($config['site']['server_path'])."\\"; $config['site']['server_path'] = str_replace("\\\\", "/", $config['site']['server_path']); $config['site']['server_path'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $config['site']['server_path']); $config['site']['server_path'] = str_replace("//", "/", $config['site']['server_path']); saveconfig_ini($config['site']); if(file_exists($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua')) { $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if(isset($config['server']['sqlType'])) { $config['site']['install'] = 2; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); echo 'File <b>config.lua</b> loaded from <font color="red"><i>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</i></font> and looks like fine server config file. Now you can check database('.$config['server']['sqlType'].') connection: <a href="install.php?page=step&step=2">STEP 2 - check database connection</a>'; } else { echo 'File <b>config.lua</b> loaded from <font color="red"><i>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</i></font> and it\'s not valid TFS config.lua file. <a href="install.php?page=step&step=1">Go to STEP 1 - select other directory.</a> If it\'s your config.lua file from TFS contact with acc. maker author.'; } } else { echo 'Can\'t load file <b>config.lua</b> from <font color="red"><i>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</i></font> File doesn\'t exist in selected directory. <a href="install.php?page=step&step=1">Go to STEP 1 - select other directory.</a>'; } } else { echo 'Please write you TFS directory below. Like: <i>C:\Documents and Settings\Gesior\Desktop\trunk.r4041\</i><form action="install.php"> <input type="text" name="server_path" size="90" value="'.$config['site']['server_path'].'" /><input type="hidden" name="page" value="step" /><input type="hidden" name="step" value="1" /><input type="submit" value="Set server path" /> </form>'; } } if($step == '2') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Check database connection<br>'; echo 'If you don\'t see any errors press <a href="install.php?page=step&step=3&server_conf=yes">link to STEP 3 - Add tables and columns to DB</a>. If you see some errors it mean server has wrong configuration. Check FAQ or ask author of acc. maker.'; //load server config $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if(isset($config['server']['sqlHost'])) { $mysqlhost = $config['server']['sqlHost']; $mysqluser = $config['server']['sqlUser']; $mysqlpass = $config['server']['sqlPass']; $mysqldatabase = $config['server']['sqlDatabase']; } $sqlitefile = $config['server']['sqliteDatabase']; // loads #####POT mainfile##### include('../pot/OTS.php'); // PDO and POT connects to database $ots = POT::getInstance(); if(strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']) == "mysql") { //connect to MySQL database try { $ots->connect(POT::DB_MYSQL, array('host' => $mysqlhost, 'user' => $mysqluser, 'password' => $mysqlpass, 'database' => $mysqldatabase) ); } catch(PDOException $error) { echo 'Database error - can\'t connect to MySQL database. Possible reasons:<br>1. MySQL server is not running on host.<br>2. MySQL user, password, database or host isn\'t configured in: <b>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</b> .<br>3. MySQL user, password, database or host is wrong.'; exit; } } elseif(strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']) == "sqlite") { //connect to SQLite database $link_to_sqlitedatabase = $config['site']['server_path'].$sqlitefile; try { $ots->connect(POT::DB_SQLITE, array('database' => $link_to_sqlitedatabase)); } catch(PDOException $error) { echo 'Database error - can\'t open SQLite database. Possible reasons:<br><b>'.$link_to_sqlitedatabase.'</b> - file isn\'t valid SQLite database.<br><b>'.$link_to_sqlitedatabase.'</b> - doesn\'t exist.'; exit; } } else { echo 'Database error. Unknown database type in <b>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</b>. Must be equal to: "<b>mysql</b>" or "<b>sqlite</b>". Now is: "<b>'.strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']).'"</b>'; exit; } $SQL = POT::getInstance()->getDBHandle(); $config['site']['install'] = 3; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); } if($step == '3') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Add tables and columns to DB<br>'; echo 'Installer try to add new tables and columns to database.<br>'; $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if($config['server']['sqlType'] == "sqlite") { //if sqlite try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "page_lastday" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "email_new" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "email_new_time" INTEGER(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "created" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "rlname" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "location" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "page_access" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "email_code" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "next_email" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "premium_points" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "flag" VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>accounts</b>.<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE guilds ADD "description" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE guilds ADD "logo_gfx_name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>guilds</b>.<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "created" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "nick_verify" VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "old_name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "hide_char" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "comment" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>players</b>.<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_news_big" ( "hide_news" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "date" INTEGER NOT NULL, "author" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "author_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "image_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "topic" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "text" TEXT NOT NULL);'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_news_big</b> (news).