Sirarcken 52 Postado Julho 16, 2016 Share Postado Julho 16, 2016 (editado) Visto que agora e aonda do tfs 1.2 vou trazer umas paradas do forum gringo. E como não vi no forum, acho que e bizu. Addon doll e Mount Doll por Modal Window... é fácil e simples. Primeiro vamos precisar instalar o modal window. va em data/lib/lib.lua e adiciona: dofile('data/lib/modalwindow.lua') Depois na pasta data/Lib crie um arquivo chamado modalwindow e adiciona esse code. Spoiler if not modalWindows then modalWindows = { modalWindowConstructor = ModalWindow, nextFreeId = 500, windows = {} }end local MT = {}MT.__index = MT function ModalWindow(...) local args = {...} if type(args[1]) == 'table' then local self = setmetatable(args[1], MT) local id = modalWindows.nextFreeId = id self.buttons = {} self.choices = {} self.players = {} self.created = false modalWindows.nextFreeId = id + 1 table.insert(, self) return self end return modalWindows.modalWindowConstructor(...)end function MT:setDefaultCallback(callback) self.defaultCallback = callbackend function MT:addButton(text, callback) local button = {text = tostring(text), callback = callback} table.insert(self.buttons, button) return buttonend function MT:addButtons(...) for _, text in ipairs({...}) do table.insert(self.buttons, {text = tostring(text)}) endend function MT:addChoice(text) local choice = {text = tostring(text)} table.insert(self.choices, choice) return choiceend function MT:addChoices(...) for _, text in ipairs({...}) do table.insert(self.choices, {text = tostring(text)}) endend function MT:setDefaultEnterButton(text) self.defaultEnterButton = textend function MT:setDefaultEscapeButton(text) self.defaultEscapeButton = textend function MT:setTitle(title) self.title = tostring(title)end function MT:setMessage(message) self.message = tostring(message)end local buttonOrder = { [4] = {3, 4, 2, 1}, [3] = {2, 3, 1}, [2] = {1, 2}, [1] = {1}}function MT:create() local modalWindow = modalWindows.modalWindowConstructor(, self.title, self.message) local order = buttonOrder[math.min(#self.buttons, 4)] if order then for _, i in ipairs(order) do local button = self.buttons[i] modalWindow:addButton(i, button.text) = i if button.text == self.defaultEnterButton then modalWindow:setDefaultEnterButton(i) elseif button.text == self.defaultEscapeButton then modalWindow:setDefaultEscapeButton(i) end end end for _, choice in ipairs(self.choices) do modalWindow:addChoice(_, choice.text) = _ end self.modalWindow = modalWindowend function MT:sendToPlayer(player) if not self.modalWindow then self:create() end player:registerEvent('ModalWindowHelper') self.players[player:getId()] = true return self.modalWindow:sendToPlayer(player)end Agora em data/creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml Add a tag. <event type="modalwindow" name="ModalWindowHelper" script="modalwindowhelper.lua" /> Agora crie um arquivo chamado modalwindowhelper. e add o code nele. Spoiler function onModalWindow(player, modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) local modalWindow for _, window in ipairs( do if == modalWindowId then modalWindow = window break end end if not modalWindow then return true end local playerId = player:getId() if not modalWindow.players[playerId] then return true end modalWindow.players[playerId] = nil local choice = modalWindow.choices[choiceId] for _, button in ipairs(modalWindow.buttons) do if == buttonId then local callback = button.callback or modalWindow.defaultCallback if callback then callback(button, choice) break end end end return trueend Pronto a parte da janela esta feita, agora vamos ao Addon em actions.xml add. <action itemid="ITEMID" script="addon_doll.lua"/> em item id coloque o id que desejar, depois disso crie um arquivo chamado de addon_doll.lua e add. Spoiler local outfits = { -- Config dollID = 8982, -- Change this to your dolls or items, item ID -- Main Window Messages (The first window