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@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
 +#!/usr/bin/env bash
 +## Usage instructions:
 +## yum/apt-get install git
 +## git clone
 +## cd forgottenserver
 +## bash
 +## It is important to run with 'bash' and not 'sh' or as an executable(./file)
 +## because the script is multi-platform so I did not include the shebang
 +## and old shell does not support a few things I did here
 +## Script by dominique120
 +## Few edits and fixes by fallen(decltype)
 +## Idea from the script that was packed with some TFS 0.4 revs.
 +## Made for TFS 1.0
 +## If you plan of editing try to keep the structure and conventions
 +## Line endings must be LF only, not CRLF.
 +## TODO:
 +## Add other operating systems (MacOSX, Arch Linux)
 +## Test the multicore build section 
 +## Add other optimizations to the make process (maybe use ccache?)
 +## Make it prettier?
 +## Get CPU core count
 +## Still testing
 +## make processes to be spawned.
 +coreBuild=$((cpuCores + 1))
 +## Colors
 +greenText=$(tput setab 0; tput setaf 2)
 +redText=$(tput setab 0; tput setaf 1)
 +blueText=$(tput setab 0; tput setaf 6)
 +yellowText=$(tput setab 0; tput setaf 3)
 +none=$(tput sgr0)
 +### Functions to simplify stuff 
 +debianDeps() {
 +	apt-get -y install cmake build-essential liblua5.2-dev \
 +		libgmp3-dev libmysqlclient-dev libboost-system-dev
 +fedoraDeps() {
 +	yum -y install cmake gcc-c++ boost-devel \
 +		gmp-devel community-mysql-devel lua-devel
 +centDeps() {
 +	yum -y install cmake gcc-c++ boost-devel \
 +		gmp-devel mysql-devel lua-devel
 +bsdDeps() {
 +	cd /usr/ports/shells/bash && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/devel/git && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/devel/cmake && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/lang/gcc47 && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/lang/luajit && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/devel/boost-libs && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/math/gmp && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql-connector-c && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +libInstall() {
 +	echo "Libraries and Build Tools... Installed"
 +bsdBuild() {
 +	echo "Building on FreeBSD"
 +	mkdir build && cd build
 +	CXX=g++47 cmake ..
 +	echo "Build on $cpuCores threads with $coreBuild processes? (experimental but loads faster) y or n "
 +		read ans1_4
 +			if [[ $ans1_4 = "y" ]]; then
 +				echo -e $greenText"Building on $cpuCores threads with $coreBuild processes."$none
 +				make -j $coreBuild
 +			elif [[ $ans1_4 = "n" ]]; then
 +				echo -e $blueText"Building on a single thread."$none
 +				make
 +			else
 +				echo -e $redText"Answer y or n"$none
 +			fi
 +genBuild() {
 +	echo "Building..."
 +	mkdir build && cd build
 +	cmake ..
 +		echo "Build on $cpuCores threads with $coreBuild processes? (experimental but loads faster) y or n "
 +		read ans1_4
 +			if [[ $ans1_4 = "y" ]]; then
 +				echo -e $greenText"Building on $cpuCores threads with $coreBuild processes."$none
 +				make -j $coreBuild
 +			elif [[ $ans1_4 = "n" ]]; then
 +				echo -e $blueText"Building on a single thread."$none
 +				make
 +			else
 +				echo -e $redText"Answer y or n"$none
 +			fi				
 +# Unused clean, I'm leaving it here in case we might need it in the future.
 +clean() {
 +	mkdir objs/
 +	mv *.o objs/
 +	echo "There might be a few leftover files."
 +### Script starts here
 +#check if root
 +if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
 +	echo "You must be root to use this script, press enter to exit."
 +	read end
 +	exit 1
 +#OS dependencies and other stuff
 +echo "Chose your Operating System. {Supported OS: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, FreeBSD."$yellowText" Not recommended->"$none " CentOS or Scientific Linux"
 +#Note for SL6 and CentOS, look below.
