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[AJUDA] Script dominar cidades 2 funções



Tenho esse script de dominar cidades feito pelo zipster98, algo assim, alias muito obrigado...

Mas queria mudar 2 coisas q me faltam conhecimento, alguem mais experiente poderia me ajudar?



cityMonsters = {  --["monster_name"] = recomendo número anterior + 1,  ["Chanceler Carlin"] = 1,  ["Chanceler Venore"] = 2,  ["Chanceler Thais"] = 3,   ["Chanceler Darashia"] = 4,   ["Chanceler Ankrahmun"] = 5,   ["Chanceler Edron"] = 6,   ["Chanceler Rookgaard"] = 7,   ["Chanceler Svargrond"] = 8,  --etc}DEFAULT_STORAGE = 49198function setGuildExperience(guildId, exp)  for _, pid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do  if getPlayerGuildId(pid) == guildId then  doPlayerSetExperienceRate(pid, exp)  end  endendfunction getGuildExpRate(guildId)  for _, pid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do  local playerRate = getPlayerRates(pid)[8]  if getPlayerGuildId(pid) == guildId and playerRate > 1 then  return playerRate  end  end  return 1.0endfunction getGuildName(guild_id)  --Omega  local query = db.getResult("SELECT name FROM guilds WHERE id = "..guild_id)  local ret = query:getID() == -1 and false or query:getDataString("name")   print(query:getDataString("name"))  query:free()  return retend



Monster exemple:


<monster name="Chanceler Carlin" file="GOT/chanceler carlin.xml"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><monster name="Chanceler Carlin" nameDescription="Chanceler Carlin" race="blood" experience="0" speed="0" manacost="0">   <health now="6" max="6"/>   <look type="140" head="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0" addons="3" corpse="6080"/>   <flags>     <flag summonable="0"/>     <flag attackable="1"/>     <flag hostile="1"/>     <flag illusionable="0"/>     <flag convinceable="0"/>     <flag pushable="0"/>     <flag canpushitems="1"/>     <flag canpushcreatures="1"/>     <flag targetdistance="1"/>   </flags>   <attacks>     <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="45" attack="20"/>   </attacks>   <defenses armor="9" defense="11">     <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="9" min="750" max="1250">       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>     </defense>     <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="17" min="300" max="500">       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>     </defense>   </defenses>   <immunities>     <immunity lifedrain="1"/>     <immunity paralyze="1"/>     <immunity invisible="1"/>   </immunities>   <voices interval="5000" chance="10">     <voice sentence="Guards!" yell="1"/>   </voices>  <script>  <event name="mDeath"/>  </script></monster>



   <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="12000-12100" event="script" value="GOT/throne_capturing.lua"/>   <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="2391-2398" event="script" value="GOT/tile_acess_members_of_throne.lua"/>


local config = {  level = 50,  count = 5,  messages = {  [12000] = "[GOT]The guild %s is entering the castle.",  [12001] = "[GOT]The guild %s is already inside the castle.",  [12002] = "[GOT]The guild %s is close to conquer the castle."  },  actionId = {12000, 4819}}function tableInsert(table, value)  -- technically this doesn't need to be #table + 1, it can just be #table  table[#table + 1] = valueendfunction onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)  local pid, ip = {}, {} -- now they will hold the values generated by get getGuildOnlineMembers  local function getGuildOnlineMembers(guildId)  for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do   if getPlayerGuildId(cid) == guildId and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.level and not isInArray(ip, getPlayerIp(cid)) then  tableInsert(pid, cid)  tableInsert(ip, getPlayerIp(cid))  end  end  return pid  end  if not isPlayer(cid) then  return true  end  if item.actionid == config.actionId[1] then  if getPlayerGuildId(cid) < 1 or #getGuildOnlineMembers(getPlayerGuildId(cid)) < config.count then  doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to be on guild or your guild must have at least "..config.count.." players level "..config.level.." or more.")  doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)  doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)  return true  end  end  if getGlobalStorageValue(item.actionid + config.actionId[2]) < os.time() then  broadcastMessage(config.messages[item.actionid]:format(getPlayerGuildName(cid)))  setGlobalStorageValue(item.actionid + config.actionId[2], os.time() + 10)  end  doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, 3)  return trueend


