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[8.21][up-lvl] Biosoft-otp [sql]


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* Guid for xml players. (players.xml)

* Full rearranged protocol and game system

* Actions (when using a tile or item)

* SQL databases (for accounts and players)

* Crash tracking

* Monsters

* 7.8 Protocol

* OTB (You now dont have to convert your map, change any ID, 7.5

* ID's are just stacked on top of older ID's same with 7.8 ids!)

* VIP List

* Guild support

* Spawns (and Respawn)

* Commands

* Autowalk

* Rotatable items

* Logger

* Enhanced items database

* Runes with charges

* Depots

* Waitlist

* Houses

* Follow and chase opponent

* A whole new condition engine to handle all kind of conditions.

* A whole new battle engine. The new engine is closer to CIP's formulas.

* The script interface has been rewriten and improved ALOT. You can now script all kind of things. Weapons, movement, talkactions, spells. You name it.

* Monsters have been recoded to use the new condition and battle

* engine. And they now act more like the tibia monsters.

* Vocations are now configable with vocations.xml

* And alot more. Try it yourself and find out.



Version 0.6.1


* Raid System (Jiddo)

* Anti-AFK Fixed (Xidaozu)

* Ring and Amulet System 100% (Yurez, Xidaozu)

* Ring of Healing and Life Ring (Ravalas, Xidaozu)

* Command /shutdown (Yurez)

* Ice Rapier (Xidaozu)

* Exhausted Heal (Yurez)

* Item look for creatures (Xidaozu, BlackDemon)

* New summon system (Tibia Rules, Yurez, Xidaozu)

* Summons share experience (Tibia Rules)

* New Magic Rope System (Xidaozu)

* Party System (Remere)

* Party Share Experience (Remere)

* Experience share fix (Xidaozu)

* Command Logs fix against SQL Injection (Xidaozu)

* Infinite Ammunation in config.lua (Xidaozu)

* Boots of Haste (Yurez)

* New Find Person (Junkfood)

* Command !frags (Xidaozu)

* Command /promote fixed (Xidaozu)

* Monsters move diagonal (LarvaExotech)

* Wands, Rods and Burst Arrows don't cause exhaust (Xidaozu)

* Housedoor crash fixed (Nicaw)

* Premium Outfits (Xidaozu)



Version 0.6.2


* Attack Square (Xidaozu, nfries88)

* Protection System (Xidaozu, nfries88)

* Field damage (nfries88)

* Monster blood colors and damage colors (CVS, Xidaozu)

* Level requirement to buy a house (Xidaozu)

* Summons follow you everywhere (BlackDemon)

* Paralyze Creature (BlackDemon, Xidaozu)

* Learn Spell system (Yurez, Xidaozu)

* Skull System with summons fixed (Xidaozu)

* Premium Days saved in account file (Sapphire, Xidaozu)

* Diagonal Movement for all creatures (CVS)

* Burst Arrow fix (Xidaozu)

* Client Aimbot (configurable in config.lua)(BlackDemon)



Version 0.6.3


* GM Invisible (The Chaos, Xidaozu)

* Clean Command (Yurez, Xidaozu)

* Items to water/lava/swamp/tar (Xidaozu)

* NPC Buy Container (BlackKnight, Nfries88)

* Skull System fix (Xidaozu)

* Fight Modes (Xidaozu)

* Safe Mode (Xidaozu)

* Config: Shoot trough battle window on players (Xidaozu)

* Some codes removed due crashing (Paralyze, Protection System and

* Chat Level)

* Ain't that much in this version (I couldn't think of something else Sad )



Versión 0.7.3**


* Protocol 7.92 (CVS, Xidaozu)

* Graphical User Interface (GUI)(Junkfood, Xidaozu)

* Prevent Loss System (Xidaozu)

* New Premium System (Xidaozu)

* Players.xml not needed (Xidaozu)

* Premium Spells (Xidaozu)



Version 0.7.4(BETA)


* Ingame Acc-Manager (Only XML)(Xidaozu)

* Bug Report/Ctrl + Z (Xidaozu)

* Ban Player/Ctrl + Y (Xidaozu)

* Ban system improved (Xidaozu)

* Fixed the house system (Xidaozu)

* Premium spells fixed (Xidaozu)

* VIP list fixed (Xidaozu)

* Learn Spells fixed (Xidaozu)

* Also some binary fixes

* SQL changes: new table reports, new field (reason) in table bans.