 +read ans1 
 +if [[ $ans1 = "Fedora" ]]; then
 +	echo -n "Should the script install dependencies? y or n: "
 +	read ans1_1
 +	if [[ $ans1_1 = "y" ]]; then
 +		fedoraDeps
 +	elif [[ $ans1_1 = "n" ]]; then
 +		:
 +	else
 +		echo "Answer 'y' or 'n' "
 +	fi
 +elif [[ $ans1 = "CentOS" ]] || [[ $ans1 = "Scientific Linux" ]]; then
 +	echo -n "Should the script install dependencies? y or n: " $redText"TFS 1.0 developers discourage the use of these distributions because they have outdated packages."$none $blueText"*NOTE that versions of cmake and boost installed in this process are old, they should be installed manually by adding repositories or compiling them manually."$none
 +	read ans1_1
 +	if [[ $ans1_1 = "y" ]]; then
 +		centDeps
 +	elif [[ $ans1_1 = "n" ]]; then
 +		:
 +	else
 +		echo "Answer 'y' or 'n' "
 +	fi	
 +elif [[ $ans1 = "Debian" ]] || [[ $ans1 = "Ubuntu" ]]; then
 +	echo -n "Should the script install dependencies? y or n: "
 +	read ans1_1
 +	if [[ $ans1_1 = "y" ]]; then
 +		debianDeps
 +	elif [[ $ans1_1 = "n" ]]; then
 +		:
 +	else
 +		echo "Answer 'y' or 'n' "
 +	fi
 +elif [[ $ans1 = "FreeBSD" ]]; then
 +	echo -n "Should the script install dependencies? y or n: "
 +	read ans1_1
 +		if [[ $ans1_1 = "y" ]]; then
 +			bsdDeps
 +		elif [[ $ans1_1 = "n" ]]; then
 +			:
 +		else
 +			echo "Answer 'y' or 'n' "
 +		fi				
 +		else
 +			echo "Pick a valid OS"		
 +		fi
 +#Compiling here
 +echo -n "Are we on FreeBSD? y or n: "
 +read ans1_2
 +	if [[ $ans1_2 = "y" ]]; then
 +		bsdbuild
 +	elif [[ $ans1_2 = "n" ]]; then
 +		genBuild
 +	else
 +		echo "Answer y or n"
 +	fi
 +## Notes
 +# 1: SL6 and CentOS latest version of CMAKE is 2.6.4 as of 1/7/2014(us), thus incompatible with TFS 1.0 building process. It must be manually added, tutorial below:
 +# And look at issue #391 for more details about old packages in SL6 and CentOS
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Testa aí meu querido.

@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
 +#!/usr/bin/env bash
 +## Usage instructions:
 +## yum/apt-get install git
 +## git clone
 +## cd forgottenserver
 +## bash
 +## It is important to run with 'bash' and not 'sh' or as an executable(./file)
 +## because the script is multi-platform so I did not include the shebang
 +## and old shell does not support a few things I did here
 +## Script by dominique120
 +## Few edits and fixes by fallen(decltype)
 +## Idea from the script that was packed with some TFS 0.4 revs.
 +## Made for TFS 1.0
 +## If you plan of editing try to keep the structure and conventions
 +## Line endings must be LF only, not CRLF.
 +## TODO:
 +## Add other operating systems (MacOSX, Arch Linux)
 +## Test the multicore build section 
 +## Add other optimizations to the make process (maybe use ccache?)
 +## Make it prettier?
 +## Get CPU core count
 +## Still testing
 +## make processes to be spawned.
 +coreBuild=$((cpuCores + 1))
 +## Colors
 +greenText=$(tput setab 0; tput setaf 2)
 +redText=$(tput setab 0; tput setaf 1)
 +blueText=$(tput setab 0; tput setaf 6)
 +yellowText=$(tput setab 0; tput setaf 3)
 +none=$(tput sgr0)
 +### Functions to simplify stuff 
 +debianDeps() {
 +	apt-get -y install cmake build-essential liblua5.2-dev \
 +		libgmp3-dev libmysqlclient-dev libboost-system-dev
 +fedoraDeps() {
 +	yum -y install cmake gcc-c++ boost-devel \
 +		gmp-devel community-mysql-devel lua-devel
 +centDeps() {
 +	yum -y install cmake gcc-c++ boost-devel \
 +		gmp-devel mysql-devel lua-devel
 +bsdDeps() {
 +	cd /usr/ports/shells/bash && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/devel/git && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/devel/cmake && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/lang/gcc47 && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/lang/luajit && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/devel/boost-libs && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/math/gmp && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +	cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql-connector-c && make install clean BATCH=yes
 +libInstall() {
 +	echo "Libraries and Build Tools... Installed"
 +bsdBuild() {
 +	echo "Building on FreeBSD"
 +	mkdir build && cd build
 +	CXX=g++47 cmake ..