the player sees) mainTitle = "Choose an outfit", mainMsg = "You will recieve both addons aswell as the outfit you choose.", -- Already Owned Window (The window that appears when the player already owns the addon) ownedTitle = "Whoops!", ownedMsg = "You already have this addon. Please choose another.", -- No Doll in Backpack (The window that appears when the player doesnt have the doll in their backpack) dollTitle = "Whoops!", dollMsg = "The addon doll must be in your backpack.",-- End Config -- Outfit Table [1] = {name = "Citizen", male = 128, female = 136}, [2] = {name = "Hunter", male = 129, female = 137}, [3] = {name = "Mage", male = 130, female = 138}, [4] = {name = "Knight", male = 131, female = 139}, [5] = {name = "Noble", male = 132, female = 140}, [6] = {name = "Summoner", male = 133, female = 141}, [7] = {name = "Warrior", male = 134, female = 142}, [8] = {name = "Barbarian", male = 143, female = 147}, [9] = {name = "Druid", male = 144, female = 148}, [10] = {name = "Wizard", male = 145, female = 149}, [11] = {name = "Oriental", male = 146, female = 150}, [12] = {name = "Pirate", male = 151, female = 155}, [13] = {name = "Assassin", male = 152, female = 156}, [14] = {name = "Beggar", male = 153, female = 157}, [15] = {name = "Shaman", male = 154, female = 158}, [16] = {name = "Norse", male = 251, female = 252}, [17] = {name = "Nightmare", male = 268, female = 269}, [18] = {name = "Jester", male = 273, female = 270}, [19] = {name = "Brotherhood", male = 278, female = 279}, [20] = {name = "Demonhunter", male = 289, female = 288}, [21] = {name = "Yalaharian", male = 325, female = 324}, [22] = {name = "Warmaster", male = 335, female = 336}, [23] = {name = "Wayfarer", male = 367, female = 366}, [24] = {name = "Afflicted", male = 430, female = 431}, [25] = {name = "Elementalist", male = 432, female = 433}, [26] = {name = "Deepling", male = 463, female = 464}, [27] = {name = "Insectoid", male = 465, female = 466}, [28] = {name = "Entrepreneur", male = 472, female = 471}, [29] = {name = "Crystal Warlord", male = 512, female = 513}, [30] = {name = "Soil Guardian", male = 516, female = 514}, [31] = {name = "Demon", male = 541, female = 542}, [32] = {name = "Cave Explorer", male = 574, female = 575}, [33] = {name = "Dream Warden", male = 577, female = 578}, [34] = {name = "Champion", male = 633, female = 632}, [35] = {name = "Conjurer", male = 634, female = 635}, [36] = {name = "Beastmaster", male = 637, female = 636}, [37] = {name = "Chaos Acolyte", male = 665, female = 664}, [38] = {name = "Death Herald", male = 667, female = 666}, [39] = {name = "Ranger", male = 684, female = 683}, [40] = {name = "Ceremonial Garb", male = 695, female = 694}, [41] = {name = "Puppeteer", male = 697, female = 696}, [42] = {name = "Spirit Caller", male = 699, female = 698}, [43] = {name = "Evoker", male = 725, female = 724}, [44] = {name = "Seaweaver", male = 733, female = 732}, [45] = {name = "Recruiter", male = 746, female = 745}, [46] = {name = "Sea Dog", male = 750, female = 749}, [47] = {name = "Halloween", male = 760, female = 759},} function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition, isHotkey) player:sendAddonWindow(outfits) return trueend em global.lua add dofile('data/lib/addon_doll.lua') para finalizar cria um arquivo em /data/lib/ com o nome de addon_doll.lua e add o code. Spoiler function Player:sendAddonWindow(outfits) local function buttonCallback(button, choice) local outfitName = string.lower(outfits[].name) -- Converts the outfit name to lowercase -- Modal window functionallity if button.text == "Confirm" then -- Start Checks -- Check if player has addon doll in backpack. if self:getItemCount(outfits.dollID) == 0 then self:sendAddonWindow_noDoll(outfits) return false end -- If choiceID equals 0 return false and close window (If player alread has all addons choiceID will be 0). if == 0 then return false end -- Check if player already has