local guilds = {  --[actionid] = número da cidade configurado em cityMonsters,  [2391] = 1,  [2392] = 2,  [2393] = 3,    [2394] = 4,   [2395] = 5,   [2396] = 6,   [2397] = 7,   [2398] = 8,} function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)  if not isPlayer(cid) then return true end  local guildId = getGlobalStorageValue(guilds[item.actionid] + DEFAULT_STORAGE)  if getPlayerGuildId(cid) ~= guildId then  doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition)     doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'This territory is not of your Guild')  end  return trueend





   <!-- Guild own throne +25%de exp -->  <event type="death" name="mDeath" event="script" value="GOT/expbonus_got.lua"/>  <event type="statschange" name="mStatsChange" event="script" value="GOT/expbonus_got.lua"/>  <event type="target" name="mTarget" event="script" value="GOT/expbonus_got.lua"/>  <event type="login" name="mLogin" event="script" value="GOT/expbonus_got.lua"/>



function onTarget(cid, target)  local m, playerGuild = cityMonsters[getCreatureName(target)], getPlayerGuildId(cid)  if isPlayer(cid) and isMonster(target) and m and playerGuild > 0 then  return getGlobalStorageValue(DEFAULT_STORAGE + m) ~= playerGuild  end  return trueendfunction onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value)  if isPlayer(attacker) and isMonster(cid) and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then  local m, playerGuild = cityMonsters[getCreatureName(cid)], getPlayerGuildId(attacker)  if m and playerGuild > 0 then  return getGlobalStorageValue(DEFAULT_STORAGE + m) ~= playerGuild  end  end  return trueendfunction onLogin(cid)  local guildId = getPlayerGuildId(cid)  if guildId > 0 and getGuildExpRate(guildId) > 1 then  doPlayerSetExperienceRate(cid, getGuildExpRate(guildId))  end  registerCreatureEvent(cid, "mTarget")  registerCreatureEvent(cid, "mStatsChange")  return trueend function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)  local killer, m = deathList[1], cityMonsters[getCreatureName(cid)]  if killer and isPlayer(killer) and m then  local atualGuild, playerGuild = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, DEFAULT_STORAGE + m), getPlayerGuildId(killer)  if playerGuild > 0 and atualGuild ~= playerGuild then  if atualGuild > -1 then  setGuildExperience(atualGuild, getGuildExpRate(atualGuild) - 0.25)  end  setGuildExperience(playerGuild, getGuildExpRate(playerGuild) + 0.25)  setGlobalStorageValue(DEFAULT_STORAGE + m, playerGuild)  broadcastMessage("The guild "..getPlayerGuildName(killer).."just dominate the throne of"..getCreatureName(cid):explode(" ")[2].."!")  end  end  return trueend



Preciso de ajuda com duas coisas:

1- Como fazer pra fazer cancelamentos se já tiver um territorio

Como por exemplo:

function onTarget(cid, target)    if SUAGUILDA TEM ALGUM TERRITORIO        CANCELA O ATK DIZENDO QUE SUA GUILDA JA TEM UM TERRITORIO    end    local m, playerGuild = cityMonsters[getCreatureName(target)], getPlayerGuildId(cid)    if isPlayer(cid) and isMonster(target) and m and playerGuild > 0 then        return getGlobalStorageValue(DEFAULT_STORAGE + m) ~= playerGuild    end    return trueend


    if SUAGUILDA TEM ALGUM TERRITORIO        doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your guild already has a throne dominated! Only one per guild.")        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)        doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)        return true    end


2- Como fazer uma placa pra eu colocar em frente de cada castelo, que quando os caras derem look aparecesse o nome da guilda dominante?

Sei la algo como esse pseudo codigo

onlook item sing  value = NAOSEI  local guildName = getGuildName(getGlobalStorageValue(value))  if guildName then    "City owned by guild"..guildName.."!"  else     "No one guild own this city!"  end


Editado por warriorfrog
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