 +	echo "Build on $cpuCores threads with $coreBuild processes? (experimental but loads faster) y or n "
 +		read ans1_4
 +			if [[ $ans1_4 = "y" ]]; then
 +				echo -e $greenText"Building on $cpuCores threads with $coreBuild processes."$none
 +				make -j $coreBuild
 +			elif [[ $ans1_4 = "n" ]]; then
 +				echo -e $blueText"Building on a single thread."$none
 +				make
 +			else
 +				echo -e $redText"Answer y or n"$none
 +			fi
 +genBuild() {
 +	echo "Building..."
 +	mkdir build && cd build
 +	cmake ..
 +		echo "Build on $cpuCores threads with $coreBuild processes? (experimental but loads faster) y or n "
 +		read ans1_4
 +			if [[ $ans1_4 = "y" ]]; then
 +				echo -e $greenText"Building on $cpuCores threads with $coreBuild processes."$none
 +				make -j $coreBuild
 +			elif [[ $ans1_4 = "n" ]]; then
 +				echo -e $blueText"Building on a single thread."$none
 +				make
 +			else
 +				echo -e $redText"Answer y or n"$none
 +			fi				
 +# Unused clean, I'm leaving it here in case we might need it in the future.
 +clean() {
 +	mkdir objs/
 +	mv *.o objs/
 +	echo "There might be a few leftover files."
 +### Script starts here
 +#check if root
 +if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
 +	echo "You must be root to use this script, press enter to exit."
 +	read end
 +	exit 1
 +#OS dependencies and other stuff
 +echo "Chose your Operating System. {Supported OS: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, FreeBSD."$yellowText" Not recommended->"$none " CentOS or Scientific Linux"
 +#Note for SL6 and CentOS, look below.
 +read ans1 
 +if [[ $ans1 = "Fedora" ]]; then
 +	echo -n "Should the script install dependencies? y or n: "
 +	read ans1_1
 +	if [[ $ans1_1 = "y" ]]; then
 +		fedoraDeps
 +	elif [[ $ans1_1 = "n" ]]; then
 +		:
 +	else
 +		echo "Answer 'y' or 'n' "
 +	fi
 +elif [[ $ans1 = "CentOS" ]] || [[ $ans1 = "Scientific Linux" ]]; then
 +	echo -n "Should the script install dependencies? y or n: " $redText"TFS 1.0 developers discourage the use of these distributions because they have outdated packages."$none $blueText"*NOTE that versions of cmake and boost installed in this process are old, they should be installed manually by adding repositories or compiling them manually."$none
 +	read ans1_1
 +	if [[ $ans1_1 = "y" ]]; then
 +		centDeps
 +	elif [[ $ans1_1 = "n" ]]; then
 +		:
 +	else
 +		echo "Answer 'y' or 'n' "
 +	fi	
 +elif [[ $ans1 = "Debian" ]] || [[ $ans1 = "Ubuntu" ]]; then
 +	echo -n "Should the script install dependencies? y or n: "
 +	read ans1_1
 +	if [[ $ans1_1 = "y" ]]; then
 +		debianDeps
 +	elif [[ $ans1_1 = "n" ]]; then
 +		:
 +	else
 +		echo "Answer 'y' or 'n' "
 +	fi
 +elif [[ $ans1 = "FreeBSD" ]]; then
 +	echo -n "Should the script install dependencies? y or n: "
 +	read ans1_1
 +		if [[ $ans1_1 = "y" ]]; then
 +			bsdDeps
 +		elif [[ $ans1_1 = "n" ]]; then
 +			:
 +		else
 +			echo "Answer 'y' or 'n' "
 +		fi				
 +		else
 +			echo "Pick a valid OS"		
 +		fi
 +#Compiling here
 +echo -n "Are we on FreeBSD? y or n: "
 +read ans1_2
 +	if [[ $ans1_2 = "y" ]]; then
 +		bsdbuild
 +	elif [[ $ans1_2 = "n" ]]; then
 +		genBuild
 +	else
 +		echo "Answer y or n"
 +	fi
 +## Notes
 +# 1: SL6 and CentOS latest version of CMAKE is 2.6.4 as of 1/7/2014(us), thus incompatible with TFS 1.0 building process. It must be manually added, tutorial below:
 +# And look at issue #391 for more details about old packages in SL6 and CentOS


Fica a ultima versão? e tipo, eu quero mudar a DATA do server, Scripts e tal como eu mudo? (e o link do 8.60 plz :v)

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