the outfit if true send error message and reopen window if self:hasOutfit(outfits[].male, 3) or self:hasOutfit(outfits[].female, 3) == true then self:sendAddonWindow_owned(outfits) return false end -- Check player sex and grant addon based on it. if self:getSex() == 0 then self:addOutfitAddon(outfits[].female, 3) else self:addOutfitAddon(outfits[].male, 3) end end -- End Checks -- Remove addon doll, send confirmation message and send super special sparkles. self:removeItem(outfits.dollID, 1) self:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_FIREWORK_YELLOW) self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You can now wear the " ..outfitName.. " outfit and addons!") end -- Modal window design local window = ModalWindow { title = outfits.mainTitle, -- Title of the modal window message = outfits.mainMsg, -- The message to be displayed on the modal window } -- Add buttons to the window (Note: if you change the names of these you must change the functions in the modal window functionallity!) window:addButton("Confirm", buttonCallback) window:addButton("Cancel") -- Set what button is pressed when the player presses enter or escape window:setDefaultEnterButton("Confirm") window:setDefaultEscapeButton("Cancel") -- Add choices from the action script for i = 1, #outfits do local o = outfits[i].name -- Checks what outfits player has/doesnt if not self:hasOutfit(outfits[i].male, 3) and not self:hasOutfit(outfits[i].female, 3) then -- Add Nobleman or Noblewoman if o == "Noble" or o == "Norse" then if self:getSex() == 0 then o = o .. "woman" else o = o .. "man" end end -- Add choice if player does not have outfit local choice = window:addChoice(o) else -- Add "[Owned]" to the choice if player already has it. local choice = window:addChoice(o.." [Owned]") end end -- Send the window to player window:sendToPlayer(self)end --- The modal window that is played if player already has the addon.function Player:sendAddonWindow_owned(outfits) local function buttonCallback(button, choice) if button.text == "Back" then self:sendAddonWindow(outfits) end end-- Modal window design local window = ModalWindow { title = outfits.ownedTitle, -- Title of the modal window message = outfits.ownedMsg, -- The message to be displayed on the modal window } -- Add buttons to the window (Note: if you change the names of these you must change the functions in the modal window functionallity!) window:addButton("Back", buttonCallback) -- Set what button is pressed when the player presses enter or escape window:setDefaultEnterButton("Back") window:setDefaultEscapeButton("Back") -- Send the window to player window:sendToPlayer(self)end --- The modal window that is displayed if the player doesnt have the doll in his BPfunction Player:sendAddonWindow_noDoll(outfits) local function buttonCallback(button, choice) if button.text == "Back" then self:sendAddonWindow(outfits) end end-- Modal window design local window = ModalWindow { title = outfits.dollTitle, -- Title of the modal window message = outfits.dollMsg, -- The message to be displayed on the modal window } -- Add buttons to the window (Note: if you change the names of these you must change the functions in the modal window functionallity!) window:addButton("Back", buttonCallback) -- Set what button is pressed when the player presses enter or escape window:setDefaultEnterButton("Back") window:setDefaultEscapeButton("Back") -- Send the window to player window:sendToPlayer(self)end Pronto Addon Doll Finalizado vamos ao Mount.... No arquivo /data/actions/actions.xml add. <action itemid="ITEMID" script="mount_doll.lua"/> Agora em /data/actions/scripts crie um arquivo com o nome mount_doll.lua e add. Spoiler local mounts = {-- Config dollID = 9019, -- Change this to your dolls or items, item ID -- Main Window Messages (The first window the player sees) mainTitle = "Choose a Mount!", mainMsg = "Choose a mount to unlock.", -- Already