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B-fox 5.1


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First Version: 0.90 :


B-Fox 0.90


* all fatures 0.89

* Fixed spells (Again -.-)

* all new items from Tibia 8.0 (Hermes,Me)

* added all wand and rods (Me)

* added new npc soft man (Otfans)

* added scanting npc kapitan

* nice edit mape

* added morgaroth and wyvern (me,hermes)

* added traing monk spawns (me)

* change npc palladin (me)

* added addon system and npc! (Xidoazu)



B-Fox 0.90a


* fixed global.lua (Other)

* added pits of inferno monsters =) (Other0

* fixed bugs on map (me)

* added resps and npsc (me)

* fixed hydra (me)



B-Fox 0.90b


* added spell undead legion (Forgetten)

* added campain gems (

* added figure from ice (Azi)

* clean up in ots folders



B-Fox 0.91


added npc addoner like rl tibia 100% all works(Norsemna Outfit too) (Otfans,me)

* fixed wand and rods (me)

* fixed spells 8.0 (me)

* added npc teleporter (me)

* many plants (me)

* added svargrond arena (me)

* fixed map bugs (me)

* monsters like rl tibia (me,otfans)

* exhausted like rl tibia (me)

* fixed npcs (me)

* teleport system like rl tibia (Zorzin)

* added weapon (weapons.xml) (me)

* and a few fixed bugs



B-Fox 0.92


* all futures devlanda 0.95 by Dzojo

* fixed weapons.xml (me)

* fixed npc addon (Otfans)



B-Fox 0.92a


* all futures 0.96 by dzojo (Dzojo):

* fixed dead bug



B-Fox 0.92


* all futures 0.96b by dzojo (Dzojo):

* fixed distance atk (Dzojo)

* fixed npcs (me,thx report for Hermes)



B-Fox 0.92c


* fixed fast atk (thx nurgiel to raported)

* fixed hydras (me)

* fixed monsters (Hermes)

* fixed wand and rods (me)

* spell exori hur and exori con now taking 40 mana (me)



B-Fox 1.1b


* fixed doors system (me,evolutions)

* added widows system (me,Xidoazu)

* fixed global.lua (me)

* fixed obsidian knife and blessed wooden stake (again :/) (Ersiu)

* fixed change town (me)

* fixed houses (me)

* fixed some spells (me)

* fixed req level for paldins weapons and ammunations (me)



B-Fox 1.2


* crytical fixed global.lua (me)

* fixed pontions (me)

* fixed outfits (me)

* fixed doors and widows (me,zorzin)

* uptade monsters (me,forgettenserwer,otfans)

* fixed "use players monsters spells" (me)

* fixed manafluids (me)

* fixed req lvl for weapons (me)

* other fixed...



B-Fox 2.5


* change to evolutions npc system (xidoazu)

* Updated Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo,)

* fixed NPC "changing addons items" (me)

* fixed gm block players msg (me)

* fixed command /openpacc (me)

* New Commands: (OTH,zorzin)

* /red ( BroadCast Red)

* /white ( BroadCast White)

* /blue ( BroadCast Blue)

* /green ( BroadCast Green



B-Fox 2.6


* uptade all npcs to system Jiddo (Jiddo)

* blue color of console (me)

* fixed players creatureevent (me)

* new icon (me)

* fixed change golds (me)

* fixed commend !online "now near nick writes for example Omen[141],GM Omen[49](GM)" (me)



B-Fox 2.7


* fixed premium and promotion system (me)

* added function isPremium (forgetten)

* added talkactions !version,!giveexp,!buypromote (Ersiu)

* fixed and changed ice rapier attack: 60 (me)

* fixed could use players spells of monsters (me)

* fixed doors (me,Hermes)

* Uptade 8.0 doors: (Hermes,fixed me)

* *skin doors

* Svargrond wooden door

* Barbiarian bone-doors

* Ice doors

* *Svargrond wood doors

* Svargrond doors




B-Fox 3.1


* new creaturescriptohmy.gifnKill (Svn)

* new script house tiles (svn)

* experience Stages (Xidaozu)

* added command "!leavehouse" (Xidoazu)

* new food system (me)

* SqLite Support (svn,me)



B-Fox 3.2


* fixed report system (Rafael Hamdan)

* added house rent system like global (Rafael Hamdan)

* added command_logs (zorzin)

* !online showing how many and who are the online players (Rafael Hamdan)

* Randomize Ground "configurable at config.lua" (zorzin)

* added command /addskill (Xidoazu)

* fixed bed system (me)

* players online list on logs "online.php" (Xidoazu)

* added pvp enforced things (Xidaozu)

* fixed crash for login,logout (svn,me)

* fixed server save (me)

* delete SqLite Support (me)

* fixed mysql support (me,svn)

* other bug fixed (svn,rafael hamdan,me)



B-Fox 4.0


* (change name of project for B-Fox)

* icon with logo B-Fox (me)

* fixed creatureevent (svn)

* npc santa in temple (otfans)

* script Dynamic fire (otfans,SuperGillis) info



B-Fox 4.0b


* othe last version 8.0

* bug fixed (me)



B-Fox 5.0 8.1


* protocol 8.1 (me)

* uptade items.otb (svn)

* all outfits 8.1 (me)

* system plywania (me,******)

* all new monster 8.1 (not done loot) (me,otfans)

* npc sell all addons 8.1

* all 8.1 spells (me)

* new wand&rods (me)

* action ice cube (Robertoo)

* fixed items.cpp,h (me,svn)



B-Fox 5.0b


* fixed new corpose (me)

* fixed magic npc (me)

* fixed wands&rods (me)

* fixed npc of addons (me)



B-Fox 5.1


* added ball for swimming game (me)

* new script of swimming 100%rl! (me)

* fixed new corpeses (me)

* added squirrel (******)

* fixed all monsters 8.1 (me,******)

* share exp in party (me)

* fixed database(sample).sql (me,thx report for zeu)



Credits: GM Omen (CaymaN) andrej93 (Hermes),Smoczek Leon ,Azeroth#24 (Azi,Ersiu),Dzojo (Devon Six,Twórca devlandu bez niego by ten serw sie nawet nie wlonczyl Laugh) O.t.f.ans,,Xidoazu,Chefim,Zorzin,Rafael Hamdan. TODOS OS "ME" são créditos para: GM Chefim



O Otserv só foi lançado na versão SQL.


Link: Download B-Fox 5.1



Editado por Xiuris
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pra q chinga o cara?

ta achando q isso aqui eh feira livre véi?

respeita os caras ae pls

nem so adm nem nada...

mas pahh...



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