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_news_tickers" ( "date" INTEGER NOT NULL, "author" INTEGER NOT NULL, "image_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "text" TEXT NOT NULL, "hide_ticker" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_news_tickers</b> (tickers).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_spells" ( "name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "spell" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "spell_type" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "mana" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "lvl" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "mlvl" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "soul" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "pacc" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "vocations" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "conj_count" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "hide_spell" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_spells</b> (spells list).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_monsters" ( "hide_creature" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "mana" INTEGER NOT NULL, "exp" INTEGER NOT NULL, "health" INTEGER NOT NULL, "speed_lvl" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, "use_haste" INTEGER NOT NULL, "voices" text NOT NULL, "immunities" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "summonable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "convinceable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "race" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "gfx_name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL)'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo 'Added table <b>z_monsters</b> (monsters list).<br/><br/>'; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_ots_comunication" ( "id" int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "action" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "param1" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "param2" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "param3" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "param4" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "param5" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "param6" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "param7" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "delete_it" int(2) NOT NULL default "1", PRIMARY KEY ("id"))'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_ots_comunication</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_shop_offer" ( "id" int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, "points" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "itemid1" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "count1" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "itemid2" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "count2" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "offer_type" varchar(255) default NULL, "offer_description" text NOT NULL, "offer_name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "pid" INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"))'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_shop_offer</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_shop_history_item" ( "id" int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, "to_name" varchar(255) NOT NULL default 0, "to_account" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "from_nick" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "from_account" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "price" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "offer_id" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "trans_state" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "trans_start" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "trans_real" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"))'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_shop_history_item</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_shop_history_pacc" ( "id" int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, "to_name" varchar(255) NOT NULL default 0, "to_account" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "from_nick" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "from_account" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "price" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "pacc_days" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "trans_state" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "trans_start" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, "trans_real" int(11) NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"))'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_shop_history_pacc</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "zaypay_payment" ( "payID" bigint(30) NOT NULL, "account_id" int(20) NOT NULL, "status" varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("payID"))'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>zaypay_payment</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_shop_points_bought" ( "id" INT( 15 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, "amount" INT( 15 ) NOT NULL, "type" VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL, "accountid" INT( 15 ) NOT NULL, "code" VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL, "paypalmail" VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL, "date" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_shop_points_bought</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; } elseif($config['server']['sqlType'] == "mysql") { //if mysql try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `lastpremdays` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `premdays`;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `premium_points` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `email_new` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `email_new_time` INT( 15 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `email_code` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `next_email` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `created` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `page_lastday` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `page_access` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `rlname` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `location` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `flag` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>accounts</b><br/>"; try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE `guilds` ADD `description` TEXT NOT NULL;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE `guilds` ADD `logo_gfx_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>guilds</b>.