Evloution 0.7.5


* Houses fixed (Xidaozu)

* Premium + Promotion system fixed (Xidaozu)

* Monster loot fixed (Xidaozu)

* Destroy field fixed (Rafacin)

* Skulls fixed when firing fields (SimOne)

* Account Manager fixed a bit (Xidaozu)

* Blue Robe and Magic Turban trough items.xml (Xidaozu)

* New items.otb and items.xml (SimOne)

* Spawnmul in config.lua (SimOne)

* Drowning Condition (SimOne)

* Re-Added High levels 350+ (Xidaozu)

* Auto-load IP in config.lua (Xidaozu)

* Rook Temple in config.lua (Xidaozu)

* Premium Outfits (Xidaozu)

* Fixed server save (Xidaozu)

* Added function to increase physical damage (Xidaozu)

* Unfornately protection system disabled

* Also some binary fixes



Version 0.7.6


* Fixed some item hotkey issues (Xidaozu)

* Fixed some summon issues (SVN)

* Fixed account manager (111111/tibia now)

* Fixed Cap System (SVN)

* Fixed rewriteables (SVN)

* Fixed some spells

* Buy Container (Xidaozu)

* Bed System (100%)(Xidaozu)

* Beds loaded from Map (Xidaozu)

* Protection System fixed (?)

* PvP Arena (Nfries88)

* Combat Zoning (Nfries88)

* Fluid System 100%

* Trade Delay (Xidaozu)

* Death Delay ticks in config.lua (Xidaozu)

* Fixed a learn spell issue (Xidaozu)

* Frag Time in config.lua in minutes (Xidaozu)

* Fixed magic wall (Xidaozu)

* -----------------------

* SQL changes: Acc manager has other accno/pass



Version 0.7.6a


* Removed PvP Arena (Nfries88)

* Removed Bed System (100%)(Xidaozu)

* Removed Beds loaded from Map (Xidaozu)

* Removed Protection System fixed (?)

* Removed Combat Zoning (Nfries88)

* Fixed a learn spell issue

* Fixed some monsters

* Muted System (SVN)

* NPC Auto Walk (SVN)

* PvP Features in config.lua (Xidaozu)

* This version should be alot more stable.



Version 0.7.7


* Remote-Control (SVN, Xidaozu)

* Bed System (Jiddo)

* Beds loaded from map (Jiddo)

* Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo)

* PvP-Arena (nfries88)

* Seperate addon system (Xidaozu)

* Protection System (Xidaozu)

* NPC's turning to player (SVN)

* NPC Random Walk (SVN)

* GUI removed (Moved to remote-control)

* Config: Minimum action interval

* Tons of bug/crash fixes (That list is too long xd)


* SQL changes: New table addons



Version 0.7.8


* Walk-to items (Xidaozu)

* Bless System (Xidaozu)

* New variables in vocations.xml (Xidaozu)

* Experience Stages (Xidaozu)

* Alot new Lua functions (Xidaozu, SVN)

* New door and leveldoor system (Jiddo)

* Lua functions list (Xidaozu)

* Fixed type tag in raids (Xidaozu)

* Fixed Ctrl + Y (Xidaozu)

* Fixed summons following (Xidaozu)

* Fixed depot tiles (Xidaozu)

* Fixed food loading/saving (Xidaozu)

* Updated skill multipliers in vocations.xml (Xidaozu)

* Updated Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo)

* Updated Lua Interface (SVN)

* -----------------------

* SQL changes: New table blessings


All Features OTH-OTServ 0.1.0 -


Version 0.1.0 Beta (Biosot OTP)


* update bless system evolutions 7.9 (Xidaozu and Neo)

* New Items (Neo)

* Nuevos comandos (y todos los de los otros servers (Neo)

* Debug en los comandos arreglado (kupi)

* Alot new Lua functions (Xidaozu, SVN, Neo, y kupi)

* Todo lo de 8.0 funciona al 100% (noserman addon, items...) (neo, kupi, and...)

* eso es lo destacado, hay mas provarlo y lo vereis



Version 0.1.1 (Biosot OTP)


* Record Player System

* One Player Online Per Account

* AutoClean

* Owner Body System

* TRade system

* New Commands

* New Rookgaard System

* New PVP Zones


Version 0.1.2 (Biosot OTP)


* Fixed Trade delay system (neo)

* New Items (Neo)

* New commands (Neo)

* New system rookgaard improved by 90% (neo)

*New style weapons in #: (neo)

- <attribute Key="dualwield" value="1" /> (You can use 2 Weapons)

- <attribute Key="extraatk" value="25" /> (Add extra attack)

- <attribute Key="attackspeed" value="2000" /> (Add speed for this weapon)

* Add Marriage System (NPC: UnderConstruction) (neo)

* Fixed Marriage System, and added a code to save well (kupi)

* Add Command kickall (neo)

* PVP Zones (PVP zones can do, ZONES PVP-ENFORCED and ZONES NO-PVP (in the script pvp zones.xml I think) (neo)

* Remote Control (Cepe thanks for the image) (os you can download part here below but biene with OT) (kupi)


Biosoft-OTP 0.1.3


* Remove Auto Clena ( BUG)

* Remove command /paralize ( BUG )

* Remove New staly in Weapons

* Add Randomize Ground

* Add Beds Regen

* Add Confi Color. Exp, Square, Animation

* Add Animations (Level Up! etc.)