Owned Window (The window that appears when the player already owns the addon) ownedTitle = "Whoops!", ownedMsg = "You already have this mount. Please choose another.", -- No Doll in Backpack (The window that appears when the player doesnt have the doll in their backpack) dollTitle = "Whoops!", dollMsg = "The mount doll must be in your backpack.",-- End Config [1] = {name = "Widow Queen", ID = 1}, [2] = {name = "Racing Bird", ID = 2}, [3] = {name = "War Bear", ID = 3}, [4] = {name = "Black Sheep", ID = 4}, [5] = {name = "Midnight Panther", ID = 5}, [6] = {name = "Draptor", ID = 6}, [7] = {name = "Titanica", ID = 7}, [8] = {name = "Tin Lizard", ID = 8}, [9] = {name = "Blazebringer", ID = 9}, [10] = {name = "Rapid Boar", ID = 10}, [11] = {name = "Stampor", ID = 11}, [12] = {name = "Undead Cavebear", ID = 12}, [13] = {name = "Donkey", ID = 13}, [14] = {name = "Tiger Slug", ID = 14}, [15] = {name = "Uniwheel", ID = 15}, [16] = {name = "Crystal Wolf", ID = 16}, [17] = {name = "War horse", ID = 17}, [18] = {name = "Kingly Deer", ID = 18}, [19] = {name = "Tamed Panda", ID = 19}, [20] = {name = "Dromedary", ID = 20}, [21] = {name = "King Scorpion", ID =21}, [22] = {name = "Rented Horse", ID = 22}, [23] = {name = "Armoured War Horse", ID = 23}, [24] = {name = "Shadow Draptor", ID =24}, [25] = {name = "Rented Horse", ID = 25}, [26] = {name = "Rented Horse", ID = 26}, [27] = {name = "Ladybug", ID = 27}, [28] = {name = "Manta Ray", ID = 28}, [29] = {name = "Ironblight", ID =29}, [30] = {name = "Magma Crawler", ID = 30}, [31] = {name = "Dragonling", ID = 31}, [32] = {name = "Gnarlhound", ID = 32}, [33] = {name = "Crimson Ray", ID = 33}, [34] = {name = "Steelbeak", ID = 34}, [35] = {name = "Water Buffalo", ID = 35}, [36] = {name = "Tombstinger", ID = 36}, [37] = {name = "Platesaurian", ID = 37}, [38] = {name = "Ursagrodon", ID = 38}, [39] = {name = "The Hellgrip", ID = 39}, [40] = {name = "Noble Lion", ID = 40}, [41] = {name = "Desert King", ID = 41}, [42] = {name = "Shock Head", ID = 42}, [43] = {name = "Walker", ID = 43}, [44] = {name = "Azudocus", ID = 44}, [45] = {name = "Carpacosaurus", ID = 45}, [46] = {name = "Death Crawler", ID = 46}, [47] = {name = "Flamesteed", ID = 47}, [48] = {name = "Jade Lion", ID = 48}, [49] = {name = "Jade Pincer", ID = 49}, [50] = {name = "Nethersteed", ID = 50}, [51] = {name = "Tempest", ID = 51}, [52] = {name = "Winter King", ID = 52}, [53] = {name = "Doombringer", ID = 53}, [54] = {name = "Woodland Prince", ID = 54}, [55] = {name = "Hailtorm Fury", ID = 55}, [56] = {name = "Siegebreaker", ID = 56}, [57] = {name = "Poisonbane", ID = 57}, [58] = {name = "Blackpelt", ID = 58}, [59] = {name = "Golden Dragonfly", ID = 59}, [60] = {name = "Steel Bee", ID = 60}, [61] = {name = "Copper Fly", ID = 61}, [62] = {name = "Tundra Rambler", ID = 62}, [63] = {name = "Highland Yak", ID = 63}, [64] = {name = "Glacier Vagabond", ID = 64}, [65] = {name = "Glooth Glider", ID = 65}, [66] = {name = "Shadow Hart", ID = 66}, [67] = {name = "Black Stag", ID = 67}, [68] = {name = "Emperor Deer", ID = 68}, [69] = {name = "Flying Divan", ID = 69}, [70] = {name = "Magic Carpet", ID = 70}, [71] = {name = "Floating Kashmir", ID = 71}, [72] = {name = "Ringtail Wazzoon", ID = 72}, [73] = {name = "Night Wazzoon", ID = 73}, [74] = {name = "Emerald Waccoon", ID = 74}, [75] = {name = "Flitterkatzen", ID = 75}, [76] = {name = "Venompaw", ID = 76}, [77] = {name = "Batcat", ID = 77}, [78] = {name = "Sea Devil", ID = 78}, [79] = {name = "Coralripper", ID = 79}, [80] = {name = "Plumfish", ID = 80}, [81] = {name = "Gorongra", ID = 81}, [82] = {name = "Noctungra", ID = 82}, [83] = {name = "Silverneck", ID = 83}, [84] = {name = "Kimera", ID = 84}, [85] = {name = "Kimera Devil", ID = 85}, [86] = {name = "Shadow Beast", ID = 86}, } function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition, isHotkey) player:sendMountWindow(mounts)end Agora no arquivo data/global.xml