<br/>"; try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `created` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `nick_verify` VARCHAR( 5 ) NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `old_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `hide_char` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `comment` TEXT NOT NULL;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `join_date` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL AFTER `guildnick`;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>players</b><br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_news_big` ( `hide_news` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `date` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `author` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `author_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `image_id` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `topic_df` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `text_df` text NOT NULL, `topic_ot` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `text_ot` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_news_big</b> (news).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_news_tickers` ( `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '1', `author` int(11) NOT NULL, `image_id` int(3) NOT NULL default '0', `text` text NOT NULL, `hide_ticker` tinyint(1) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_news_tickers</b> (news tickers).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE `z_spells` ( `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `spell` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `spell_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `mana` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lvl` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `mlvl` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `soul` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `pacc` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `vocations` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `conj_count` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `hide_spell` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 );'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo 'Added table <b>z_spells</b> (libray).<br/>'; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE `z_monsters` ( `hide_creature` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default \'0\', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `mana` int(11) NOT NULL, `exp` int(11) NOT NULL, `health` int(11) NOT NULL, `speed_lvl` int(11) NOT NULL default \'1\', `use_haste` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `voices` text NOT NULL, `immunities` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `summonable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `convinceable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `race` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `gfx_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo 'Added table <b>z_monsters</b> (libray).<br/><br/>'; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_referers` ( `account_id` int(30) NOT NULL, `ref_account_id` int(30) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_referers</b> (account).<br/><br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_ots_comunication` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `action` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param1` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param2` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param3` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param4` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param5` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param6` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param7` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `delete_it` int(2) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_ots_comunication</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_shop_offer` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `points` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `itemid1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `count1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `itemid2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `count2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `offer_type` varchar(255) default NULL, `offer_description` text NOT NULL, `offer_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `pid` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_shop_offer</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_shop_history_item` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `to_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0', `to_account` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `from_nick` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `from_account` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `price` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `offer_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `trans_state` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `trans_start` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `trans_real` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_shop_history_item</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_shop_history_pacc` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `to_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0', `to_account` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `from_nick` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `from_account` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `price` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `pacc_days` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `trans_state` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `trans_start` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `trans_real` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_shop_history_pacc</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `zaypay_payment` ( `payID` bigint(30) NOT NULL, `account_id` int(20) NOT NULL, `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`payID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>zaypay_payment</b> (shopsystem).