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[Encerrado] Transformar o passive em spell


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lib/configuration.lua, procure nas tabelas de moveset dos pokémons pela passive que deseja transformar em spell. Tomemos como exemplo o Psyduck,

Você talvez encontrará algo assim:

["Psyduck"] =    {move1 = {name = "Water Gun", level = 9, cd = 15, dist = 1, target = 0, f = 55, t = "water"},
 move2 = {name = "Aqua Tail", level = 10, cd = 15, dist = 1, target = 1, f = 50, t = "water"},
 move3 = {name = "Confusion", level = 13, cd = 25, dist = 1, target = 0, f = 50, t = "psychic"},
 move4 = {name = "Headbutt", level = 15, cd = 15, dist = 1, target = 1, f = 70, t = "normal"},
 passive1 = {name = "Stunning Confusion", level = 1, cd = 0, dist = 6, target = 0, f = 10, t = "psychic"},
Basta mudar esse passive1 para uma spell "normal", seguindo como base as outras. Ficando, por exemplo, assim:
["Psyduck"] =    {move1 = {name = "Water Gun", level = 9, cd = 15, dist = 1, target = 0, f = 55, t = "water"},
 move2 = {name = "Aqua Tail", level = 10, cd = 15, dist = 1, target = 1, f = 50, t = "water"},
 move3 = {name = "Confusion", level = 13, cd = 25, dist = 1, target = 0, f = 50, t = "psychic"},
 move4 = {name = "Headbutt", level = 15, cd = 15, dist = 1, target = 1, f = 70, t = "normal"},
 move5 = {name = "Stunning Confusion", level = 1, cd = 15, dist = 1, target = 0, f = 10, t = "psychic"},

Assim, o Stunning Confusion seria o m5/move5.


Depois, procure por esta tabela (ainda em configuration.lua):
["Stunning"] = {     
                    ["Golduck"] = 20,
                    ["Psyduck"] = 15,
                    ["Santa Psyduck"] = 17,
                    ["Wobbuffet"] = 26,
Agora, em data/creaturescripts/scripts/exp2.0.lua, procure por
if passivesChances["Stunning"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Stunning"][getCreatureName(cid)] then  
   docastspell(cid, "Stunning Confusion")
Retire essa parte.
Editado por zipter98
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Sever stigal 1.6


------------------------stunning Confusion------------------

local ducks = {"Golduck", "Psyduck", "Slowking"}


if isInArray(duck, getCreatureName(cid)) and math.random(1, 100) <= 20 then


if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 32623) == 1 then

return false



local min = (getSpecialAttack(cid)*10)*0.1

local max = min + getPokemonLevel(cid)


local function damage(cid)

if isCreature(cid) then

doAreaCombatHealth(cid, PSYCHICDAMAGE, getThingPosWithDebug(cid), bombWee3, -min, -max, 136)




setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 32623, 1)

for i = 1, 7 do

addEvent(damage, i*500, cid)


addEvent(setPlayerStorageValue, 3500, cid, 32623, 0)



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