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Monsters 7.81


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:hi: Fiz mais uns monstros no meu ot vo posta aki pra vo6 tomara que gostem as spells deles estão postadas nos downloads de spells.


elemental knight


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<monster name="Elemental Knight" level="1300" maglevel="90" experience="100000" pushable="0" armor="300" defense="300" canpushitems="1" staticattack="500" changetarget="2000" speed="3500">>

<health now="600000" max="600000"/>

<look type="131" head="115" body="115" legs="81" feet="115" knowaddon="3" lookaddon="3" corpse="3128"/>

<combat targetdistance="1" runonhealth="0"/>


<attack type="melee" mindamage="6000" maxdamage="14000" cycleticks="2000" probability="100"/>

<attack type="instant" name="earth elemental attack" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="7"/>

<attack type="instant" name="exevo gran pox" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="3000" probability="90"/>

<attack type="rune" name="poison field" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="poison field" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="Envenom" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="poisonbomb" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="poison wall" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="poisonbomb" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="instant" name="exori sham pox" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="70"/>







<voice sentence="Paladins?They doesn't know the power of the earth"/>

<voice sentence="The shadow avatar thinks he is the better but the earth is the better!"/>

<voice sentence="ruthless seven?Fucking little bitchs equalized to the earth crust!!!"/>

<voice sentence="Knights!the earth warriors!"/>




        <item id="2351" chance="1000"/>//

        <item id="2392" chance="1000"/>//

        <item id="2350" chance="10000"/>// sword hit

<item id="2523" chance="7000"/>// blessed shield

<item id="2400" chance="7000"/>// Magic Sword

        <item id="2198" chance="10000"/>//



<summons maxSummons="5">

<summon name="Cobra" chance="8000"/>




Elemental Druid


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<monster name="Elemental Druid" level="1300" maglevel="90" experience="100000" pushable="0" armor="300" defense="300" canpushitems="1" staticattack="500" changetarget="2000" speed="3500">>

<health now="600000" max="600000"/>

<look type="128" head="84" body="88" legs="84" feet="88" knowaddon="3" lookaddon="3" corpse="3128"/>

<combat targetdistance="1" runonhealth="0"/>



<attack type="instant" name="water elemental attack" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="instant" name="tsunami" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="70"/>







<voice sentence="sorcerers?The water comand then"/>

<voice sentence="The shadow avatar thinks he is the better but the water is the better!"/>

<voice sentence="ruthless seven?Fucking little bitchs equalized to the deep seas!!!"/>

<voice sentence="Druids!the water magical blessers!!!"/>




        <item id="2542" chance="10000"/>// plasma shield

  <item id="2640" chance="10000"/>// boww

        <item id="2664" chance="1000"/>//

        <item id="2411" chance="1000"/>//



<summons maxSummons="5">

<summon name="water elemental" chance="8000"/>




Elemental Paladin


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<monster name="Elemental Paladin" level="1300" maglevel="90" experience="100000" pushable="0" armor="300" defense="300" canpushitems="1" staticattack="500" changetarget="2000" speed="3500">>

<health now="600000" max="600000"/>

<look type="129" head="94" body="94" legs="94" feet="79" knowaddon="3" lookaddon="3" corpse="3128"/>

<combat targetdistance="1" runonhealth="0"/>


<attack type="distance" name="crystal arrow" maxdamage="60000" cycleticks="3000" probability="10"/>

<attack type="instant" name="fire elemental attack" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="7"/>

<attack type="instant" name="exevo gran vis" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="3000" probability="90"/>

<attack type="rune" name="fire field" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="fire ball" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="great fireball" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="firebomb" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="explosion" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="soulfire" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="instant" name="phoenix fire" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="70"/>

        <attack type="instant" name="exevo flam hur" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="70"/>

        <attack type="instant" name="exori flam" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="70"/>

        <attack type="rune" name="fire wall" exhaustion="80" cycleticks="3000" probability="100"/>







<voice sentence="knights?They will burn into our fire!"/>

<voice sentence="The shadow avatar thinks he is the better but the fire is the better!"/>

<voice sentence="ruthless seven?Fucking little bitchs equalized to the Phoenix soul!!!"/>

<voice sentence="Paladins!the fire fighters!"/>





        <item id="2352" countmax="10000" chance1="100" chancemax="2000"/>// Crystal Arrow

        <item id="2423" chance="1000"/>//

        <item id="2200" chance="100000"/>//

        <item id="2201" chance="10000"/>//

        <item id="2138" chance="100"/>//

        <item id="2139" chance="100"/>//



<summons maxSummons="5">

<summon name="fire elemental" chance="8000"/>




Elemental Sorcerer


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<monster name="Elemental Sorcerer" level="1300" maglevel="90" experience="100000" pushable="0" armor="300" defense="300" canpushitems="1" staticattack="500" changetarget="2000" speed="3500">>

<health now="600000" max="600000"/>

<look type="130" head="85" body="0" legs="85" feet="0" knowaddon="3" lookaddon="3" corpse="3128"/>

<combat targetdistance="1" runonhealth="0"/>



<attack type="instant" name="wind elemental attack" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="instant" name="invis" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="90"/>

        <attack type="instant" name="cold wind" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="100"/>

        <attack type="instant" name="pala beam" exhaustion="500" cycleticks="5000" probability="100"/>







<voice sentence="druids?The air comand then"/>

<voice sentence="The shadow avatar thinks he is the better but the wind is the better!"/>

<voice sentence="ruthless seven?Fucking little bitchs equalized to the air!!!"/>

<voice sentence="sorcerers!the wind magicians!"/>




        <item id="2436" chance="1000"/>//

        <item id="2438" chance="1000"/>//

        <item id="2152" countmax="99" chance1="90000" chancemax="4000"/>// platinum coin

   <item id="2160" countmax="70" chance1="70000" chancemax="3000"/>// cystal coin

<item id="2453" chance="8000"/>// spirit wand

   <item id="2474" chance="9000"/>// winghed helmet



<summons maxSummons="5">

<summon name="terror bird" chance="8000"/>





abaixo as tags para monsters.xml


<monster name="Elemental Knight" file="Elemental knight.xml" />

<monster name="Elemental Paladin" file="Elemental Paladin.xml" />

<monster name="Elemental Sorcerer" file="Elemental Sorcerer.xml" />

<monster name="Elemental Druid" file="Elemental Druid.xml" />



spells aki=tópico com as spells










comentem plx!!!


ao invés de perguntar do ninja pq ñ comenta?


Aff o ninjinha é aki.

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