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_shop_points_bought` ( `id` INT( 15 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `amount` INT( 15 ) NOT NULL , `type` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `accountid` INT( 15 ) NOT NULL , `code` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `paypalmail` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ENGINE = MyISAM ;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_shop_points_bought</b> (shopsystem).<br/><br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE z_tracker ( `account` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `type` int(11) NOT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL, `text` text NOT NULL, `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `typetracker` int(11) NOT NULL, `tag` int(11) NOT NULL, `priority` int(11) NOT NULL, `reply` int(11) NOT NULL, `who` int(11) NOT NULL, `uid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (uid) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_tracker</b> (support).<br/>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `z_changelog` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `where` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `hide` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=0 ; "); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_changelog</b> (support).<br/>"; } $config['site']['install'] = 4; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); echo 'All tables and columns added to database.<br>Go to <a href="install.php?page=step&step=4&server_conf=yes">STEP 4 - Add samples</a>'; } if($step == '4') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Add samples to DB:<br>'; $check_news_ticker = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM z_news_tickers WHERE image_id = 1 AND author = 1 AND hide_ticker = 0 LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_news_ticker['author'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO z_news_tickers (date, author, image_id, text, hide_ticker) VALUES ('.time().', 1, 1, "Gesior ACC - Xart prefix Edition installed!", 0)'); echo "Added first news ticker.<br/>"; } else echo "News ticker sample is already in database. New sample is not needed.<br/>"; $check_news = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM z_news_big WHERE author = "Gesior" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_news['author'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO z_news_big (hide_news, date, author, author_id, image_id, topic_df, text_df) VALUES (0, '.time().', "Xart", 1, 0, "Xart prefix Edition!", "Gesior ACC - Xart prefix Edition installed. All options should work fine. Report bugs on http://code.google.com/p/gesior-aac/issues/list.");'); echo "Added first news.<br/>"; } else echo "News sample is already in database. New sample is not needed.<br/>"; $check_voc_0 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Rook Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_0['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO players (name, world_id, group_id, account_id, level, vocation, health, healthmax, experience, lookbody, lookfeet, lookhead, looklegs, looktype, lookaddons, maglevel, mana, manamax, manaspent, soul, town_id, posx, posy, posz, conditions, cap, sex, lastlogin, lastip, save, skull, skulltime, rank_id, guildnick, lastlogout, blessings, balance, stamina, direction, loss_experience, loss_mana, loss_skills, loss_containers, loss_items, premend, online, marriage, promotion, deleted, description, comment, created, hide_char, nick_verify) VALUES ("Rook Sample", 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 150, 150, 0, 44, 44, 44, 44, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 430, 1, "", "", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 151200000, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",'.time().',1,1)'); echo "Added 'Rook Sample' character.<br/>"; } else echo "Character 'Rook Sample' already in database.<br/>"; $check_voc_1 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Sorcerer Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_1['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO players (name, world_id, group_id, account_id, level, vocation, health, healthmax, experience, lookbody, lookfeet, lookhead, looklegs, looktype, lookaddons, maglevel, mana, manamax, manaspent, soul, town_id, posx, posy, posz, conditions, cap, sex, lastlogin, lastip, save, skull, skulltime, rank_id, guildnick, lastlogout, blessings, balance, stamina, direction, loss_experience, loss_mana, loss_skills, loss_containers, loss_items, premend, online, marriage, promotion, deleted, description, comment, created, hide_char, nick_verify) VALUES ("Sorcerer Sample", 0, 1, 1, 8, 1, 185, 185, 4200, 44, 44, 44, 44, 128, 0, 0, 35, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 470, 1, "", "", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 151200000, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",'.time().',1,1)'); echo "Added 'Sorcerer Sample' character.<br/>"; } else echo "Character 'Sorcerer Sample' already in database.<br/>"; $check_voc_2 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Druid Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_2['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO players (name, world_id, group_id, account_id, level, vocation, health, healthmax, experience, lookbody, lookfeet, lookhead, looklegs, looktype, lookaddons, maglevel, mana, manamax, manaspent, soul, town_id, posx, posy, posz, conditions, cap, sex, lastlogin, lastip, save, skull, skulltime, rank_id, guildnick, lastlogout, blessings, balance, stamina, direction, loss_experience, loss_mana, loss_skills, loss_containers, loss_items, premend, online, marriage, promotion, deleted, description, comment, created, hide_char, nick_verify) VALUES ("Druid Sample", 0, 1, 1, 8, 2, 185, 185, 4200, 44, 44, 44, 44, 128, 0, 0, 35, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 470, 1, "", "", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 151200000, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",'.time().',1,1)'); echo "Added 'Druid Sample' character.<br/>"; } else echo "Character 'Druid Sample' already in database.