add. dofile('data/lib/mount_doll.lua') agora em /data/lib/ crie um arquivo com o nome "mount_doll.lua" e add. Spoiler function Player:sendMountWindow(mounts) local function buttonCallback(button, choice) local mountName = string.lower(mounts[].name) -- Converts the mount name to lowercase -- Modal window functionallity if button.text == "Confirm" then -- Start Checks -- Check if player already has the mount if true send error message and reopen window if self:hasMount(mounts[].ID) == true then self:sendMountWindow_owned(mounts) return false end -- Check if player has mount doll in backpack. if self:getItemCount(mounts.dollID) == 0 then self:sendMountWindow_noDoll(mounts) return false end end -- End Checks -- Add mount to play, remove mount doll, send confirmation message and send super special sparkles. self:addMount(mounts[].ID) self:removeItem(mounts.dollID, 1) self:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_FIREWORK_YELLOW) self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You can now use the " ..mountName.. " mount!") end -- Modal window design local window = ModalWindow { title = mounts.mainTitle, -- Title of the modal window message = mounts.mainMsg, -- The message to be displayed on the modal window } -- Add buttons to the window (Note: if you change the names of these you must change the functions in the modal window functionallity!) window:addButton("Confirm", buttonCallback) window:addButton("Cancel") -- Set what button is pressed when the player presses enter or escape window:setDefaultEnterButton("Confirm") window:setDefaultEscapeButton("Cancel") -- Add choices from the action script for i = 1, #mounts do local o = mounts[i].name -- Checks what mounts player has/doesnt if not self:hasMount(mounts[i].ID) then -- Add choice if player does not have mount window:addChoice(o) else -- Add "[Owned]" to the choice if player already has it. window:addChoice(o.." [Owned]") end end -- Send the window to player window:sendToPlayer(self)end --- The modal window that is played if player already has the addon.function Player:sendMountWindow_owned(mounts) local function buttonCallback(button, choice) if button.text == "Back" then self:sendMountWindow(mounts) end end-- Modal window design local window = ModalWindow { title = mounts.ownedTitle, -- Title of the modal window message = mounts.ownedMsg, -- The message to be displayed on the modal window } -- Add buttons to the window (Note: if you change the names of these you must change the functions in the modal window functionallity!) window:addButton("Back", buttonCallback) -- Set what button is pressed when the player presses enter or escape window:setDefaultEnterButton("Back") window:setDefaultEscapeButton("Back") -- Send the window to player window:sendToPlayer(self)end --- The modal window that is displayed if the player doesnt have the doll in his BPfunction Player:sendMountWindow_noDoll(mounts) local function buttonCallback(button, choice) if button.text == "Back" then self:sendMountWindow(mounts) end end-- Modal window design local window = ModalWindow { title = mounts.dollTitle, -- Title of the modal window message = mounts.dollMsg, -- The message to be displayed on the modal window } -- Add buttons to the window (Note: if you change the names of these you must change the functions in the modal window functionallity!) window:addButton("Back", buttonCallback) -- Set what button is pressed when the player presses enter or escape window:setDefaultEnterButton("Back") window:setDefaultEscapeButton("Back") -- Send the window to player window:sendToPlayer(self)end Pronto codigo finalizado. Espero que seja útil, lembrando não foi eu quem fiz, mais qualquer duvida e so falar que tento ajudar. foi o membro Strutz de um fórum gringo. Créditos todo dele. Editado Julho 16, 2016 por Sirarcken Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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