* Add Exp Color and Rando Exp color

* you can edit test to Show in animations Example ( Level Up! ) - ( You Up Level! )

* Add Christmas Decoration


Biosoft OTP version 0.1.4


* Removed Christmas Ornaments (neo)

* Config.lua removal of the system of access (SVN)

* Removed the function of not attacking one member of the Guild (neo)

* We implemented the weapons system to the new SVN (SVN)

* Add the function "moveback" so that the spears do not fall (neo)

* Addition ShootType, Breakchance, Hitchance from items.xml (neo)

* And much more!


Biosoft OTP version 0.1.5


* Update to Ultimate SVN ( Neo & Kupi )

* Add more funtions ( Neo & Kupi )

* Custom Client in config.lua ( nfries88 )

* Add 90 % Funtion Evolutions ( Neo & Kupi )

* Add MultiWorld System ( nfries88 )

* Add New System QuestsLog ( pregusia )

* Add Dual Wielding [in items.xml] ( nfries88 )

* Weapon Attack Speeds [in items.xml] ( nfries88 )

* Extra Attack [in items.xml] ( nfries88 )



- <attribute>

- <attribute>

- <attribute>


* Add CreatureEvents: onSpawn[monsters], onAdvance [players], onThink [both] ( nfries88 )

* LUA Function: to execute a command [no access checks] ( nfries88, Pedro B. )

* And much more!


Biosoft OTP v.0.1.6 Beta 1


* Nuevo systema de account manager, con mas configuraciones desde config.lua (neo)

* update SVN Rev.2853 (4-1-07) (kupi)

* update SVN Rev.2858 (5-1-97) (kupi) (lo pongo porque traia varios canvios) (e updateado algo mas adelante, pero esque lo actualizan unas 3 veces por dia, se hace imposible dar al abasto Big Grin neo se ancargara de actualizarla y fixar esta version)

* removidos algunos systemas que causaban debugs con los nuevos SVN (kupi)

* arreglados algunos systemas que daban debug con los nuevos systemas (kupi)

* mas configuraciones desde config.lua (neo)

* fixed learn spells system (kupi)

* fixed cap system (kupi)

* fixed configuraciones desde config.lua (kupi)

* agregada mas seguridad (kupi & SVN)

* codigo que da mas proteccion ante los atques DDoS (kupi & Proglin) (removido por bugs)

* add fist weapons system (nose muy bien para que funciona, pero encontre el codigo y lo meti) (kupi)

ejemplo, en items/items.xml

o <item id="5875" name="sniper gloves">

<attribute key="description" value="They are the pride of the paladin guild."/>

<attribute key="weight" value="400"/>

<attribute key="defense" value="15"/>

<attribute key="attack" value="30"/>

<attribute key="weaponType" value="fist"/>

<attribute key="slotType" value="two-handed"/>


* actualizado el premium system (mas completo) (kupi)

* more lua functions (kupi)

* otra lua function (kupi) :

* mas configuraciones desde config.lua (kupi)

* fixed muchas configuraciones de config.lua que no funcionaban (kupi)

o doPlayerSetSex (ejemplo de script: doPlayerSetSex(cid, 0) )

* custom client (aun me lo estoy pensando) (al final no sacado, seguramente se sacara mas adelante)

* agregar mas configuraciones (como susprise bags...) (kupi & zorzin)

* fixar mas systemas (kupi)

* fixar las configuraciones de config.lua (kupi)

* agregar los systemas removidos (kupi) (algunos, algunos los e tenido de sacar)

* bastante mas... probenlo no hos arrepentireis Big Grin ahora posteo el link


Biosoft OTP v.0.1.6 Beta 2


* fixed database (kupi)

* fixed config.lua Big Grin (kupi)

* fexed actions


Biosoft OTP v.0.1.8 Beta


* Update SVN 04/02/08

* All Bugs Fixed ( GM Neo )

* weapons, items, monsters y muchos mas... ( Trekes )


* Randomize Ground ( Config.lua )

* Animations ( Config.lua )

* Bed regen ( Config.lua)

* Show House Price ( Config.lua )

* House Only premium ( Config.lua )

* Afk turn ( Config.lua )

* Cant send Private message GM's ( Config.lua )

* Bag player after death ( Config.lua )

* Priority ( Config.lua )

* Premium Price ( Config.lua )

* stages.xml

* pvpzones.xml

* pvparenas.xml

* Max summons ( Config.lua )

* Items Hotkeys ( Config.lua )

* Battle Windows ( Config.lua )

* Feet Damage ( Config.lua )

* Animate spells ( Config.lua )

* Protection system ( Config.lua )

* Critical Damage ( Config.lua )


Biosoft OTP v.