<br/>"; $check_voc_3 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Paladin Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_3['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO players (name, world_id, group_id, account_id, level, vocation, health, healthmax, experience, lookbody, lookfeet, lookhead, looklegs, looktype, lookaddons, maglevel, mana, manamax, manaspent, soul, town_id, posx, posy, posz, conditions, cap, sex, lastlogin, lastip, save, skull, skulltime, rank_id, guildnick, lastlogout, blessings, balance, stamina, direction, loss_experience, loss_mana, loss_skills, loss_containers, loss_items, premend, online, marriage, promotion, deleted, description, comment, created, hide_char, nick_verify) VALUES ("Paladin Sample", 0, 1, 1, 8, 3, 185, 185, 4200, 44, 44, 44, 44, 128, 0, 0, 35, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 470, 1, "", "", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 151200000, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",'.time().',1,1)'); echo "Added 'Paladin Sample' character.<br/>"; } else echo "Character 'Paladin Sample' already in database.<br/>"; $check_voc_4 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Knight Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_4['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO players (name, world_id, group_id, account_id, level, vocation, health, healthmax, experience, lookbody, lookfeet, lookhead, looklegs, looktype, lookaddons, maglevel, mana, manamax, manaspent, soul, town_id, posx, posy, posz, conditions, cap, sex, lastlogin, lastip, save, skull, skulltime, rank_id, guildnick, lastlogout, blessings, balance, stamina, direction, loss_experience, loss_mana, loss_skills, loss_containers, loss_items, premend, online, marriage, promotion, deleted, description, comment, created, hide_char, nick_verify) VALUES ("Knight Sample", 0, 1, 1, 8, 4, 185, 185, 4200, 44, 44, 44, 44, 128, 0, 0, 35, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 470, 1, "", "", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 151200000, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",'.time().',1,1)'); echo "Added 'Knight Sample' character.<br/>"; } else echo "Character 'Knight Sample' already in database.<br/>"; $config['site']['install'] = 5; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); echo 'All samples added to database. Now you can go to <a href="install.php?page=step&step=5&server_conf=yes">STEP 5 - Set Admin Account</a><br/>'; } if($step == '5') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Set Admin Account<br>'; $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if(empty($_REQUEST['saveaccpassword'])) { echo 'Admin account number is: <b>1</b><br/>Set new password to this account.<br>'; echo 'New password: <form action="install.php" method=POST><input type="text" name="newpass" size="35">(Don\'t give it password to anyone!)'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="saveaccpassword" value="yes"><input type="hidden" name="page" value="step"><input type="hidden" name="step" value="5"><input type="submit" value="SET"></form><br>If account with number 1 doesn\'t exist installator will create it and set your password.'; } else { $newpass = $_POST['newpass']; if(!check_password($newpass)) echo 'Password contains illegal characters. Please use only a-Z and 0-9. <a href="install.php?page=step&step=5&server_conf=yes">GO BACK</a> and write other password.'; else { $newpass_to_db = password_ency($newpass); $account = new OTS_Account(); $account->load(1); if($account->isLoaded()) { $account->setPassword($newpass_to_db); $account->save(); $account->setCustomField("page_access", 6); } else { $number = $account->create(1,1); $account->setPassword($newpass_to_db); $account->unblock(); $account->save(); $account->setCustomField("page_access", 6); } $_SESSION['account'] = 1; $_SESSION['password'] = $newpass; $logged = TRUE; $account->setCustomField("page_lastday", time()); echo '<h1>Admin account number: 1<br>Admin account password: '.$_POST['newpass'].'</h1>'; $config['site']['install'] = 'no'; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); } } } } else { echo "Account maker is already installed! To reinstall open file 'config.ini' in directory 'config' and change:<br/><b>install = \"no\"</b><br/>to:</br><b>install = \"start\"</b><br/>and enter this site again."; } } ?> Agora falta o problema no painel do ADMIN
também estou com esse problema e as querys estão dando erro na hora de rodar. flws
pedido [Ajuda] Tenho Um Otserv É Parece Que Tiveram Acesso Ao Banco De Dados
um tópico no fórum postou cs007 Lixeira Pública
Alguém que saiba fazer teste de penetração ou que sabe como arrumar pode me ajudar? Me parece que essa pessoa não tem como modificar contas mas pode visualizar. Se alguém puder ajudar manda um PM com a solução? valeu -
Ta blz.
Pessoal, eu aceito até as criticas de vocês, mas não tenho o intuito de competir com eles fora que já existe outros sites que fazem essa função sendo que o meu problema não é descobrir de onde ele pega a informação é sim como. Ele não pega só do status.cpp mas também do game.h e game.cpp ai fica a questão... Como adquirir tal informação? E como nosso amigo ali em cima disse, isso deve ser um outro sistema que pega essa informação. Mas creio que a otservlist nunca iria passar tal dados assim de mão beijada ou até mesmo pagando, por isso vim até aqui na xtibia pedir a ajuda dos membros. Quem tiver tal informação e quiser compartilhar fico agradecido. Abração e Obrigado pelas resposta.
Muito Obrigado por responder veio. bom saber que ainda existe alguém afim de ajudar. Mas o que eu quero e tipo pegar a quantidade de players on de outros server saca? igual o sistema da otservlist. Só que não sei como esse sistema funciona.. Eu acho que ele tem que ler isso na distro mas não faço a minima ideia de como fazer isso acontecer. =/ Valeu up! up2? Pow pessoal tenho certeza que aqui tem alguém capacitado para me informar não sei como faz para um site ler uma distro. Ajuda?
Muito bom esse server ai vale a pena conferir =)
Não quero modificar meu newtype. eu coloquei o /new (na minha opnião da no mesmo) porem uso o comando no player só que não modifica nada. @EDIT Erro meu na hora de usar o comando^^ era para ficar assim /new 10, player, 10 valeu veio REP+ por me ajudar =)
Mas como vai ficar isso no talkaction.xml?
quando uso o comando ele não faz nada. coloquei no talkaction o comando como new. ai ficou /new pessoa, tempo só que não acontece nada quando usa o comando
Vou testar aqui veio. já já dou a resposta mas antes...se eu quisesse mudar o looktype? como eu faço? valeu Funcionou não veio
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