Starliks 2 Postado Março 19, 2016 Share Postado Março 19, 2016 Estou com 1 problema com sistema de distribuição de pontos quando crio 1 personagem ele ja aparece com -1 ponto, conforme o char for upando era para ele ganhar pontos para distribuir mais isso não acontece, resumindo o personagem não recebe pontos quando upa para fazer a distribuição, baixo tem a imagem e o script. Creatures Script local function addSkills(player, skillId) player:addSkillTries(skillId, math.ceil(player:getVocation():getRequiredSkillTries(skill, player:getSkillLevel(skill) + 1) / configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_SKILL))) return false end local skillids = { ["shield"] = SKILL_SHIELD, ["sword"] = SKILL_SWORD, ["axe"] = SKILL_AXE, ["club"] = SKILL_CLUB, ["fist"] = SKILL_FIST, ["dist"] = SKILL_DISTANCE } local attributes = { ["health"] = {reqPoints = 1, increaseBy = 2, name = "Hit Points"}, ["mana"] = {reqPoints = 1, increaseBy = 2, name = "Mana Points"}, ["magic"] = {reqPoints = 15, increaseBy = 1, name = "Magic Level"}, ["shielding"] = {reqPoints = 15, increaseBy = 1, name = "Shielding Skill"}, ["sword"] = {reqPoints = 15, increaseBy = 1, name = "Sword Skill"}, ["axe"] = {reqPoints = 15, increaseBy = 1, name = "Axe Skill"}, ["club"] = {reqPoints = 15, increaseBy = 1, name = "Club Skill"}, ["fist"] = {reqPoints = 15, increaseBy = 1, name = "Fist Skill"}, ["distance"] = {reqPoints = 15, increaseBy = 1, name = "Distance Skill"}, } function onModalWindow(player, modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) local SKILL_POINTS = 45200 --- Change here the storage value used to save the skill points local points = player:getStorageValue(SKILL_POINTS) local function sendCancel() player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You do not have the required amount of Skill Points!") end local function doAddHealth(param, attributes) player:setMaxHealth(player:getMaxHealth() + attributes["health"].increaseBy*param) player:addHealth(attributes["health"].increaseBy*param) player:setStorageValue(SKILL_POINTS, points - attributes["health"].reqPoints*param) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have gained " ..attributes["health"].increaseBy.. " " ..attributes["health"].name.. "!") return true end local function doAddMana(param, attributes) player:setMaxMana(player:getMaxMana() + attributes["mana"].increaseBy*param) player:addMana(attributes["mana"].increaseBy*param) player:setStorageValue(SKILL_POINTS, points - attributes["mana"].reqPoints*param) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have gained " ..attributes["mana"].increaseBy.. " " ..attributes["mana"].name.. "!") return true end if (not modalWindowId == 1) or (buttonId == 4) then return false end if choiceId == 1 then if buttonId == 1 then if points >= attributes["health"].reqPoints then doAddHealth(1, attributes) else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 2 then if points >= attributes["health"].reqPoints*2 then doAddHealth(2, attributes) else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 3 then if points >= attributes["health"].reqPoints*5 then doAddHealth(5, attributes) else sendCancel() end end end if choiceId == 2 then if buttonId == 1 then if points >= attributes["mana"].reqPoints then doAddMana(1, attributes) else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 2 then if points >= attributes["mana"].reqPoints*2 then doAddMana(2, attributes) else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 3 then if points >= attributes["mana"].reqPoints*5 then doAddMana(5, attributes) else sendCancel() end end end if choiceId == 3 then if buttonId == 1 then if points >= attributes["magic"].reqPoints then player:addManaSpent(math.ceil(player:getVocation():getRequiredManaSpent(player:getBaseMagicLevel() + 1) / configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_MAGIC))) player:setStorageValue(SKILL_POINTS, points - attributes["magic"].reqPoints) else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 2 then if points >= attributes["magic"].reqPoints*2 then for i = 1,2 do player:addManaSpent(math.ceil(player:getVocation():getRequiredManaSpent(player:getBaseMagicLevel() + 1) / configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_MAGIC))) player:setStorageValue(SKILL_POINTS, points - attributes["magic"].reqPoints) end else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 3 then if points >= attributes["magic"].reqPoints*5 then for i = 1,5 do player:addManaSpent(math.ceil(player:getVocation():getRequiredManaSpent(player:getBaseMagicLevel() + 1) / configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_MAGIC))) player:setStorageValue(SKILL_POINTS, points - attributes["magic"].reqPoints) end else sendCancel() end end end if choiceId == 4 then if buttonId == 1 then if points >= attributes["sword"].reqPoints then addSkills(player, skillids["sword"]) end end if buttonId == 2 then if points >= attributes["sword"].reqPoints*2 then for i = 1,2 do addSkills(player, skillids["sword"]) end else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 3 then if points >= attributes["sword"].reqPoints*5 then for i = 1,5 do addSkills(player, skillids["sword"]) end else sendCancel() end end end if choiceId == 5 then if buttonId == 1 then if points >= attributes["axe"].reqPoints then addSkills(player, skillids["axe"]) end else sendCancel() end if buttonId == 2 then if points >= attributes["axe"].reqPoints*2 then for i = 1,2 do addSkills(player, skillids["axe"]) end else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 3 then if points >= attributes["axe"].reqPoints*5 then for i = 1,5 do addSkills(player, skillids["axe"]) end else sendCancel() end end end if choiceId == 6 then if buttonId == 1 then if points >= attributes["club"].reqPoints then addSkills(player, skillids["club"]) end else sendCancel() end if buttonId == 2 then if points >= attributes["club"].reqPoints*2 then for i = 1,2 do addSkills(player, skillids["club"]) end else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 3 then if points >= attributes["club"].reqPoints*5 then for i = 1,5 do addSkills(player, skillids["club"]) end else sendCancel() end end end if choiceId == 7 then if buttonId == 1 then if points >= attributes["shielding"].reqPoints then addSkills(player, skillids["shield"]) end else sendCancel() end if buttonId == 2 then if points >= attributes["shielding"].reqPoints*2 then for i = 1,2 do addSkills(player, skillids["shield"]) end else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 3 then if points >= attributes["shielding"].reqPoints*5 then for i = 1,5 do addSkills(player, skillids["shield"]) end else sendCancel() end end end if choiceId == 8 then if buttonId == 1 then if points >= attributes["distance"].reqPoints then addSkills(player, skillids["dist"]) end else sendCancel() end if buttonId == 2 then if points >= attributes["distance"].reqPoints*2 then for i = 1,2 do addSkills(player, skillids["dist"]) end else sendCancel() end end if buttonId == 3 then if points >= attributes["distance"].reqPoints*5 then for i = 1,5 do addSkills(player, skillids["dist"]) end else sendCancel() end end end end local SkillPoints = { [1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1, [4] = 1, [5] = 1, [6] = 1, [7] = 1, [8] = 1, } function onAdvance(player, skill, oldlevel, newlevel) local cid = player:getId() if not (SkillPoints[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) then return true end if (skill == 8) then if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14573) < newlevel) then if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) < 0) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14573, 0) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14573, newlevel) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) + (newlevel - oldlevel) * (SkillPoints[getPlayerVocation(cid)])) doCreatureSay(cid, '+1 Skill Point!', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) end end return true end Talkaction Script function onSay(player, words, param) local SKILL_POINTS = 45200 local Point = ModalWindow(1, "Skill Points", "You have skill " ..player:getStorageValue(SKILL_POINTS).. " points make your choice:\n\n Skill Required Points Increase Amount") Point:addChoice(1, "1. Health 1 2") Point:addChoice(2, "2. Mana") Point:addChoice(3, "3. Magic Level") Point:addChoice(4, "4. Sword") Point:addChoice(5, "5. Axe") Point:addChoice(6, "6. Club") Point:addChoice(7, "7. Shielding") Point:addChoice(8, "8. Distance") Point:addButton(1, 'Gain 1') Point:addButton(2, 'Gain 2') Point:addButton(3, 'Gain 5') Point:addButton(4, 'Cancel') player:registerEvent("PointWindow") Point:sendToPlayer(player) return false end Resolvido... Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
chateadoagr 12 Postado Março 22, 2016 Share Postado Março 22, 2016 quais sao as tags amigo ou o topico que vc pegou esse sistema? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Starliks 2 Postado Março 22, 2016 Autor Share Postado Março 22, 2016 RESOLVIDO.. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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