* Add FancyAnimations

* Show House Price ( Config.lua )

* House Only premium ( Config.lua )

* Afk turn ( Config.lua )

* Priority ( Config.lua )

* Premium Price ( Config.lua )

* Max summons ( Config.lua )

* Items Hotkeys ( Config.lua )

* Battle Windows ( Config.lua )

* Animate spells ( Config.lua )

* Critical Damage ( Config.lua )

* Exp Color ( Config.lua )

* Protection Attack DDOS ( Config.lua )

* Advanced CreatureEvents

* MultiWorld System

* Rogier ShareExp ( Config.lua )

* TFS Quests logs


Biosoft OTP v.


* Bed regen ( Config.lua)

* Randomize Ground ( Config.lua )

* Cant send Private message GM's ( Config.lua )

* stages.xml

* pvpzones.xml (echo)

* pvparenas.xml (echo)

* premiumtiles.xml

* Feet Damage ( Config.lua )

* Protection level system ( Config.lua )


Biosoft OTP v.


* Show House Price ( Config.lua )

* House Only premium ( Config.lua )

* Afk turn ( Config.lua )

* Premium Price ( Config.lua )

* Max summons ( Config.lua )

* Items Hotkeys ( Config.lua )

* Battle Windows ( Config.lua )

* Advanced CreatureEvents

* Rogier ShareExp ( Config.lua )

* TFS Quests logs

* Randomize Ground ( Config.lua )

* pvpzones.xml (echo)

* pvparenas.xml (echo)

* Feet Damage ( Config.lua )

* Protection level system ( Config.lua )

* new commands

* and more!



* Add FancyAnimations ( by creatureevents )

* Priority ( Config.lua ) (removed)

* Animate spells ( Config.lua ) (removed)

* Critical Damage ( Config.lua ) (removed)

* Exp Color ( Config.lua ) (removed)

* Protection Attack DDOS ( Config.lua ) (bugged)

* MultiWorld System (bugged)

* Bed regen ( Config.lua) (removed)

* Cant send Private message GM's ( Config.lua ) (removed)

* stages.xml (bugged)

* premiumtiles.xml (removed)


Biosoft OTP v.


* Add Beb system

* Bed regent ( config.lua )

* Edit dir files XML ( XML Files )

* Add NPC Test82.lua ( Fixed SVN )

* bugfix in item.cpp ( Tiny )


Biosoft OTP v.


* UPDATE to Last Revision Avesta

* All Features Avesta

* Bed System

* Party System

* Skull System

* Quest Log

* Revised NPC System via XML

* Better attack / magic formulas (more RL-Tibia like)

* No-logout zones / PvP Zones

* RL Tibia Exp Share

* Corpse owners

* Elements system

* RL Tibia-like NPC Buy / Sell

* Addon (Fixed)

* AOL (Fixed)

* Add Christmas decoration

* Add Critical damage

* Add Style channel chats (sora)

* Add Default priority (config.lua)

* Premium system (xidaozu, neo)

* GM Look (Nfries88, kupi)

* GM Move (GM's can move items from distance) (Nfries88)

* More house options config (kupi, neo)

* Premium Outfit System (kupi)

* fix bugs (neo & kupi)

* and more systems. (neo & kupi)

* Website compatible and created special for this Distro (kupi)


* Based on Avesta revision: 3387 (19-7-08) (SVN Team) edited by kupi & GM Neo


Biosoft OTP v.


* Based on Avesta revision: 3309 (27-7-08) (SVN Team) edited by kupi & GM Neo


Biosoft OTP v.


* Based on Avesta (29-7-08) (SVN Team) edited by kupi & GM Neo

* Aol ( Fixed )

* Creature Event ( Fixed )

* Items.xml, Items.otb ( Remere )

* Add new access & ranks

* Another Bug's Fixed!



Obs: não há virus, apenas Dlls não reconhecidas


Download Biosoft


Obs: Tem que baixar as DLL \/ para o ot funcionar sevem estrai-las na pasta em que se encontra o executavel.

DLL's Files:



Map Editor:




Editado por Santariel
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ué se naum me engano ja tem um deste server aki no xtibia :p


olhe antes de postar,


mas isso é puro ctrl+c e ctrl+v


alem de suspeita de virus LoL


Editado por Evil01
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  • 2 weeks later...
@Evil01 ué se naum me engano ja tem um deste server aki no xtibia :p


olhe antes de postar,


mas isso é puro ctrl+c e ctrl+v


alem de suspeita de virus LoL





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