GustavaoTibia 0 Postado Julho 24, 2015 Share Postado Julho 24, 2015 Bem eu ando procurando como fazer uma talkactions pra convida outra guild para ir para um local X por um tempo determinado e assim que o tempo acabar eles volta pro templo ou se eles quiser cancelar antes ja usa o comando pra terminar. Como não consegui ajuda eu mesmo estou procurando fazer um modo, primeiramente eu consegui fazer com que os dois lider serem teleportado porem só consigo colocar 1 de cada vez exemplo !invite - lider que enviou o comando já foi teleportado !accept - lider que aceitou também foi teleportado Fazendo isso vai acontecer bugs... queria fazer com que os dois e seus membros serem teleportado para coordenadas x O TFS que uso é 1.0 function onSay(cid, words, param) local player = Player(cid) local guild = player:getGuild() if(guild == nil) then player:sendCancelMessage("You need to be in a guild in order to execute this talkaction.") return false end local guild = getPlayerGuildId(cid) if not guild or (player:getGuildLevel() < GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) then player:sendCancelMessage("You cannot execute this talkaction.") return false end local t = string.split(param, ",") if(not t[2]) then player:sendChannelMessage("", "Not enough param(s).", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end local enemy = getGuildId(t[2]) if(not enemy) then player:sendChannelMessage("", "Guild \"" .. t[2] .. "\" does not exists.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end if(enemy == guild) then player:sendChannelMessage("", "You cannot perform war action on your own guild.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end local enemyName, tmp = "", db.storeQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. enemy) if tmp ~= false then enemyName = result.getDataString(tmp, "name") end if(isInArray({"accept", "reject", "cancel"}, t[1])) then local query = "`guild1` = " .. enemy .. " AND `guild2` = " .. guild if(t[1] == "cancel") then query = "`guild1` = " .. guild .. " AND `guild2` = " .. enemy end tmp = db.storeQuery("SELECT `id`, `started`, `ended`, `payment` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE " .. query .. " AND `status` = 0") if(tmp == false) then player:sendChannelMessage("", "Currently there's no pending invitation for a war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end if(t[1] == "accept") then local _tmp = db.storeQuery("SELECT `balance` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. guild) local state = result.getDataInt(_tmp, "balance") < result.getDataInt(tmp, "payment") if(state) then player:sendChannelMessage("", "Your guild balance is too low to accept this invitation.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end db.query("UPDATE `guilds` SET `balance` = `balance` - " .. result.getDataInt(tmp, "payment") .. " WHERE `id` = " .. guild) end query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET " local msg = "accepted " .. enemyName .. " invitation to war." if(t[1] == "reject") then query = query .. "`ended` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 2" msg = "rejected " .. enemyName .. " invitation to war." elseif(t[1] == "cancel") then query = query .. "`ended` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 3" msg = "canceled invitation to a war with " .. enemyName .. "." else query = query .. "`started` = " .. os.time() .. ", `ended` = " .. (result.getDataInt(tmp, "ended") > 0 and (os.time() + ((result.getDataInt(tmp, "started") - result.getDataInt(tmp, "ended")) / 86400)) or 0) .. ", `status` = 1" end query = query .. " WHERE `id` = " .. result.getDataInt(tmp, "id") db.query(query) broadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has " .. msg, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return false end if(t[1] == "invite") then local str = "" tmp = db.storeQuery("SELECT `guild1`, `status` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild1` IN (" .. guild .. "," .. enemy .. ") AND `guild2` IN (" .. enemy .. "," .. guild .. ") AND `status` IN (0, 1)") if(tmp ~= false) then if(result.getDataInt(tmp, "status") == 0) then if(result.getDataInt(tmp, "guild1") == guild) then str = "You have already invited " .. enemyName .. " to war." else str = enemyName .. " have already invited you to war." end else str = "You are already on a war with " .. enemyName .. "." end end if(str ~= "") then player:sendChannelMessage("", str, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end local frags = tonumber(t[3]) if(frags ~= nil) then frags = math.max(10, math.min(1000, frags)) else frags = 100 end local payment = tonumber(t[4]) if(payment ~= nil) then payment = math.floor(payment)+1000 tmp = db.storeQuery("SELECT `balance` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. guild) local state = result.getDataInt(tmp, "balance") < payment if(state) then player:sendChannelMessage("", "Your guild balance is too low for such payment.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end db.query("UPDATE `guilds` SET `balance` = `balance` - " .. payment .. " WHERE `id` = " .. guild) else payment = 0 end local begining, ending = os.time(), tonumber(t[5]) if(ending ~= nil and ending ~= 0) then ending = begining + (ending * 86400) else ending = 0 end db.query("INSERT INTO `guild_wars` (`guild1`, `guild2`, `started`, `ended`, `frags`, `payment`) VALUES (" .. guild .. ", " .. enemy .. ", " .. begining .. ", " .. ending .. ", " .. frags .. ", " .. payment .. ");") broadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has invited " .. enemyName .. " to war till " .. frags .. " frags.", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return false end if(not isInArray({"end", "finish"}, t[1])) then return false end local status = (t[1] == "end" and 1 or 4) tmp = db.storeQuery("SELECT `id` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild1` = " .. guild .. " AND `guild2` = " .. enemy .. " AND `status` = " .. status) if(tmp ~= false) then local query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET `ended` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 5 WHERE `id` = " .. result.getDataInt(tmp, "id") db.query(query) broadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has " .. (status == 4 and "mend fences" or "ended up a war") .. " with " .. enemyName .. ".", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return false end if(status == 4) then player:sendChannelMessage("", "Currently there's no pending war truce from " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end tmp = db.storeQuery("SELECT `id`, `ended` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild1` = " .. enemy .. " AND `guild2` = " .. guild .. " AND `status` = 1") if(tmp ~= false) then if(result.getDataInt(tmp, "ended") > 0) then player:sendChannelMessage("", "You cannot request ending for war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end local query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET `status` = 4, `ended` = " .. os.time() .. " WHERE `id` = " .. result.getDataInt(tmp, "id") db.query(query) broadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has signed an armstice declaration on a war with " .. enemyName .. ".", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return false end player:sendChannelMessage("", "Currently there's no active war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_R1, CHANNEL_GUILD) return false end Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
mkbrabsolute 134 Postado Julho 24, 2015 Share Postado Julho 24, 2015 Há diversas coisas desnecessárias no script. Da pra fazer bem diferente Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Bruno 536 Postado Agosto 13, 2015 Share Postado Agosto 13, 2015 O tópico foi fechado e movido para lixeira por estar inativo a mais de 10 dias. Caso seja preciso reabrir o mesmo, favor entrar em contato com a equipe. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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